Experimental study on effects of vehicle speed variations on effective rolling radius according to the changes in tire pressure
Yıl 2020,
, 130 - 137, 29.09.2020
Hakan Köylü
This study aims to experimentally examine the effects of vehicle speed changes on the vertical resonance frequency of effective rolling radius variations for applying to TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System). For this, the road tests have been conducted at constant vehicle speeds 30, 60, 90km/h for tire pressures 15, 20, 25, 30, 35psi. In these tests, the effective rolling radius changes have been measured. Test results show that the vehicle speed changes cause the resonance frequency to shift at same tire pressure. Therefore, this study shows that the changes in vertical resonance frequency resulting from vehicle speed changes may cause wrong tire pressure information to be taken by TPMS.
Destekleyen Kurum
Scientific Research Foundation of Kocaeli University
This study was supported by the Grants from Scientific Research Foundation of Kocaeli University (Project No. 2011/088). Also, in this project, Batuhan Polat, Metin Akyildiz, Murat Ozcu, Ayhan Senturk and Ugur Altiparmakoglu studied as a researcher. The author is pleased to thank the individuals and Kocaeli University who contributed to this study.
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