İnceleme Makalesi
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Politicization and Instrumentalization of Migration Research: Ethical Challenges

Yıl 2023, Sayı: Özel Sayı, 90 - 107, 10.08.2023


Migration research has received remarkable attention in the last decade, and it has become a central research field in which researchers widely adopt qualitative research methods. Research practices such as ethnographic studies adopting micro perspectives and bottom-up approaches necessitate a detailed analysis. Related methodological issues and ethical concerns are waiting to be unpacked in a comprehensive and critical way. From a critical perspective, this article discusses the relationship between research methodology and ethical challenges based on asymmetrical power relations, positionalities of researcher and participants, and the problem of over-research. It is argued that global transformations and migration policies have a profound impact on migration research and might cause an instrumentalization of it. The instrumentalization of the researched populations works in a complex set of asymmetrical relationships in different contexts based on the perception of migration as a security threat. It eventually produces ethical concerns over researchers' epistemological and methodological perspectives. These ethical problems occur in a politically dynamic setting. Therefore, questioning the political aspects of the production of scientific knowledge and the positionality of the researcher have the capacity to challenge the mainstream perception of migration and the instrumentalization of migration research.


  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2011). Turks in Europe: From Guest Worker to Transnational Citizen. Berghahn books.
  • Andreas, P. (2003). Redrawing the Line: Borders and Security in the Twenty-First Century. International Security, 28(2), 78–111.
  • Bakewell, O. (2008). Research beyond the categories: The importance of policy irrelevant research into forced migration. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(4), 432-453. doi:10.1093/jrs/fen042
  • Belanger, D., & Saracoglu, C. (2020). The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents. Mediterranean Politics, 25(4), 413-432.
  • Bigo, D. (2014). The (in) securitization practices of the three universes of EU border control: Military/ Navy–border guards/police–database analysts. Security dialogue, 45(3), 209-225. https://doi. org/10.1177/096701061453045
  • Bourdieu P. & Wacquant L. (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bourdieu, P. (1999). Understanding. In P. Bourdieu et al. (Eds.)., The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society (pp. 607-626). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Bott, E. (2010). Favourites and others: reflexivity and the shaping of subjectivities and data in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 10(2), pp. 159-73.
  • BSA (2017). Statement of Ethical Practice. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from media/24310/bsa_statement_of_ethical_practice.pdf
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Castles, S., & Davidson, A. (2000). Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging. New York: Routledge.
  • Castles, S. & Miller, M. J. (2009). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. Fourth Edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Castles, S. (2010) Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36:10, 1565-1586. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2010.489381
  • Clark-Kazak, C. (2017). Ethical Considerations: Research with People in Situations of Forced Migration. Refuge, 33(2), 11-17. doi:10.7202/1043059ar
  • Coşkun, E., Sarıalioğlu, Ö. & Dinçer, C. G. (2020). Göç Araştırmalarında Söylem, Yöntem ve Etik: Feminist Bir Yöntem Mümkün Mü? Fe Dergi 12(1), pp. 70-81.
  • Çağlar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2018). Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration. Duke University Press.
  • Düvell, F., Triandafyllidou, A., & Vollmer, B. (2010). Ethical issues in irregular migration research in Europe. Population, Space and Place, 16(3), 227-239.
  • Donato, K. M., & Massey, D. S. (2016). Twenty-First-Century Globalization and Illegal Migration. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 666(1), 7–26.
  • Erder, S. & Yükseker, D. (2014). Challenges for Migration Research in Turkey: Moving Beyond Political, Theoretical and Data Constraints. In A. İçduygu and A. B. Karaçay (Eds.)., Critical Reflections in Migration Research Views from the North and the South (pp. 35-56). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Erder, S. (2002). Urban migration and reconstruction of kinship networks: The case of İstanbul. In Liljestrom, R. (Ed.), Autonomy and Dependence in the Family: Turkey and Sweden in Critical Perspective (2002): 117-135.
  • Faist, T. (2006). The migration-security nexus: International migration and security before and after 9/11. Migration, citizenship, ethnos, 103-119. doi: 10.1057/9781403984678_6
  • Grabowska, I., Garapich, M., Jazwinska, E., & Radziwinowiczówna, A. (Eds.). (2017). Migrants as Agents of Change: Social Remittances in an Enlarged European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Grant, S (2005). International migration and human rights. Global Commision on International Migration. Retrieved August 7, 2023 from myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/policy_and_research/gcim/tp/TP7.pdf
  • Göç Araştırmacıları Derneği (GAR), December, 2017. GAR-Bülten No. 1. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from https://
  • Hirschberger, G. (2018). Collective trauma and the social construction of meaning. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1–14.
  • ILO (February 9, 2020). Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Labour Market. Retrieved February 2, 2023 from https:// wcms_738602.pdf
  • IOM (2021). How Countries Manage Migration Data: Evidence from six countries. Geneva. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from
  • IOM (2019). International Migration Law No. 34 - Glossary on Migration. Retrieved August 7, 2023, from https:// glossary-migration
  • İçduygu, A. (2006): The Labour Dimension of Irregular Migration in Turkey, Research Report CARIM-RR, European University Institute.
  • İçduygu, A., & Şimşek, D. (2016). Syrian refugees in Turkey: Towards integration policies. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(3), 59-69.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, S., & Rittersberger-Tılıç, H. (2000). Intergenerational solidarity networks of instrumental and cultural transfers within migrant families in Turkey. Ageing & Society, 20(5), 523-542. doi:10.1017/ S0144686X99007916
  • Kirsch, G. E. (1999). Ethical Dilemmas in Feminist Research: The politics of Location, Interpretation, and Publication. State University of New York Press.
  • Klykken, F. H. (2022). Implementing continuous consent in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 22(5), 795–810.
  • Kostanick, H. L. (1955). Turkish Resettlement of Refugees from Bulgaria, 1950-1953. Middle East Journal, 9(1), 41-52.
  • Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An introduction to qualitative research interviewing. London: Sage.
  • Kümbetoğlu, B. (2012). Göç Çalışmalarında “Nasıl” Sorusu. In Ihlamur-Öner, G. S. & Şirin Öner (Eds.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar ve Tartışmalar (pp. 49-88). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Lavin, R. P., Schemmel-Rettenmeier, L., & Frommelt-Kuhle, M. (2012). Conducting research during disasters. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 30(1), 1–19.
  • Nimer, M. (2019, June 26). Reflections on the Political Economy in Forced Migration Research from a ‘Global South’ Perspective [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine. Retrieved December 27,2022 from https:// political-economy-in-forcedmigration-research-from-a-global-south-perspective/
  • Ong, A. (1995). Women out of China: Traveling Tales and Traveling Theories in Postcolonial Feminism. In Ruth, B. D., & Gordon, A. (Eds.), Women Writing Culture (pp. 350–372). University of California Press.
  • Omata, N. (2021). ‘Over-researched’ and ‘Under-researched’ refugee groups: Exploring the phenomena, causes and consequences. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 12, 681-695. huaa049 Özbay, F., & Yücel, B. (2001). Türkiye’de Göç Hareketleri, Devlet Politikaları ve Demografik Yapı. Nüfus ve Kalkınma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü.
  • Scheel, S., & Ustek-Spilda, F. (2019). The politics of expertise and ignorance in the field of migration management. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(4), 663-681.
  • Schrover, M., & Moloney, D. M. (2013). Introduction: Making a Difference. In Schrover, M. & Deidre, M. (Eds.), Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945- 2010 (pp. 7-55). Amsterdam University Press.
  • Sert, D. Ş. (2012). Uluslararası Göç Yazınında Bütünleyici Bir Kurama Doğru. In Ihlamur-Öner, G. S. & Şirin Öner (Eds.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar ve Tartışmalar, (pp. 29-47). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Sert, D. Ş., & Danış, D. (2021). Framing Syrians in Turkey: State control and no crisis discourse. International Migration, 59(1), 197-214.
  • Sunata, U. (2020). Hafızam Çerkesçe: Çerkesler Çerkesliği anlatıyor. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Sukarieh, M., & Tannock, S. (2013). On the Problem of Over-researched Communities: The Case of the Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon. Sociology, 47(3), 494–508.
  • Triandafyllidou, A. (2010). Irregular migration in Europe in the early 21st century. In Triandafyllidou, A. (Ed.), Irregular Migration in Europe (pp. 1-22). Routledge.
  • UNDP (2009). Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development. New York: Palgrave and Macmillan.
  • UN DESA (2020). International Migrant Stock 2020. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from development/desa/pd/content/international-migrant-stock
  • UNHCR (2008). International Migration and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities on the Threshold of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved August 7, 2023 from https://
  • Wimmer, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2002). Methodological nationalism and beyond: nation–state building, migration and the social sciences. Global networks, 2(4), 301-334.
  • Wolf, D. (1996). Situating Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork. In D. Wolf (ed.) Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork (pp. 1-55). Westview Press.
  • Zapata-Barrero, R. Yalaz, E. (2022). Qualitative Methods in Migration Research. In P. Scholten (Ed.)., Introduction to Migration Studies: An Interactive Guide to Literatures on Migration and Diversity (pp. 411-425). Springer.

Politicization and Instrumentalization of Migration Research: Ethical Challenges

Yıl 2023, Sayı: Özel Sayı, 90 - 107, 10.08.2023


Migration research has received remarkable attention in the last decade, and it has become a central research field in which researchers widely adopt qualitative research methods. Research practices such as ethnographic studies adopting micro perspectives and bottom-up approaches necessitate a detailed analysis. Related methodological issues and ethical concerns are waiting to be unpacked in a comprehensive and critical way. From a critical perspective, this article discusses the relationship between research methodology and ethical challenges based on asymmetrical power relations, positionalities of researcher and participants, and the problem of over-research. It is argued that global transformations and migration policies have a profound impact on migration research and might cause an instrumentalization of it. The instrumentalization of the researched populations works in a complex set of asymmetrical relationships in different contexts based on the perception of migration as a security threat. It eventually produces ethical concerns over researchers' epistemological and methodological perspectives. These ethical problems occur in a politically dynamic setting. Therefore, questioning the political aspects of the production of scientific knowledge and the positionality of the researcher have the capacity to challenge the mainstream perception of migration and the instrumentalization of migration research. Keywords: Migration Research, Ethics, Asymmetrical Power Relations, İnstrumentalization, Positionalit


  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2011). Turks in Europe: From Guest Worker to Transnational Citizen. Berghahn books.
  • Andreas, P. (2003). Redrawing the Line: Borders and Security in the Twenty-First Century. International Security, 28(2), 78–111.
  • Bakewell, O. (2008). Research beyond the categories: The importance of policy irrelevant research into forced migration. Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(4), 432-453. doi:10.1093/jrs/fen042
  • Belanger, D., & Saracoglu, C. (2020). The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents. Mediterranean Politics, 25(4), 413-432.
  • Bigo, D. (2014). The (in) securitization practices of the three universes of EU border control: Military/ Navy–border guards/police–database analysts. Security dialogue, 45(3), 209-225. https://doi. org/10.1177/096701061453045
  • Bourdieu P. & Wacquant L. (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bourdieu, P. (1999). Understanding. In P. Bourdieu et al. (Eds.)., The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society (pp. 607-626). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Bott, E. (2010). Favourites and others: reflexivity and the shaping of subjectivities and data in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 10(2), pp. 159-73.
  • BSA (2017). Statement of Ethical Practice. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from media/24310/bsa_statement_of_ethical_practice.pdf
  • Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods (4th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Castles, S., & Davidson, A. (2000). Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging. New York: Routledge.
  • Castles, S. & Miller, M. J. (2009). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. Fourth Edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Castles, S. (2010) Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36:10, 1565-1586. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2010.489381
  • Clark-Kazak, C. (2017). Ethical Considerations: Research with People in Situations of Forced Migration. Refuge, 33(2), 11-17. doi:10.7202/1043059ar
  • Coşkun, E., Sarıalioğlu, Ö. & Dinçer, C. G. (2020). Göç Araştırmalarında Söylem, Yöntem ve Etik: Feminist Bir Yöntem Mümkün Mü? Fe Dergi 12(1), pp. 70-81.
  • Çağlar, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2018). Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration. Duke University Press.
  • Düvell, F., Triandafyllidou, A., & Vollmer, B. (2010). Ethical issues in irregular migration research in Europe. Population, Space and Place, 16(3), 227-239.
  • Donato, K. M., & Massey, D. S. (2016). Twenty-First-Century Globalization and Illegal Migration. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 666(1), 7–26.
  • Erder, S. & Yükseker, D. (2014). Challenges for Migration Research in Turkey: Moving Beyond Political, Theoretical and Data Constraints. In A. İçduygu and A. B. Karaçay (Eds.)., Critical Reflections in Migration Research Views from the North and the South (pp. 35-56). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Erder, S. (2002). Urban migration and reconstruction of kinship networks: The case of İstanbul. In Liljestrom, R. (Ed.), Autonomy and Dependence in the Family: Turkey and Sweden in Critical Perspective (2002): 117-135.
  • Faist, T. (2006). The migration-security nexus: International migration and security before and after 9/11. Migration, citizenship, ethnos, 103-119. doi: 10.1057/9781403984678_6
  • Grabowska, I., Garapich, M., Jazwinska, E., & Radziwinowiczówna, A. (Eds.). (2017). Migrants as Agents of Change: Social Remittances in an Enlarged European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Grant, S (2005). International migration and human rights. Global Commision on International Migration. Retrieved August 7, 2023 from myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/policy_and_research/gcim/tp/TP7.pdf
  • Göç Araştırmacıları Derneği (GAR), December, 2017. GAR-Bülten No. 1. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from https://
  • Hirschberger, G. (2018). Collective trauma and the social construction of meaning. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1–14.
  • ILO (February 9, 2020). Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Labour Market. Retrieved February 2, 2023 from https:// wcms_738602.pdf
  • IOM (2021). How Countries Manage Migration Data: Evidence from six countries. Geneva. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from
  • IOM (2019). International Migration Law No. 34 - Glossary on Migration. Retrieved August 7, 2023, from https:// glossary-migration
  • İçduygu, A. (2006): The Labour Dimension of Irregular Migration in Turkey, Research Report CARIM-RR, European University Institute.
  • İçduygu, A., & Şimşek, D. (2016). Syrian refugees in Turkey: Towards integration policies. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(3), 59-69.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, S., & Rittersberger-Tılıç, H. (2000). Intergenerational solidarity networks of instrumental and cultural transfers within migrant families in Turkey. Ageing & Society, 20(5), 523-542. doi:10.1017/ S0144686X99007916
  • Kirsch, G. E. (1999). Ethical Dilemmas in Feminist Research: The politics of Location, Interpretation, and Publication. State University of New York Press.
  • Klykken, F. H. (2022). Implementing continuous consent in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 22(5), 795–810.
  • Kostanick, H. L. (1955). Turkish Resettlement of Refugees from Bulgaria, 1950-1953. Middle East Journal, 9(1), 41-52.
  • Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An introduction to qualitative research interviewing. London: Sage.
  • Kümbetoğlu, B. (2012). Göç Çalışmalarında “Nasıl” Sorusu. In Ihlamur-Öner, G. S. & Şirin Öner (Eds.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar ve Tartışmalar (pp. 49-88). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Lavin, R. P., Schemmel-Rettenmeier, L., & Frommelt-Kuhle, M. (2012). Conducting research during disasters. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 30(1), 1–19.
  • Nimer, M. (2019, June 26). Reflections on the Political Economy in Forced Migration Research from a ‘Global South’ Perspective [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine. Retrieved December 27,2022 from https:// political-economy-in-forcedmigration-research-from-a-global-south-perspective/
  • Ong, A. (1995). Women out of China: Traveling Tales and Traveling Theories in Postcolonial Feminism. In Ruth, B. D., & Gordon, A. (Eds.), Women Writing Culture (pp. 350–372). University of California Press.
  • Omata, N. (2021). ‘Over-researched’ and ‘Under-researched’ refugee groups: Exploring the phenomena, causes and consequences. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 12, 681-695. huaa049 Özbay, F., & Yücel, B. (2001). Türkiye’de Göç Hareketleri, Devlet Politikaları ve Demografik Yapı. Nüfus ve Kalkınma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü.
  • Scheel, S., & Ustek-Spilda, F. (2019). The politics of expertise and ignorance in the field of migration management. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(4), 663-681.
  • Schrover, M., & Moloney, D. M. (2013). Introduction: Making a Difference. In Schrover, M. & Deidre, M. (Eds.), Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945- 2010 (pp. 7-55). Amsterdam University Press.
  • Sert, D. Ş. (2012). Uluslararası Göç Yazınında Bütünleyici Bir Kurama Doğru. In Ihlamur-Öner, G. S. & Şirin Öner (Eds.), Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar ve Tartışmalar, (pp. 29-47). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Sert, D. Ş., & Danış, D. (2021). Framing Syrians in Turkey: State control and no crisis discourse. International Migration, 59(1), 197-214.
  • Sunata, U. (2020). Hafızam Çerkesçe: Çerkesler Çerkesliği anlatıyor. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Sukarieh, M., & Tannock, S. (2013). On the Problem of Over-researched Communities: The Case of the Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon. Sociology, 47(3), 494–508.
  • Triandafyllidou, A. (2010). Irregular migration in Europe in the early 21st century. In Triandafyllidou, A. (Ed.), Irregular Migration in Europe (pp. 1-22). Routledge.
  • UNDP (2009). Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development. New York: Palgrave and Macmillan.
  • UN DESA (2020). International Migrant Stock 2020. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from development/desa/pd/content/international-migrant-stock
  • UNHCR (2008). International Migration and Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities on the Threshold of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved August 7, 2023 from https://
  • Wimmer, A., & Glick Schiller, N. (2002). Methodological nationalism and beyond: nation–state building, migration and the social sciences. Global networks, 2(4), 301-334.
  • Wolf, D. (1996). Situating Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork. In D. Wolf (ed.) Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork (pp. 1-55). Westview Press.
  • Zapata-Barrero, R. Yalaz, E. (2022). Qualitative Methods in Migration Research. In P. Scholten (Ed.)., Introduction to Migration Studies: An Interactive Guide to Literatures on Migration and Diversity (pp. 411-425). Springer.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Göç Sosyolojisi, Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm İnceleme Makalesi

Umut Yüksel Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7680-2593

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: Özel Sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüksel, U. (2023). Politicization and Instrumentalization of Migration Research: Ethical Challenges. İnsan Hareketliliği Uluslararası Dergisi(Özel Sayı), 90-107.