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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 01.06.2016


This paper examines the linkage between trust and perceptions of ICTs and e- government and the effects of media coverage and suggests we need to re-engage at a human level if eGovernment is to be accepted by digital non-natives. It introduces the SIMIT model


  • Accenture (2004) e-government Leadership: High Performance, maximum Value. New York , Accenture
  • Agre P. (2002) 'Real-time politics: The Internet and the political process'
  • Information Society 18, p.311-331. Aldrich J., Bertot J.C. & McClure C. R. (2002) 'E-government: initiatives, developments and issues. Government Information Quarterly 19, pp. 349-355.
  • Alotaibi, R., Houghton, L., & Sandhu, K. (2016). Exploring the Potential Factors
  • Influencing the Adoption of M-Government Services in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Analysis. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(8), Anderson, D., Wu, R., Cho, J. S., & Schroeder, K. (2015). E-Government
  • Strategy, ICT and Innovation for Citizen Engagement. Springer. Austrian Federal Chancellery (2006) 'E-government for all Europeans' p.3. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Baldassare M., (2000) California in the New Millenium: The changing social and political landscape Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • BBC (2008) accessed online at [Accessed online /12/2009]
  • Bertot J.C. & Jaeger P.T. (2008) 'The e-Government paradox: Better customer service doesn't necessarily cost less' in Government Information Quarterly 25 pp. 154.
  • Bovens M. & Zouridis S. (2002) 'From street-level to system level bureaucracies:
  • How information and communication technology is transforming administrative discretion and control'. Public Administration Review 62 (2) pp. 174-184. Camp L. J. (2000) Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce Cambridge MA, MIT Press.
  • Clift S. (2000) The e-Democracy Book.[Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Clift S.L. (2004) e-government and Democracy: Representation and Citizen
  • Engagement in the Information Age p.7. [Accessed online /12/2009]
  • Colesca, S. E. (2015). Understanding trust in e-government. Engineering Economics, 63(4).
  • Ebbers, W.E. &. van Dijk J.A.G.M (2007) 'Resistance and support to electronic government, building a model of innovation' Government Information Quarterly,
  • Volume 24, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 554-575.
  • EICTA EU e-government Industry Declaration p.3 accessed online at df/051125declaration_eicta.pdf. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • EU (2005) Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • European Commission. (2010). The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011- : Harnessing ICT to promote smart, sustainable & innovative Government- COM (2010) 743.
  • European Commission (2015) European eGovernment action plan 2016-2020
  • (2016). Available at: european- egovernment-action-plan-2016-2020
  • Fukuyama F. 1995 The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, London Penguin.
  • Horsburgh, S., Goldfinch, S., & Gauld, R. (2011). Is public trust in government associated with trust in e-government?. Social Science Computer Review, 29(2), 241.
  • Jaeger P.T (2005) 'Deliberative Democracy and the conceptual foundations of electronic government' in Government Information Quarterly 22 pp. 702-719.
  • Jessop B. (2002) The Future of the Capitalist State Polity Press London
  • Kiesler S., & Kraut R., (1999) 'Internet Use and Ties that Bind' , American
  • Psychologist September 1999 p.783.
  • Kolsaker A & Lee-Kelley L (2007) 'Mind the Gap II': E-government and e- governance' in Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J & Grönlund A. (eds) EGOV 2007 LNCS pp. 35-43 Berlin, Springer Verlag.
  • McKnight H.D., Choudhury V., & Kacmar C. (2002) 'Developing and Validating trust measures for e-commerce: an integrative typology' In formation Systems Research, Vol. 13 (3) pp. 334-359.
  • McNeal R., & Hale K. (2007) A Focus on Trust: Citizen-Government Interaction and the Internet. Paper for Southern Political Science Association New Orleans Jan 3-7 2007 p23
  • /p154069-1.php . [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Mansbridge J., (1997) Social and Cultural Causes of Dissatisfaction with U.S.
  • Government. in Why People Dont Trust Government ed Nye J.S. Cambridge MA Harvard University Press. Navarrete, C. (2010). Trust in E-Government Transactional Services: A Study of
  • Citizens' Perceptions in Mexico and the US. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2010 rd Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
  • Nixon P.G. (2000) 'Joined-Up Government: Whitehall on Line' in Gibson R &
  • Ward S.J. (eds) Re-Invigorating Democracy: British Politics and the Internet. Aldershot Ashgate. Nixon P.G. (2007) 'Ctrl, Alt, Delete: Re-booting the European Union via e- government' in Nixon P.G. & Koutrakou V.N. (eds) e-government in Europe: Re- booting the state Abingdon Routledge.
  • Nixon P.G. (2010) 'Ministry of Truth?; Perceptions of Trust in e-government'. in
  • Understanding e-Government P.G. Nixon, V. Koutrakou & R. Rawal, (eds) London, Routledge Nixon P.G. (2011) ‘e-government =SIMIT’ Keynote address at ICEBEG Conference 2011
  • Norris D.F., Fletcher P.D. & Holden S., (2001) Is your local government plugged in? Highlights of the 2000 Electronic Government Survey p113 [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • OECD ' (2003) 'The E-government imperative: main findings'. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Parent M., Vandebeek C.A. & Gemino A. C. (2005) 'Building citizen Trust through e-government.' Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) pp. 720
  • Putnam R.D., (1994), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern
  • Italy. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Rainey H (1997) Understanding and managing public organisations. 2nd ed. San
  • Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers. Reddick C..G. (2005) 'Citizen Interaction with e-Government: From the streets to servers' Government Information Quarterly 22
  • Rose, J., Persson, J. S., Heeager, L. T., & Irani, Z. (2015). Managing e‐Government: value positions and relationships. Information Systems Journal, (5), 531-571.
  • Ross, S., (1973). The economic theory of agency: The principal's problem.
  • American Economic Review, 63(2): pp.134-139. Shah D.V. McLeod J.M. & Yoon S.H. (2001) 'Communication, context and community: An exploration of print, broadcast and internet influences.'
  • Communication Research 28: pp 464-507. p 491. Shapiro, A.L. (1999) The control reveloution: How the Internet is putting individuals in charge and changing the world we know. New York, The Century Foundation.
  • Sherchan W., Nepal S., & Parris C. (2013) A survey of Trust in Social Networks
  • ACM Computer Survey . 44(4) pp 27-33
  • Spence, M. and Zeckhauser R. (1971). Insurance, information and individual action. American Economic Review 61(2): pp380-387.
  • Stamoulis D. Gouscos D., Georgiadis P. & Marrtakos D (2001) 'Revisiting Public
  • Information management for effective e-government services.' Information Management and Computer Security, 9 (4) pp.146-153. Tapscott D. (1997) The digital Media and the reinvention of government.
  • Canadian Public Administration 40 (2) pp 328-45
  • Thomas C.W. (1998) Maintaining and restoring public trust in government agencies and their employees. Administration and Society (30) 2 pp.166-93
  • Tolbert c. & Mossberger K.(2006) The Effects of E-Government on Trust and Commitment, Public Administration Review, vol. 66 (May/June 2006), pp.354
  • Türksel K.B, (2002) Perceptions of e-Government in Turkey, Turkish Public
  • Administration Annual, Vol. 27-28, 2001-2002, p. 41-57.
  • Vintar M. et al (2006) Measuring e-government User Satisfaction
  • ANG(5).pdf. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Webster F. (1995) Theories of the Information Society. London, Routledge.
  • Weckert J., (2005) 'Trust in Cyber Space' in Cavalier R.J. The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives. Albany, New York University Press.
  • Welch E.W, Hinnant C.C., & Moon M.J. (2005) Linking Citizen Satisfaction with
  • E-Government and Trust in Government Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol 15,Number 3, July 2005, pp.371-391
  • World Economic Forum, The Global Information Technology Report 2007-08 t [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 1 - 18, 01.06.2016



  • Accenture (2004) e-government Leadership: High Performance, maximum Value. New York , Accenture
  • Agre P. (2002) 'Real-time politics: The Internet and the political process'
  • Information Society 18, p.311-331. Aldrich J., Bertot J.C. & McClure C. R. (2002) 'E-government: initiatives, developments and issues. Government Information Quarterly 19, pp. 349-355.
  • Alotaibi, R., Houghton, L., & Sandhu, K. (2016). Exploring the Potential Factors
  • Influencing the Adoption of M-Government Services in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Analysis. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(8), Anderson, D., Wu, R., Cho, J. S., & Schroeder, K. (2015). E-Government
  • Strategy, ICT and Innovation for Citizen Engagement. Springer. Austrian Federal Chancellery (2006) 'E-government for all Europeans' p.3. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Baldassare M., (2000) California in the New Millenium: The changing social and political landscape Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • BBC (2008) accessed online at [Accessed online /12/2009]
  • Bertot J.C. & Jaeger P.T. (2008) 'The e-Government paradox: Better customer service doesn't necessarily cost less' in Government Information Quarterly 25 pp. 154.
  • Bovens M. & Zouridis S. (2002) 'From street-level to system level bureaucracies:
  • How information and communication technology is transforming administrative discretion and control'. Public Administration Review 62 (2) pp. 174-184. Camp L. J. (2000) Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce Cambridge MA, MIT Press.
  • Clift S. (2000) The e-Democracy Book.[Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Clift S.L. (2004) e-government and Democracy: Representation and Citizen
  • Engagement in the Information Age p.7. [Accessed online /12/2009]
  • Colesca, S. E. (2015). Understanding trust in e-government. Engineering Economics, 63(4).
  • Ebbers, W.E. &. van Dijk J.A.G.M (2007) 'Resistance and support to electronic government, building a model of innovation' Government Information Quarterly,
  • Volume 24, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 554-575.
  • EICTA EU e-government Industry Declaration p.3 accessed online at df/051125declaration_eicta.pdf. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • EU (2005) Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • European Commission. (2010). The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011- : Harnessing ICT to promote smart, sustainable & innovative Government- COM (2010) 743.
  • European Commission (2015) European eGovernment action plan 2016-2020
  • (2016). Available at: european- egovernment-action-plan-2016-2020
  • Fukuyama F. 1995 The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, London Penguin.
  • Horsburgh, S., Goldfinch, S., & Gauld, R. (2011). Is public trust in government associated with trust in e-government?. Social Science Computer Review, 29(2), 241.
  • Jaeger P.T (2005) 'Deliberative Democracy and the conceptual foundations of electronic government' in Government Information Quarterly 22 pp. 702-719.
  • Jessop B. (2002) The Future of the Capitalist State Polity Press London
  • Kiesler S., & Kraut R., (1999) 'Internet Use and Ties that Bind' , American
  • Psychologist September 1999 p.783.
  • Kolsaker A & Lee-Kelley L (2007) 'Mind the Gap II': E-government and e- governance' in Wimmer M.A., Scholl H.J & Grönlund A. (eds) EGOV 2007 LNCS pp. 35-43 Berlin, Springer Verlag.
  • McKnight H.D., Choudhury V., & Kacmar C. (2002) 'Developing and Validating trust measures for e-commerce: an integrative typology' In formation Systems Research, Vol. 13 (3) pp. 334-359.
  • McNeal R., & Hale K. (2007) A Focus on Trust: Citizen-Government Interaction and the Internet. Paper for Southern Political Science Association New Orleans Jan 3-7 2007 p23
  • /p154069-1.php . [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Mansbridge J., (1997) Social and Cultural Causes of Dissatisfaction with U.S.
  • Government. in Why People Dont Trust Government ed Nye J.S. Cambridge MA Harvard University Press. Navarrete, C. (2010). Trust in E-Government Transactional Services: A Study of
  • Citizens' Perceptions in Mexico and the US. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2010 rd Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
  • Nixon P.G. (2000) 'Joined-Up Government: Whitehall on Line' in Gibson R &
  • Ward S.J. (eds) Re-Invigorating Democracy: British Politics and the Internet. Aldershot Ashgate. Nixon P.G. (2007) 'Ctrl, Alt, Delete: Re-booting the European Union via e- government' in Nixon P.G. & Koutrakou V.N. (eds) e-government in Europe: Re- booting the state Abingdon Routledge.
  • Nixon P.G. (2010) 'Ministry of Truth?; Perceptions of Trust in e-government'. in
  • Understanding e-Government P.G. Nixon, V. Koutrakou & R. Rawal, (eds) London, Routledge Nixon P.G. (2011) ‘e-government =SIMIT’ Keynote address at ICEBEG Conference 2011
  • Norris D.F., Fletcher P.D. & Holden S., (2001) Is your local government plugged in? Highlights of the 2000 Electronic Government Survey p113 [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • OECD ' (2003) 'The E-government imperative: main findings'. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Parent M., Vandebeek C.A. & Gemino A. C. (2005) 'Building citizen Trust through e-government.' Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) pp. 720
  • Putnam R.D., (1994), Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern
  • Italy. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Rainey H (1997) Understanding and managing public organisations. 2nd ed. San
  • Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers. Reddick C..G. (2005) 'Citizen Interaction with e-Government: From the streets to servers' Government Information Quarterly 22
  • Rose, J., Persson, J. S., Heeager, L. T., & Irani, Z. (2015). Managing e‐Government: value positions and relationships. Information Systems Journal, (5), 531-571.
  • Ross, S., (1973). The economic theory of agency: The principal's problem.
  • American Economic Review, 63(2): pp.134-139. Shah D.V. McLeod J.M. & Yoon S.H. (2001) 'Communication, context and community: An exploration of print, broadcast and internet influences.'
  • Communication Research 28: pp 464-507. p 491. Shapiro, A.L. (1999) The control reveloution: How the Internet is putting individuals in charge and changing the world we know. New York, The Century Foundation.
  • Sherchan W., Nepal S., & Parris C. (2013) A survey of Trust in Social Networks
  • ACM Computer Survey . 44(4) pp 27-33
  • Spence, M. and Zeckhauser R. (1971). Insurance, information and individual action. American Economic Review 61(2): pp380-387.
  • Stamoulis D. Gouscos D., Georgiadis P. & Marrtakos D (2001) 'Revisiting Public
  • Information management for effective e-government services.' Information Management and Computer Security, 9 (4) pp.146-153. Tapscott D. (1997) The digital Media and the reinvention of government.
  • Canadian Public Administration 40 (2) pp 328-45
  • Thomas C.W. (1998) Maintaining and restoring public trust in government agencies and their employees. Administration and Society (30) 2 pp.166-93
  • Tolbert c. & Mossberger K.(2006) The Effects of E-Government on Trust and Commitment, Public Administration Review, vol. 66 (May/June 2006), pp.354
  • Türksel K.B, (2002) Perceptions of e-Government in Turkey, Turkish Public
  • Administration Annual, Vol. 27-28, 2001-2002, p. 41-57.
  • Vintar M. et al (2006) Measuring e-government User Satisfaction
  • ANG(5).pdf. [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
  • Webster F. (1995) Theories of the Information Society. London, Routledge.
  • Weckert J., (2005) 'Trust in Cyber Space' in Cavalier R.J. The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives. Albany, New York University Press.
  • Welch E.W, Hinnant C.C., & Moon M.J. (2005) Linking Citizen Satisfaction with
  • E-Government and Trust in Government Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol 15,Number 3, July 2005, pp.371-391
  • World Economic Forum, The Global Information Technology Report 2007-08 t [Accessed online 7/12/2009]
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA94MP43TH
Bölüm Makaleler

P.g Nixon Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Nixon, P. (2016). HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED. International Journal of EBusiness and EGovernment Studies, 8(1), 1-18.
AMA Nixon P. HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED. IJEBEG. Haziran 2016;8(1):1-18.
Chicago Nixon, P.g. “HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED”. International Journal of EBusiness and EGovernment Studies 8, sy. 1 (Haziran 2016): 1-18.
EndNote Nixon P (01 Haziran 2016) HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies 8 1 1–18.
IEEE P. Nixon, “HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED”, IJEBEG, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 1–18, 2016.
ISNAD Nixon, P.g. “HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED”. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies 8/1 (Haziran 2016), 1-18.
MLA Nixon, P.g. “HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED”. International Journal of EBusiness and EGovernment Studies, c. 8, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 1-18.
Vancouver Nixon P. HUMAN(E)GOVERNMENT REVISITED. IJEBEG. 2016;8(1):1-18.