Laser diffraction method is a fast, reliable, repeatable and more precise method than the classical methods such as sieve, hydrometer and pipette. Laser diffraction method is applied to many materials such as sand, clay, abrasives, ceramics, cement, paints, foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, emulsions and sprays for the determination of particle size distribution with particles in the size range of 0.02 to 2000 microns. Different sample preparation and dispersion method is required for each material because of its different inherent properties. Ultrasonic action and Calgon solution are widely used for dispersion of soil samples in laser diffraction analysis. Ultrasonic action is an application of high-frequency sonic energy to the suspension in order to disperse aggregates. Calgon is a trademark of sodium hexametaphosphate which is a chemical substance. There is no standard procedure for dispersing the soil samples in the laser diffraction analysis. The objective of this study was to develop an effective and reliable method for dispersing the soil samples. For this purpose a Malvern Master SizerX Long Bad laser diffraction instrument was used and 38 soil samples taken from various location of Turkey were analyzed. Three methods were attempted to determine the most appropriate method for dispersing the soil samples, these are; (i) using ultrasonic action only, (ii) adding 30 ml Calgon solution directly to the sample bath immediately before analysis and applying ultrasonic action during analysis, and (iii) soaking the soil samples in 30 ml Calgon solution for at least 12 h before analysis and then loading to the sample bath and applying ultrasonic action during analysis. Calgon solution which was used in the analysis was prepared according to standard procedure given in ASTM standard for the hydrometer method. Clay content as well as whole particle size distribution was evaluated for effectiveness of the dispersion methods. Results obtained from 38 soil samples showed that more effective method is soaking procedure in Calgon solution for 12 h before analysis.
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Chappell, A., Dispersing sandy soil for the measurement of particle size distributions using optical laser diffraction. Catena, 31: 271 – 281 (1998).
Pabst, W., Kunes, K., Havrda, J., and Gregorova, E., A note on particle size analysis of kaolins and clays. Journal European Ceramic Society, 20: 1429–1437 (2000).
Murray, M. R., Is laser particle size determination possible for carbonate-rich lake sediments? Journal of Paleolimnology, 27: 173 – 183 (2002).
Wen, B., Aydın, A. and Aydın-Duzgoren, N.S., A comparative study of particle size analysis by sieve-hydrometer and laser diffraction methods. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 25 (4): 434 – 442 (2002).
Eshel, G., Levy, G.J., Mingelgrin, U. and Singer, M.J., Critical evaluation of the use of laser diffraction for particle–size distribution analysis. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 68: 736 – 743 (2004).
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Arriaga, F. J., Lowery, B., and Dewayne, M. M., A fast method for determining soil particle size distribution using a laser instrument. Soil Science, 171 (9): 663–674 (2006).
Özer, M., and Orhan, M., Determination of soil particle size distribution using laser diffraction method: General principles and sampling method (in Turkish). Journal Faculty Engineering Architecture Gazi University, 22 (2): 217–226 (2007).
Özer, M, Orhan, M, Işık, N.S., Effect of particle optical properties on size distribution of soils obtained by laser diffraction. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, XVI (2): 163–173 (2010).
Stefano, C. Di., Ferro, V., Mirabile, S., Comparison between grain-size analyses using laser diffraction and sedimentation methods. Biosystems Engineering, 106: 205 – 215 (2010). Malvern,
ASTM D 422 (American Society for Testing and Materials), “Standart test method for particle-size analysis of soil”, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2–7 (2007).
Özer, M., Determination of Soil Particle Size Distribution Using Laser Diffraction Method and its Comparison with Hydrometer Method. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Science and Technology, Gazi University, Ankara (in Turkish) (2006).
Singer, J. K., Anderson, J. B., Ledbertter, M. T., Mccave, I. N., Jones, K. P. N., and Wright, R., An assessment of analytical techniques for the size analysis of fine-grained sediment. Sedimentary Petrology, 58: 534–543 (1988).
McCave, I. E., and Syvitski, J. M. P., Principles and methods of geological particle size analysis. In Syvitski, J. M. P. (Editor), Principles, Methods and Applications of Particle Size Analysis, pp. 3–21. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1991).
Percival, J. B. and Lindsay, P. J., Measurement of physical properties of sediments. In Mudroch, A., Azcue, J. M., and Mudroch, P. (Editors), Manual of Physico-Chemical Analysis of Aquatic Sediments, pp. 21–34. Lewis Publisher, New York (1996).
Vitton, S. J. and Sadler, L. Y., Particle size analysis of soils using laser light scattering and X-ray absorption Journal, 20 (1): 63–73 (1997). Geotechnical Testing
Goossens, D., Techniques to measure grain-size distributions of loamy sediments: a comparative study of ten instruments for wet analysis. Sedimentology, 55: 65–96 (2008).
Ma, Z., Merkus, H. G., de Smet, J.G.A.E., Heffels C. and Scarlett, B., “New developments in particle characterization by laser diffraction: size and shape. Powder Technology, 111: 66 – 78 (2000).
ISO 13320–1, “Particle size analysis – Laser diffraction methods, Part 1: General principles, Annex diffraction”, Geneve, Switzerland (1999).
McCave, I.N., Bryant, R.J., Cook, H.F. and Coughanowr, C.A., Evaluation of laser-diffraction- size analyser for use with natural sediments, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 56: 561 – 564 (1986).
Loizeau, J.-L., Arbouille, D., Santiago, S. and Vernet, J.-P., Evaluation of a wide range laser diffraction grain size analyzer for use with sediments. Sedimentology, 41: 353 – 361 (1994).
Buurman, P., Pape, Th. and Muggler, C. C., Laser grain-size determination in soil genetic studies 1. Practical problems. Soil Science, 162 (3): 211- 218 (1997).
Konert, M. and Vandenberghe, J., Comparison of laser grain size analysis with pipette and sieve analysis: a solution for the underestimation of the clay fraction. Sedimentology, 44: 523–535 (1997).
Muggler, C. C., Pape, Th. and Buurman, P., Laser grain-size determination in soil genetic studies 2. Aggregation and clay formation in some Brazilian Oxisols. Soil Science, 162 (3): 219-228 (1997).
Vitton, S. J and Sadler, L. Y., Particle size analysis of soils using laser light scattering and X-Ray absorption technology. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 20 (1): 63 – 73 (1997).
Beuselinck, L., Govers, G., Poesen, J., Degraer, G. and Froyen, L., Grain-size analysis by laser diffractometry: comparison with the sieve-pipette method. Catena, 32: 193 – 208 (1998).
Chappell, A., Dispersing sandy soil for the measurement of particle size distributions using optical laser diffraction. Catena, 31: 271 – 281 (1998).
Pabst, W., Kunes, K., Havrda, J., and Gregorova, E., A note on particle size analysis of kaolins and clays. Journal European Ceramic Society, 20: 1429–1437 (2000).
Murray, M. R., Is laser particle size determination possible for carbonate-rich lake sediments? Journal of Paleolimnology, 27: 173 – 183 (2002).
Wen, B., Aydın, A. and Aydın-Duzgoren, N.S., A comparative study of particle size analysis by sieve-hydrometer and laser diffraction methods. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 25 (4): 434 – 442 (2002).
Eshel, G., Levy, G.J., Mingelgrin, U. and Singer, M.J., Critical evaluation of the use of laser diffraction for particle–size distribution analysis. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 68: 736 – 743 (2004).
Sperazza, M., Moore, J. N., and Hendrix, M. S., Highresolution particle size analysis of naturally occurring very fine-grained sediment through laser Research, 74 (5): 736–743 (2004). Journal Sedimentary
Arriaga, F. J., Lowery, B., and Dewayne, M. M., A fast method for determining soil particle size distribution using a laser instrument. Soil Science, 171 (9): 663–674 (2006).
Özer, M., and Orhan, M., Determination of soil particle size distribution using laser diffraction method: General principles and sampling method (in Turkish). Journal Faculty Engineering Architecture Gazi University, 22 (2): 217–226 (2007).
Özer, M, Orhan, M, Işık, N.S., Effect of particle optical properties on size distribution of soils obtained by laser diffraction. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, XVI (2): 163–173 (2010).
Stefano, C. Di., Ferro, V., Mirabile, S., Comparison between grain-size analyses using laser diffraction and sedimentation methods. Biosystems Engineering, 106: 205 – 215 (2010). Malvern,
ASTM D 422 (American Society for Testing and Materials), “Standart test method for particle-size analysis of soil”, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2–7 (2007).
Özer, M., Determination of Soil Particle Size Distribution Using Laser Diffraction Method and its Comparison with Hydrometer Method. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Science and Technology, Gazi University, Ankara (in Turkish) (2006).
Özer, M., & Orhan, M. (2015). Determination of an Appropriate Method for Dispersion of Soil Samples in Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyses. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 1(1), 19-25.