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A review of magnetic field assisted combustion

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 175 - 198, 22.03.2024


Since the early 1980s, research on magnetically enhanced combustion has garnered significant attention and importance. These studies have primarily focused on investigating the influence of magnetic fields on the combustion process of fuels. During this period, studies that highlighted the potential to alter molecular structures and properties through powerful magnetic fields emerged as significant contributors to the field. Simultaneously, the effects of magnetic fields on flame formation, behavior, and propagation have been thoroughly explored through various combustion models and experiments. The significance of these investigations lies in their contribution to a better understanding of the effects of combustion on energy efficiency and emission profiles. The capability of strong magnetic fields to modify molecular arrangements can enhance fuel atomization, promoting the creation of a more homogeneous fuel-air mixture. Additionally, the potential of magnetic fields to influence the reaction rates and behavior of gas molecules holds promise for achieving improved combustion and reduced emission production. Investigations have also focused on how chemical reactions of fuels are altered under magnetic fields and how these changes translate into motor performance. Specifically, research has highlighted how chain reactions such as gas combustion and explosion can be altered under magnetic fields, potentially reducing the production of harmful emissions like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. In this context, a comprehensive exploration of various aspects such as flame formation, engine performance, emissions, and explosion intensity under the influence of magnetic fields is of paramount importance. Future endeavors can potentially yield a more profound and precise understanding of the effects of magnetic fields on combustion processes and enable the utilization of this knowledge for more efficient and cleaner energy production across different industrial applications.


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  • [3] International Energy Agency (N.D.) World Oil Supply And Demand, 1971-2020. IEA, Paris. 2021; Https://Www.Iea.Org/Data-And-Statistics/Charts/World-Oil-Supply-And-Demand-1971-2020
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  • [6] Saksono N. Magnetizing kerosene for increasing combustion efficiency. Jurnal Teknologi 2005; Edisi No. 2, Tahun XIX, 155-162.
  • [7] Bian YC, Ding W, Hu L, Et Al. Magneto-revealing and acceleration of hidden kirkendall effect in galvanic replacement reaction. Phys. Chem. Lett 2021; 12(22): 5294–5300.
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  • [9] Li JQ, Ma TB, Ning JG. Mechanism of explosion-induced disturbance in natural magnetic field. Chinese Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2018; 50(05): 1206-1218.
  • [10] Gilart RA, Ungaro MRB, Rodríguez CEA, Et Al. Performance and exhaust gases of a diesel engine using different magnetic treatments of the fuel. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 2020; 14(1): 6285- 6294.
  • [11] Chen CY, Lee WJ, Mwangi JK, Et Al. Impact of magnetic tube on pollutant emissions from the diesel engine. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2017; 17(4): 1097-1104.
  • [12] Al-Rawaf MA. Magnetic field effects on spark ignition engine performance and its emissions at high engine speeds. Journal of Engineering and Development 2015; 19(4): 37-48.
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  • [28] Loskutova O, Walker TR, Crittenden PD, Dauvalter VA, Jones V, Kuhry P, Pystina T. Multiple indicators of human impacts on the environmentin the pechora basin. North-Eastern European Russia. Ecological Indicators 2009; 9(4): 765-779.
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 175 - 198, 22.03.2024



  • [1] Sevim C. Küresel enerji jeopolitiği ve enerji güvenliği. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 2012; 7(26): 4378-4391.
  • [2] The World Bank (N.D.) World Bank Open Data: Population, Total 2022; Https://Data.Worldbank.Org/Indicator/SP.POP.TOTL
  • [3] International Energy Agency (N.D.) World Oil Supply And Demand, 1971-2020. IEA, Paris. 2021; Https://Www.Iea.Org/Data-And-Statistics/Charts/World-Oil-Supply-And-Demand-1971-2020
  • [4] İlbaş M, Yılmaz İ. Farklı ısıl güçlerdeki kazanlarda yanma ve emisyon davranışının araştırılması. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2002; 18(1): 18-27.
  • [5] Yılmaz İ, İlbaş M. Hidrojen-metan karışım yanmasında yanma model sabitinin değerlendirilmesi. Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi 2010; 30(1): 45-57.
  • [6] Saksono N. Magnetizing kerosene for increasing combustion efficiency. Jurnal Teknologi 2005; Edisi No. 2, Tahun XIX, 155-162.
  • [7] Bian YC, Ding W, Hu L, Et Al. Magneto-revealing and acceleration of hidden kirkendall effect in galvanic replacement reaction. Phys. Chem. Lett 2021; 12(22): 5294–5300.
  • [8] Alnaimat, Dagher S, Mathew B, Et Al. Microfluidics based magnetophoresis: A review. The Chemical Record 2018; 18(11): 1596-1612.
  • [9] Li JQ, Ma TB, Ning JG. Mechanism of explosion-induced disturbance in natural magnetic field. Chinese Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2018; 50(05): 1206-1218.
  • [10] Gilart RA, Ungaro MRB, Rodríguez CEA, Et Al. Performance and exhaust gases of a diesel engine using different magnetic treatments of the fuel. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 2020; 14(1): 6285- 6294.
  • [11] Chen CY, Lee WJ, Mwangi JK, Et Al. Impact of magnetic tube on pollutant emissions from the diesel engine. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2017; 17(4): 1097-1104.
  • [12] Al-Rawaf MA. Magnetic field effects on spark ignition engine performance and its emissions at high engine speeds. Journal of Engineering and Development 2015; 19(4): 37-48.
  • [13] Kumar V, Rastogi V, Agarwal S, Et Al. Investigation of temperature profile and temperature stability of micro diffusion flame under the influence of magnetic field by use of a holo-shear lens-based interferometer. Optical Engineering 2020; 59(6): 064107.
  • [14] Ueno S, Harada K. Experimental difficulties in observing the effects of magnetic fields on biological and chemical processes. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1986; 22(5): 868-873.
  • [15] Ueno S, Harada K. Effect of magnetic fields on flames and gas flow. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1985;21(5).
  • [16] Ueno S, Harada K. Combustion process under strong DC magnetic fields. IEEE Transactions On Magnetics 1987; 23(5): 2752-2754.
  • [17] Ueno S, Esaki H, Harada R. Magnetic field effect on combustion. IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japantjmj1987; 2(9).
  • [18] Guo H, Chen Y, Yao R. A study of magnetic effects on the physicochemical properties of individual hydrocarbons. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1986.
  • [19] Wakayama N. Behavior of gas flow under gradient magnetic fields. Journal of Applied Physics 1991; 69: 2734–2736.
  • [20] Wakayama N. Effect of a gradient magnetic field on the combustion of methane in air. Chemical Physics Letters 1992; 188: 279-281.
  • [21] Wakayama N. Magnetic promotion of combustion in diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame 1993; 93: 207-214.
  • [22] Wakayama N, Ito H, Kuroda Y, Fujıta O, Ito K. Magnetic support of combustion in diffusion flames under microgravity. Combustion and Flame 1996; 107: 187-192.
  • [23] Fujita O, Ito K, Chida T, Nagai S, Takeshita Y. Determination of magnetic field effects on a jet diffusion flame in a microgravity environment. Twenty-Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute 1998; 2573–2578.
  • [24] Morozov YG, Kuznetsov MV. Effect of magnetic fields on combustion electromotive force. Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves 1999; 35(1): 18-22.
  • [25] Baker J, Varagani R. Models and experiments on laminar diffusion flames in non-uniform magnetic fields. Seventh International Workshop on Microgravity Combustion and Chemically Reacting Systems 2003; 317-320.
  • [26] Iwata N, Tsubuki S, Takaki Y, Watanabe K, Sekiguchi, M, Hosoki E, Saido TC. Identification of the major aβ 1– 42-degrading catabolic pathway in brain parenchyma: suppression leads to biochemical and pathological deposition. Nature Medicine 2000; 6(2): 143-150.
  • [27] Tung H, Cédric D, Anne V, Agnès J, Gilles L. A global tool for environmental assessment of roads– application to transport for road building. In European Conference of Transport Research Institutes The Hague 2010.
  • [28] Loskutova O, Walker TR, Crittenden PD, Dauvalter VA, Jones V, Kuhry P, Pystina T. Multiple indicators of human impacts on the environmentin the pechora basin. North-Eastern European Russia. Ecological Indicators 2009; 9(4): 765-779.
  • [29] Tao R. Investigate effects of magnetic fields on fuels. Department of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia 2004.
  • [30] Tao R, Xu X. Reducing the viscosity of crude oil by pulsed electric or magnetic field. Energy & Fuels 2006; 20: 2046-2051.
  • [31] Saksono N. Magnetising kerosene for increasing combustion efficiency. Jurnal Teknologi 2005; 2: 155-162.
  • [32] Chang KT, Weng CI. The effect of an external magnetic field on the structure of liquid water using molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Applied Physics 2006; 100: 043917.
  • [33] Gilard V, Gillon P, Blanchard JN, Sarh B. Influence of a horizontal magnetic field on a co-flow methane/air diffusion flame. Combustion Science and Technology 2018; 180(10-11): 1920-1935.
  • [34] Evdokimov IN, Kornishin KA. Apparent disaggregation of colloids in a magnetically treated crude oil. Energy & Fuels 2009; 23(8): 4016-4020.
  • [35] Legros G, Gomez T, Fessard M, Guibert P, Torero J. Magnetically induced flame flickering. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2010; 33: 1095-1103.
  • [36] Jalali M, Ahmadi M, Yadaei F, Azimi M, Hoseini H. Enhancement of benzine combustion behaviour in exposure to the magnetic field. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 2013; 1: 224-227.
  • [37] Ugare V, Dhoble A, Lutade S, Mudafale K. Performance of internal combustion (CI) engine under the influence of strong permanent magnetic field. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering 2014; 3: 11-17.
  • [38] Kumar M, Agarwal S, Kumar V, Khan G, Shakher C. Experimental investigation on butane diffusion flame under the influence of magnetic field by using digital speckle pattern interferometry. Applied Optics 2015; 54(9): 2450-2460.
  • [39] Agarwal AK, Gupta T, Shukla PC, Dhar A. Particulate emissions from biodiesel fuelled CI engines. Energy Conversion and Management 2015; 94: 311-330.
  • [40] Elamin AA, Ezeldin M, Masaad AM, Suleman NM. Effect of magnetic field on some physical characteristics and cetane number of diesel fuel. American Journal of Applied Chemistry 2015; 3(6): 212-216.
  • [41] Singh A. Measurement of fuel flow behaviour of propane diffusion flame by dimensionless numbers under magnetic field application. International Journal of Combined Research and Development 2015; 4: 585-586.
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Toplam 102 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Enerji ve Yakmada Kimyasal ve Termal Süreçler, İçten Yanmalı Motorlar
Bölüm Review Article

Ozan Öztürk 0000-0002-4959-6808

Murat Taştan 0000-0001-9988-2397

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 5 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, O., & Taştan, M. (2024). A review of magnetic field assisted combustion. International Journal of Energy Studies, 9(1), 175-198. https://doi.org/10.58559/ijes.1412125
AMA Öztürk O, Taştan M. A review of magnetic field assisted combustion. Int J Energy Studies. Mart 2024;9(1):175-198. doi:10.58559/ijes.1412125
Chicago Öztürk, Ozan, ve Murat Taştan. “A Review of Magnetic Field Assisted Combustion”. International Journal of Energy Studies 9, sy. 1 (Mart 2024): 175-98. https://doi.org/10.58559/ijes.1412125.
EndNote Öztürk O, Taştan M (01 Mart 2024) A review of magnetic field assisted combustion. International Journal of Energy Studies 9 1 175–198.
IEEE O. Öztürk ve M. Taştan, “A review of magnetic field assisted combustion”, Int J Energy Studies, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 175–198, 2024, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1412125.
ISNAD Öztürk, Ozan - Taştan, Murat. “A Review of Magnetic Field Assisted Combustion”. International Journal of Energy Studies 9/1 (Mart 2024), 175-198. https://doi.org/10.58559/ijes.1412125.
JAMA Öztürk O, Taştan M. A review of magnetic field assisted combustion. Int J Energy Studies. 2024;9:175–198.
MLA Öztürk, Ozan ve Murat Taştan. “A Review of Magnetic Field Assisted Combustion”. International Journal of Energy Studies, c. 9, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 175-98, doi:10.58559/ijes.1412125.
Vancouver Öztürk O, Taştan M. A review of magnetic field assisted combustion. Int J Energy Studies. 2024;9(1):175-98.