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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 49 - 67, 21.06.2024


Bu çalışmada ülke temerrüt takası priminin Türk bankacılık sektörüne ait bir dizi gösterge ile bağlantıları araştırılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişki dağıtılmış otoregresif sınır testi yaklaşımına başvurulmak suretiyle analiz edilmiştir. 2009Q1–2023Q2 dönemindeki üçer aylık verilerle gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın tahmin sonuçları; sektörün yabancı para likidite karşılama oranındaki artışların kısa dönemde, sermaye yeterliliğindeki yükselişlerin ise hem kısa hem de uzun dönemde ülke temerrüt takası primlerini düşürdüğünü göstermektedir. Sektörün aktif toplamının gayri safi yurtiçi hasılaya oranındaki yükselişler uzun dönemde, net döviz pozisyonunun toplam özkaynaklara oranındaki artışlar her iki dönemde de ülke temerrüt takası primlerinin yükselmesine neden olmaktadır. Bulgular, ülke riski açısından bankacılık sektörünün önemini teyit etmektedir.


  • Acharya, V.V., Drechsler, I. & Schnabl, P. (2012). A Tale Of Two Overhangs: The Nexus of Financial Sector and Sovereign Credit Risks. Banque de France Financial Stability Review, 16, 51–56.
  • Afonso, A. & Nunes, A.S. (2015) Economic Forecasts and Sovereign Yields. Economic Modelling, 44, 319–326.
  • Aizenman, J. & Lee, J. (2007). International Reserves: Precautionary Versus Mercantilist Views, Theory and Evidence. Open Economies Review, 18, 191–214.
  • Aizenman, J., Hutchison, M. & Jinjarak, Y. (2011). What is the Risk of European Sovereign Debt Defaults? Fiscal Space, CDS Spreads and Market Pricing of Risk. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, No. 17407.
  • Aktug, R.E., Nayar, N. & Vasconcellos, G.M. (2013). Is Sovereign Risk Related to The Banking Sector? Global Finance Journal, 24, 222–249.
  • Akyol, H. & Baltacı, N. (2019). CDS Primlerinin Makroekonomik Belirleyicilerinin İncelenmesi: ARDL Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı. Küresel İktisat ve İşletme Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(16), 33–49.
  • Altay, O. (2021). Türkiye’nin Ülke Riski ve Bankacılık Bağlantısı: Ülke Riski ve Bankacılık Sektör Performans İndikatörlerinin CAMELS Derecelendirme Sistemine Göre Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 22(2), 217–235.
  • Alter, A. & Schüler, S. (2012). Credit Spread Interdependencies of European States and Banks During The Financial Crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(12), 3444–3468.
  • Ammer, J. & Cai, F. (2011). Sovereign CDS and Bond Pricing Dynamics in Emerging Markets: Does the Cheapest–to–Deliver Option Matter? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 21(3), 369–387.
  • Anand, A., Vanpee, R. & Loncarski, I. (2023). Sustainability and Sovereign Credit Risk. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 102494.
  • Arslanalp, S. & Liao, Y. (2014). Banking Sector Contingent Liabilities and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Empirical Finance, 29, 316–330.
  • Bales, S. (2022). Policy Uncertainty and the Sovereign-Bank Nexus: A time-frequency Analysis Using Wavelet Transformation. Finance Research Letters, 44, 102038.
  • Barth, J.R., Prabha, A.P., & Yun, G.Y. (2012). The Eurozone Financial Crisis: Role of Interdependencies Between Bank and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 4(1), 76–97.
  • Boumparis, P., Milas, C. & Panagiotidis, T. (2019). Non–Performing Loans and Sovereign Credit Ratings. International Review of Financial Analysis, 64, 301–314.
  • Bozkurt, İ. (2015). Finansal İstikrar ile CDS Primleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Bulanık Regresyon Analizi ile Tespiti: Türkiye Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 6(13), 64–80.
  • Breton, R., Pinto, C. & Weber, P.F. (2012). Banks, Moral Hazard, and Public Debts. Banque de France Financial Stability Review, 16, 57–70.
  • Brůha, J. & Kočenda, E. (2018). Financial Stability in Europe: Banking and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Financial Stability, 36, 305–321.
  • Brunnermeier, M.K., Garicano, L., Lane, P.R., Pagano, M., Reis, R., Santos, T., Thesmar, D., Van Nieuwerburgh, S. & Vayanos, D. (2012). European Safe Bonds: ESBies., (Erişim: 12.09.2023).
  • Buz, N.E. & Küçükkocaoğlu, G. (2023). Ülke Kredi Temerrüt Takas (CDS) Primini Etkileyen Faktörler: Türkiye Uygulaması. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 25(1), 27–52.
  • De Bruyckere, V., Gerhardt, M., Schepens, G. & Vander Vennet, R. (2013). Bank/sovereign Risk Spillovers in the European Debt Crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(12), 4793–4809.
  • De Nicolo, G., Honohan, P. & Ize, A. (2003). Dollarization of the Banking System: Good or Bad?, Washington, DC: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3116.
  • Dieckmann, S. & Plank, T. (2012). Default Risk of Advanced Economies: An Empirical Analysis of Credit Default Swaps During The Financial Crisis. Review of Finance, 16(4), 903–934.
  • Ejsing, J. & Lemke, W. (2011). The Janus–Headed Salvation: Sovereign and Bank Credit Risk Premia During 2008–2009. Econonic Letters, 110(1), 28–31.
  • Erce, A. (2020). Bank and Sovereign Risk Pass‐Through: Evidence From The Euro Area. International Finance, 23, 64–84.
  • Erdaş, M.L. (2022). The Impact of Financial Drivers on Credit Default Swap (CDS) in Turkey: The Cointegration with Structural Breaks and FMOLS Approach. Istanbul Business Research, 51(1), 25–46.
  • Eyssell, T., Fung, H.G. & Zhang, G. (2013). Determinants and Price Discovery of China Sovereign Credit Default Swaps. China Economic Review, 24, 1–15.
  • Febrero, E., Álvarez, I. & Uxó, J. (2019), Current Account Imbalances or Too Much Bank Debt as the Main Driver of Gross Capital Inflows? Spain During the Great Financial Crisis. Journal of Economic Issues, 53(4), 1126–1151.
  • Fratzscher, M. & Rieth, M. (2019). Monetary Policy, Bank Bailouts and the Sovereign-Bank Risk Nexus in the Euro Area. Review of Finance, 23(4), 745–775.
  • Gennaioli, N., Martin, A. & Rossi, S. (2014). Sovereign Default, Domestic Banks, and Financial Institutions. Journal of Finance, 69(2), 819–66.
  • Gerlach, S., Schulz, A. & Guntram, B.W. (2010). Banking and Sovereign Risk in the Euro Area. Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper Series 1, Economic Studies No. 09/2010.
  • Guo, F., Chen, C.R. & Huang, Y.S. (2011). Markets Contagion During The Financial Crisis: A Regime–Switching Approach. International Review of Economics and Finance, 20(1), 95–109.
  • Ho, S. H. (2016). Long And Short–Runs Determinants of The Sovereign CDS Spread in Emerging Countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 36, 579–590.
  • Huyugüzel Kışla, G. & Önder, A.Ö. (2018). Spatial Analysis of Sovereign Risks: The Case of Emerging Markets. Finance Research Letters, 26, 47–55.
  • Hübel, B. (2022). Do Markets Value ESG risks in Sovereign Credit Curves? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 85, 134–148.
  • IMF, (2005). Financial Sector Assessment: A Handbook., (Erişim: 18.10.2023).
  • Kallestrup, R., Lando, D. & Murgoci, A. (2016). Financial Sector Linkages and The Dynamics of Bank and Sovereign Credit Spreads. Journal of Empirical Finance, 38(A), 374–393.
  • Kartal, M.T. (2022). The Role of Macroeconomic and Market Indicators in Explaining Sovereign Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Spread Changes: Evidence from Türkiye. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 25(2), 145–164. Kazaz, G. (2020). Bankaların Çekirdek Dışı Yükümlülüklerinin Banka Sisteminin İstikrarına Etkileri: Yükselen Ekonomiler ve Türkiye. Bankacılık ve Finansal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 42–59.
  • Kılcı, E.N. (2019a). Dış Borçların Ülke CDS Primleri Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Sayıştay Dergisi, 112, 75–92.
  • Kılcı, E.N. (2019b). Mali Dengeler ile CDS Primleri Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisinin Analizine Yönelik Bir Çalışma; Türkiye Örneği. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(9), 59–71.
  • Kocsis, Z. & Monostori, Z. (2016). The Role Of Country–Specific Fundamentals in Sovereign CDS Spreads: Eastern European Experiences. Emerging Markets Review, 27, 140–168.
  • Levy–Yeyati, E. (2006). Financial Dollarization: Evaluating The Consequences – A Simple Model of Monetary Policy and Currency Crises. Economic Policy, 21(45), 62–118.
  • Liu, C., Li, J., Sun, X. & Jianming C. (2021). Multi–Scale İnteractions Between Turkish Lira Exchange Rates and Sovereign CDS in Europe and Asia. Applied Economics Letters, 28(7), 599–607.
  • Makin, A.J. (2002). International Macroeconomics, Harlow Essex: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Muvunza, T. & Jiang, Y. (2020). Determinants and Hedging Effectiveness of China's Sovereign Credit Default Swaps. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28, 2074–2087.
  • Narayan, P.K. (2004). Reformulating Critical Values 280ort the Bounds F–Statistics Approach to Cointegration: An Application to the Tourism Demand Model for Fiji. Victoria, Australia: Monash University Department of Economics Discussion Papers, No. 02/04.
  • Pagano, M.S. & Sedunov, J. (2016). A Comprehensive Approach to Measuring the Relation Between Systemic Risk Exposure and Sovereign Debt. Journal of Financial Stability, 23, 62–78.
  • Podstawski, M. & Velinov, A. (2018). The State Dependent Impact of Bank Exposure on Sovereign Risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 63–75.
  • Ramrlall, I. (2016). Does Central Bank Quality Determine Sovereign Ratings and Credit Default Swap Spreads: Evidence from the World? Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 3, 5–29.
  • Reinhart, C. & Rogoff, K.S. (2012). From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis. American Economic Review, 101, 1676–1706.
  • Rodríguez, I., Dandapani, K. & Lawrence, E.R. (2018). Measuring Sovereign Risk: Are CDS Spreads Better than Sovereign Credit Ratings? Financial Management, 48(1), 229–256.
  • Shahzad, S.J.H., Nor, S.M., Ferrer, R. & Hammoudeh, S. (2017). Asymmetric Determinants of CDS Spreads: US İndustry–Level Evidence Through the NARDL Approach. Economic Modelling, 60, 211–230.
  • Staehr, K. & Uuskula, L. (2021). Macroeconomic and Macrofinancial Factors as Leading Indicators of Non–performing Loans: Evidence from the EU Countries. Journal of Economic Studies, 48(3), 720–740.
  • Sarıgül, H. (2023). Dolarizasyonun Türkiye’de Faaliyet Gösteren Kamusal Sermayeli Mevduat Bankalarında Kârlılığa Etkisi. Sosyoekonomi, 32(57), 255–282.
  • Şahin, C. (2018). Cari Açık Değerleri CDS Puanları Üzerinde Etkili midir? Türkiye İçin Bir Perspektif. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 80, 189–206.
  • Telek, C. & Şit, A. (2017). Türkiye’de Takipteki Krediler ve Risk Primi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: 2005–2015 Dönemi. International Journal of Disciplines Economics and Administrative Sciences Studies, 3(3), 152–161.
  • Tüzün, O. & Erem Ceylan, I. (2018). Finansal Hizmetler Güven Endeksi ile Kredi Temerrüt Takası (CDS) Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi. Business and Organization Research Conference, Safranbolu/Karabük.
  • Yarovaya, L., Brzeszczynski, J. & Lau, C.K.M. (2016). Intra–and Inter–Regional Return and Volatility Spillovers Across Emerging and Developed Markets: Evidence From Stock Indices and Stock Index Futures. International Review of Financial Analysis, 43, 96–114.
  • Yılmaz, E. & Süslü, B. (2016). Turkish None-Core Bank Liabilities. South Eastern Journal of Economies, 14(1), 75-92.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 49 - 67, 21.06.2024


This paper investigates the nexus between a variety of banking sector indicators and the sovereign default swap premiums of Türkiye. The present study involves performing an autoregressive distributed lag bounds test using quarterly data over the 2009Q1–2023Q2 period. The findings indicate that an increase in the foreign currency liquidity coverage ratio causes a reduction in credit default swap premiums of Türkiye in the short–run, while an increase in capital adequacy ratio appears to reduce country risk in both the short– and long–run. The results show that decreasing level of total assets of the banking sector as a percentage of nominal gross domestic product is associated with lower sovereign default swap premium in the long–run. A decline in the overall open position in foreign exchange to total capital ratio causes country risk to decrease in both the long– and short–run. The findings reveal the essential role of the banking sector in terms of country risk assessment for Türkiye.


  • Acharya, V.V., Drechsler, I. & Schnabl, P. (2012). A Tale Of Two Overhangs: The Nexus of Financial Sector and Sovereign Credit Risks. Banque de France Financial Stability Review, 16, 51–56.
  • Afonso, A. & Nunes, A.S. (2015) Economic Forecasts and Sovereign Yields. Economic Modelling, 44, 319–326.
  • Aizenman, J. & Lee, J. (2007). International Reserves: Precautionary Versus Mercantilist Views, Theory and Evidence. Open Economies Review, 18, 191–214.
  • Aizenman, J., Hutchison, M. & Jinjarak, Y. (2011). What is the Risk of European Sovereign Debt Defaults? Fiscal Space, CDS Spreads and Market Pricing of Risk. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, No. 17407.
  • Aktug, R.E., Nayar, N. & Vasconcellos, G.M. (2013). Is Sovereign Risk Related to The Banking Sector? Global Finance Journal, 24, 222–249.
  • Akyol, H. & Baltacı, N. (2019). CDS Primlerinin Makroekonomik Belirleyicilerinin İncelenmesi: ARDL Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı. Küresel İktisat ve İşletme Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(16), 33–49.
  • Altay, O. (2021). Türkiye’nin Ülke Riski ve Bankacılık Bağlantısı: Ülke Riski ve Bankacılık Sektör Performans İndikatörlerinin CAMELS Derecelendirme Sistemine Göre Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 22(2), 217–235.
  • Alter, A. & Schüler, S. (2012). Credit Spread Interdependencies of European States and Banks During The Financial Crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(12), 3444–3468.
  • Ammer, J. & Cai, F. (2011). Sovereign CDS and Bond Pricing Dynamics in Emerging Markets: Does the Cheapest–to–Deliver Option Matter? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 21(3), 369–387.
  • Anand, A., Vanpee, R. & Loncarski, I. (2023). Sustainability and Sovereign Credit Risk. International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 102494.
  • Arslanalp, S. & Liao, Y. (2014). Banking Sector Contingent Liabilities and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Empirical Finance, 29, 316–330.
  • Bales, S. (2022). Policy Uncertainty and the Sovereign-Bank Nexus: A time-frequency Analysis Using Wavelet Transformation. Finance Research Letters, 44, 102038.
  • Barth, J.R., Prabha, A.P., & Yun, G.Y. (2012). The Eurozone Financial Crisis: Role of Interdependencies Between Bank and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 4(1), 76–97.
  • Boumparis, P., Milas, C. & Panagiotidis, T. (2019). Non–Performing Loans and Sovereign Credit Ratings. International Review of Financial Analysis, 64, 301–314.
  • Bozkurt, İ. (2015). Finansal İstikrar ile CDS Primleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Bulanık Regresyon Analizi ile Tespiti: Türkiye Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 6(13), 64–80.
  • Breton, R., Pinto, C. & Weber, P.F. (2012). Banks, Moral Hazard, and Public Debts. Banque de France Financial Stability Review, 16, 57–70.
  • Brůha, J. & Kočenda, E. (2018). Financial Stability in Europe: Banking and Sovereign Risk. Journal of Financial Stability, 36, 305–321.
  • Brunnermeier, M.K., Garicano, L., Lane, P.R., Pagano, M., Reis, R., Santos, T., Thesmar, D., Van Nieuwerburgh, S. & Vayanos, D. (2012). European Safe Bonds: ESBies., (Erişim: 12.09.2023).
  • Buz, N.E. & Küçükkocaoğlu, G. (2023). Ülke Kredi Temerrüt Takas (CDS) Primini Etkileyen Faktörler: Türkiye Uygulaması. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 25(1), 27–52.
  • De Bruyckere, V., Gerhardt, M., Schepens, G. & Vander Vennet, R. (2013). Bank/sovereign Risk Spillovers in the European Debt Crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(12), 4793–4809.
  • De Nicolo, G., Honohan, P. & Ize, A. (2003). Dollarization of the Banking System: Good or Bad?, Washington, DC: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3116.
  • Dieckmann, S. & Plank, T. (2012). Default Risk of Advanced Economies: An Empirical Analysis of Credit Default Swaps During The Financial Crisis. Review of Finance, 16(4), 903–934.
  • Ejsing, J. & Lemke, W. (2011). The Janus–Headed Salvation: Sovereign and Bank Credit Risk Premia During 2008–2009. Econonic Letters, 110(1), 28–31.
  • Erce, A. (2020). Bank and Sovereign Risk Pass‐Through: Evidence From The Euro Area. International Finance, 23, 64–84.
  • Erdaş, M.L. (2022). The Impact of Financial Drivers on Credit Default Swap (CDS) in Turkey: The Cointegration with Structural Breaks and FMOLS Approach. Istanbul Business Research, 51(1), 25–46.
  • Eyssell, T., Fung, H.G. & Zhang, G. (2013). Determinants and Price Discovery of China Sovereign Credit Default Swaps. China Economic Review, 24, 1–15.
  • Febrero, E., Álvarez, I. & Uxó, J. (2019), Current Account Imbalances or Too Much Bank Debt as the Main Driver of Gross Capital Inflows? Spain During the Great Financial Crisis. Journal of Economic Issues, 53(4), 1126–1151.
  • Fratzscher, M. & Rieth, M. (2019). Monetary Policy, Bank Bailouts and the Sovereign-Bank Risk Nexus in the Euro Area. Review of Finance, 23(4), 745–775.
  • Gennaioli, N., Martin, A. & Rossi, S. (2014). Sovereign Default, Domestic Banks, and Financial Institutions. Journal of Finance, 69(2), 819–66.
  • Gerlach, S., Schulz, A. & Guntram, B.W. (2010). Banking and Sovereign Risk in the Euro Area. Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper Series 1, Economic Studies No. 09/2010.
  • Guo, F., Chen, C.R. & Huang, Y.S. (2011). Markets Contagion During The Financial Crisis: A Regime–Switching Approach. International Review of Economics and Finance, 20(1), 95–109.
  • Ho, S. H. (2016). Long And Short–Runs Determinants of The Sovereign CDS Spread in Emerging Countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 36, 579–590.
  • Huyugüzel Kışla, G. & Önder, A.Ö. (2018). Spatial Analysis of Sovereign Risks: The Case of Emerging Markets. Finance Research Letters, 26, 47–55.
  • Hübel, B. (2022). Do Markets Value ESG risks in Sovereign Credit Curves? The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 85, 134–148.
  • IMF, (2005). Financial Sector Assessment: A Handbook., (Erişim: 18.10.2023).
  • Kallestrup, R., Lando, D. & Murgoci, A. (2016). Financial Sector Linkages and The Dynamics of Bank and Sovereign Credit Spreads. Journal of Empirical Finance, 38(A), 374–393.
  • Kartal, M.T. (2022). The Role of Macroeconomic and Market Indicators in Explaining Sovereign Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Spread Changes: Evidence from Türkiye. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 25(2), 145–164. Kazaz, G. (2020). Bankaların Çekirdek Dışı Yükümlülüklerinin Banka Sisteminin İstikrarına Etkileri: Yükselen Ekonomiler ve Türkiye. Bankacılık ve Finansal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 42–59.
  • Kılcı, E.N. (2019a). Dış Borçların Ülke CDS Primleri Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Sayıştay Dergisi, 112, 75–92.
  • Kılcı, E.N. (2019b). Mali Dengeler ile CDS Primleri Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisinin Analizine Yönelik Bir Çalışma; Türkiye Örneği. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(9), 59–71.
  • Kocsis, Z. & Monostori, Z. (2016). The Role Of Country–Specific Fundamentals in Sovereign CDS Spreads: Eastern European Experiences. Emerging Markets Review, 27, 140–168.
  • Levy–Yeyati, E. (2006). Financial Dollarization: Evaluating The Consequences – A Simple Model of Monetary Policy and Currency Crises. Economic Policy, 21(45), 62–118.
  • Liu, C., Li, J., Sun, X. & Jianming C. (2021). Multi–Scale İnteractions Between Turkish Lira Exchange Rates and Sovereign CDS in Europe and Asia. Applied Economics Letters, 28(7), 599–607.
  • Makin, A.J. (2002). International Macroeconomics, Harlow Essex: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Muvunza, T. & Jiang, Y. (2020). Determinants and Hedging Effectiveness of China's Sovereign Credit Default Swaps. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28, 2074–2087.
  • Narayan, P.K. (2004). Reformulating Critical Values 280ort the Bounds F–Statistics Approach to Cointegration: An Application to the Tourism Demand Model for Fiji. Victoria, Australia: Monash University Department of Economics Discussion Papers, No. 02/04.
  • Pagano, M.S. & Sedunov, J. (2016). A Comprehensive Approach to Measuring the Relation Between Systemic Risk Exposure and Sovereign Debt. Journal of Financial Stability, 23, 62–78.
  • Podstawski, M. & Velinov, A. (2018). The State Dependent Impact of Bank Exposure on Sovereign Risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 63–75.
  • Ramrlall, I. (2016). Does Central Bank Quality Determine Sovereign Ratings and Credit Default Swap Spreads: Evidence from the World? Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 3, 5–29.
  • Reinhart, C. & Rogoff, K.S. (2012). From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis. American Economic Review, 101, 1676–1706.
  • Rodríguez, I., Dandapani, K. & Lawrence, E.R. (2018). Measuring Sovereign Risk: Are CDS Spreads Better than Sovereign Credit Ratings? Financial Management, 48(1), 229–256.
  • Shahzad, S.J.H., Nor, S.M., Ferrer, R. & Hammoudeh, S. (2017). Asymmetric Determinants of CDS Spreads: US İndustry–Level Evidence Through the NARDL Approach. Economic Modelling, 60, 211–230.
  • Staehr, K. & Uuskula, L. (2021). Macroeconomic and Macrofinancial Factors as Leading Indicators of Non–performing Loans: Evidence from the EU Countries. Journal of Economic Studies, 48(3), 720–740.
  • Sarıgül, H. (2023). Dolarizasyonun Türkiye’de Faaliyet Gösteren Kamusal Sermayeli Mevduat Bankalarında Kârlılığa Etkisi. Sosyoekonomi, 32(57), 255–282.
  • Şahin, C. (2018). Cari Açık Değerleri CDS Puanları Üzerinde Etkili midir? Türkiye İçin Bir Perspektif. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 80, 189–206.
  • Telek, C. & Şit, A. (2017). Türkiye’de Takipteki Krediler ve Risk Primi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: 2005–2015 Dönemi. International Journal of Disciplines Economics and Administrative Sciences Studies, 3(3), 152–161.
  • Tüzün, O. & Erem Ceylan, I. (2018). Finansal Hizmetler Güven Endeksi ile Kredi Temerrüt Takası (CDS) Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi. Business and Organization Research Conference, Safranbolu/Karabük.
  • Yarovaya, L., Brzeszczynski, J. & Lau, C.K.M. (2016). Intra–and Inter–Regional Return and Volatility Spillovers Across Emerging and Developed Markets: Evidence From Stock Indices and Stock Index Futures. International Review of Financial Analysis, 43, 96–114.
  • Yılmaz, E. & Süslü, B. (2016). Turkish None-Core Bank Liabilities. South Eastern Journal of Economies, 14(1), 75-92.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Finans
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Haşmet Sarıgül 0000-0001-7262-6668

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarıgül, H. (2024). TÜRKİYE’NİN KREDİ TEMERRÜT TAKASI PRİMİNİN BANKACILIK SEKTÖRÜ KAYNAKLI BELİRLEYİCİLERİ. İstanbul Esenyurt Üniversitesi İşletme Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 49-67.