Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 1 - 15, 31.07.2019
Mapeto Bomani
Ziska Fields
Evelyn Derera
- Alexander, U and Eugeniy, P. (2012). The entrepreneurial university in Russia:
from idea to reality. 10thTriple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia-Social and
Behavioural Sciences, 52(2012), 45-51.
- Avvari, M.V. (2011). A Tale of Two 3-Helix like efforts in Malaysian Biotechnology Industry. WTA Technopolis Review, 12 (3), 41-49.
- Brinda, K. P. R. and Dileep, K. M. (2011) Motivational factors, entrepreneurship
and education: Study with reference to women in SMEs. Far East Journal of
Psychology and Business, 3 (3), 14-35.
- Bukaliya, R. and Hama, A. (2012). Challenges affecting informal business
funding in Zimbabwe: Implications for Zimbabwe Open University. The African
Symposium: An Online Journal of the African Educational Research Network.
https://www.ncsu.edu/aern/TAS12.1/TAS12.1Bukaliya.pdf.Accessed 18/05/2015.
- Chingwaru, T. (2014). Impact of trade and economic liberalization policy reforms
on the operations of selected small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe.
A comparative study with South African experiences. PhD thesis. Durban: Durban
University of Technology.
- Chipangura, A and Kaseke, N. (2012). Growth constraints of small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) at Gen View Furniture Complex (GFC) in Harare
(Zimbabwe). International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2(6), 40–83.
- Creswell, J.W. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2nd
edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Darwish, S. (2014). The Role of Universities in Developing Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs): Future Challenges for Bahrain. International Business and
Management, 8(2), 70-77.
- EDINBURGH GROUP. (2012). Growing global economy through SMEs.
_growing_the_global_economy_through_smes.pdf. Accessed 12/05 2015.
- Efi, A.E. (2014). The Role of Higher Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship
and Small Business in Developing Nations: The Nigerian Experience.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(9), 15-22.
- Etzkowitz, H.; Leydesdorff, L. (1997). Introduction to special issue on science on
policy dimensions of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations.
Science and Public Policy, 2-14.
- Gibb, A., Hoffer, A.R. and Koffen, M. (2013).The entrepreneurial higher
education institution: A review of the concept and its relevance today.
Accessed 23/02/ 2015.
- Harare Institute of Technology (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Training
(Southern Africa) Officially Opened, https://www.hit.ac.zw/news/globalentrepreneurship-training-southern%20africa-officially-opened.html. Accessed
- Kasim, R.S.R. (2011). Malaysian Higher Education Institutions: Shaping an
Entrepreneurial Agenda. International Journal of Information and Education
Technology, 1 (2), 163-170.
- Kazunga, O. (2013). Government to set US$1 million Skills Development Centre
for SMEs. Chronicle, 4 November 2013. Business News.
http://www.chronicle.co.zw/govt-to-set-up-1m-skill-development-centre-forsmes/. Accessed 12/11/2013.
- Kurasha, P. and Chabaya, R.A. (2013). Curriculum development and
implementation: Factors contributing towards curriculum development and
implementation in Zimbabwe higher education system. European Social Sciences
Research Journal, 1(1), 1–11.
- Maunganidze, F. (2013). The role of government in the establishment and
development of SMEs in Zimbabwe: Virtues and vices. Journal of Business
Administration and Education, 4(1), 1-16.
- Moeliodihardjo, B.Y., Soemardi, B.W., Brodjonegoro, S.S., Hatakenaka, S.
(2012). University, Industry, and Government partnership: its present and future
challenges in Indonesia. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia - Social
and Behavioural Sciences, 52 (2012) 307-316.
- Musanzikwa, M, (2014). (2014). Managing small to medium enterprises suppliers
in developing countries-A case of SMEs in Harare, Zimbabwe. Science Journal of
Business and Management, 2(1), 35-43.
- Nicolaides, A. (2011). Entrepreneurship-the role of Higher Education in South
Africa. Educational Research, 2(4), 1043-1050.
- O’Malley, B (2016). Universities playing ‘key role’ in growth of start-ups.
University World News, 398 (2016).
- Oh, D.S. (2011). Academia, Industry and Government Cooperation in Science &
Technology Park: Case of Daedeok Innopolis, Korea. WTA Technopolis Review,
12 (3), 28-40
- Piterou, A. and Birch, C. (2014). The role of Higher Education Institutions in
supporting innovation in SMEs: university-based incubators and student
internships as knowledge transfer tools. The Journal of Innovation Impact, 7(1),
- Ranga, M. and Etzkowitz, H. (2013). Triple Helix Systems: An Analytical
Framework for Innovation Policy and Practice in the Knowledge Society. Industry
and Higher Education, 27 (4), 1-48.
- Ryhan, E and Mohammed, F.R. (2013). Technology role in higher education and
its impact on knowledge facilitation. International Journal of Scientific &
Technology Research, 2(11), 193-198.
- Saruchera, Tukuta, M., Ndoda, G.R. and Sikwila, M.N. (2014). Driving Industry
Growth through Academic Excellence: A study on the strategic contribution of
university-industry knowledge transfer in revamping manufacturing SMEs in
developing economies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(14), 252-259
- Silva Y.F., de Freitas, C.C, Paranhos, J., Hasenclever, L. (2012). University and
the local development in Goiás – Brazil. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012.
- Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 52 (2012), 269-278.
- Siyanbola, W.O., Oladipo, O.G., Oyewale, A.A., Famurewa, A.J. and Ogundari,
I.O. (2012). Academia-Industry Interactions in Nigeria Pharmaceutical Innovation
System. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia - Social and Behavioural
Sciences, 52 (2012), 279-289.
- Technopolis Review. (2011).World Technopolis Association, 3(12). Spring Issue,
http://www. wtanet.org. Accessed 16/07/2014.
- Universities UK (2015). The funding environment for universities 2015-
Economic role of UK universities. London: Woburn House.
- World Economic Forum. (2016). World Economic Forum on ASEAN: Asia’s
Economic Outlook: Trade, Wars.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/what-are-the-10-biggest-globalchallenges/. Accessed 12/09/2018
- ZimMarketer. (2014). Synergies for the future: maximizing brand exposure in the
21st Century. Official Magazine: Marketers Association of Zimbabwe, 1(2014).
- Zindiye, S, Chiliya, N and Masocha, R. (2012).The impact of government and
other institutions’ support on the performance of small and medium enterprises in
the manufacturing sector in Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Business
Management and Economic Research, 3(6), 655-667.
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 1 - 15, 31.07.2019
Mapeto Bomani
Ziska Fields
Evelyn Derera
The role of universities in promoting Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
development has attracted much interest among researchers worldwide. These
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) constitute several governments’ grand
strategies of promoting the development of small businesses. The purpose of this
paper is to explore the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in promoting
the development of SMEs in Zimbabwe. Interpretivism was adopted as a
philosophy to guide the study. The study adopted a qualitative approach in which
data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews. Respondents were
drawn from six state universities through convenience and purposive sampling.
Data analysis was conducted through content analysis. The results of the study
revealed that the HEIs are promoting the development of SMEs through
technology transfer, workshops on SMEs, short courses for small businesses and
providing consultancy services. Furthermore, HEIs also provide skilled manpower
for SMEs, and Entrepreneurship courses in the curriculum to create an
entrepreneurial spirit among students. The study recommends that sector-specific
training programmes must be provided for manufacturing, retail and services
sectors. Additionally, the curriculum needs to be reviewed such that
Entrepreneurship becomes a core module in all degree programmes to further promote an entrepreneurship culture among students and produce graduates that
have an entrepreneurial mindset. Incubation centres also need to be established at
universities to reduce the risk of failure among SMEs. Universities should partner
with government ministries and the industry to effectively support the
development of SMEs in Zimbabwe.
- Alexander, U and Eugeniy, P. (2012). The entrepreneurial university in Russia:
from idea to reality. 10thTriple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia-Social and
Behavioural Sciences, 52(2012), 45-51.
- Avvari, M.V. (2011). A Tale of Two 3-Helix like efforts in Malaysian Biotechnology Industry. WTA Technopolis Review, 12 (3), 41-49.
- Brinda, K. P. R. and Dileep, K. M. (2011) Motivational factors, entrepreneurship
and education: Study with reference to women in SMEs. Far East Journal of
Psychology and Business, 3 (3), 14-35.
- Bukaliya, R. and Hama, A. (2012). Challenges affecting informal business
funding in Zimbabwe: Implications for Zimbabwe Open University. The African
Symposium: An Online Journal of the African Educational Research Network.
https://www.ncsu.edu/aern/TAS12.1/TAS12.1Bukaliya.pdf.Accessed 18/05/2015.
- Chingwaru, T. (2014). Impact of trade and economic liberalization policy reforms
on the operations of selected small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe.
A comparative study with South African experiences. PhD thesis. Durban: Durban
University of Technology.
- Chipangura, A and Kaseke, N. (2012). Growth constraints of small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) at Gen View Furniture Complex (GFC) in Harare
(Zimbabwe). International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2(6), 40–83.
- Creswell, J.W. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2nd
edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Darwish, S. (2014). The Role of Universities in Developing Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs): Future Challenges for Bahrain. International Business and
Management, 8(2), 70-77.
- EDINBURGH GROUP. (2012). Growing global economy through SMEs.
_growing_the_global_economy_through_smes.pdf. Accessed 12/05 2015.
- Efi, A.E. (2014). The Role of Higher Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship
and Small Business in Developing Nations: The Nigerian Experience.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(9), 15-22.
- Etzkowitz, H.; Leydesdorff, L. (1997). Introduction to special issue on science on
policy dimensions of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations.
Science and Public Policy, 2-14.
- Gibb, A., Hoffer, A.R. and Koffen, M. (2013).The entrepreneurial higher
education institution: A review of the concept and its relevance today.
Accessed 23/02/ 2015.
- Harare Institute of Technology (2016). Global Entrepreneurship Training
(Southern Africa) Officially Opened, https://www.hit.ac.zw/news/globalentrepreneurship-training-southern%20africa-officially-opened.html. Accessed
- Kasim, R.S.R. (2011). Malaysian Higher Education Institutions: Shaping an
Entrepreneurial Agenda. International Journal of Information and Education
Technology, 1 (2), 163-170.
- Kazunga, O. (2013). Government to set US$1 million Skills Development Centre
for SMEs. Chronicle, 4 November 2013. Business News.
http://www.chronicle.co.zw/govt-to-set-up-1m-skill-development-centre-forsmes/. Accessed 12/11/2013.
- Kurasha, P. and Chabaya, R.A. (2013). Curriculum development and
implementation: Factors contributing towards curriculum development and
implementation in Zimbabwe higher education system. European Social Sciences
Research Journal, 1(1), 1–11.
- Maunganidze, F. (2013). The role of government in the establishment and
development of SMEs in Zimbabwe: Virtues and vices. Journal of Business
Administration and Education, 4(1), 1-16.
- Moeliodihardjo, B.Y., Soemardi, B.W., Brodjonegoro, S.S., Hatakenaka, S.
(2012). University, Industry, and Government partnership: its present and future
challenges in Indonesia. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia - Social
and Behavioural Sciences, 52 (2012) 307-316.
- Musanzikwa, M, (2014). (2014). Managing small to medium enterprises suppliers
in developing countries-A case of SMEs in Harare, Zimbabwe. Science Journal of
Business and Management, 2(1), 35-43.
- Nicolaides, A. (2011). Entrepreneurship-the role of Higher Education in South
Africa. Educational Research, 2(4), 1043-1050.
- O’Malley, B (2016). Universities playing ‘key role’ in growth of start-ups.
University World News, 398 (2016).
- Oh, D.S. (2011). Academia, Industry and Government Cooperation in Science &
Technology Park: Case of Daedeok Innopolis, Korea. WTA Technopolis Review,
12 (3), 28-40
- Piterou, A. and Birch, C. (2014). The role of Higher Education Institutions in
supporting innovation in SMEs: university-based incubators and student
internships as knowledge transfer tools. The Journal of Innovation Impact, 7(1),
- Ranga, M. and Etzkowitz, H. (2013). Triple Helix Systems: An Analytical
Framework for Innovation Policy and Practice in the Knowledge Society. Industry
and Higher Education, 27 (4), 1-48.
- Ryhan, E and Mohammed, F.R. (2013). Technology role in higher education and
its impact on knowledge facilitation. International Journal of Scientific &
Technology Research, 2(11), 193-198.
- Saruchera, Tukuta, M., Ndoda, G.R. and Sikwila, M.N. (2014). Driving Industry
Growth through Academic Excellence: A study on the strategic contribution of
university-industry knowledge transfer in revamping manufacturing SMEs in
developing economies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(14), 252-259
- Silva Y.F., de Freitas, C.C, Paranhos, J., Hasenclever, L. (2012). University and
the local development in Goiás – Brazil. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012.
- Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 52 (2012), 269-278.
- Siyanbola, W.O., Oladipo, O.G., Oyewale, A.A., Famurewa, A.J. and Ogundari,
I.O. (2012). Academia-Industry Interactions in Nigeria Pharmaceutical Innovation
System. 10th Triple Helix Conference 2012. Procedia - Social and Behavioural
Sciences, 52 (2012), 279-289.
- Technopolis Review. (2011).World Technopolis Association, 3(12). Spring Issue,
http://www. wtanet.org. Accessed 16/07/2014.
- Universities UK (2015). The funding environment for universities 2015-
Economic role of UK universities. London: Woburn House.
- World Economic Forum. (2016). World Economic Forum on ASEAN: Asia’s
Economic Outlook: Trade, Wars.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/what-are-the-10-biggest-globalchallenges/. Accessed 12/09/2018
- ZimMarketer. (2014). Synergies for the future: maximizing brand exposure in the
21st Century. Official Magazine: Marketers Association of Zimbabwe, 1(2014).
- Zindiye, S, Chiliya, N and Masocha, R. (2012).The impact of government and
other institutions’ support on the performance of small and medium enterprises in
the manufacturing sector in Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Business
Management and Economic Research, 3(6), 655-667.