Budiansky B. and Roth R. S. (1962), “Axisymmetric dynamic buckling of clamped shallow spherical shells,” (NASA TN D-1510), collected papers on Instability of Shell Structures.
Cao Z., Xue S.D. and Zhang Y.G. (2004), “Analytical model and vibration control for shells”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Clough R.W. and Penzien J. (2003), “Dynamics of structures”, Computers and Structures, Inc. PP.242-245, Third Edition.
Fan F. and Shen S. Z. (2004), “Study on the dynamic strength failure of reticulated domes”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Hazrati Y. and Chenaghlou M. R. (2007), “Effect of rigid and flexible support to seismic behavior of double layer barrel vaults,” 2th National conference of spatial structures, Tehran, Iran.
Karlsson H. and Sorensen (1999), ABAQUS/Post Manual, Version 5.8, Pawtucket, RI, USA.
Mander J., Priestley M. and Park R. (1988), “Theoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete,” American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE).
Moghaddam H. (2000), “Seismic behavior of space structures”, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 119-135.
Nooshin H. and Disney P. (2001), “Formex configuration processing 2”, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 16, No. 1.
Sun J., Li H., Nooshin H. and Parke Gerard A.R. (2014), “Dynamic Stability Behavior of Lattice Domes with Substructures”, International Journal of Space Structures.
Takeuchi T., Ogewa T., Nakagawa M. and Kumagai T. (2004), “Response evaluation of medium-span lattice domes with substructures using response spectrum analysis”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Turkish Earthquake Code (TEC, 2007). Specification for buildings to be built in seismic zones, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement Government of Republic of Turkey.
TS-500 (2000). Requirements for design and construction of reinforced concrete structures. Turkish Standards Institute.
Wang X., Chen J. and Wu Ch (2008), “Dynamic analysis of single layer lattice shell with BRBs”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Yan J., Qin F., Cao Z., Mo Y.L. (2016), “Mechanism of coupled instability of single-layer reticulated domes”, Engineering Structures, 158-170.
Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures
This paper investigates the response interaction between reinforced concrete substructure and steel raised lattice roofing. The viewpoint of dynamic stability and nonlinear seismic behavior are considered as both geometrical and material nonlinearity. In particularly, dynamic stability performance of single layer Diamatic domes located on peripheral reinforced concrete columns is investigated under vertical loads and seismic excitation. Different supporting structures with rigidity and reinforcement detailing of the circular peripheral columns are considered in the integrated design. The vibration modes for the lattice dome with and without substructure effects are studied. Results show that high capacity substructure or fixed supporting assumption may lead to unsafe stability performance as well as uneconomical designs. The integrated design of composite system, RC supporting substructure and upper lattice roof could be provided superior dynamic stability performance when compared to the design without supporting substructure.
Budiansky B. and Roth R. S. (1962), “Axisymmetric dynamic buckling of clamped shallow spherical shells,” (NASA TN D-1510), collected papers on Instability of Shell Structures.
Cao Z., Xue S.D. and Zhang Y.G. (2004), “Analytical model and vibration control for shells”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Clough R.W. and Penzien J. (2003), “Dynamics of structures”, Computers and Structures, Inc. PP.242-245, Third Edition.
Fan F. and Shen S. Z. (2004), “Study on the dynamic strength failure of reticulated domes”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Hazrati Y. and Chenaghlou M. R. (2007), “Effect of rigid and flexible support to seismic behavior of double layer barrel vaults,” 2th National conference of spatial structures, Tehran, Iran.
Karlsson H. and Sorensen (1999), ABAQUS/Post Manual, Version 5.8, Pawtucket, RI, USA.
Mander J., Priestley M. and Park R. (1988), “Theoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete,” American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE).
Moghaddam H. (2000), “Seismic behavior of space structures”, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 119-135.
Nooshin H. and Disney P. (2001), “Formex configuration processing 2”, International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 16, No. 1.
Sun J., Li H., Nooshin H. and Parke Gerard A.R. (2014), “Dynamic Stability Behavior of Lattice Domes with Substructures”, International Journal of Space Structures.
Takeuchi T., Ogewa T., Nakagawa M. and Kumagai T. (2004), “Response evaluation of medium-span lattice domes with substructures using response spectrum analysis”, IASS Symposium, Montpellier.
Turkish Earthquake Code (TEC, 2007). Specification for buildings to be built in seismic zones, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement Government of Republic of Turkey.
TS-500 (2000). Requirements for design and construction of reinforced concrete structures. Turkish Standards Institute.
Wang X., Chen J. and Wu Ch (2008), “Dynamic analysis of single layer lattice shell with BRBs”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Yan J., Qin F., Cao Z., Mo Y.L. (2016), “Mechanism of coupled instability of single-layer reticulated domes”, Engineering Structures, 158-170.
Etemadi, A., & Balkaya, C. (2017). Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures. International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET, 3(3), 143-150. https://doi.org/10.19072/ijet.321610
Etemadi A, Balkaya C. Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures. IJET. Eylül 2017;3(3):143-150. doi:10.19072/ijet.321610
Etemadi, Ali, ve Can Balkaya. “Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes With Supporting Substructures”. International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET 3, sy. 3 (Eylül 2017): 143-50. https://doi.org/10.19072/ijet.321610.
Etemadi A, Balkaya C (01 Eylül 2017) Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures. International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET 3 3 143–150.
A. Etemadi ve C. Balkaya, “Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures”, IJET, c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 143–150, 2017, doi: 10.19072/ijet.321610.
Etemadi, Ali - Balkaya, Can. “Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes With Supporting Substructures”. International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET 3/3 (Eylül 2017), 143-150. https://doi.org/10.19072/ijet.321610.
Etemadi A, Balkaya C. Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures. IJET. 2017;3:143–150.
Etemadi, Ali ve Can Balkaya. “Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes With Supporting Substructures”. International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET, c. 3, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 143-50, doi:10.19072/ijet.321610.
Etemadi A, Balkaya C. Nonlinear Integrated Design of Lattice Domes with Supporting Substructures. IJET. 2017;3(3):143-50.