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Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 971 - 995, 18.03.2025


This study aims to provide valuable information on which factors are determinant for energy consumption in the long term. In this respect, the study investigates the impact of financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality on energy consumption for Central Asia which comprises Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The analysis covers 1996–2014 period and political stability and absence of violence is included as institutional quality indicator as described by the World Bank. To test this relationship, the method employed is static panel data analysis. Empirical results show that financial development and trade openness positively affect energy consumption in these countries. In addition, institutional quality also has positive and significant effect on energy consumption. Based on this finding, policymakers are advised to invest in renewable energy sources given the energy needs and recommended to ensure that energy policy stringency is provided, leading to increasing institutional quality.


  • [1] Abosedra S, Shahbaz M, Sbia, R. The links between energy consumption, financial development, and economic growth in Lebanon: evidence from cointegration with unknown structural breaks. Journal of Energy 2015: 1-15.
  • [2] Adebayo TS. Renewable energy consumption and environmental sustainability in Canada: does political stability make a difference? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022; 29: 61307–61322.
  • [3] Alesina A, Perotti R. Income distribution, political instability, and investment. European Economic Review 1996, 40(6): 1203-1228.
  • [4] Al-Tal R, Al-Tarawneh A. The impact of government effectiveness and political stability on energy consumption in the selected MENA economies. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2021; 11(2): 1-6.
  • [5] Andreß H, Golsch K, Schmidt AW. Applied panel data analysis for economic and social surveys. Springer, 2013.
  • [6] Asteriou D, Hall S. Applied econometrics: a modern approach. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, US, 2007.
  • [7] Azam M, Liu L, Ahmad N. Impact of institutional quality on environment and energy consumption: evidence from developing world. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2020; 23: 1646-1667.
  • [8] Baloch MA, Danish M, Meng F. Modeling the non-linear relationship between financial development and energy consumption: statistical experience from OECD countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019; 26: 8838–8846.
  • [9] Baltagi BH, Wu PX. Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances. Econometric Theory 1999; 15: 814-823.
  • [10] Baltagi BH. Econometric analysis of panel data. Third edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2005.
  • [11] Baum CF. An introduction to modern econometrics using Stata. Stata Press, 2006.
  • [12] Bhargava A, Franzini L, Narendranathan, W. Serial correlation and the fixed effects model. The Review of Economic Studies 1982; 49(4): 533-549.
  • [13] Brown MB, Forsythe AB. Robust tests for equality of variances. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1974; 69: 364-367.
  • [14] Burney NA. Socioeconomic development and electricity consumption A cross-country analysis using the random coefficient method. Energy Economics 1995, 17(3), 185-195.
  • [15] Cameron AC, Trivedi PK. Microeconometrics: methods and applications. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • [16] Chang C, Wen J, Zheng M, Dong M, Hao Y. Is higher government efficiency conducive to improving energy use efficiency? evidence from OECD countries. Economic Modelling 2018; 72: 65-77.
  • [17] Chang S. Effects of financial developments and income on energy consumption. International Review of Economics and Finance 2014; 35: 28-44.
  • [18] Chiu Y, Lee C. Effects of financial development on energy consumption: the role of country risks. Energy Economics 2020; 90: 104833.
  • [19] Chunyu L, Zain-ul-Abidin S, Majeed W, Raza SMF, Ahmad I. The non-linear relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, financial development and energy consumption in developing European and Central Asian economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021; 28: 63330–63345.
  • [20] Darby J, Li CW, Muscatelli VA. Political uncertainty, public expenditure and growth. European Journal of Political Economy 2004; 20(1): 153-179.
  • [21] D’Agostino RB, Belanger A, D’Agostino RBJr. A suggestion for using powerful and informative tests of normality. The American Statistician 1990; 44(4): 316–321.
  • [22] Deese DA. Energy: economics, politics, and security. International Security 1979;4(3): 140- 153.
  • [23] Destek MA. Energy consumption, economic growth, financial development and trade openness in Turkey: Maki cointegration test. Bulletin of Energy Economics 2015; 3(4): 162-168.
  • [24] Doğan B, Değer O. How globalization and economic growth affect energy consumption: panel data analysis in the sample of Brazil, Russia, India, China Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2016; 6(4): 806-813.
  • [25] Driscoll JC, Kraay AC. Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of Economics and Statistics 1998; 80(4): 549-560.
  • [26] Duan R, Guo P. Electricity consumption in China: the effects of financial development and trade openness. Sustainability 2021; 13(18): 10206.
  • [27] Farhani S, Öztürk İ. Causal relationship between CO2 emissions, real GDP, energy consumption, financial development, trade openness, and urbanization in Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015; 22: 15663–15676.
  • [28] Fredriksson PG, Vollebergh HRJ, Dijkgraaf E. Corruption and energy efficiency in OECD countries: theory and evidence. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2004; 47: 207-231.
  • [29] Frees EW. Assessing cross-sectional correlation in panel data. Journal of Econometrics 1995; 69(2): 393-414.
  • [30] Frees EW. Longitudinal and panel data analysis and applications in the social sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, US, 2004.
  • [31] Friedman M. The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1937; 32(200): 675-701.
  • [32] Godil DI, Sharif A, Ali MI, Öztürk İ, Usman R. The role of financial development, R&D expenditure, globalization and institutional quality in energy consumption in India: new evidence from the QARDL approach. Journal of Environmental Management 2021; 285: 112208.
  • [33] Greene WH. Econometric analysis. Fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2003.
  • [34] Gujarati DN, Porter DC. Basic econometrics. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009.
  • [35] Gürbüz YE, Uulu MA, Çiçekli MY. Orta Asya enerji raporu. Orta Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi (ORASAM), Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, May 2022. 2%20(1).pdf
  • [36] Haider S, Adil MH. Does financial development and trade openness enhance industrial energy consumption? a sustainable developmental perspective. Management of Environmental Quality 2019; 30(6): 1297-1313.
  • [37] Hausman JA. Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica 1978; 46(6): 1251–1271.
  • [38] Hsiao C. Analysis of panel data. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
  • [39] Jones DW. How urbanization affects energy-use in developing countries. Energy Policy 1991; 19(7): 621-630.
  • [40] Kartal MT, Depren SK, Kirikkaleli D, Depren Ö, Khan U. Asymmetric and long-run impact of political stability on consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in Finland: evidence from nonlinear and fourier-based approaches. Journal of Environmental Management 2022; 321: 116043.
  • [41] Kaufmann D, Kraay A, Mastruzzi M. The Worldwide Governance Indicators: Methodology and Analytical Issues. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2010; 5430.
  • [42] Kraft J, Kraft A. On the relationship between energy and GNP. The Journal of Energy and Development 1978; 3(2): 401-403.
  • [43] Lee CC, Chang CP. Energy consumption and GDP revisited: A panel analysis of developed and developing countries. Energy Economics 2007; 29: 1206–1223.
  • [44] Levene H. Robust testes for equality of variances. In Contributions to Probability and Statistics. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, 1960; 278–292.
  • [45] Liu Y. Exploring the relationship between urbanization and energy consumption in China using ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) and FDM (Factor Decomposition Model). Energy 2009; 34(11): 1846-1854.
  • [46] Liu Y, Xiao H. Lv Y. Zhang N. The effect of new-type urbanization on energy consumption in China: a spatial econometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017; 163: 299-305.
  • [47] Liu Y. Exploring the relationship between urbanization and energy consumption in China using ARDL (autoregressive distributed lag) and FDM (factor decomposition model). Energy 2009; 34(11): 1846-1854
  • [48] Mahalik MK, Babu S, Loganathan N, Shahbaz M. Does financial development intensify energy consumption in Saudi Arabia? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 75: 1022-1034.
  • [49] Mohsin M, Naseem S, Sarfraz M, Azam T. Assessing the effects of fuel energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP on CO2 emission: new data science evidence from Europe & Central Asia. Fuel 2022; 314: 123098.
  • [50] Nasreen S, Anwar S. Causal relationship between trade openness, economic growth and energy consumption: a panel data analysis of Asian countries. Energy Policy 2014; 69: 82-91.
  • [51] Nguyen AT. The relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions: evidence from Central Asia. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 2019; 12(24): 1-15.
  • [52] Park HM. Linear Regression Models for Panel Data Using SAS, Stata, LIMDEP, and SPSS. Working Paper. The University Information Technology Services (UITS) Center for Statistical and Mathematical Computing, Indiana University, 2009.
  • [53] Peseran M. General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. IZA Discussion Paper Series, 2004; 1240.
  • [54] Poumanyvong P, Kaneko S. Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? a cross-country analysis. Ecological Economics 2010; 70: 434-444.
  • [55] Rafindadi AA, Öztürk İ. Dynamic effects of financial development, trade openness and economic growth on energy consumption: evidence from South Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2017; 7(3): 74-85.
  • [56] Rafindadi AA. Econometric prediction on the effects of financial development and trade openness on the german energy consumption: a startling revelation from the data set. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2015; 5(1), 182-196.
  • [57] Ren L, Wang W, Wang J, Liu R. Analysis of energy consumption and carbon emission during the urbanization of shandong province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2015; 103: 534-541.
  • [58] Roodman D. How to do xtabond2: An introduction to difference and system GMM in Stata. The Stata journal 2009; 9(1): 86-136.
  • [59] Sadorsky P. Financial development and energy consumption in central and eastern european frontier economies. Energy Policy 2011; 39(2): 999-1006.
  • [60] Sadorsky P. Do Urbanization and industrialization affect energy intensity. Energy Economics 2013; 37: 52-59.
  • [61] Sadorsky P. The impact of financial development on energy consumption in emerging economies. Energy Policy 2010; 38: 2528–2535.
  • [62] Salim RA, Shafiei S. Urbanization and renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in OECD countries: an empirical analysis. Economic Modelling 2014; 38: 581-591.
  • [63] Shahbaz M, Lean HH. Does financial development increase energy consumption? the role of industrialization and urbanization in Tunisia. Energy Policy 2012; 40: 473-479..
  • [64] Shahbaz M, Nasreen S, Ling CH, Sbia R. Causality between trade openness and energy consumption: what causes what in high, middle and low income countries. Energy Policy 2014; 70: 126-143.
  • [65] Sheng P, He Y, Guo X. The impact of urbanization on energy consumption and efficiency. Energy & Environment 2017; 28(7): 673-686.
  • [66] Sheytanova T. The accuracy of the hausman test in panel data: a monte carlo study. Master’s thesis, Örebro University, 2014.
  • [67] Sun X, Meng Z, Zhang X, Wu J. The role of institutional quality in the nexus between green financing and sustainable development. Research in International Business and Finance 2025; 73: 102531.
  • [68] The World Bank. 2024.
  • [69] Torres-Reyna O. Panel data analysis fixed and random effects using STATA. Data & Statistical Services. Princeton University, 2007.
  • [70] Ummalla M, Goyari P. Does institutional quality matter for renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions? Evidence from a panel of BRICS countries. 2024.
  • [71] Wang S, Fang C, Guan X, Pang B, Ma H. Urbanisation, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions. Applied Energy, 2014; 136: 738-749.
  • [72] Wang JZ, Feng GF, Chang CP. How does political instability affect renewable energy innovation? Renewable Energy 2024;230:120800.
  • [73] Wang Q, Su M, Li R, Ponce P. The effects of energy prices, urbanization and economic growth on energy consumption per capita in 186 countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019; 225: 1017-1032.
  • [74] Wooldridge JM. Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. 2nd Edition. The MIT Press, Cambridge,UK, 2010.
  • [75] Zhao Y, Wang S. The relationship between urbanization, economic growth and energy consumption in China: an econometric perspective analysis. Sustainability 2015;7(5): 5609-5627.
Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 971 - 995, 18.03.2025



  • [1] Abosedra S, Shahbaz M, Sbia, R. The links between energy consumption, financial development, and economic growth in Lebanon: evidence from cointegration with unknown structural breaks. Journal of Energy 2015: 1-15.
  • [2] Adebayo TS. Renewable energy consumption and environmental sustainability in Canada: does political stability make a difference? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022; 29: 61307–61322.
  • [3] Alesina A, Perotti R. Income distribution, political instability, and investment. European Economic Review 1996, 40(6): 1203-1228.
  • [4] Al-Tal R, Al-Tarawneh A. The impact of government effectiveness and political stability on energy consumption in the selected MENA economies. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2021; 11(2): 1-6.
  • [5] Andreß H, Golsch K, Schmidt AW. Applied panel data analysis for economic and social surveys. Springer, 2013.
  • [6] Asteriou D, Hall S. Applied econometrics: a modern approach. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, US, 2007.
  • [7] Azam M, Liu L, Ahmad N. Impact of institutional quality on environment and energy consumption: evidence from developing world. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2020; 23: 1646-1667.
  • [8] Baloch MA, Danish M, Meng F. Modeling the non-linear relationship between financial development and energy consumption: statistical experience from OECD countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019; 26: 8838–8846.
  • [9] Baltagi BH, Wu PX. Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances. Econometric Theory 1999; 15: 814-823.
  • [10] Baltagi BH. Econometric analysis of panel data. Third edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2005.
  • [11] Baum CF. An introduction to modern econometrics using Stata. Stata Press, 2006.
  • [12] Bhargava A, Franzini L, Narendranathan, W. Serial correlation and the fixed effects model. The Review of Economic Studies 1982; 49(4): 533-549.
  • [13] Brown MB, Forsythe AB. Robust tests for equality of variances. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1974; 69: 364-367.
  • [14] Burney NA. Socioeconomic development and electricity consumption A cross-country analysis using the random coefficient method. Energy Economics 1995, 17(3), 185-195.
  • [15] Cameron AC, Trivedi PK. Microeconometrics: methods and applications. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • [16] Chang C, Wen J, Zheng M, Dong M, Hao Y. Is higher government efficiency conducive to improving energy use efficiency? evidence from OECD countries. Economic Modelling 2018; 72: 65-77.
  • [17] Chang S. Effects of financial developments and income on energy consumption. International Review of Economics and Finance 2014; 35: 28-44.
  • [18] Chiu Y, Lee C. Effects of financial development on energy consumption: the role of country risks. Energy Economics 2020; 90: 104833.
  • [19] Chunyu L, Zain-ul-Abidin S, Majeed W, Raza SMF, Ahmad I. The non-linear relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, financial development and energy consumption in developing European and Central Asian economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021; 28: 63330–63345.
  • [20] Darby J, Li CW, Muscatelli VA. Political uncertainty, public expenditure and growth. European Journal of Political Economy 2004; 20(1): 153-179.
  • [21] D’Agostino RB, Belanger A, D’Agostino RBJr. A suggestion for using powerful and informative tests of normality. The American Statistician 1990; 44(4): 316–321.
  • [22] Deese DA. Energy: economics, politics, and security. International Security 1979;4(3): 140- 153.
  • [23] Destek MA. Energy consumption, economic growth, financial development and trade openness in Turkey: Maki cointegration test. Bulletin of Energy Economics 2015; 3(4): 162-168.
  • [24] Doğan B, Değer O. How globalization and economic growth affect energy consumption: panel data analysis in the sample of Brazil, Russia, India, China Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2016; 6(4): 806-813.
  • [25] Driscoll JC, Kraay AC. Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of Economics and Statistics 1998; 80(4): 549-560.
  • [26] Duan R, Guo P. Electricity consumption in China: the effects of financial development and trade openness. Sustainability 2021; 13(18): 10206.
  • [27] Farhani S, Öztürk İ. Causal relationship between CO2 emissions, real GDP, energy consumption, financial development, trade openness, and urbanization in Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015; 22: 15663–15676.
  • [28] Fredriksson PG, Vollebergh HRJ, Dijkgraaf E. Corruption and energy efficiency in OECD countries: theory and evidence. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2004; 47: 207-231.
  • [29] Frees EW. Assessing cross-sectional correlation in panel data. Journal of Econometrics 1995; 69(2): 393-414.
  • [30] Frees EW. Longitudinal and panel data analysis and applications in the social sciences. Cambridge University Press, New York, US, 2004.
  • [31] Friedman M. The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the analysis of variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1937; 32(200): 675-701.
  • [32] Godil DI, Sharif A, Ali MI, Öztürk İ, Usman R. The role of financial development, R&D expenditure, globalization and institutional quality in energy consumption in India: new evidence from the QARDL approach. Journal of Environmental Management 2021; 285: 112208.
  • [33] Greene WH. Econometric analysis. Fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2003.
  • [34] Gujarati DN, Porter DC. Basic econometrics. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009.
  • [35] Gürbüz YE, Uulu MA, Çiçekli MY. Orta Asya enerji raporu. Orta Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi (ORASAM), Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, May 2022. 2%20(1).pdf
  • [36] Haider S, Adil MH. Does financial development and trade openness enhance industrial energy consumption? a sustainable developmental perspective. Management of Environmental Quality 2019; 30(6): 1297-1313.
  • [37] Hausman JA. Specification tests in econometrics. Econometrica 1978; 46(6): 1251–1271.
  • [38] Hsiao C. Analysis of panel data. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
  • [39] Jones DW. How urbanization affects energy-use in developing countries. Energy Policy 1991; 19(7): 621-630.
  • [40] Kartal MT, Depren SK, Kirikkaleli D, Depren Ö, Khan U. Asymmetric and long-run impact of political stability on consumption-based carbon dioxide emissions in Finland: evidence from nonlinear and fourier-based approaches. Journal of Environmental Management 2022; 321: 116043.
  • [41] Kaufmann D, Kraay A, Mastruzzi M. The Worldwide Governance Indicators: Methodology and Analytical Issues. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2010; 5430.
  • [42] Kraft J, Kraft A. On the relationship between energy and GNP. The Journal of Energy and Development 1978; 3(2): 401-403.
  • [43] Lee CC, Chang CP. Energy consumption and GDP revisited: A panel analysis of developed and developing countries. Energy Economics 2007; 29: 1206–1223.
  • [44] Levene H. Robust testes for equality of variances. In Contributions to Probability and Statistics. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, 1960; 278–292.
  • [45] Liu Y. Exploring the relationship between urbanization and energy consumption in China using ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) and FDM (Factor Decomposition Model). Energy 2009; 34(11): 1846-1854.
  • [46] Liu Y, Xiao H. Lv Y. Zhang N. The effect of new-type urbanization on energy consumption in China: a spatial econometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017; 163: 299-305.
  • [47] Liu Y. Exploring the relationship between urbanization and energy consumption in China using ARDL (autoregressive distributed lag) and FDM (factor decomposition model). Energy 2009; 34(11): 1846-1854
  • [48] Mahalik MK, Babu S, Loganathan N, Shahbaz M. Does financial development intensify energy consumption in Saudi Arabia? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017; 75: 1022-1034.
  • [49] Mohsin M, Naseem S, Sarfraz M, Azam T. Assessing the effects of fuel energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP on CO2 emission: new data science evidence from Europe & Central Asia. Fuel 2022; 314: 123098.
  • [50] Nasreen S, Anwar S. Causal relationship between trade openness, economic growth and energy consumption: a panel data analysis of Asian countries. Energy Policy 2014; 69: 82-91.
  • [51] Nguyen AT. The relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions: evidence from Central Asia. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 2019; 12(24): 1-15.
  • [52] Park HM. Linear Regression Models for Panel Data Using SAS, Stata, LIMDEP, and SPSS. Working Paper. The University Information Technology Services (UITS) Center for Statistical and Mathematical Computing, Indiana University, 2009.
  • [53] Peseran M. General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels. IZA Discussion Paper Series, 2004; 1240.
  • [54] Poumanyvong P, Kaneko S. Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? a cross-country analysis. Ecological Economics 2010; 70: 434-444.
  • [55] Rafindadi AA, Öztürk İ. Dynamic effects of financial development, trade openness and economic growth on energy consumption: evidence from South Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2017; 7(3): 74-85.
  • [56] Rafindadi AA. Econometric prediction on the effects of financial development and trade openness on the german energy consumption: a startling revelation from the data set. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 2015; 5(1), 182-196.
  • [57] Ren L, Wang W, Wang J, Liu R. Analysis of energy consumption and carbon emission during the urbanization of shandong province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2015; 103: 534-541.
  • [58] Roodman D. How to do xtabond2: An introduction to difference and system GMM in Stata. The Stata journal 2009; 9(1): 86-136.
  • [59] Sadorsky P. Financial development and energy consumption in central and eastern european frontier economies. Energy Policy 2011; 39(2): 999-1006.
  • [60] Sadorsky P. Do Urbanization and industrialization affect energy intensity. Energy Economics 2013; 37: 52-59.
  • [61] Sadorsky P. The impact of financial development on energy consumption in emerging economies. Energy Policy 2010; 38: 2528–2535.
  • [62] Salim RA, Shafiei S. Urbanization and renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in OECD countries: an empirical analysis. Economic Modelling 2014; 38: 581-591.
  • [63] Shahbaz M, Lean HH. Does financial development increase energy consumption? the role of industrialization and urbanization in Tunisia. Energy Policy 2012; 40: 473-479..
  • [64] Shahbaz M, Nasreen S, Ling CH, Sbia R. Causality between trade openness and energy consumption: what causes what in high, middle and low income countries. Energy Policy 2014; 70: 126-143.
  • [65] Sheng P, He Y, Guo X. The impact of urbanization on energy consumption and efficiency. Energy & Environment 2017; 28(7): 673-686.
  • [66] Sheytanova T. The accuracy of the hausman test in panel data: a monte carlo study. Master’s thesis, Örebro University, 2014.
  • [67] Sun X, Meng Z, Zhang X, Wu J. The role of institutional quality in the nexus between green financing and sustainable development. Research in International Business and Finance 2025; 73: 102531.
  • [68] The World Bank. 2024.
  • [69] Torres-Reyna O. Panel data analysis fixed and random effects using STATA. Data & Statistical Services. Princeton University, 2007.
  • [70] Ummalla M, Goyari P. Does institutional quality matter for renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions? Evidence from a panel of BRICS countries. 2024.
  • [71] Wang S, Fang C, Guan X, Pang B, Ma H. Urbanisation, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions. Applied Energy, 2014; 136: 738-749.
  • [72] Wang JZ, Feng GF, Chang CP. How does political instability affect renewable energy innovation? Renewable Energy 2024;230:120800.
  • [73] Wang Q, Su M, Li R, Ponce P. The effects of energy prices, urbanization and economic growth on energy consumption per capita in 186 countries. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019; 225: 1017-1032.
  • [74] Wooldridge JM. Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. 2nd Edition. The MIT Press, Cambridge,UK, 2010.
  • [75] Zhao Y, Wang S. The relationship between urbanization, economic growth and energy consumption in China: an econometric perspective analysis. Sustainability 2015;7(5): 5609-5627.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Article

Şerife Özşahin 0000-0001-8310-1816

Emel Akbal 0000-0001-8588-5861

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özşahin, Ş., & Akbal, E. (2025). Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?. International Journal of Energy Studies, 10(1), 971-995.
AMA Özşahin Ş, Akbal E. Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?. Int J Energy Studies. Mart 2025;10(1):971-995. doi:10.58559/ijes.1563493
Chicago Özşahin, Şerife, ve Emel Akbal. “Do Financial Development, Trade Openness, and Institutional Quality Matter for Energy Consumption in Central Asia?”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 971-95.
EndNote Özşahin Ş, Akbal E (01 Mart 2025) Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?. International Journal of Energy Studies 10 1 971–995.
IEEE Ş. Özşahin ve E. Akbal, “Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?”, Int J Energy Studies, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 971–995, 2025, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1563493.
ISNAD Özşahin, Şerife - Akbal, Emel. “Do Financial Development, Trade Openness, and Institutional Quality Matter for Energy Consumption in Central Asia?”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10/1 (Mart 2025), 971-995.
JAMA Özşahin Ş, Akbal E. Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10:971–995.
MLA Özşahin, Şerife ve Emel Akbal. “Do Financial Development, Trade Openness, and Institutional Quality Matter for Energy Consumption in Central Asia?”. International Journal of Energy Studies, c. 10, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 971-95, doi:10.58559/ijes.1563493.
Vancouver Özşahin Ş, Akbal E. Do financial development, trade openness, and institutional quality matter for energy consumption in Central Asia?. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10(1):971-95.