Utilization of project support for renewable energy financing in public buildings: A solar carport feasibility example
Yıl 2024,
, 347 - 367, 24.06.2024
Serkan Sezen
Energy consumption and adverse environmental impacts have increased because of urbanization and intense construction following industrialization. Increasing the number of buildings with green building certification is important and necessary to reduce the negative effects of the construction sector on the environment. One of the significant factors in green building certification scoring systems is the utilization rate of renewable energy sources to meet the building’s energy needs. The generally high costs associated with renewable energy investments often emerge as a restrictive factor, especially in public buildings with limited budgets. It is crucial to utilize project support related to financing to meet the required funding. Conducting a proper feasibility study within the scope of the project application serves as a convincing factor in the project evaluation process and increases the likelihood of project acceptance. This study presents a detailed technical and economic feasibility study conducted for the solar carport planned to be installed as part of the Public and Municipal Renewable Energy Project (KAYEP) carried out by Kocaeli University (KOÜ) Uzunçiftlik Nuh Çimento Vocational School as a step toward becoming a green building. The design and analysis were conducted using PV*SOL software. According to the results of the study, it is projected that the planned 49 kWp photovoltaic (PV) system will generate approximately 55 MWh of electricity annually, resulting in a total income or savings of 183,967₺. It is expected to reduce annual energy costs by 99% and prevent the annual emission of 25,844 kg of CO2 into the environment.
Etik Beyan
The author of the paper submitted declares that nothing which is necessary for achieving the paper requires ethical committee and/or legal-special permissions.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Engin ÖZDEMİR, the Director of the Uzunçiftlik Nuh Çimento Vocational School, for his valuable contributions to this study.
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