Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 89 - 105, 31.07.2019



  • Abor, J., Adjasi, C., & Hayford, M.-C. (2008). How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect the Export Decisions of Firms in Ghana?. African Development Review, 20(3), 446-465.
  • Adhikary, B. K. (2012). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Trade Openness, Domestic Demand, and Exchange Rate on the Export Performance of Bangladesh: A VEC Approach. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Economics Research International Volume, 4(5), 216-226.
  • Alıcı, A. A., & Ucal, M. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Output Growth of Turkey: Causality Analysis. Proceeding of the 5th Annual Conference on European Trade Study Group, Sept. 11-13 (s. 1-19). Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • Almfraji, M. A., & Almsafir, M. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Literature Review from 1994 to 2012. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 206 – 213.
  • Balassa, B. (1985). Exports, Policy Choices, And Economic Growth in Developing Countries After The 1973 Oil Shock. Journal of Development Economics, 18(1), 23-35.
  • Balassa, B. (1978). Exports and economic growth: Further evidence. Journal of Development Economics, 5(2), 181-189.
  • Barrell, R., & Pain, N. (1997). Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Change, and Economic Growth Within Europe. The Economic Journal, 445(107), 1770-1786.
  • Blomström, M., & Kokko, A. (1996). Multinational Corporations and Spillovers. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
  • Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J., & Lee, J.-W. (1998). 'How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth?'. Journal of International Economics, s 115-135.
  • Bozdağlıoğlu, E. Y., & Özpınar, Ö. (2011). Türkiye'ye Gelen Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Türkiye'nin İhracat Performansına Etkilerinin VAR Yöntemi ile Tahmini. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(1), 39-63.
  • Buckley, P. (2010). Stephen Hymer: Three Phases, One Approach?. P. J. Buckley içinde, Foreign Direct Investment, China And The World Economy (s. 15-24). London.
  • Buckley, P., & Frances, R. (2010). Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland:Policy Implications for Emerging Economies. P. J. Buckley içinde, Foreign Direct Investment, China and the World Economy (Cilt 29, s. 365-385). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buckley, P., Clegg, J., Wang, C., & Cross, A. (2002). FDI, Regional Differences and Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from China. Transnational Corporations, 11(1), 1-28.
  • Campos, N. F., & Kinoshita, Y. (2002). Foreign Direct Investment as Technology Transferred: Some Panel Evidence from the Transition Economies. William Davidson Working Paper Number 438.
  • Chakraborty, C., & Nunnenkamp, P. (2006). Economic Reforms, Foreign Direct Investment and its Economic Effects in India. Kiel Working Paper No. 1272.
  • Choe, J. I. (2003). 'Do Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Investment Promote Economic Growth?. Review of Development Economics, 7(1), 44-57.
  • Chou, T.‐C. (1988). American and Japanese direct foreign investment in Taiwan: a comparative study. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 29, 165–179.
  • Clus-Rossouw, D. l., Viviers, W., & Loots, E. (2015). Is there a link between BRIC foreign direct investment and SADC export performance?. Development Southern Africa, 32(6), 658–674.
  • Craigwell, R. (2006). Foreign Direct Investment and Employment in the English and Dutch-Speaking Caribbean. Working Papers. Tripartite Caribbean Employment Forum.
  • Davaakhuu, O., Sharma, K., & Oczkowski, E. (2015). Has foreign investment played a role in Mongolia's export success?. Post-Communist Economies, 27(2), 256-267.
  • Easterly, W. (1997). The Ghost of Financing Gap: How The Harrod-Domar Growth Model Stil Haunts Development Economics. World Bank.
  • Forgha, N. G. (2009). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Performance in Cameroon. International Review of Business Research, 5 (1), January, 55-69.
  • Göçer, İ., Bulut, S., & Dam, M. (2012). Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Türkiye’nin İhracat Performansına Etkileri: Ekonometrik Bir Analiz. Business and Economics Research Journal.
  • Görg, H., & Strobl, E. (2005). Foreign Direct Investment and Local Economic Development: Beyond Productivity Spillovers. Editörler T. Moran, E. Graham, & M. Blomström, Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development? (Cilt 107, s. 137-157). Washington DC,Institute for International Economics.
  • Greenaway, D., Sousab, N., & Wakelina, K. (2004). Do Domestic Firms Learn To Export From Multinationals?. European Journal of Political Economy, 20, 1027-1043.
  • Gu, W., & Awokuse, T. (2008). The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to China’s Export Performance: Evidence from Disaggregated Sectors. The American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando.
  • Hejazi, W., & Safarian, A. E. (2001). The Complementarity Between U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Stock and Trade. Atlantic Economic Journal, 4(29), 420-437.
  • Jagadeesh, D. (2015). The Impact of Savings in Economic Growth: An Empirical Study Based on Botswana. International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 2(9), 10-21.
  • Jawaid, S., Raza, S., Mustafa, K., & Karim, M. (2016). Does Inward Foreign Direct Investment Lead Export Performance in Pakistan ?. Global Business Review, 17(6), 1296-1313.
  • Khan, Y., Wang, M., & Hassan, T. (2018). Foreign Direct Investment and Import-Export: The case of Pakistan. Research Journal of Economics.
  • Kiran, B. (2010). Causal Links Between Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(2), 150-158.
  • Klasra, M. A. (2011). Foreign Direct İnvestment, Trade Openness And Economic Growth İn Pakistan and Turkey: An İnvestigation Using Bounds Test. Quality & Quantity, 223–231.
  • Kneller, R., & Pisu, M. (2007). Industrial Linkages and Export Spillovers from FDI. The World Economy, 30(1), 105-134.
  • Kudrle, R., & Bobrow, D. (1982). U.S. Policy toward Foreign Direct Investment. World Politics, 34, 353-79.
  • Kueh, J. S.-H., Puah, C.-H., Lau , E., & Mansor, S. (2007). FDI-trade Nexus: Empirical Analysis on ASEAN-5. Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
  • Kutan, A., & Vuksic, G. (2007). Foreign Direct Investment and Export Performance. Association for Comparative Economic Studies.
  • Leichenko, R. M., & Erickson, R. A. (1997). Foreign Direct Investment and State Export Performance. Journal of Regional Science(37), 307-329.
  • Li, P., & Haiying, M. (2015). An Empirical Analysis of Economic Development in Northwest China: Based on the Vicious Circle of Poverty Demands Theory. International Journal of Business Administration, 6(4), 57-63.
  • Lin, A. (1995). Trade Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence For Taiwan with Four ASEAN Countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (131), 737-747.
  • Lipsey , R., & Sjöholm, F. (2005). The Impact of Inward FDI on Host Countries: Why Such Different Answers?. Editörler R. E. Lipsey, F. Sjöholm, T.
  • Moran, E. Graham, & M. Blomström, Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development? (s. 23-43). Washington DC., Institute for International Economics.
  • Malhotra, N., & Kumari, D. (2015). Determinants of Exports in Major Asian Economies. Journal of International Economics, 6(2), 94-110.
  • Mehra, N. (2013). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment and Gross Domestic Product in India. International Journal Economic Res., 29 - 38.
  • Mencinger, J. (2003). Does Foreign Direct Investment Always Enhance Economic Growth?. KYKLOS, 56, 491-508.
  • Nguyen, T., & Yuqing, X. (2008). Foreign Direct Investment and Exports: the Experiences of Vietnam. GSIR Working Papers Economic Development & Policy Series.
  • Pain, N., & Wakelin, K. (1998). Export Performance and The Role of Foreign Direct Investment. The Manchester School Supplement, 62-88.
  • Pesaran, M. H. & Shin, Y., & Smith, R.J. (2001). Bounds Testing Approaches to the Analysis of Level Relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16, 289-326.
  • Rahmaddi, R., & Ichihashi, M. (2013). The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia's Manufacturing Exports. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 49(3), 329-54.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1960). The Stages of Economis Growth a Non-Communist Manifesto. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Solow, T. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65-94.
  • Sun, H. (2001). Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Export Performance in China. Journal o Regional Science, 41(2), 317-336.
  • Wang, M., & Wong, M. (2009). What Drives Economic Growth? The Case of Cross Border M&A and Greenfield FDI Activities. Kyklos, 62(2), 316-330.
  • Zhang, K. H. (2005). How Does FDI Affect a Host Country’s Export Performance? The Case of China. International conference of WTO, China, The Asian Economics, III Xi’an, China, 25-26, June.
  • Zhang, K. H., & Song, S. (2000). Promoting Exports The Role of İnward FDI in China. China Economic Review, 11(4), 385-396.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 89 - 105, 31.07.2019


While foreign direct investment (FDI) may be a strong source of export incentives in developing countries, its role is still controversial. On the one hand, foreign investment has been suggested to increase exports in developing countries through superior technology and capital, while on the other hand, it is claimed that the role of FDI in encouraging exports depends on the motivations behind this investment. This shows that the nature of the link between FDI and export performance is not clear and should be empirically investigated by country basis. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of foreign direct investments on exports in the case of Turkey.


  • Abor, J., Adjasi, C., & Hayford, M.-C. (2008). How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect the Export Decisions of Firms in Ghana?. African Development Review, 20(3), 446-465.
  • Adhikary, B. K. (2012). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Trade Openness, Domestic Demand, and Exchange Rate on the Export Performance of Bangladesh: A VEC Approach. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Economics Research International Volume, 4(5), 216-226.
  • Alıcı, A. A., & Ucal, M. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Output Growth of Turkey: Causality Analysis. Proceeding of the 5th Annual Conference on European Trade Study Group, Sept. 11-13 (s. 1-19). Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • Almfraji, M. A., & Almsafir, M. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Literature Review from 1994 to 2012. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 206 – 213.
  • Balassa, B. (1985). Exports, Policy Choices, And Economic Growth in Developing Countries After The 1973 Oil Shock. Journal of Development Economics, 18(1), 23-35.
  • Balassa, B. (1978). Exports and economic growth: Further evidence. Journal of Development Economics, 5(2), 181-189.
  • Barrell, R., & Pain, N. (1997). Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Change, and Economic Growth Within Europe. The Economic Journal, 445(107), 1770-1786.
  • Blomström, M., & Kokko, A. (1996). Multinational Corporations and Spillovers. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.
  • Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J., & Lee, J.-W. (1998). 'How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth?'. Journal of International Economics, s 115-135.
  • Bozdağlıoğlu, E. Y., & Özpınar, Ö. (2011). Türkiye'ye Gelen Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Türkiye'nin İhracat Performansına Etkilerinin VAR Yöntemi ile Tahmini. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13(1), 39-63.
  • Buckley, P. (2010). Stephen Hymer: Three Phases, One Approach?. P. J. Buckley içinde, Foreign Direct Investment, China And The World Economy (s. 15-24). London.
  • Buckley, P., & Frances, R. (2010). Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland:Policy Implications for Emerging Economies. P. J. Buckley içinde, Foreign Direct Investment, China and the World Economy (Cilt 29, s. 365-385). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buckley, P., Clegg, J., Wang, C., & Cross, A. (2002). FDI, Regional Differences and Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from China. Transnational Corporations, 11(1), 1-28.
  • Campos, N. F., & Kinoshita, Y. (2002). Foreign Direct Investment as Technology Transferred: Some Panel Evidence from the Transition Economies. William Davidson Working Paper Number 438.
  • Chakraborty, C., & Nunnenkamp, P. (2006). Economic Reforms, Foreign Direct Investment and its Economic Effects in India. Kiel Working Paper No. 1272.
  • Choe, J. I. (2003). 'Do Foreign Direct Investment and Gross Domestic Investment Promote Economic Growth?. Review of Development Economics, 7(1), 44-57.
  • Chou, T.‐C. (1988). American and Japanese direct foreign investment in Taiwan: a comparative study. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 29, 165–179.
  • Clus-Rossouw, D. l., Viviers, W., & Loots, E. (2015). Is there a link between BRIC foreign direct investment and SADC export performance?. Development Southern Africa, 32(6), 658–674.
  • Craigwell, R. (2006). Foreign Direct Investment and Employment in the English and Dutch-Speaking Caribbean. Working Papers. Tripartite Caribbean Employment Forum.
  • Davaakhuu, O., Sharma, K., & Oczkowski, E. (2015). Has foreign investment played a role in Mongolia's export success?. Post-Communist Economies, 27(2), 256-267.
  • Easterly, W. (1997). The Ghost of Financing Gap: How The Harrod-Domar Growth Model Stil Haunts Development Economics. World Bank.
  • Forgha, N. G. (2009). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Performance in Cameroon. International Review of Business Research, 5 (1), January, 55-69.
  • Göçer, İ., Bulut, S., & Dam, M. (2012). Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımların Türkiye’nin İhracat Performansına Etkileri: Ekonometrik Bir Analiz. Business and Economics Research Journal.
  • Görg, H., & Strobl, E. (2005). Foreign Direct Investment and Local Economic Development: Beyond Productivity Spillovers. Editörler T. Moran, E. Graham, & M. Blomström, Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development? (Cilt 107, s. 137-157). Washington DC,Institute for International Economics.
  • Greenaway, D., Sousab, N., & Wakelina, K. (2004). Do Domestic Firms Learn To Export From Multinationals?. European Journal of Political Economy, 20, 1027-1043.
  • Gu, W., & Awokuse, T. (2008). The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to China’s Export Performance: Evidence from Disaggregated Sectors. The American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Orlando.
  • Hejazi, W., & Safarian, A. E. (2001). The Complementarity Between U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Stock and Trade. Atlantic Economic Journal, 4(29), 420-437.
  • Jagadeesh, D. (2015). The Impact of Savings in Economic Growth: An Empirical Study Based on Botswana. International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 2(9), 10-21.
  • Jawaid, S., Raza, S., Mustafa, K., & Karim, M. (2016). Does Inward Foreign Direct Investment Lead Export Performance in Pakistan ?. Global Business Review, 17(6), 1296-1313.
  • Khan, Y., Wang, M., & Hassan, T. (2018). Foreign Direct Investment and Import-Export: The case of Pakistan. Research Journal of Economics.
  • Kiran, B. (2010). Causal Links Between Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(2), 150-158.
  • Klasra, M. A. (2011). Foreign Direct İnvestment, Trade Openness And Economic Growth İn Pakistan and Turkey: An İnvestigation Using Bounds Test. Quality & Quantity, 223–231.
  • Kneller, R., & Pisu, M. (2007). Industrial Linkages and Export Spillovers from FDI. The World Economy, 30(1), 105-134.
  • Kudrle, R., & Bobrow, D. (1982). U.S. Policy toward Foreign Direct Investment. World Politics, 34, 353-79.
  • Kueh, J. S.-H., Puah, C.-H., Lau , E., & Mansor, S. (2007). FDI-trade Nexus: Empirical Analysis on ASEAN-5. Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
  • Kutan, A., & Vuksic, G. (2007). Foreign Direct Investment and Export Performance. Association for Comparative Economic Studies.
  • Leichenko, R. M., & Erickson, R. A. (1997). Foreign Direct Investment and State Export Performance. Journal of Regional Science(37), 307-329.
  • Li, P., & Haiying, M. (2015). An Empirical Analysis of Economic Development in Northwest China: Based on the Vicious Circle of Poverty Demands Theory. International Journal of Business Administration, 6(4), 57-63.
  • Lin, A. (1995). Trade Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence For Taiwan with Four ASEAN Countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (131), 737-747.
  • Lipsey , R., & Sjöholm, F. (2005). The Impact of Inward FDI on Host Countries: Why Such Different Answers?. Editörler R. E. Lipsey, F. Sjöholm, T.
  • Moran, E. Graham, & M. Blomström, Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development? (s. 23-43). Washington DC., Institute for International Economics.
  • Malhotra, N., & Kumari, D. (2015). Determinants of Exports in Major Asian Economies. Journal of International Economics, 6(2), 94-110.
  • Mehra, N. (2013). Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Employment and Gross Domestic Product in India. International Journal Economic Res., 29 - 38.
  • Mencinger, J. (2003). Does Foreign Direct Investment Always Enhance Economic Growth?. KYKLOS, 56, 491-508.
  • Nguyen, T., & Yuqing, X. (2008). Foreign Direct Investment and Exports: the Experiences of Vietnam. GSIR Working Papers Economic Development & Policy Series.
  • Pain, N., & Wakelin, K. (1998). Export Performance and The Role of Foreign Direct Investment. The Manchester School Supplement, 62-88.
  • Pesaran, M. H. & Shin, Y., & Smith, R.J. (2001). Bounds Testing Approaches to the Analysis of Level Relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16, 289-326.
  • Rahmaddi, R., & Ichihashi, M. (2013). The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia's Manufacturing Exports. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 49(3), 329-54.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1960). The Stages of Economis Growth a Non-Communist Manifesto. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Solow, T. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65-94.
  • Sun, H. (2001). Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Export Performance in China. Journal o Regional Science, 41(2), 317-336.
  • Wang, M., & Wong, M. (2009). What Drives Economic Growth? The Case of Cross Border M&A and Greenfield FDI Activities. Kyklos, 62(2), 316-330.
  • Zhang, K. H. (2005). How Does FDI Affect a Host Country’s Export Performance? The Case of China. International conference of WTO, China, The Asian Economics, III Xi’an, China, 25-26, June.
  • Zhang, K. H., & Song, S. (2000). Promoting Exports The Role of İnward FDI in China. China Economic Review, 11(4), 385-396.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Müslüm Basılgan

Ayşe Seha Akman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Basılgan, M., & Akman, A. S. (2019). AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 11(2), 89-105.
Chicago Basılgan, Müslüm, ve Ayşe Seha Akman. “AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE”. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 11, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2019): 89-105.
EndNote Basılgan M, Akman AS (01 Temmuz 2019) AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 11 2 89–105.
IEEE M. Basılgan ve A. S. Akman, “AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE”, IJEFS, c. 11, sy. 2, ss. 89–105, 2019, doi: 10.34109/ijefs.201911206.
ISNAD Basılgan, Müslüm - Akman, Ayşe Seha. “AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE”. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 11/2 (Temmuz 2019), 89-105.
MLA Basılgan, Müslüm ve Ayşe Seha Akman. “AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON THE IMPACT OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS ON EXPORT PERFORMANCE: TURKEY CASE”. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, c. 11, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 89-105, doi:10.34109/ijefs.201911206.