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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 07.07.2017



  • Arrigo, B. (Ed.). (2014). Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics, Sage Reference: Los Angeles.
  • Banović, B., Turanjanin, V. (2014). Euthanasia: Murder or Not - A Comparative Approach, Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 43, No. 10.
  • Banović, B., Turanjanin, V., Miloradović, A. (2017). An Etcical Review of Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Sucide, Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 46, No. 2.
  • Baron, C. (2008). Bioethics and Law in the United States: A Legal Proces Perspective, in: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Burt, R. A. (1997). The Supreme Courts speaks – not assisted suicide but a constitutional right to palliative care, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 337, No. 17.
  • California “End of Life Option Act” – Analysis of Senate Bill 128.
  • Craig, A., Cronin, B., Eward, W., Metz, J., Murray, L., Rose, G., Suess, E., Vergara, M.E. (2007). Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide among physicians in Vermont, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 33, No. 7.
  • Čejović B. (2008). Krivično pravo u sudskoj praksi, posebni deo (3. izdanje), Lion Mark: Kragujevac. (Čejović, B. (2008). Criminal Law in the Jurisprudence, special part (3th Edition), Lion Mark Kragujevac).
  • Dahl E., Levy, N. (2006). The Case for Physician Assisted Suicide: How Can It Possibly Be Proven, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 32, No. 6.
  • Dunsmuir, M., Smith, M., Alter, S., Harder, S. (1998). Euthanasia and assisted suicide. Retrieved 15 December 2016 http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/919-e.htm.
  • Fernandes, A. K. (2001). Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the philosophical anthropology of Karol Wojtyla, Christian Bioethics, Vol. 7, No. 3.
  • Maşide G., Varol M., Başar Kara B., Tengilimoğlu D. (2016) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sucide Tourism, Int Journal Of Health Manag. And Tourism, Vol. 1, No. 3.
  • Hall D. (2012). Criminal Law and Procedure (6th Edition), Delmar Cengage Learning: New York.
  • Hendin, H., Foley, K., White, M. (1998). Physician-Assisted Suicide: Reflections on Oregon’s First Case, Issues L. & Med, Vol. 14.
  • Hilliard, B. (2000). The Moral and Legal Status of Physician-Assisted Death: Quality Of Life and the Patient-Physician Reationship, Issues in Integrative Studies, vol. 18.
  • Hillyard, D. (2001). Dying Right – The Death With Dignity Movement, Routledge: New York – London.
  • Hunt, W. E. (1993). The Right to Die in Montana: The Montana Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Mont. L. Rev., Vol. 54, Issue 2.
  • Jansen, A. (1995). Physician-Assisted Suicide, Seattle U. L. Rev., Vol. 18.
  • Jušić, A. (2002). Eutanazija, Revija za socijalnu politiku, Vol. 9, No. 3. (Jušić, A. (2002). Euthanasia, Croatian Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 9, No. 3).
  • Keegan, L., Drick, C. A. (2010). End of Life – Nursing solutions for Death with Dignity, Springer: New York.
  • Knaplund, K. (2010). Montana Becomes Third U.S. State To Allow Physician Aid In Dying, ABA Committee on Bioethics, Pepperdine University Legal Studies Research Paper, No. 17.
  • Ladki, S., Hajjar, M., Nacouzi, Y., Nasereddine, L., Mahmoud, N. (2016). Euthanasia Services: The New Health Tourism Wave, International Journal Of Heatlh Management and Tourism, Vol. 1, no. 2, 1-16.
  • LaFrance, A. B. (2008). Physician Assisted Death: From Rhetoric to Reality in Oregon. In: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Lazarević Lj. (2011). Komentar Krivičnog zakonika Srbije (2. izdanje), Univerzitet Union, Beograd. (Lazarević Lj. (2011). The Comentary of the Serbian Criminal Code (2th Edition), Union University: Belgrade).
  • Mason, E. (2010). Ignoring It Will Not Make It Go Away: Guidelines for Statutory Regulation of Physician-Assisted Death, New England Law Review, Vol. 45, No. 139.
  • Montana`s Rights of Terminally Ill Act.
  • Moskowitz, E. H. (1996-97). Mental Illness, Physical Illness, and the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Fordham Urb. L. J., Vol. 24.
  • Oduncu, F., Sahm, S. (2010). Doctor-cared dying instead of physician-assisted suicide: a prespective from Germany, Med Health Care and Philos, Vol. 31.
  • Oregon Public Health Division (2012). Characteristics and end‐of‐life care of 596 DWDA patients who have died from ingesting a lethal dose of medication as of February 29, 2012, Retrieved 16 December 2016 http://public.health.oregon.gov/.
  • Orlando, S. J. (2013). The Doctor Will See You for the Last Time Now: Physician-Assisted Suicide in Massachusetts, Suffolk U. L. Rev., Vol. 46.
  • Paterson, C. (2008). Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Ashgate Publishing Limited: Hampshire.
  • Report to the 62nd Legislature for the State of Montana, November 2010.
  • Reporting Requirements of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, 333-009-0010[1][a].
  • Senate Bill No. 128.
  • Sharma, B. R. (2003). To legalize physician-assisted suicide or not – a dilemma, Clinical Forensic Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 3.
  • Sharma, B. R. (2008). Assisted Suicide – How Far Justifiable?, in: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Sheb, J. and Sheb, J. II, (2011). Criminal Law & Procedure (3th Edition), Wadsworth Cengage Learning: Belmont.
  • Stojanović, Z. (2007). Komentar Krivičnog zakonika Srbije (2. izdanje), Službeni glasnik: Beograd (Stojanović Z. (2017). The Comentary of the Serbian Criminal Code (2th Edition), Official Gazzette: Belgrade).
  • Tucker, K., Salmi, C. (2010). Aid in Dying: Law, Geography and Standard of Care in Idaho, The Advocate, August.
  • Turanjanin, V. (2013). Nastanak i mogućnost razvoja “turizma smrti”u Zapadnoj Evropi. U: M. Mićović (ur.), Uslužno pravo, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu: Kragujevac. (Turanjanin, V. (2013). Origins and Possibilities for the Development of the ‘Death Tourism’ in Western Europe”, in: Mićović, M. Ed.), Service Law. Faculty of Law of University in Kragujevac: Kragujevac).
  • Turanjanin, V., Mihajlović, B. (2014). Right to Die with Dignity – the Same Problem and Different Legal Approaches in European Legislations, with Special Regard to Serbia, in: Sitek, M., Dammacco, G. (Ed.), Human Rights between War and Peace, vol. II, The Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury: Olsztyn.
  • Yount, L. (2007). Right to Die and Euthanasia, Infobase Publishing: New York.
  • Vuković, I. (2007). Pomaganje u izvršenju samoubistva iz samilosti (član 119. stav 2 KZ) nečinjenjem, saglasno izraženoj volji pasivnog subjekta. U: Ignjatović Đ. (ur.), Stanje kriminaliteta u Srbiji I pravna sredstva reagovanja, deo prvi. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu: Beograd. (Vuković, I. (2007). Assisting in suicide out of pity (article 119, par. 2 CC) by omission, meeting the mind of a passive subject, in: Ignjatović Đ. (Ed.), State of the Crime in Serbia and Legal Means of the Reaction, First Part, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade: Belgrade).
  • Ward, A. (Ed.) (2005). End of Life Care, An Ethical Overview. University of Minnesota - Center for Bioethics: Minnesota.
  • Wolfslast, G. (2008). Physician-Assisted Suicide and the German Criminal Law. In: Birnbacher, D., Dahl, E. (Ed.), Giving Death a Helping Hand: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Public Policy. An International Perspective. New York: Springer.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 07.07.2017


Abstract: Assisted suicide is the act whose manner of criminalization or non-criminalization varies from country to country, regardless of the continent in question. Special attention has been paid to this form of deprivation of life lately, with the medical assisted suicide becoming current. Medical services include a wide range of services that exist in the modern era of mankind, and, at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, the United States brought about a special medical service, known as a physician’s assistance in committing suicide. The authors of this article primarily deal with assisted suicide in the legal system of the states where decriminalization of this form of deprivation of life came about. After failing to pass the law in certain states, the first US legislation that legalized assisted suicide was the Oregon one, which brought about the law on death with dignity, which was unique in the world at the time. Successful implementation of this law contributed to the decriminalization of physician-assisted suicide first in Washington, then in Montana, Vermont and California. After this group of legislations, the authors explain the two European legislations that have an entirely different approach to regulating this issue. Firstly, they handle the legislative system of Germany, where neither assisted suicide nor physician-assisted suicide is considered as a criminal offense. Then they explain the approach of the legislator of the Republic of Serbia, where they have performed research regarding this issue. The aim of this article is to explain and elaborate on the corresponding provisions of the law when processing any of these legislations, and then summarize the statistical data on committed assistances in suicide. Some of the legislative solutions are new, while about the laws in the other countries there are not enough literature in the English language. According to it, the authors consider that it is very important for the scientific community to get insights into these legislatures.

Keywords: assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide, Serbia, Germany, United States


  • Arrigo, B. (Ed.). (2014). Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics, Sage Reference: Los Angeles.
  • Banović, B., Turanjanin, V. (2014). Euthanasia: Murder or Not - A Comparative Approach, Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 43, No. 10.
  • Banović, B., Turanjanin, V., Miloradović, A. (2017). An Etcical Review of Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Sucide, Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 46, No. 2.
  • Baron, C. (2008). Bioethics and Law in the United States: A Legal Proces Perspective, in: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Burt, R. A. (1997). The Supreme Courts speaks – not assisted suicide but a constitutional right to palliative care, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 337, No. 17.
  • California “End of Life Option Act” – Analysis of Senate Bill 128.
  • Craig, A., Cronin, B., Eward, W., Metz, J., Murray, L., Rose, G., Suess, E., Vergara, M.E. (2007). Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide among physicians in Vermont, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 33, No. 7.
  • Čejović B. (2008). Krivično pravo u sudskoj praksi, posebni deo (3. izdanje), Lion Mark: Kragujevac. (Čejović, B. (2008). Criminal Law in the Jurisprudence, special part (3th Edition), Lion Mark Kragujevac).
  • Dahl E., Levy, N. (2006). The Case for Physician Assisted Suicide: How Can It Possibly Be Proven, Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 32, No. 6.
  • Dunsmuir, M., Smith, M., Alter, S., Harder, S. (1998). Euthanasia and assisted suicide. Retrieved 15 December 2016 http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/919-e.htm.
  • Fernandes, A. K. (2001). Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the philosophical anthropology of Karol Wojtyla, Christian Bioethics, Vol. 7, No. 3.
  • Maşide G., Varol M., Başar Kara B., Tengilimoğlu D. (2016) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sucide Tourism, Int Journal Of Health Manag. And Tourism, Vol. 1, No. 3.
  • Hall D. (2012). Criminal Law and Procedure (6th Edition), Delmar Cengage Learning: New York.
  • Hendin, H., Foley, K., White, M. (1998). Physician-Assisted Suicide: Reflections on Oregon’s First Case, Issues L. & Med, Vol. 14.
  • Hilliard, B. (2000). The Moral and Legal Status of Physician-Assisted Death: Quality Of Life and the Patient-Physician Reationship, Issues in Integrative Studies, vol. 18.
  • Hillyard, D. (2001). Dying Right – The Death With Dignity Movement, Routledge: New York – London.
  • Hunt, W. E. (1993). The Right to Die in Montana: The Montana Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Mont. L. Rev., Vol. 54, Issue 2.
  • Jansen, A. (1995). Physician-Assisted Suicide, Seattle U. L. Rev., Vol. 18.
  • Jušić, A. (2002). Eutanazija, Revija za socijalnu politiku, Vol. 9, No. 3. (Jušić, A. (2002). Euthanasia, Croatian Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 9, No. 3).
  • Keegan, L., Drick, C. A. (2010). End of Life – Nursing solutions for Death with Dignity, Springer: New York.
  • Knaplund, K. (2010). Montana Becomes Third U.S. State To Allow Physician Aid In Dying, ABA Committee on Bioethics, Pepperdine University Legal Studies Research Paper, No. 17.
  • Ladki, S., Hajjar, M., Nacouzi, Y., Nasereddine, L., Mahmoud, N. (2016). Euthanasia Services: The New Health Tourism Wave, International Journal Of Heatlh Management and Tourism, Vol. 1, no. 2, 1-16.
  • LaFrance, A. B. (2008). Physician Assisted Death: From Rhetoric to Reality in Oregon. In: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Lazarević Lj. (2011). Komentar Krivičnog zakonika Srbije (2. izdanje), Univerzitet Union, Beograd. (Lazarević Lj. (2011). The Comentary of the Serbian Criminal Code (2th Edition), Union University: Belgrade).
  • Mason, E. (2010). Ignoring It Will Not Make It Go Away: Guidelines for Statutory Regulation of Physician-Assisted Death, New England Law Review, Vol. 45, No. 139.
  • Montana`s Rights of Terminally Ill Act.
  • Moskowitz, E. H. (1996-97). Mental Illness, Physical Illness, and the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Fordham Urb. L. J., Vol. 24.
  • Oduncu, F., Sahm, S. (2010). Doctor-cared dying instead of physician-assisted suicide: a prespective from Germany, Med Health Care and Philos, Vol. 31.
  • Oregon Public Health Division (2012). Characteristics and end‐of‐life care of 596 DWDA patients who have died from ingesting a lethal dose of medication as of February 29, 2012, Retrieved 16 December 2016 http://public.health.oregon.gov/.
  • Orlando, S. J. (2013). The Doctor Will See You for the Last Time Now: Physician-Assisted Suicide in Massachusetts, Suffolk U. L. Rev., Vol. 46.
  • Paterson, C. (2008). Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Ashgate Publishing Limited: Hampshire.
  • Report to the 62nd Legislature for the State of Montana, November 2010.
  • Reporting Requirements of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, 333-009-0010[1][a].
  • Senate Bill No. 128.
  • Sharma, B. R. (2003). To legalize physician-assisted suicide or not – a dilemma, Clinical Forensic Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 3.
  • Sharma, B. R. (2008). Assisted Suicide – How Far Justifiable?, in: Tadikonda, R. (Ed.), Physician Assisted Suicide, The Icfai University Press: Dehradun.
  • Sheb, J. and Sheb, J. II, (2011). Criminal Law & Procedure (3th Edition), Wadsworth Cengage Learning: Belmont.
  • Stojanović, Z. (2007). Komentar Krivičnog zakonika Srbije (2. izdanje), Službeni glasnik: Beograd (Stojanović Z. (2017). The Comentary of the Serbian Criminal Code (2th Edition), Official Gazzette: Belgrade).
  • Tucker, K., Salmi, C. (2010). Aid in Dying: Law, Geography and Standard of Care in Idaho, The Advocate, August.
  • Turanjanin, V. (2013). Nastanak i mogućnost razvoja “turizma smrti”u Zapadnoj Evropi. U: M. Mićović (ur.), Uslužno pravo, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu: Kragujevac. (Turanjanin, V. (2013). Origins and Possibilities for the Development of the ‘Death Tourism’ in Western Europe”, in: Mićović, M. Ed.), Service Law. Faculty of Law of University in Kragujevac: Kragujevac).
  • Turanjanin, V., Mihajlović, B. (2014). Right to Die with Dignity – the Same Problem and Different Legal Approaches in European Legislations, with Special Regard to Serbia, in: Sitek, M., Dammacco, G. (Ed.), Human Rights between War and Peace, vol. II, The Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury: Olsztyn.
  • Yount, L. (2007). Right to Die and Euthanasia, Infobase Publishing: New York.
  • Vuković, I. (2007). Pomaganje u izvršenju samoubistva iz samilosti (član 119. stav 2 KZ) nečinjenjem, saglasno izraženoj volji pasivnog subjekta. U: Ignjatović Đ. (ur.), Stanje kriminaliteta u Srbiji I pravna sredstva reagovanja, deo prvi. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu: Beograd. (Vuković, I. (2007). Assisting in suicide out of pity (article 119, par. 2 CC) by omission, meeting the mind of a passive subject, in: Ignjatović Đ. (Ed.), State of the Crime in Serbia and Legal Means of the Reaction, First Part, Faculty of Law University of Belgrade: Belgrade).
  • Ward, A. (Ed.) (2005). End of Life Care, An Ethical Overview. University of Minnesota - Center for Bioethics: Minnesota.
  • Wolfslast, G. (2008). Physician-Assisted Suicide and the German Criminal Law. In: Birnbacher, D., Dahl, E. (Ed.), Giving Death a Helping Hand: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Public Policy. An International Perspective. New York: Springer.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Veljko Turanjanın

Dragana čvorovıć Bu kişi benim

Emir ćorovıć Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Turanjanın, V., čvorovıć, D., & ćorovıć, E. (2017). REVIEW OF THE PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE IN THE UNITED STATES, GERMANY AND SERBIA. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 2(1), 1-15.