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A Bibliometric Analysis of the Concepts of “Digital Public Relations” and “Online Public Relations”

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 36, 473 - 489, 31.05.2024


Digital public relations or online public relations, which is an approach that reshapes public relations thanks to the wide communication opportunities offered by the internet, expands the understanding of communication by combining traditional public relations principles with digital media and technology. Digital public relations refers to a communication strategy that aims to interact and communicate with target audiences using online communication tools such as digital platforms, social media, websites, blogs, and e-mail. The main goal of the study is to examine the research on the concepts of digital public relations and online public relations and to present the evolution of these concepts over time and a summary of their studies. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis of research on the concepts of digital public relations and online public relations, which are very important and relatively new in the field of communication, was conducted. This analysis includes an effort to understand the trends, interests, and research gaps of studies in the field of digital public relations and online public relations. In this context, 28 research articles that emerged by scanning the keywords "digital public relations and "online public relations" in the Web of Science database were evaluated with the bibliometric method. Some of the important results of the research are that there are a limited number of studies on digital public relations and online public relations and that the studies are concentrated in the field of communication (n = 21).


  • Alsharif, A. H., Baharun, R., & Salleh, N. Z. (2020). Research Trends of Neuromarketing: A Bibliyometric Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98(15), 2948-2962.
  • Alward, R. R. (1990). Public Relations: Part I, A Skill for Nurses. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 20(10), 28-34.
  • Avcı, K. (2019). Halkla İlişkilerde Online Çağ: Akaryakıt Dağıtım Şirketlerinin Sosyal Medya Kullanımları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ö. Selvi, & Z. Şentürk içinde, Halkla İlişkiler ve Uygulama Alanları Yeni Eğilimler (s. 333-352). Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Avidar, R. (2011). Israeli public relations and the Internet. Israel Affairs, 17(3), 401-421,.
  • Balcı, E. V., Duğan, Ö., & Çavaş, B. (2023). Twenty- Two Years of Science Communication Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Baltic Science Educations, 22(3), 1-20.
  • Bernays, E. L. (1980). Public Relations. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Bivins, T. H. (1993). Public Relations, Professionalism, and the Public Interest. Journal of Business Ethics, 12(2), 114-126.
  • Botan, C. H., & Taylor, M. (2004). Public Relations: State of the Field. Journal of Communication, 54(4), 645–661.
  • Botan, C., & Hazleton, V. (2006). Public Relations in a New Age. C. Botan, & V. Hazleton içinde, Public Relations Theory II (s. 1-18). Manwah: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bowman, S. (2021). What is Public Relations? A. Theaker içinde, The Public Relations Handbook (s. 3-24). New York: Routledge.
  • Butterick, K. (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications.
  • Canöz, K., & Canöz, N. (2020). Halkla İlişkiler. Konya: Palet Yayınları.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2001). Interpersonal Communication and Public Relations. R. L. Heath içinde, Handbook of Public Relations (s. 105-114). California: Sage Publications.
  • Dhanesh, G. S., & Duthler, G. (2019). Relationship management through social media influencers: Effects of followers' awareness of paid endorsement. Rublic Relations Review, 45(3), 40-52.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research(133), 285-295.
  • Evans, A., Twomey, J., & Talan, S. (2011). Twitter as a Public Relations Tool. Public Relations Journal, 5(1), 1-20.
  • Gifford, J. (2010). Digital public relations: e- marketing's big secret. Contiuning higher education review(74), 62-72.
  • Güler, Ş. (2021). E-İletişim: 21. Yüzyılda İletişimin Dijital Hatları. G. Şakir içinde, Dijital İletişim Araştırmaları (s. 1-20). Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel.
  • Güler, Ş., Balcı, E. V., & Şahin, Y. (2022). Sosyal Medyada Çevrimiçi Benlik Sunumunun Öznel İyi Oluş Üzerine Etkisi: Instagram Kullanıcıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 9(1), 361-380.
  • Güllüpunar, H., & Güllüpunar, M. D. (2021). Dijitalleşmenin Etkisinde Kurumsal İletişimden Kurumsal Olmayan "Kurumsal İletişime". Ş. Güler içinde, Dijital İletişim Araştırmaları (s. 105-130). Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel.
  • Grasu, N., Tasente, T., & Sandu, M. (2014). Perception of Journalists on the Role of Public Relations. Communicatio, 8(2), 55-68.
  • Gregory, A. (2004). Scope and structure of public relations: a technology driven view. Public Relations Review, 30(3), 245-254.
  • Grunig, J. E. (2001). Two-Way Symmetrical Public Relations. R. L. Heath içinde, Handbook of Public Relations (s. 11-30). California: Sage Publications .
  • Grunig, J. E., Grunig, L. A., & Dozier, D. M. (2006). The Excellence Theory. C. Botan, & V. Hazleton içinde, Public Relations Theory II (s. 19-54). Manwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Grunig, L. A. (2009). Toward the Philosophy of Public Relations . E. L. Toth, & R. L. Heath içinde, Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II. Manwah: Routledge.
  • Hallahan, K. (2004). Protecting an organization’s digital public relations assets. Public Relations Review(30), 255-268.
  • Heath, R. L., & Coombs, W. T. (2006). Today's Public Relations an Introduction. London: Sage Publications .
  • Heath, R. L., & Toth, E. L. (2009). Introduction. R. L. Heath, & E. L. Toth içinde, Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II. New York: Routledge.
  • Hiebert, R. E. (2005). Commentary: New technologies, public relations and democracy. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 1-9.
  • Holtz, S. (1999). Public Relations on the Net: Winning Strategies to Inform and Influence the Media, the Investment Community, the Government, the Public, and More! New York: AMACOM.
  • Jakus, D. (2018). Visual communication in public relations campaigns. Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations, 27(1), 25-36.
  • Kelleher, T., & Miller, B. M. (2006). Organizational Blogs and the Human Voice: Relational Strategies and Relational Outcomes. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication(11), 395-414.
  • Kirat, M. (2007). Promoting online media relations: Public relations departments’ use of Internet in the UAE. Public Relations Review(33), 166-174.
  • Kisolek, A., Budzik, R., & Kolmasiak, C. (2003). Public relations on the Internet on the examples of the metallurgical industry in Poland and in the world. Metalurgia, 42(2), 117-121.
  • Kitchen, P. J., & Panopoulos, A. (2010). Online public relations: The adoption process and innovation challenge, a Greek example. Public Relations Review(36), 222-229.
  • LaMarre, H. L., & Suzuki-Lambrecht, Y. (2013). Tweeting democracy? Examining Twitter as an online public relations strategy for congressional campaigns. Public Relations Review, 39(4), 360–368.
  • Lee, E. (2017). Public relations, voice and recognition: A case study. Media, Culture & Society, 40(3), 317-332.
  • Mao, G., Zou, H., Chen, G., Du, H., & Zuo, J. (2015). Past, current and future of biomass energy research: A bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(52), 1823-1833.
  • Matyek, J. G., Kaze, S. Y., Ohaji, K. M., & Etemnu, E. W. (2022). An Investigation Of Social Media As A Government Digital Public Relations Tool: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication, 8(1), 1-13.
  • McAllister-Spooner, S. M. (2009). Fulfilling the dialogic promise: A ten-year reflective survey on dialogic Internet principles. Public Relations Review, 35(3), 320-322.
  • Moss, D., Vercic, D., & Warnaby, G. (2003). Perspectives on Public Relations Research. New York: Routledge.
  • Myers, C. (2021). Public Relations History Theory, Practice and Profession. New York: Routledge.
  • Newsom, D., Truk, J. V., & Kruckeberg, D. (2013). This is PR: The Realities of Public (11 b.). Boston: Wadsworth.
  • Önder, B. H. (2021). Digital Public Relations And The Transformation Of Identities. E. K. Doruk, S. Mengü, & E. Ulusoy içinde, Digital Seige (s. 247-264). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını.
  • Petrovici, M. A. (2014). E-public relations: impact and efficiency a case study. Prodecia- Social and Behavioral Sciences(141), 79-84.
  • Philips, D., & Young, P. (2009). Online Public Relations A practical guide to developing an online strategy in the world of social media. London: Kogan Page.
  • Porter, L. V., Sallot, L. M., Cameron, G. T., & Shamp, S. (2001). New Technologies and Public Relations: Exploring Practitioners’ Use of Online Resources to Earn a Seat at the Management Table. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 78(1), 172–190.
  • Rees, S. (2020). Public Relations, Branding and Authenticity. London: Routledge.
  • Rees, T. (1991). Public Relations. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 4(88), 696-698.
  • Seo, H., Kim, J. Y., & Yang, S. U. (2009). Global activism and new media: A study of transnational NGOs’ online public relations. Public Relations Review(35), 123-126.
  • Smith, R. (2014). Public Relations the Basics. London: Routledge.
  • Sommerfeldt, E. J., Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2012). Activist practitioner perspectives of website public relations: Why aren’t activist websites fulfilling the dialogic promise? Public Relations Review(38), 303-312.
  • Tiryaki, S. (2023). Riskler ve Olanaklar Arasında Dijital Ebeveynlik:Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. TRT Akademi, 19(8), 746-765.
  • Tozlu, E. (2021). The Relationship Between Awareness And Behavioural Change In The Context Of The Issue Of Violence Against Women From The Perspective Of Digital Public Relations And Online Events. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 12(2), 77-92.
  • van Eck , N. J., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics(84), 523-538.
  • van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics(111), 1053-1070.
  • White, C., & Raman, N. (1999). The World Wide Web as a Public Relations Medium: The Use of Research, Planning, and Evaluation in Web Site Development. Public Relations Review(25), 405-419.
  • Zavattaro, S. M. (2010). Municipalities as Public Relations and Marketing Firms. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(2), 191-211.
  • Zdonek, D. (2022). Web Data Scraping For Digital Public Relations 2 Analysis Based On The Example Of Companies 3 Installing Photovoltaıc Systems. Scientific Papers Of Silesian Universıty Of Technology (s. 365-380). Organızatıon And Management Series.
  • Zhang, X., Chen, H., Wang, W., & Ordon, P. (2016). What is the role of IT in innovation? A bibliometric analysis of research development in IT innovation. Behaviour & Information Technology, 35(12), 1130–1143.

“Dijital Halkla İlişkiler” ve “Çevrimiçi Halkla İlişkiler” Kavramları Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 36, 473 - 489, 31.05.2024


İnternetin sunduğu geniş iletişim imkânları sayesinde halkla ilişkilerin yeniden şekillendiği bir yaklaşım olan dijital halkla ilişkiler veya çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler, geleneksel halkla ilişkiler prensiplerini dijital medya ve teknolojiyle birleştirerek iletişim anlayışını genişletmektedir. Dijital halkla ilişkiler, dijital platformlar, sosyal medya, web siteleri, bloglar, e-posta gibi çevrimiçi iletişim araçlarını kullanarak hedef kitlelerle etkileşime geçmeyi ve iletişim sağlamayı amaçlayan bir iletişim stratejisini ifade etmektedir. Çalışmanın ana hedefi, dijital halkla ilişkiler ve çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler kavramları üzerine yapılan araştırmaları incelemek ve bu kavramların zaman içindeki evrimini ve çalışmalarının özetini sunmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, iletişim alanında oldukça önemli ve nispeten yeni olan dijital halkla ilişkiler ve çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler kavramlarına dair yapılan araştırmaların bibliyometrik analizi yapılmıştır.
Bu analiz, dijital halkla ilişkiler ve çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler alanındaki çalışmaların eğilimlerini, ilgi alanlarını ve araştırma eksikliklerini anlamaya yönelik bir çaba içermektedir. Bu kapsamda, Web of Science veri tabanında yapılan “dijital halkla ilişkiler ve “çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler” anahtar kelimelerin taramasıyla ortaya çıkan 28 araştırma makalesi bibliyometrik yöntemle değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın önemli sonuçlarından bazıları, dijital halkla ilişkiler ve çevrimiçi halkla ilişkiler konularında sınırlı sayıda çalışma olduğu ve çalışmaların iletişim (n=21) alanında yoğunlaştığıdır.


  • Alsharif, A. H., Baharun, R., & Salleh, N. Z. (2020). Research Trends of Neuromarketing: A Bibliyometric Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98(15), 2948-2962.
  • Alward, R. R. (1990). Public Relations: Part I, A Skill for Nurses. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 20(10), 28-34.
  • Avcı, K. (2019). Halkla İlişkilerde Online Çağ: Akaryakıt Dağıtım Şirketlerinin Sosyal Medya Kullanımları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ö. Selvi, & Z. Şentürk içinde, Halkla İlişkiler ve Uygulama Alanları Yeni Eğilimler (s. 333-352). Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Avidar, R. (2011). Israeli public relations and the Internet. Israel Affairs, 17(3), 401-421,.
  • Balcı, E. V., Duğan, Ö., & Çavaş, B. (2023). Twenty- Two Years of Science Communication Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Baltic Science Educations, 22(3), 1-20.
  • Bernays, E. L. (1980). Public Relations. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Bivins, T. H. (1993). Public Relations, Professionalism, and the Public Interest. Journal of Business Ethics, 12(2), 114-126.
  • Botan, C. H., & Taylor, M. (2004). Public Relations: State of the Field. Journal of Communication, 54(4), 645–661.
  • Botan, C., & Hazleton, V. (2006). Public Relations in a New Age. C. Botan, & V. Hazleton içinde, Public Relations Theory II (s. 1-18). Manwah: Lawrance Erlbaum Associates.
  • Bowman, S. (2021). What is Public Relations? A. Theaker içinde, The Public Relations Handbook (s. 3-24). New York: Routledge.
  • Butterick, K. (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications.
  • Canöz, K., & Canöz, N. (2020). Halkla İlişkiler. Konya: Palet Yayınları.
  • Coombs, W. T. (2001). Interpersonal Communication and Public Relations. R. L. Heath içinde, Handbook of Public Relations (s. 105-114). California: Sage Publications.
  • Dhanesh, G. S., & Duthler, G. (2019). Relationship management through social media influencers: Effects of followers' awareness of paid endorsement. Rublic Relations Review, 45(3), 40-52.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research(133), 285-295.
  • Evans, A., Twomey, J., & Talan, S. (2011). Twitter as a Public Relations Tool. Public Relations Journal, 5(1), 1-20.
  • Gifford, J. (2010). Digital public relations: e- marketing's big secret. Contiuning higher education review(74), 62-72.
  • Güler, Ş. (2021). E-İletişim: 21. Yüzyılda İletişimin Dijital Hatları. G. Şakir içinde, Dijital İletişim Araştırmaları (s. 1-20). Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel.
  • Güler, Ş., Balcı, E. V., & Şahin, Y. (2022). Sosyal Medyada Çevrimiçi Benlik Sunumunun Öznel İyi Oluş Üzerine Etkisi: Instagram Kullanıcıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 9(1), 361-380.
  • Güllüpunar, H., & Güllüpunar, M. D. (2021). Dijitalleşmenin Etkisinde Kurumsal İletişimden Kurumsal Olmayan "Kurumsal İletişime". Ş. Güler içinde, Dijital İletişim Araştırmaları (s. 105-130). Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel.
  • Grasu, N., Tasente, T., & Sandu, M. (2014). Perception of Journalists on the Role of Public Relations. Communicatio, 8(2), 55-68.
  • Gregory, A. (2004). Scope and structure of public relations: a technology driven view. Public Relations Review, 30(3), 245-254.
  • Grunig, J. E. (2001). Two-Way Symmetrical Public Relations. R. L. Heath içinde, Handbook of Public Relations (s. 11-30). California: Sage Publications .
  • Grunig, J. E., Grunig, L. A., & Dozier, D. M. (2006). The Excellence Theory. C. Botan, & V. Hazleton içinde, Public Relations Theory II (s. 19-54). Manwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Grunig, L. A. (2009). Toward the Philosophy of Public Relations . E. L. Toth, & R. L. Heath içinde, Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II. Manwah: Routledge.
  • Hallahan, K. (2004). Protecting an organization’s digital public relations assets. Public Relations Review(30), 255-268.
  • Heath, R. L., & Coombs, W. T. (2006). Today's Public Relations an Introduction. London: Sage Publications .
  • Heath, R. L., & Toth, E. L. (2009). Introduction. R. L. Heath, & E. L. Toth içinde, Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II. New York: Routledge.
  • Hiebert, R. E. (2005). Commentary: New technologies, public relations and democracy. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 1-9.
  • Holtz, S. (1999). Public Relations on the Net: Winning Strategies to Inform and Influence the Media, the Investment Community, the Government, the Public, and More! New York: AMACOM.
  • Jakus, D. (2018). Visual communication in public relations campaigns. Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations, 27(1), 25-36.
  • Kelleher, T., & Miller, B. M. (2006). Organizational Blogs and the Human Voice: Relational Strategies and Relational Outcomes. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication(11), 395-414.
  • Kirat, M. (2007). Promoting online media relations: Public relations departments’ use of Internet in the UAE. Public Relations Review(33), 166-174.
  • Kisolek, A., Budzik, R., & Kolmasiak, C. (2003). Public relations on the Internet on the examples of the metallurgical industry in Poland and in the world. Metalurgia, 42(2), 117-121.
  • Kitchen, P. J., & Panopoulos, A. (2010). Online public relations: The adoption process and innovation challenge, a Greek example. Public Relations Review(36), 222-229.
  • LaMarre, H. L., & Suzuki-Lambrecht, Y. (2013). Tweeting democracy? Examining Twitter as an online public relations strategy for congressional campaigns. Public Relations Review, 39(4), 360–368.
  • Lee, E. (2017). Public relations, voice and recognition: A case study. Media, Culture & Society, 40(3), 317-332.
  • Mao, G., Zou, H., Chen, G., Du, H., & Zuo, J. (2015). Past, current and future of biomass energy research: A bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews(52), 1823-1833.
  • Matyek, J. G., Kaze, S. Y., Ohaji, K. M., & Etemnu, E. W. (2022). An Investigation Of Social Media As A Government Digital Public Relations Tool: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication, 8(1), 1-13.
  • McAllister-Spooner, S. M. (2009). Fulfilling the dialogic promise: A ten-year reflective survey on dialogic Internet principles. Public Relations Review, 35(3), 320-322.
  • Moss, D., Vercic, D., & Warnaby, G. (2003). Perspectives on Public Relations Research. New York: Routledge.
  • Myers, C. (2021). Public Relations History Theory, Practice and Profession. New York: Routledge.
  • Newsom, D., Truk, J. V., & Kruckeberg, D. (2013). This is PR: The Realities of Public (11 b.). Boston: Wadsworth.
  • Önder, B. H. (2021). Digital Public Relations And The Transformation Of Identities. E. K. Doruk, S. Mengü, & E. Ulusoy içinde, Digital Seige (s. 247-264). İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayını.
  • Petrovici, M. A. (2014). E-public relations: impact and efficiency a case study. Prodecia- Social and Behavioral Sciences(141), 79-84.
  • Philips, D., & Young, P. (2009). Online Public Relations A practical guide to developing an online strategy in the world of social media. London: Kogan Page.
  • Porter, L. V., Sallot, L. M., Cameron, G. T., & Shamp, S. (2001). New Technologies and Public Relations: Exploring Practitioners’ Use of Online Resources to Earn a Seat at the Management Table. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 78(1), 172–190.
  • Rees, S. (2020). Public Relations, Branding and Authenticity. London: Routledge.
  • Rees, T. (1991). Public Relations. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 4(88), 696-698.
  • Seo, H., Kim, J. Y., & Yang, S. U. (2009). Global activism and new media: A study of transnational NGOs’ online public relations. Public Relations Review(35), 123-126.
  • Smith, R. (2014). Public Relations the Basics. London: Routledge.
  • Sommerfeldt, E. J., Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2012). Activist practitioner perspectives of website public relations: Why aren’t activist websites fulfilling the dialogic promise? Public Relations Review(38), 303-312.
  • Tiryaki, S. (2023). Riskler ve Olanaklar Arasında Dijital Ebeveynlik:Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. TRT Akademi, 19(8), 746-765.
  • Tozlu, E. (2021). The Relationship Between Awareness And Behavioural Change In The Context Of The Issue Of Violence Against Women From The Perspective Of Digital Public Relations And Online Events. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 12(2), 77-92.
  • van Eck , N. J., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics(84), 523-538.
  • van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics(111), 1053-1070.
  • White, C., & Raman, N. (1999). The World Wide Web as a Public Relations Medium: The Use of Research, Planning, and Evaluation in Web Site Development. Public Relations Review(25), 405-419.
  • Zavattaro, S. M. (2010). Municipalities as Public Relations and Marketing Firms. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(2), 191-211.
  • Zdonek, D. (2022). Web Data Scraping For Digital Public Relations 2 Analysis Based On The Example Of Companies 3 Installing Photovoltaıc Systems. Scientific Papers Of Silesian Universıty Of Technology (s. 365-380). Organızatıon And Management Series.
  • Zhang, X., Chen, H., Wang, W., & Ordon, P. (2016). What is the role of IT in innovation? A bibliometric analysis of research development in IT innovation. Behaviour & Information Technology, 35(12), 1130–1143.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları, Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri, İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Melis Karakuş 0000-0002-5758-7792

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 24 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 36

Kaynak Göster

APA Karakuş, M. (2024). “Dijital Halkla İlişkiler” ve “Çevrimiçi Halkla İlişkiler” Kavramları Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(36), 473-489.