Many universities around the world are changing or supporting their curriculum and methods with the necessary up-to-date information to ensure that candidates who aim to graduate from their architectural programs are taught the concept of sustainability at a sufficient level in regard to conceptual and theoretical. Meeting the requirements of the sustainability paradigm in design and building technologies will extend beyond the awareness created at the undergraduate level and improve with postgraduate education. Thus, a sufficient level of professional knowledge and expertise will be achieved. Since this field is still not sufficiently experienced in practice, it is clear that a system is needed to provide the works and knowledge to make up the said deficiency with the architectural education process. Scope of study, an examination of the structures of postgraduate programs of institutions located in Turkey and institutions that operate in various parts of the world who have managed to adapt the subject of sustainability to their curricula to a large degree has been carried out. By comparing the current curriculum with examples from the world, the general status was determined, and recommendations were made on what kind of updates can be made. The objective is to improve existing curricula by taking the information obtained from global examples as a reference for improving the awareness and development levels of graduate students who desire to specialize in sustainable architecture and environmental design.
Altomonte, S., (2012). Sustainable Architectural Education: EDUCATE–Environmental Design in University Curricula and Architectural Training in Europe. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom: EDUCATE Press.
Antonara, E., Georgi, J., and Lianos, N. (2013). Sustainable architecture through an environmental educational program. In Paper Presented at the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency-New Challenges, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Davis, D. (2010). AC 2010-493: Integrating Sustainability Into Studio Design Curriculum. age, 15, 1.
Deviren, A. S. (2019). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmada Mimarlık Eğitiminin Rolü: Antakya/Hatay’da Yer, Ekolojik Ve Yenileyici Tasarım, Kent Ve Mimarlık Eğitimi Üzerine. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Rolüyle Mimarlık, 1. Eskişehir: Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi yayınları.
Dupré, K., Alby, E., Flament, B., Jakubik, J., and Kuhn, C. (2008). Buildings' Sustainable Modernization: Towards New Working Relationships. Proceedings of the Ecocity World Summit, San Francisco, USA.
Gamble, J. M., Gentry, R., Augenbroe, G., and Stephen Taul with students from the Georgia Institute of Technologyi. (2015). Architecture and high performance building at Georgia tech: teaching design+ technology in the environmental context. Journal of Green Building, 10(3), 67-86.
GlobalABC, IEA, UNE. (2019). Global status report for buildings and construction: towards a zero emissions, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector.
Hengrasmee, S. and Chansomsak, S. (2016). A novel approach to architectural education for sustainability: a quest for reformation and transformation. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 18(3).
Karatepe, Y., Nese, S.V., Keçebas, A., and Yumurtaci, M., (2012). The levels of awareness about the renewable energy sources of university students in Turkey. Renewable Energy. 44, 174-179.
Kayıhan, K.S., ve Tönük, S., (2008). Sürdürülebilir Temel Eğitim Binası Tasarımı Bağlamında Arsa Seçimi ve Analizi Konusunun İrdelenmesi, MEGARON/Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 3(2), 137-154.
Kim J-J., (1998). Introduction to sustainable architecture. Ann Arbor (MI): National Pollution Prevention Centre for Higher Education.
Mavromatidis, L. E. (2016). Study of coupled transient radiation-natural convection heat transfer across rectangular cavities in the vicinity of low emissivity thin films for innovative building envelope applications. Energy and Buildings, 120, 114-134.
Mavromatidis, L. (2018). Coupling architectural synthesis to applied thermal engineering, constructal thermodynamics and fractal analysis: An original pedagogic method to incorporate “sustainability” into architectural education during the initial conceptual stages. Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 689-707.
McDonough, W., and Braungart, M. (2010). Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things. New Yorrk: North point press.
Riguet, J. C., General, S., Cox, L., Mejia, S. M. G., Hyett, P., Koudryavtsev, A., ... and Scheeler, J. (2008). UIA and architectural education reflections and recommendations. XXIIth UIA Geneal Assembly (Berlin, Germany, July 2002), 1-43.
Seif Hattan, A., Feder, J., Naik, A. Murphy, K., Davis, N. Esiet, U., Vithlani, K., and Rigaud, G., (2010). Advancing Education for Sustainability: Teaching the Concepts of Sustainable Building to All Students. Boston: Second Nature, Washington D.C: MA and the US Green Building Council.
Taleghani, M., Ansari, H. R., and Jennings, P. (2011). Sustainability in architectural education: A comparison of Iran and Australia. Renewable energy, 36(7), 2021-2025.
UNEP SBCI. (2009). Buildings and climate change: Summary for Decision-Makers United Nations Environment Programme, (pp. 62), Paris
Uzunoglu, S. S., and Uzunoglu, K. (2011). The application of formal perception of gestalt in architectural education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 993-1003.
Imperatives, S. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our common future. Accessed Feb, 10.
Yeang, K. (2006). Ecodesign: A manual for ecological design. New York: Wiley Academy.
Sürdürülebilirliğin Mimarlık Yüksek Lisans Programı ile Bütünleştirilmesi: Yurt Dışı ve Türkiye Örneklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki birçok üniversite, mimarlık programlarından mezun olacak adayları için, sürdürülebilirlik olgusunun kavramsal ve teorik açıdan yeterli düzeyde verilmesi amacıyla öğretim programlarını ve yöntemlerini, gerekli güncel bilgilerle değiştirmekte veya desteklemektedir. Tasarım ve bina teknolojilerinde sürdürülebilirlik paradigmasının gereksinimlerini karşılamak, lisans düzeyinde yaratılan farkındalığın ötesinde lisansüstü eğitimle gelişim gösterecek, yeterli mesleki bilgi ve uzmanlık sağlayacaktır. Bu alan, uygulamada halen yeterli düzeyde deneyimlenemediği için, mimari eğitim süreci ile söz konusu eksikliğin giderilmesine yönelik çalışmaların ve bilgi birikiminin verilmesini sağlayacak bir sisteme ihtiyaç olduğu açıktır. Çalışma kapsamında, farklı yaklaşımlar kullanılarak sürdürülebilirlik konularını müfredatlarına adapte etmeyi büyük oranda başarabilmiş, dünyanın farklı yerlerinde faaliyet gösteren mimarlık eğitim kurumlarının ve Türkiye’de yer alan mimarlık eğitim kurumlarının yüksek lisans düzeyindeki müfredat yapıları incelenmiştir. Hali hazırda uygulanmakta olan müfredatı, dünya örnekleri ile karşılaştırarak durum tespiti yapılmış ve ne tür güncellemeler yapılabileceği konusunda öneriler sunulmuştur. Amaç, sürdürülebilir mimarlık ve çevresel tasarım alanında uzmanlaşmak isteyen lisansüstü öğrencilerinin farkındalıklarını ve gelişim düzeylerini arttırmak için dünya örneklerinden edinilen bilgileri referans alarak, uygulanmakta olan müfredatın geliştirilmesidir.
Bu çalışmanın özet bildirimi “18-21 Kasım 2020’de Karabük Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi tarafından Safranbolu’da Uluslararası Mimarlık Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (ReseArch’20)” kongresinde sözlü sunum olarak sunulmuş olup, kongre üyelerine teşekkür ederiz.
Altomonte, S., (2012). Sustainable Architectural Education: EDUCATE–Environmental Design in University Curricula and Architectural Training in Europe. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom: EDUCATE Press.
Antonara, E., Georgi, J., and Lianos, N. (2013). Sustainable architecture through an environmental educational program. In Paper Presented at the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency-New Challenges, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Davis, D. (2010). AC 2010-493: Integrating Sustainability Into Studio Design Curriculum. age, 15, 1.
Deviren, A. S. (2019). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmada Mimarlık Eğitiminin Rolü: Antakya/Hatay’da Yer, Ekolojik Ve Yenileyici Tasarım, Kent Ve Mimarlık Eğitimi Üzerine. Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Rolüyle Mimarlık, 1. Eskişehir: Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi yayınları.
Dupré, K., Alby, E., Flament, B., Jakubik, J., and Kuhn, C. (2008). Buildings' Sustainable Modernization: Towards New Working Relationships. Proceedings of the Ecocity World Summit, San Francisco, USA.
Gamble, J. M., Gentry, R., Augenbroe, G., and Stephen Taul with students from the Georgia Institute of Technologyi. (2015). Architecture and high performance building at Georgia tech: teaching design+ technology in the environmental context. Journal of Green Building, 10(3), 67-86.
GlobalABC, IEA, UNE. (2019). Global status report for buildings and construction: towards a zero emissions, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector.
Hengrasmee, S. and Chansomsak, S. (2016). A novel approach to architectural education for sustainability: a quest for reformation and transformation. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 18(3).
Karatepe, Y., Nese, S.V., Keçebas, A., and Yumurtaci, M., (2012). The levels of awareness about the renewable energy sources of university students in Turkey. Renewable Energy. 44, 174-179.
Kayıhan, K.S., ve Tönük, S., (2008). Sürdürülebilir Temel Eğitim Binası Tasarımı Bağlamında Arsa Seçimi ve Analizi Konusunun İrdelenmesi, MEGARON/Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi E-Dergisi, 3(2), 137-154.
Kim J-J., (1998). Introduction to sustainable architecture. Ann Arbor (MI): National Pollution Prevention Centre for Higher Education.
Mavromatidis, L. E. (2016). Study of coupled transient radiation-natural convection heat transfer across rectangular cavities in the vicinity of low emissivity thin films for innovative building envelope applications. Energy and Buildings, 120, 114-134.
Mavromatidis, L. (2018). Coupling architectural synthesis to applied thermal engineering, constructal thermodynamics and fractal analysis: An original pedagogic method to incorporate “sustainability” into architectural education during the initial conceptual stages. Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 689-707.
McDonough, W., and Braungart, M. (2010). Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things. New Yorrk: North point press.
Riguet, J. C., General, S., Cox, L., Mejia, S. M. G., Hyett, P., Koudryavtsev, A., ... and Scheeler, J. (2008). UIA and architectural education reflections and recommendations. XXIIth UIA Geneal Assembly (Berlin, Germany, July 2002), 1-43.
Seif Hattan, A., Feder, J., Naik, A. Murphy, K., Davis, N. Esiet, U., Vithlani, K., and Rigaud, G., (2010). Advancing Education for Sustainability: Teaching the Concepts of Sustainable Building to All Students. Boston: Second Nature, Washington D.C: MA and the US Green Building Council.
Taleghani, M., Ansari, H. R., and Jennings, P. (2011). Sustainability in architectural education: A comparison of Iran and Australia. Renewable energy, 36(7), 2021-2025.
UNEP SBCI. (2009). Buildings and climate change: Summary for Decision-Makers United Nations Environment Programme, (pp. 62), Paris
Uzunoglu, S. S., and Uzunoglu, K. (2011). The application of formal perception of gestalt in architectural education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 993-1003.
Imperatives, S. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our common future. Accessed Feb, 10.
Yeang, K. (2006). Ecodesign: A manual for ecological design. New York: Wiley Academy.
Gökşen, F., Ayçam, İ., & Güner, C. (2020). Sürdürülebilirliğin Mimarlık Yüksek Lisans Programı ile Bütünleştirilmesi: Yurt Dışı ve Türkiye Örneklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. Uluslararası Doğu Anadolu Fen Mühendislik Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2(2), 401-433.