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Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine

Yıl 2014, , 66 - 73, 01.01.2014


The influence of 20% blend of Pongamia Oil Methyl Ester (POME20) as alternative diesel fuel has been studied using a kirloskar made single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection diesel engine. Without
altering the compression ratio of the engine, the piston’s combustion chamber geometry was modified to have Shallow depth combustion chamber, Toroidal combustion chamber, Shallow depth re-entrant
type combustion chamber and Toroidal re-entrant type combustion chamber from the standard Hemispherical open type combustion chamber. Performance and emission tests were conducted for
these five types of combustion chamber geometries to study the performance characteristics such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and emission characteristics such as
unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and smoke emissions. The test results showed that substantially higher brake thermal efficiency and lower specific fuel consumption for
toroidal re-entrant type combustion chamber. Sharp reduction of particulates, carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons were observed for toroidal re-entrant type combustion chamber compared to the other two. On the other hand oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were higher for toroidal re-entrant type combustion chamber. 


  • Ramadhas AS., Jayaraj S., Muraleedharan C. Use of vegetable oils as I.C. Engine fuel- A review, Renewable Energy, 29:727-742, 2004.
  • Canakci M., Performance and emissions characteristics of biodiesel from soybean oil, Proc I MECH E Part D J Automob Eng, D7:915–22, 2005.
  • Haas M.J., Scott K.M., Alleman T.L., McCormick R.L., Engine performance of biodiesel fuel prepared from soybean soap stock: a high quality renewable fuel produced from a waste feedstock, Energy Fuels, 15:1207–12, 2001.
  • Scholl K.W., Sonrenson S.C., Combustion of soybean oil methyl ester in a direct injection diesel engine, SAE paper 930934, 1993.
  • Cigizoglu K.B., Ozaktas T., Karaosmanoglu F., Used sunflower oil as an alternative fuel for diesel engines, Energy Sources, 19:559–66, 1997.
  • Kaufman K.R., Ziejewski M., Sunflower methyl esters for direct injected diesel engines, Trans. ASAE, 27:1626-1633, 1984.
  • Silva F.N., Prata A.S., Teixeira J.R., Technical feasibility assessment of oleic sunflower methyl ester utilization in diesel bus engines, Energy conversion management, 44:2857–78, 2003.
  • Kaufman K.R., Ziejewski M., Sunflower methyl esters for direct injected diesel engines, Trans. ASAE, 27:1626-1633, 1984.
  • Kalam M.A., Masjuki H.H., Biodiesel from palm oil-an analysis of its properties and potential, Biomass and Bioenergy, 23:471-479, 2002.
  • Puhan S., Vedaraman N., Sankaranarayanan G., Ram B.V.B., Performance and emission study of mahua oil (madhuca indica oil) ethyl ester in a 4-stroke natural aspirated direct injection diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 30:1269-1278, 2005.
  • Raheman H., Phadatare A.G., Diesel engine emissions and performance from blends of karanja methyl ester and diesel, Biomass and Bioenergy, 27:393-397, 2004.
  • Pramanik K., Properties and use of Jatropha curcas oil and diesel fuel blends in compression ignition engine, Renewable Energy, 28:239-48, 2003.
  • Sahoo P.K., Naik S.N., Das L.M., Studies on biodiesel production technology from jatropha curcas and its performance in a CI engine, J. Agri. Eng. Indian. Soc. Agri. Eng (ISAE), 42(2):18-24, 2005.
  • Nwafor O.M.I., Rice G., Performance of rapeseed oil blends in a diesel engine, Applied Energy, 54:345–54, 1996.
  • Labeckas G., Slavinskas S., Performance of direct-injection off-road diesel engine on rapeseed oil, Renewable Energy 2006; 31:849–63.
  • Larry E., Wagner., Stanley J.C., Mark D. S., Effect of soyabean oil esters on the performance, lubricationg oil and wear of diesel engines, SAE Paper No. 841385, 1984.
  • Peterson C.L., Reece D.L., Hammond D.L., Cruz R., Thompson J.A., Comparison of ethyl and methyl esters of vegetable oils as diesel fuel substitute, Proceedings of alternate energy conference, ASAE, 99–110, 1992.
  • Herchel T.C., Machacon., Seiichi S., Takao K., Hisao N., Performance and emission characterstics of a diesel engine fueled with coconut oil-diesel fuel blend, Biomass and Bioenergy, 20:63-69, 2001.
  • Barsic N.J., Humke A.L., Vegetable oils: Diesel fuel supplement, Journal of Automobile Engg, 89(4):37-41, 1981.
  • Barsic N.J., Humke A.L., Performance and emission characteristics of a naturally aspirated diesel engine with vegetable oil fuels – Part 1, SAE Paper No. 810262 1173-87, 1981.

İkili Dizel Motor İçerisindeki Açık Ve Yeniden Girişli Yanma Odalarında Hint Kayın Ağacı Biyodizelinin Karşılaştırmalı Değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2014, , 66 - 73, 01.01.2014


Alternatif bir dizel yakıt olarak Hint Kayın Ağacı Yağı Metil Esteri’nin %20 oranında karışımının (POME20) etkisi, Kirloskar yapımı tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, doğrudan püskürtmeli bir dizel motorda çalışılmıştır. Motorun sıkıştırma oranını değiştirmeden, piston üzerindeki açık yarım küre şeklindeki yanma odası geometrisi sığ bir yanma odası, halka şekilli (toroidal) yanma odası, sığ derinlikli ve yeniden girişli yanma odası ve halka şekilli yeniden girişli yanma odası olacak şekilde değiştirilmiştir. Performans ve salınım testleri sayılan bu beş adet yanma odası için fren termal verimi, fren özgül yakıt tüketimi gibi performans karakteristikleri ve yanmamış hidrokarbonlar, karbon monoksit, nitrojen oksitleri ve duman salınımları gibi salınım karakteristikleri açısından çalışılmıştır. Test sonuçları halka şeklinde yeniden girişli yanma odası için dikkate değer miktarda yüksek fren termal verimi ve düşük özgül yakıt tüketimi göstermiştir. Aynı yanma odası için partikül madde salınımı, karbon monoksit ve yanmamış hidrokarbon değerlerinde de diğer iki yanma odası ile karşılaştırıldığında keskin düşüş gözlemlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan bu yanma odası tipi için nitrojen oksitler (NOx) daha yüksektir.


  • Ramadhas AS., Jayaraj S., Muraleedharan C. Use of vegetable oils as I.C. Engine fuel- A review, Renewable Energy, 29:727-742, 2004.
  • Canakci M., Performance and emissions characteristics of biodiesel from soybean oil, Proc I MECH E Part D J Automob Eng, D7:915–22, 2005.
  • Haas M.J., Scott K.M., Alleman T.L., McCormick R.L., Engine performance of biodiesel fuel prepared from soybean soap stock: a high quality renewable fuel produced from a waste feedstock, Energy Fuels, 15:1207–12, 2001.
  • Scholl K.W., Sonrenson S.C., Combustion of soybean oil methyl ester in a direct injection diesel engine, SAE paper 930934, 1993.
  • Cigizoglu K.B., Ozaktas T., Karaosmanoglu F., Used sunflower oil as an alternative fuel for diesel engines, Energy Sources, 19:559–66, 1997.
  • Kaufman K.R., Ziejewski M., Sunflower methyl esters for direct injected diesel engines, Trans. ASAE, 27:1626-1633, 1984.
  • Silva F.N., Prata A.S., Teixeira J.R., Technical feasibility assessment of oleic sunflower methyl ester utilization in diesel bus engines, Energy conversion management, 44:2857–78, 2003.
  • Kaufman K.R., Ziejewski M., Sunflower methyl esters for direct injected diesel engines, Trans. ASAE, 27:1626-1633, 1984.
  • Kalam M.A., Masjuki H.H., Biodiesel from palm oil-an analysis of its properties and potential, Biomass and Bioenergy, 23:471-479, 2002.
  • Puhan S., Vedaraman N., Sankaranarayanan G., Ram B.V.B., Performance and emission study of mahua oil (madhuca indica oil) ethyl ester in a 4-stroke natural aspirated direct injection diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 30:1269-1278, 2005.
  • Raheman H., Phadatare A.G., Diesel engine emissions and performance from blends of karanja methyl ester and diesel, Biomass and Bioenergy, 27:393-397, 2004.
  • Pramanik K., Properties and use of Jatropha curcas oil and diesel fuel blends in compression ignition engine, Renewable Energy, 28:239-48, 2003.
  • Sahoo P.K., Naik S.N., Das L.M., Studies on biodiesel production technology from jatropha curcas and its performance in a CI engine, J. Agri. Eng. Indian. Soc. Agri. Eng (ISAE), 42(2):18-24, 2005.
  • Nwafor O.M.I., Rice G., Performance of rapeseed oil blends in a diesel engine, Applied Energy, 54:345–54, 1996.
  • Labeckas G., Slavinskas S., Performance of direct-injection off-road diesel engine on rapeseed oil, Renewable Energy 2006; 31:849–63.
  • Larry E., Wagner., Stanley J.C., Mark D. S., Effect of soyabean oil esters on the performance, lubricationg oil and wear of diesel engines, SAE Paper No. 841385, 1984.
  • Peterson C.L., Reece D.L., Hammond D.L., Cruz R., Thompson J.A., Comparison of ethyl and methyl esters of vegetable oils as diesel fuel substitute, Proceedings of alternate energy conference, ASAE, 99–110, 1992.
  • Herchel T.C., Machacon., Seiichi S., Takao K., Hisao N., Performance and emission characterstics of a diesel engine fueled with coconut oil-diesel fuel blend, Biomass and Bioenergy, 20:63-69, 2001.
  • Barsic N.J., Humke A.L., Vegetable oils: Diesel fuel supplement, Journal of Automobile Engg, 89(4):37-41, 1981.
  • Barsic N.J., Humke A.L., Performance and emission characteristics of a naturally aspirated diesel engine with vegetable oil fuels – Part 1, SAE Paper No. 810262 1173-87, 1981.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Article

Jaichandar Sriramulu

Annamalai Kandaswamy Bu kişi benim

K. Annamalai Bu kişi benim

P. Arikaran Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Sriramulu, J., Kandaswamy, A., Annamalai, K., Arikaran, P. (2014). Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 3(2), 66-73.
AMA Sriramulu J, Kandaswamy A, Annamalai K, Arikaran P. Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. Temmuz 2014;3(2):66-73. doi:10.18245/ijaet.97526
Chicago Sriramulu, Jaichandar, Annamalai Kandaswamy, K. Annamalai, ve P. Arikaran. “Comparative Evaluation of Pongamia Biodiesel With Open and Re-Entrant Combustion Chambers in a DI Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2014): 66-73.
EndNote Sriramulu J, Kandaswamy A, Annamalai K, Arikaran P (01 Temmuz 2014) Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3 2 66–73.
IEEE J. Sriramulu, A. Kandaswamy, K. Annamalai, ve P. Arikaran, “Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 66–73, 2014, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.97526.
ISNAD Sriramulu, Jaichandar vd. “Comparative Evaluation of Pongamia Biodiesel With Open and Re-Entrant Combustion Chambers in a DI Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 3/2 (Temmuz 2014), 66-73.
JAMA Sriramulu J, Kandaswamy A, Annamalai K, Arikaran P. Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3:66–73.
MLA Sriramulu, Jaichandar vd. “Comparative Evaluation of Pongamia Biodiesel With Open and Re-Entrant Combustion Chambers in a DI Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 3, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 66-73, doi:10.18245/ijaet.97526.
Vancouver Sriramulu J, Kandaswamy A, Annamalai K, Arikaran P. Comparative evaluation of pongamia biodiesel with open and re-entrant combustion chambers in a DI diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2014;3(2):66-73.