long complex history and commonly appraised rich culture of the now small country. Some visitors to the
Belvedere thought that the display of Austria’s former glory compensates in some way for its contemporary
position as a relatively small country. Besides Austria’s baroque heroic past, the prestigious golden age of fin
de-siècle culture is what the Belvedere (willingly or unwillingly) associates with Austria itself. Though many
of the special exhibitions are scrupulously researched and displayed, exhibitions about the nation’s treasures
are what one visitor expressed with concern “almost a blatant, self-admitted form of propaganda.” The
seemingly cash-strapped Belvedere, it appears, is reluctant to resist the allure of well-endowed crowd-pleasers,
even when they verge on exploitation of the museum’s intellectual resources and professional integrity.
Anderson, B. (1983, 1991). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. London: Verso.
Apel, F. (1998). Deutscher Geist und deutsche Landschaft: Eine Topographie [German spirit and German landscape: A topography]. Munich: Albrecht Knaus.
Applegate, C. (1990). A nation of provincials: The German idea of heimat. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bächler, G. (Ed.). (1994). Beitreten oder Trittbrettfahren: Die Zukunft der Neutralität in Europa [The future of neutrality in Europe]. Zurich: Rüegger.
Beller, S. (1999). The tragic carnival: Austrian culture in the First World War. In A. Roshwald & R. Stites (Eds.), European culture in the Great War: The arts, entertainment and propaganda, 1914-1918 (pp. 127–161). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Beller, S. (2006). A concise history of Austria. Cambridge: University Press.
Bischof, G., Pelinka, A., & Wodak, R. (Eds.). (2001). Neutrality in Austria. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Bobbitt, P. (2002). The shield of Achilles: War, peace, and the course of history. New York: Alfred Knopf.
Breuss, S., Liebhart, K., & Pribersky, A. (1997). Rituale des nationalen Gedenkens—die Schweiz, Frankreich, Österreich und Deutschland im Vergleich [Rituals of national commemoration—Switzerland, France, Austria, and Germany in comparison]. In E. Brix & H. Stekl (Eds.), Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis [The fight for commemoration] (pp. 395–417). Vienna: Böhlau.
Brook–Shepherd, G. (1996). The Austrians: A thousand-year odyssey. London: Harper Collins.
Bruckmüller, E. (1993). The national identity of Austrians. In M. Teich & R. Porter (Eds.), The national question in Europe in historical context (pp. 196–227). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Connerton, P. (1989). How societies remember. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crane, S. A. (2000). Curious cabinets and imaginary museums. In S. A. Crane (Ed.), Museums and memory (pp. 60–90). Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
Danninger, K. (1995, February, 24). Irgendwann stirbt der Vertrag sowieso [Someday the treaty will die anyway]. In Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, n. p.
Foucault, M. (1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972–1977. Brighton: Harvester Press.
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Gillis, J. (Ed.). (1994). Commemorations: The politics of national identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Haller, M. (1996). Identität und Nationalstolz der Österreicher: Entwicklung und Wandel seit 1945 - Internationaler Vergleich. Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
Hall, S. (1996). Introduction: Who needs "identity"? In S. Hall & P. du Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp.1–17). London: Sage.
Hamisch, E. (2001). Wien: Heldenplatz [Vienna: Heroes square]. In E. Francois & H. Schulze (Eds.), Deutsche Erinnerungsorte [German places of memory] (pp. 105–121). Munich: C. H. Beck.
Heindl, W. (2001). Idole und Erinnerung: Gedanken zu (religiösen) Mythen in Zentraleuropa [Idols and memory: Thoughts on (religious) myths in central Europe]. In M. Csáky & K. Zeyringer (Eds.), Pluralitäten, Religionen und kulturelle Codes [Pluralities, religions and cultural codes] (pp. 31–48). Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.
Hofmann, P. (1988). The Viennese: Splendor, twilight, and exile. New York: Anchor Press.
Holland, D., Lachicotte Jr., W., Skinner, D., & Cain, C. (Eds.). (1998). Identity and agency in cultural worlds. London: Harvard University Press.
Hutchby, I., & Wooffitt, R. (1998). Conversation analysis: Principles, practices and applications. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Johnson, L. (1987). Introducing Austria: A short history. Vienna: Österreichischer Bundesverlag.
Johnston, W. M. (1972). The Austrian mind: An intellectual and social history, 1848–1938. Berkeley: University of California.
Kammen, M. (1991). Mystic chords of memory: The transformation of tradition in American culture. New York: Knopf.
Krapf, M. (2005). “You are gods on earth…” Carlo Innocenzo Carlone paints for Prince Eugene of Savoy’s Belvedere in Vienna. Belvedere–Zeitschrift für Bildende Kunst 11(2), 117–121.
Lamb-Faffelberger, M. (2003). Beyond “the sound of music”: The quest for cultural identity in modern Austria. The German Quarterly 76(3), 289–299.
Lowenthal, D. (1985). The past is a foreign country. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lowenthal, D. (1993). Landscape as heritage: National scenes and global changes. In J. M. Fladmark (Ed.), Heritage: Conservation, interpretation and enterprise (pp. 3–15). London: Donhead.
Meining, D. W. (1979). Symbolic landscapes: Some idealizations of American communities. In D. W. Meining (Ed.), The interpretation of ordinary landscapes: Geographical essays (pp. 164–192). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Menasse, R. (1993). Das Land ohne Eigenschaften [The country without characteristics]. Vienna: Sonderzahl.
Miller, D. (1995). On nationality. Oxford: Clarendon.
Muir, R. (1999). Approaches to landscape. London: Macmillan.
Nora, P. (Ed.). (1996–1998). Realms of memory: Rethinking the French past. English-language ed. edited and with a foreword by L. D. Kritzman (A. Goldhammer, Trans.). New York: Columbia University.
Österreich-Album 1945–1955: Junge Menschen erforschen Alltags- und Zeitgeschichte [Austrian album 1945– 1955: Adolescents’ research on the history of every day life and contemporary history]. A student project initiated by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture in 2005. Retrieved June 6, 2008, from www.austria.gv.at
Pollak, M. (1992). Vienne 1900: Une identité blessée [Vienna 1900: An injured identity]. Paris: Editions Gallimard.
Rathkolb, O. (2001). International perceptions of Austrian neutrality. In G. Bischof, A. Pelinka, & R. Wodak, (Eds.), Neutrality in Austria (pp. 69–91). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Riedl, J. (Ed.). (1995). Heimat: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Identität [In search of a lost identity]. [Exhibition catalogue of the Jewish Museum, Vienna]. Vienna: Brandstätter.
Robins, K. (2005). Identity. In T. Bennett, L. Grossberg, & M. Morris (Eds.), New keywords: A revised vocabulary on culture and society (pp. 174–175). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Rotenberg, R. (1995). Landscape and power in Vienna. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Schama, S. (1995). Landscape and memory. London: Fontana Press.
Scheidl, H. W. (2005, May 4). Belvedere: Eine Schau, die Jugendliche stolz machen soll [A show that should make adolescents proud]. Die Presse. Retrieved December 14, 2007 from http://www.diepresse.com
Serrill, M., McWhirter, W., & Svoboda, W. (1986, April 7). Sequels running out of answers. Time. Retrieved April 30, 2008, from www.time.com
Smith, A. D. (2000). The nation in history: Historiographical debates ethnicity and nationalism. Hanover, NH: Brandeis University.
Stachel, P. (1998). Der Heldenplatz: Zur Semiotik eines österreichischen Gedächtnisortes [Heroes Square: On the semiotics of an Austrian place of memory]. In S. Riesenfellner (Ed.), Steinernes Bewusstsein: Die öffentliche Repräsentation staatlicher und nationaler Identität Österreich in seinen Denkmälern [Petrified consciousness: The public representation of Austria’s stately and national identity in its memorials] (pp. 619–656). Vienna: Böhlau.
Stourzh, G. (1998). Um Einheit und Freiheit: Staatsvertrag, Neutralität und das Ende der Ost-West-Besetzung Österreichs, 1945–1955 [For unity and liberty: State treaty, neutrality, and the end of the east-west occupation of Austria, 1945–1955]. Vienna: Böhlau.
Taylor, G. (1996). Cultural selection: why some achievements survive the test of time—and others don’t. New York: Basic Books.
Traeger, V. (Ed.). (2005). Biedermeier paintings from the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere. [Exhibition catalogue]. Vienna.
Trost, E. (1985). Prinz Eugen. Wien: Amalthea.
Uhl, H. (2005). “Österreich ist frei ” Die Re-Inszenierung der österreichischen Nachkriegsmythen im Jubiläumsjahr 2005 [Austria is free The reproduction of Austrian post-war myths in the anniversary year 2005]. In Schulheft 4(120), 29–39.
Wallis, B. (1994). Selling nations: International exhibitions and cultural diplomacy. In D. Sherman & I. Rogoff (Eds.), Museum culture: Histories, discourses, spectacles (pp. 265–281). London: Routledge.
Welchman, J. C. (Ed.). (2006). Institutional critique and after. Zurich: JRP/ Ringier.
long complex history and commonly appraised rich culture of the now small country. Some visitors to the
Belvedere thought that the display of Austria’s former glory compensates in some way for its contemporary
position as a relatively small country. Besides Austria’s baroque heroic past, the prestigious golden age of fin
de-siècle culture is what the Belvedere (willingly or unwillingly) associates with Austria itself. Though many
of the special exhibitions are scrupulously researched and displayed, exhibitions about the nation’s treasures
are what one visitor expressed with concern “almost a blatant, self-admitted form of propaganda.” The
seemingly cash-strapped Belvedere, it appears, is reluctant to resist the allure of well-endowed crowd-pleasers,
even when they verge on exploitation of the museum’s intellectual resources and professional integrity.
Anderson, B. (1983, 1991). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism. London: Verso.
Apel, F. (1998). Deutscher Geist und deutsche Landschaft: Eine Topographie [German spirit and German landscape: A topography]. Munich: Albrecht Knaus.
Applegate, C. (1990). A nation of provincials: The German idea of heimat. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bächler, G. (Ed.). (1994). Beitreten oder Trittbrettfahren: Die Zukunft der Neutralität in Europa [The future of neutrality in Europe]. Zurich: Rüegger.
Beller, S. (1999). The tragic carnival: Austrian culture in the First World War. In A. Roshwald & R. Stites (Eds.), European culture in the Great War: The arts, entertainment and propaganda, 1914-1918 (pp. 127–161). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Beller, S. (2006). A concise history of Austria. Cambridge: University Press.
Bischof, G., Pelinka, A., & Wodak, R. (Eds.). (2001). Neutrality in Austria. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Bobbitt, P. (2002). The shield of Achilles: War, peace, and the course of history. New York: Alfred Knopf.
Breuss, S., Liebhart, K., & Pribersky, A. (1997). Rituale des nationalen Gedenkens—die Schweiz, Frankreich, Österreich und Deutschland im Vergleich [Rituals of national commemoration—Switzerland, France, Austria, and Germany in comparison]. In E. Brix & H. Stekl (Eds.), Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis [The fight for commemoration] (pp. 395–417). Vienna: Böhlau.
Brook–Shepherd, G. (1996). The Austrians: A thousand-year odyssey. London: Harper Collins.
Bruckmüller, E. (1993). The national identity of Austrians. In M. Teich & R. Porter (Eds.), The national question in Europe in historical context (pp. 196–227). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Connerton, P. (1989). How societies remember. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crane, S. A. (2000). Curious cabinets and imaginary museums. In S. A. Crane (Ed.), Museums and memory (pp. 60–90). Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
Danninger, K. (1995, February, 24). Irgendwann stirbt der Vertrag sowieso [Someday the treaty will die anyway]. In Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, n. p.
Foucault, M. (1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972–1977. Brighton: Harvester Press.
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Gillis, J. (Ed.). (1994). Commemorations: The politics of national identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Haller, M. (1996). Identität und Nationalstolz der Österreicher: Entwicklung und Wandel seit 1945 - Internationaler Vergleich. Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
Hall, S. (1996). Introduction: Who needs "identity"? In S. Hall & P. du Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp.1–17). London: Sage.
Hamisch, E. (2001). Wien: Heldenplatz [Vienna: Heroes square]. In E. Francois & H. Schulze (Eds.), Deutsche Erinnerungsorte [German places of memory] (pp. 105–121). Munich: C. H. Beck.
Heindl, W. (2001). Idole und Erinnerung: Gedanken zu (religiösen) Mythen in Zentraleuropa [Idols and memory: Thoughts on (religious) myths in central Europe]. In M. Csáky & K. Zeyringer (Eds.), Pluralitäten, Religionen und kulturelle Codes [Pluralities, religions and cultural codes] (pp. 31–48). Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.
Hofmann, P. (1988). The Viennese: Splendor, twilight, and exile. New York: Anchor Press.
Holland, D., Lachicotte Jr., W., Skinner, D., & Cain, C. (Eds.). (1998). Identity and agency in cultural worlds. London: Harvard University Press.
Hutchby, I., & Wooffitt, R. (1998). Conversation analysis: Principles, practices and applications. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Johnson, L. (1987). Introducing Austria: A short history. Vienna: Österreichischer Bundesverlag.
Johnston, W. M. (1972). The Austrian mind: An intellectual and social history, 1848–1938. Berkeley: University of California.
Kammen, M. (1991). Mystic chords of memory: The transformation of tradition in American culture. New York: Knopf.
Krapf, M. (2005). “You are gods on earth…” Carlo Innocenzo Carlone paints for Prince Eugene of Savoy’s Belvedere in Vienna. Belvedere–Zeitschrift für Bildende Kunst 11(2), 117–121.
Lamb-Faffelberger, M. (2003). Beyond “the sound of music”: The quest for cultural identity in modern Austria. The German Quarterly 76(3), 289–299.
Lowenthal, D. (1985). The past is a foreign country. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lowenthal, D. (1993). Landscape as heritage: National scenes and global changes. In J. M. Fladmark (Ed.), Heritage: Conservation, interpretation and enterprise (pp. 3–15). London: Donhead.
Meining, D. W. (1979). Symbolic landscapes: Some idealizations of American communities. In D. W. Meining (Ed.), The interpretation of ordinary landscapes: Geographical essays (pp. 164–192). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Menasse, R. (1993). Das Land ohne Eigenschaften [The country without characteristics]. Vienna: Sonderzahl.
Miller, D. (1995). On nationality. Oxford: Clarendon.
Muir, R. (1999). Approaches to landscape. London: Macmillan.
Nora, P. (Ed.). (1996–1998). Realms of memory: Rethinking the French past. English-language ed. edited and with a foreword by L. D. Kritzman (A. Goldhammer, Trans.). New York: Columbia University.
Österreich-Album 1945–1955: Junge Menschen erforschen Alltags- und Zeitgeschichte [Austrian album 1945– 1955: Adolescents’ research on the history of every day life and contemporary history]. A student project initiated by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture in 2005. Retrieved June 6, 2008, from www.austria.gv.at
Pollak, M. (1992). Vienne 1900: Une identité blessée [Vienna 1900: An injured identity]. Paris: Editions Gallimard.
Rathkolb, O. (2001). International perceptions of Austrian neutrality. In G. Bischof, A. Pelinka, & R. Wodak, (Eds.), Neutrality in Austria (pp. 69–91). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Riedl, J. (Ed.). (1995). Heimat: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Identität [In search of a lost identity]. [Exhibition catalogue of the Jewish Museum, Vienna]. Vienna: Brandstätter.
Robins, K. (2005). Identity. In T. Bennett, L. Grossberg, & M. Morris (Eds.), New keywords: A revised vocabulary on culture and society (pp. 174–175). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Rotenberg, R. (1995). Landscape and power in Vienna. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Schama, S. (1995). Landscape and memory. London: Fontana Press.
Scheidl, H. W. (2005, May 4). Belvedere: Eine Schau, die Jugendliche stolz machen soll [A show that should make adolescents proud]. Die Presse. Retrieved December 14, 2007 from http://www.diepresse.com
Serrill, M., McWhirter, W., & Svoboda, W. (1986, April 7). Sequels running out of answers. Time. Retrieved April 30, 2008, from www.time.com
Smith, A. D. (2000). The nation in history: Historiographical debates ethnicity and nationalism. Hanover, NH: Brandeis University.
Stachel, P. (1998). Der Heldenplatz: Zur Semiotik eines österreichischen Gedächtnisortes [Heroes Square: On the semiotics of an Austrian place of memory]. In S. Riesenfellner (Ed.), Steinernes Bewusstsein: Die öffentliche Repräsentation staatlicher und nationaler Identität Österreich in seinen Denkmälern [Petrified consciousness: The public representation of Austria’s stately and national identity in its memorials] (pp. 619–656). Vienna: Böhlau.
Stourzh, G. (1998). Um Einheit und Freiheit: Staatsvertrag, Neutralität und das Ende der Ost-West-Besetzung Österreichs, 1945–1955 [For unity and liberty: State treaty, neutrality, and the end of the east-west occupation of Austria, 1945–1955]. Vienna: Böhlau.
Taylor, G. (1996). Cultural selection: why some achievements survive the test of time—and others don’t. New York: Basic Books.
Traeger, V. (Ed.). (2005). Biedermeier paintings from the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere. [Exhibition catalogue]. Vienna.
Trost, E. (1985). Prinz Eugen. Wien: Amalthea.
Uhl, H. (2005). “Österreich ist frei ” Die Re-Inszenierung der österreichischen Nachkriegsmythen im Jubiläumsjahr 2005 [Austria is free The reproduction of Austrian post-war myths in the anniversary year 2005]. In Schulheft 4(120), 29–39.
Wallis, B. (1994). Selling nations: International exhibitions and cultural diplomacy. In D. Sherman & I. Rogoff (Eds.), Museum culture: Histories, discourses, spectacles (pp. 265–281). London: Routledge.
Welchman, J. C. (Ed.). (2006). Institutional critique and after. Zurich: JRP/ Ringier.
Riedler, M. (2012). Learning to be Austrian: A Meso-ethnographic Museum and National Identity Analysis. International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3(2), 31-48.