Araz, N. (2019). "Quality of Service and The Impact of Employee Staff on Patient Satisfaction: Review in a Health Institution", Master's Thesis, Beykent University Institute of Social Sciences.
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Buber, R., and Baser, H. (2012). "Customer Satisfaction in Health Enterprises: An Application at Vakıf University Hospital", Journal of Social and Humanities, 4(1), 265-274.
Quick, S., Oiler, M. (2007). Contemporary Approach to Marketing, Adana, Nobel Bookstores.
Demirkaya, H. (2002). "Applicability of Total Quality Management Philosophy in Politics", Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 7(2)
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Dokuz Eylül University, 5, (1), 39.
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Evaluation of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals: Case of Acibadem Hospital
The service offering of the sector worldwide and in Turkey remain significant contribution to national income. When we look at the sectors that provide health services in particular, the contribution made in economic growth due to the increase in the life expectancy all over the world and technological advances increased the importance of quality in health services. The place of quality in the field of health has quite different qualities compared to other sectors. There is human life in the health services sector. In this context, the quality of the service provided is the most important factor affecting customer satisfaction. In this study, the effects of the quality of service provided in health services on customer satisfaction were investigated. The sample of this study consists of 300 people selected by simple random sampling method among the patients receiving service at Acıbadem Hospital. As a result of the research, it was noted that there is a significant and positive relationship between patient satisfaction and perceived quality. In addition, it was determined that perceived quality varies according to marital status, age and income level. Also, it has been determined that patient satisfaction varies according to age, income level and the unit whose service is evaluated.
Araz, N. (2019). "Quality of Service and The Impact of Employee Staff on Patient Satisfaction: Review in a Health Institution", Master's Thesis, Beykent University Institute of Social Sciences.
Banar, K. and Ekergil, V. (2010). "Quality of Service of Accounting Professionals: Relationship between Quality of Services Offered and Customer Satisfaction". Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences. Volume: 10, issue: 1, sec: 39-60.
Buber, R., and Baser, H. (2012). "Customer Satisfaction in Health Enterprises: An Application at Vakıf University Hospital", Journal of Social and Humanities, 4(1), 265-274.
Quick, S., Oiler, M. (2007). Contemporary Approach to Marketing, Adana, Nobel Bookstores.
Demirkaya, H. (2002). "Applicability of Total Quality Management Philosophy in Politics", Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 7(2)
Devebakan, N. (2005). Perceived Service Quality Measurement in Healthcare Enterprises. Izmir: Izmir Calder Publications.
Devebakan, N. and Aksaraylı, M. (2003). "Use of SERVQUAL Scores and Special Altinordu Hospital Application in Measuring Perceived Service Quality in Health Enterprises", Journal of The Institute of Social Sciences of
Dokuz Eylül University, 5, (1), 39.
Dölek, M. Turaba, F. Akbinar, C. Sezgin, B. Aksu, H. Solak, İ. (2005). "Examining the Satisfaction Level of Patients in the Emergency Department of Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital", Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 5(3), 122127.
Hekimoglu, L. Tekiner A. Selda, P., Gülsen C., (2015). "Outpatient and Inpatient Satisfaction in a Public Education and Research Hospital", Bursa Konuralp Medical Journal, 7(1):1-5.
Islamoglu, A. H., Candan, B., Hadjiefendioglu, Ş. and Aydin, K. (2006), Service Marketing, Istanbul: Beta Publication Publication.
James, B.C. (2002). "Physicians and quality improvement in hospitals: how do you involve physicians in TQM?" The Journal for Quality and Participation, 25 (2),
Karahan Kasım (2000) Service Marketing, Istanbul: Beta publications.
Kaya, S. (2013). Quality Concept in Health Services, Sıdıka Kaya (Ed.) Quality Management in Health Institutions, Anadolu University
Marley, Kathryn A.; David A. Collıer ve Susan M. Goldsteın; (2004), “The Role of Clinical and Process Quality in Achieving Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals”, Decision Sciences, 25(3), ss.349-369.
Mohammad, G. T. (2007). "Quality Management in Health Services, Evaluation with SERVQUAL Analysis and Application at Ankara Ulus State Hospital". Master's Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Department of Hospital Management, Ankara.
Mucuk, İ. (2004) Marketing Principles, 14. Print, Istanbul, Turkmen Bookstore.
Öksüz, A.S. (2010). "Impact on Quality of Service and Patient Satisfaction and An Application Research", Atılım University, Institute of Social Sciences, Management of Health Institutions, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Ankara
Öncü, M. A., Kutukiz, D. and Kocoglu, C.M. (2010). "Measuring Service Quality and An Application in the Banking Sector." Journal of Accounting and Finance, 45, 237-252
Özatkan, Y. (2008). "Measuring the Quality of Service in Hospital Enterprises and An Example of a University Hospital". Master's Thesis, Gazi University.
Özgüven, N. (2008). "An Application on Customer Satisfaction and Transportation Sector in Service Marketing", Ege Academic Overview Journal, 8 (2), 653.
Özyurda, F. (2009). Current Problems and Approaches related to Public Health (Dilek Aslan). Communication in Health (P. 15-21). Ankara medical chamber
Palmer A. (1994) Principles Of Services Marketing, MCGrow H:11 Book Company, Bershire
Pisgin, A., and Atesoglu, I. "Customer Satisfaction and Change in Health Institutions". Journal of Business Research-Turk
Stuart, F. ve Stephen S. (1995). ‘’Planning for Service Quality: An Interactive Approach’’, Journal of Service Management, 7 (4): 58-75.
Sise, S. Altınel, E.C. (2012). "Patient Satisfaction in a University Hospital", Selcuk Medical Journal, 28(4), 213-218.
Tas, D. (2012). "A Study on the Measurement of Health Service Quality". Journal of Performance and Quality in Health, 4(2), 79-102.
Tükel B. (2004). "Patient Satisfaction in Ankara University Ibn-i Sina Hospital", Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 57(4), p. 215-214.
Uyar, K. (2014). "A Research to Determine the Impact of Word-of-Mouth Marketing Activities on Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Health Services Marketing", Master's Thesis, Karamanoglu Mehmet bey University Institute of Social Sciences.
Yilmaz, M. (2001), "A Measure of Health Care Quality: Patient Satisfaction", Journal of Cumhuriyet University School of Nursing, 5(2), ps.69-74.
Yilmaz, V. and Çatalbas, Karpat, G. (2007). "Impact of Perception of Credit Cards on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty". Journal of Financial Political and Economic Commentary, Volume: 44, Issue: 513
Yumusak, N. U., (2006) "Measurement of Service Quality and Factors Affecting Service Quality: Butler Chamber of Commerce and Industry Application" Doctoral Dissertation, DEU Institute of Social Sciences.
Zengin, E. and Erdal, A. (2000). "Total Quality Management in the Service Sector", Journal of Qafqaz University; 3(1), 44.
Bozkurt, Y., & Kılıçarslan, M. (2021). Evaluation of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals: Case of Acibadem Hospital. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 7(1), 13-24.