in the last years the rapid development in the satellite communication and broadcasting
systems require to develop a low cost, light Wight, easiness in movement and in usage antennas.
That’s capable of high performance at the same time. In this paper X-band micro-strip antenna has
been discussed and designed which could be used for many applications and it is consist of radiating
patch on a Roger RO4003C substrate with a ground patch, and the micro-strip feeding line to the
patch is set on 50 Ohm. And it will give us 8.45 dB peak gain in X-band Frequency range and wide
Impedance Bandwidth (IBW) range from 5.8 GHz till 12 GHz.
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Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 1687 - 1696, 01.07.2019
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