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A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey's electricity energy system

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 1159 - 1183, 18.03.2025


Turkey’s achievement of sustainable energy goals can be realized through the enhancement of renewable energy capacity and the strategic integration of nuclear energy. This study aims to promote the use of renewable energy sources and evaluate the impacts of integrating nuclear energy into the energy system to support Turkey’s sustainable energy objectives. Within the framework of the Turkish National Energy Plan, two scenario groups covering the 2025-2050 period were developed using the EnergyPLAN simulation program (version 16.22). The first scenario group focuses solely on the gradual increase of renewable energy capacity, while the second scenario group examines the effects of nuclear energy on energy security and carbon emissions. The results indicate that, in scenarios without nuclear energy, CO₂ emissions decrease by 28%, whereas, with the integration of nuclear energy, this reduction reaches 39%. This comprehensive assessment provides important recommendations that contribute to Turkey’s energy security and sustainable development strategies.


  • [1] Yılankırkan N, Doğan H. Turkey’s energy outlook and primary energy supply projection for 2023. Batman University Journal of Life Sciences 2020; 10(2): 77-92.
  • [2] Türkyılmaz O, Özgiresun C. Turkey’s energy outlook. TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Enlarged 2nd Edition; MMO/588, Ankara, 2012.
  • [3] TEİAŞ. Installed power by sources and organizations. 2022. Retrieved from (accessed on 20.11.2023).
  • [4] Bačeković I, Østergaard PA. A smart energy system approach vs. a non-integrated renewable energy system approach to designing a future energy system in Zagreb. Energy 2018; 155: 824– 837.
  • [5] Akpahou R, Odoi-Yorke F, Mensah LD, Quansah DA, Kemausuor F. Strategizing towards sustainable energy planning: modeling the mix of future generation technologies for 2050 in Benin. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition 2024; 5: 100079.
  • [6] Galimova T, Satymov R, Keiner D, Breyer C. Sustainable energy transition of Greenland and its prospects as a potential Arctic e-fuel and e-chemical export hub for Europe and East Asia. Energy 2024; 286: 129605.
  • [7] Menapace A, Thellufsen JZ, Pernigotto G, Roberti F, Gasparella A, Righetti M, Baratieri M, Lund H. The design of 100% renewable smart urban energy systems: the case of Bozen-Bolzano. Energy 2020; 207: 118198.
  • [8] Cabrera P, Lund H, Carta JA. Smart renewable energy penetration strategies on islands: the case of Gran Canaria. Energy 2018; 162: 421-443.
  • [9] Bamisile O, Wang X, Adun H, Ejiyi CJ, Obiora S, Huang Q, Hu W. A 2030 and 2050 feasible/sustainable decarbonization perusal for China’s Sichuan Province: a deep carbon neutrality analysis and EnergyPLAN. Energy Conversion and Management 2022; 261: 115605.
  • [10] Arévalo P, Cano A, Jurado F. Mitigation of carbon footprint with 100% renewable energy system by 2050: the case of Galapagos Islands. Energy 2022; 245: 123247.
  • [11] Luo S, Hu W, Liu W, Xu X, Huang Q, Chen Z, Lund H. Transition pathways towards a deep decarbonization energy system—a case study in Sichuan, China. Applied Energy 2021; 302: 117507.
  • [12] Kilickaplan A, Bogdanov D, Peker O, Caldera U, Aghahosseini A, Breyer C. An energy transition pathway for Turkey to achieve 100% renewable energy-powered electricity, desalination, and non-energetic industrial gas demand sectors by 2050. Solar Energy 2017; 158: 218-235.
  • [13] Aktepe C, Gökkaya A. Turkey’s foreign trade deficit and the nuclear energy option. Journal of Business Research 2023; 15(4): 2978-2995.
  • [14] Zaimoğlu Z, Erkurt FE. Evaluation of modular nuclear power plants (SMR) in terms of climate change and sustainable energy supply. International Research in Engineering 2024; XII: 21.
  • [15] İşeri E, Özen C. The position of nuclear energy within the scope of sustainable energy policies in Turkey. İ.Ü. Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences 2012; (47): 161-180.
  • [16] Özalp M. The effect of nuclear energy installation in Turkey on foreign energy dependency and supply security. C.Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2017; 18(2): 175- 188.
  • [17] Hobley A. Will gas be gone in the United Kingdom (UK) by 2050? An impact assessment of urban heat decarbonisation and low emission vehicle uptake on future UK energy system scenarios. Renewable Energy 2019; 142: 695-705.
  • [18] Zakeri B, Syri S, Rinne S. Higher renewable energy integration into the existing energy system of Finland—is there any maximum limit? Energy 2015; 92: 244-259.
  • [19] Bulut E, Karlıdağ S. Mediating nuclear energy: newspaper representations of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey (2010–2017). Energy Research & Social Science 2018; 44: 56-65.
  • [20] Eş N. Mercan S, Ayas A. Examination of pre-service teachers’ views on nuclear energy. Turkish Journal of Education (TURJE) 2016; 5(3): 128-140.
  • [21] Özdemir N. The effect of discussing socio-scientific issues on individuals' attitudes towards nuclear power plants. Turkish Studies 2014; 9(2): 567-580.
  • [22] Mühendistan. EnergyPLAN simulation program explanations. 2023. Retrieved from (accessed on 23.12.2023).
  • [23] Emeç Ş. Stochastic model and solution approaches for the analysis of renewable energy systems. YÖK National Thesis Center 2021. Retrieved from
  • [24] Information Center. Electrical energy. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.12.2023).
  • [25] EPİAŞ. 2022. Retrieved from (accessed on 20.11.2023).
  • [26] Turkey National Energy Plan. Retrieved from n%C4%B1.pdf.
  • [27] Ensonhaber. Nuclear energy future. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.10.2023).
  • [28] Turkey Renewable Energy Outlook 2022. Retrieved from
  • [29] Denmark Energy Agency. Technology data. 2020.
  • [30] EnergyPLAN. Cost database. 2018.
  • [31] Aksoy H, Yiğit V, Bavbek KG, Toma EK, Rogner M. Turkey’s optimum electricity generation capacity towards 2030. SHURA Energy Conversion Center 2020.
  • [32] IEA. World energy outlook 2020. IEA, Paris 2020.

A Roadmap for the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Sustainable Development of Turkey's Electricity Energy System

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 1159 - 1183, 18.03.2025


In recent years, research on clean energy systems has grown significantly, leading to the development of various energy modeling strategies for the transition process. This study aims to present a roadmap by developing diverse scenarios to achieve the targets outlined in Turkey's National Energy Plan. The EnergyPLAN simulation program (Version 16.22) was utilized for scenario development. The scenarios were categorized into two groups based on the inclusion or exclusion of nuclear energy. In the first group, six scenarios were designed to meet energy demands for the years 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, and 2050, with varying levels of renewable energy integration. In the second group, nuclear energy, which is projected to be incorporated into Turkey's energy plans starting in 2035, was added to the first group of scenarios, resulting in four additional scenarios for the years 2035, 2040, 2045, and 2050. The scenarios successfully achieved the targeted levels of renewable energy use. Additionally, they were assessed based on CO2 emissions resulting from energy consumption. The results reveal that in the first group of scenarios for 2050, a 28% reduction in CO2 emissions was observed compared to the reference scenario, whereas a 39% reduction was observed in the second group. These findings suggest that nuclear energy generates significantly fewer CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels. Overall, the results align with the study's objectives and provide a promising roadmap for the transition to 100% renewable energy.


  • [1] Yılankırkan N, Doğan H. Turkey’s energy outlook and primary energy supply projection for 2023. Batman University Journal of Life Sciences 2020; 10(2): 77-92.
  • [2] Türkyılmaz O, Özgiresun C. Turkey’s energy outlook. TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Enlarged 2nd Edition; MMO/588, Ankara, 2012.
  • [3] TEİAŞ. Installed power by sources and organizations. 2022. Retrieved from (accessed on 20.11.2023).
  • [4] Bačeković I, Østergaard PA. A smart energy system approach vs. a non-integrated renewable energy system approach to designing a future energy system in Zagreb. Energy 2018; 155: 824– 837.
  • [5] Akpahou R, Odoi-Yorke F, Mensah LD, Quansah DA, Kemausuor F. Strategizing towards sustainable energy planning: modeling the mix of future generation technologies for 2050 in Benin. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition 2024; 5: 100079.
  • [6] Galimova T, Satymov R, Keiner D, Breyer C. Sustainable energy transition of Greenland and its prospects as a potential Arctic e-fuel and e-chemical export hub for Europe and East Asia. Energy 2024; 286: 129605.
  • [7] Menapace A, Thellufsen JZ, Pernigotto G, Roberti F, Gasparella A, Righetti M, Baratieri M, Lund H. The design of 100% renewable smart urban energy systems: the case of Bozen-Bolzano. Energy 2020; 207: 118198.
  • [8] Cabrera P, Lund H, Carta JA. Smart renewable energy penetration strategies on islands: the case of Gran Canaria. Energy 2018; 162: 421-443.
  • [9] Bamisile O, Wang X, Adun H, Ejiyi CJ, Obiora S, Huang Q, Hu W. A 2030 and 2050 feasible/sustainable decarbonization perusal for China’s Sichuan Province: a deep carbon neutrality analysis and EnergyPLAN. Energy Conversion and Management 2022; 261: 115605.
  • [10] Arévalo P, Cano A, Jurado F. Mitigation of carbon footprint with 100% renewable energy system by 2050: the case of Galapagos Islands. Energy 2022; 245: 123247.
  • [11] Luo S, Hu W, Liu W, Xu X, Huang Q, Chen Z, Lund H. Transition pathways towards a deep decarbonization energy system—a case study in Sichuan, China. Applied Energy 2021; 302: 117507.
  • [12] Kilickaplan A, Bogdanov D, Peker O, Caldera U, Aghahosseini A, Breyer C. An energy transition pathway for Turkey to achieve 100% renewable energy-powered electricity, desalination, and non-energetic industrial gas demand sectors by 2050. Solar Energy 2017; 158: 218-235.
  • [13] Aktepe C, Gökkaya A. Turkey’s foreign trade deficit and the nuclear energy option. Journal of Business Research 2023; 15(4): 2978-2995.
  • [14] Zaimoğlu Z, Erkurt FE. Evaluation of modular nuclear power plants (SMR) in terms of climate change and sustainable energy supply. International Research in Engineering 2024; XII: 21.
  • [15] İşeri E, Özen C. The position of nuclear energy within the scope of sustainable energy policies in Turkey. İ.Ü. Journal of the Faculty of Political Sciences 2012; (47): 161-180.
  • [16] Özalp M. The effect of nuclear energy installation in Turkey on foreign energy dependency and supply security. C.Ü. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2017; 18(2): 175- 188.
  • [17] Hobley A. Will gas be gone in the United Kingdom (UK) by 2050? An impact assessment of urban heat decarbonisation and low emission vehicle uptake on future UK energy system scenarios. Renewable Energy 2019; 142: 695-705.
  • [18] Zakeri B, Syri S, Rinne S. Higher renewable energy integration into the existing energy system of Finland—is there any maximum limit? Energy 2015; 92: 244-259.
  • [19] Bulut E, Karlıdağ S. Mediating nuclear energy: newspaper representations of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey (2010–2017). Energy Research & Social Science 2018; 44: 56-65.
  • [20] Eş N. Mercan S, Ayas A. Examination of pre-service teachers’ views on nuclear energy. Turkish Journal of Education (TURJE) 2016; 5(3): 128-140.
  • [21] Özdemir N. The effect of discussing socio-scientific issues on individuals' attitudes towards nuclear power plants. Turkish Studies 2014; 9(2): 567-580.
  • [22] Mühendistan. EnergyPLAN simulation program explanations. 2023. Retrieved from (accessed on 23.12.2023).
  • [23] Emeç Ş. Stochastic model and solution approaches for the analysis of renewable energy systems. YÖK National Thesis Center 2021. Retrieved from
  • [24] Information Center. Electrical energy. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.12.2023).
  • [25] EPİAŞ. 2022. Retrieved from (accessed on 20.11.2023).
  • [26] Turkey National Energy Plan. Retrieved from n%C4%B1.pdf.
  • [27] Ensonhaber. Nuclear energy future. Retrieved from (accessed on 25.10.2023).
  • [28] Turkey Renewable Energy Outlook 2022. Retrieved from
  • [29] Denmark Energy Agency. Technology data. 2020.
  • [30] EnergyPLAN. Cost database. 2018.
  • [31] Aksoy H, Yiğit V, Bavbek KG, Toma EK, Rogner M. Turkey’s optimum electricity generation capacity towards 2030. SHURA Energy Conversion Center 2020.
  • [32] IEA. World energy outlook 2020. IEA, Paris 2020.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Article

Emine Ertane Baş 0000-0003-2247-5544

Şeyma Emeç 0000-0002-4881-7955

Vecihi Yiğit 0000-0003-0625-3140

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 12 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertane Baş, E., Emeç, Ş., & Yiğit, V. (2025). A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system. International Journal of Energy Studies, 10(1), 1159-1183.
AMA Ertane Baş E, Emeç Ş, Yiğit V. A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system. Int J Energy Studies. Mart 2025;10(1):1159-1183. doi:10.58559/ijes.1623909
Chicago Ertane Baş, Emine, Şeyma Emeç, ve Vecihi Yiğit. “A Roadmap for the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Sustainable Development of Turkey’s Electricity Energy System”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 1159-83.
EndNote Ertane Baş E, Emeç Ş, Yiğit V (01 Mart 2025) A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system. International Journal of Energy Studies 10 1 1159–1183.
IEEE E. Ertane Baş, Ş. Emeç, ve V. Yiğit, “A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system”, Int J Energy Studies, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 1159–1183, 2025, doi: 10.58559/ijes.1623909.
ISNAD Ertane Baş, Emine vd. “A Roadmap for the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Sustainable Development of Turkey’s Electricity Energy System”. International Journal of Energy Studies 10/1 (Mart 2025), 1159-1183.
JAMA Ertane Baş E, Emeç Ş, Yiğit V. A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10:1159–1183.
MLA Ertane Baş, Emine vd. “A Roadmap for the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources for the Sustainable Development of Turkey’s Electricity Energy System”. International Journal of Energy Studies, c. 10, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 1159-83, doi:10.58559/ijes.1623909.
Vancouver Ertane Baş E, Emeç Ş, Yiğit V. A roadmap for the utilization of renewable energy sources for the sustainable development of Turkey’s electricity energy system. Int J Energy Studies. 2025;10(1):1159-83.