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Drosophila melanogaster’de Antidepresan (Sitalopram) Kullanılarak Oluşturulan Strese Karşı E ve C Vitamininin Koruyucu Etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 131 - 144, 15.08.2022


Bu çalışmada antidepresan etken maddesi olan Sitalopram’ın D. melanogaster ömür uzunluğuna ve eşey oranına olumsuz etkileri ve buna karşı C ve E vitamininin koruyuculuğu araştırıldı. Sitalopram’ın 3 farklı dozu (0-1mM) ve C-E vitaminlerinden (25mg/L) oluşturulan gruplara beslenme yolu ile verildi. Döl sayısı deneyi 7 gün süreyle, ömür uzunluğu deneyi 39 gün süreyle uygulandı. Bu çalışmada yer verilen döl sayısı deneylerinde, uygulama gruplarında döl veriminin azalması beklenirken, erişkin sineklerin oluşturduğu döl sayısının kontrol grubu ile yakın sayılarda olduğu gözlemlendi. Ayrıca vitaminli gruplarda ise döl sayısı kontrole kıyasla düşüşe geçti. Bununla birlikte ömür uzunluğu deneyinde kontrol grubunda hayatta kalma yüzdesi %80’lere düşerken Sitalopram’lı gruplarda hayatta kalma yüzdesi %80’nin üzerinde kaldı. Ancak Sitalopram ve vitaminlerin birlikte uygulandığı grupların hayatta kalma oranları %60’lara inerek kontrol grubuna göre düşük seyretti. Sonuç olarak; Sitalopram’ın sineklerin döl sayısını değiştirmediği, ömür uzunluğu deneylerinde ise vitamin ile birlikte alınan ilacın kontrol grubuna kıyasla ömrü olumsuz etkilediği belirlendi.

Destekleyen Kurum

TÜBİTAK 2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı

Proje Numarası



Desteklerinden dolayı Tübitak 2209-A birimine teşekkür ederiz. Aynı zamanda Bartın Üniversitesi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı yüksek lisans öğrencisi Özge ÇELİKTAŞ KÖSTEKÇİ’ye, istatiksel verilerin elde edilmesinde yardımlarından dolayı Ramazan DALGIÇ ve Meral DALGIÇ’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.


  • 1.Woo, H., Differentially expressed genes related to major depressive disorder and antidepressant response: genome-wide gene expression analysis. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 2018. 50(92): p. 50-92.
  • 2.Güneş, E. Ankaferd Blood Stopper, Drosophila melanogaster'de Stres ve Yaşlanma Üzerindeki Davranışı Değiştiriyor mu?. UCBAD., 2021; 4(2): p. 77-81.
  • 3.Pizzino, G., et al., Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health. Oxid Med Cell Longev., 2017. 8416763.
  • 4.Marasine, N. R., et al., Self-Reported Antidepressant Drug Side Effects, Medication Adherence, and Its Associated Factors among Patients Diagnosed with Depression at the Psychiatric Hospital of Nepal. Depression Research and Treatment, 2020. 7024275: p. 1-7.
  • 5.Saraghi, M., Golden, L. and Hersh E., Anesthetic Considerations for Patients on Antidepressant Therapy. Anesth Prog.2017. 64(4): p. 253-261.
  • 6.Örsel, S., Depresyonda tedavi: Genel ilkeler ve kullanılan antidepresan ilaçlar. J. Clin. Psychiatry, 2004. 4: p. 17-24.
  • 7.Dean, L., Amitripty line Therapy and CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotype. Medical Genetics Summaries, 2017. p. 1-16.
  • 8.Joginder, P., Neeru Bala,1 and Veena Chatrathet al., Psychiatric patient and anaesthesia. Indian J Anaesth., 2012. 56(1): p. 8-13.
  • 9.Erdemir, F., et al., The effect of Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine and Escitalopram on testicular tissue and oxidative stres parameters in rats. Int Braz J Urol., 2014. 1(40): p. 100-108.
  • 10.Kaneko, F., et al., Long-Term Citalopram Treatment Alters the Stress Responses of the Cortical Dopamine and Noradrenaline Systems: the Role of Cortical 5-HT1A Receptor. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016. 19(8): p. 1-12.
  • 11.Marcadenti, A. and Coelho, R. C. L. A., Dietary Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress: Interaction between Vitamins and Genetics. Journal of Nutritional Health&Food Science, 2015. 3;1: p. 1-7.
  • 12.Birben, E., et al., Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense. World Allergy Organ J., 2012. 5(1): p. 9-19.
  • 13.Luisa, M., Monroy, L., and Mejía, C., Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus and the Role Of Vitamins with Antioxidant Actions. José A. Morales-González, Editor, IntechOpen Oxidative Stress and Chronic Degenerative Diseases - A Role for Antioxidants, 2012. Chapter 9: p. 209-232.
  • 14.Brenneisen, P., Steinbrenner, H., Selenium, H., oxidative stress, and health aspects. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 2005. 26(4-5): p. 256-267.
  • 15.Palace, V. P., et al., Antioxidant potential of vitamin A and carotenoids and their relevance to heart disease. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 1999. 26: p. 746-761.
  • 16.Williams, C. A., and Carlucci, S. A., Oral vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress, vitamin and antioxidant status in intensely exercised horses. Equine Vet J Suppl., 2006. 36: p. 617-21.
  • 17.Allocca, M., Zola, S. and Bellosta, P., The Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster: The Making of a Model (Part I). Farzana Khan Perveen, Editor, IntechOpen, Drosophila melanogaster - Model for Recent Advances in Genetics and Therapeutics, 2018. Chapter 6: p. 119-130.
  • 18.Güneş, E., Aydin, H. and Nizamlioğlu, H., Investigation of the protective effect of acetazolamide and SLC-0111 on carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in fruit fly. Toxicol Rep., 2021. 16(8): p. 1300-1304.
  • 19.Cardenas, E. & Ghosh, R., Vitamin E: e darkhorse at the crussuad of cancer management. Biochem Pharmacol., 2013. 1;86(7): p. 845-852.
  • 20.Niki, E., & Traber, M.G., E Vitamin Historical. Ann. Nutr. Metab., 2012. 61 : p. 207-212.
  • 21.Mirzoyan, Z., et al., Drosophila melanogaster: A Model Organism to Study Cancer. Front Genet., 2019. 10(51): p. 1-16.
  • 22.Santos, L.L.R., et al., Vitamin C and oxidative stress on cultured human keratinocytes. Can J Plast Surg., 2004. 1(12): p. 17-19.
  • 23.Frei, B., Aragon I. and Lykkesfeldt, J., What İs The Optimum İntake Of Vitamin C İn Humans? Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 2012. 52(9): p. 815-829.
  • 24.Michels, A. J., Hagen, T. M. and Frei, B., Human Genetic Variation Influences Vitamin C Homeostasis by Altering Vitamin C Transport and Antioxidant Enzyme Function. Annu Rev Nutr., 2013. 33: p. 45-70.
  • 25.Alexander, J. M. and Balz, F.,Vitamin C. American Society for Nutrition, 2014. 5(1): p. 16-18.
  • 26.Carr, A. C. and Maggini, S., Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients., 2017. 9(11): p. 1-25.
  • 27.Rodríguez, M., García, A., and Lozano, M., The Role of Vitamin C in the Protection and Modulation of Genotoxic Damage Induced by Metals Associated with Oxidative Stress, Vitamin C, Amal H. Hamza, IntechOpen, 2017: p. 100-112.
  • 28.Kawashima, A., et al., Vitamin C Induces the Reduction of Oxidative Stress and Paradoxically Stimulates the Apoptotic Gene Expression in Extravillous Trophoblasts Derived from First-Trimester Tissue. Reprod Sci. 2015. 22(7): p. 783-790.
  • 29.Karakaş, A. and Bahçeci, Z., Cypermethrinin Drosophila Melanogaster'in Üçüncü İnstar Larvalarının Tükrük Bezi Politen Kromozomları Üzerine Etkisi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009. 1(9): p. 97-106.
  • 30.Çakır, Ş. and Sarıkaya, R., Bazı Organık Fosforlu İnsektısıtlerın Drosophıla Melanogaster'in Yaşama Yüzdesı Üzerıne Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2004. 3(24): p. 71-80.
  • 31.Şahin, N. and Türkoğlu, Ş., Bazı Tekstil Boyalarının Drosophila Melanogaster'de Ömür Uzunluğu, Yaşama Yüzdesi ve Yavru Birey Sayısına Etkileri. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014. 4(35): p. 73-93.
  • 32.Kasture, A. S., et al., Distinct Contribution of Axonal and Somatodendritic Serotonin Transportersin Drosophila Olfaction. Neuropharmacology. 2019. 161(2019): p. 1-11.
  • 33.Draper, H. H., Csallany, A. S. and Hadley, M., Urinary Aldehydes as Indicators of Lipid Peroxidation In Vivo. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 2000. 29(11): p. 1071–1077.
  • 34.Gürbüzel, M., et al., Genotoxic Evaluation of Selective Serotonin-reuptake Inhibitors by use of the Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test in Drosophila. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2012. 748: p. 17-20.
  • 35.Bahadorani, S., et al., The Effects of Vitamin Supplementation on Drosophila Life Span Under Normoxia and Under Oxidative Stress. The Journals of Gerontology, 2008. 1(63): p. 35-42.
  • 36.Gelegen, L. and Yeşilada E., Drosophila Melanogaster’in Bazı Gelişimsel Özellikleri Üzerine Kadmiyum Nitratın Etkisi. Turk J Biol., 2000. 24(2000): p. 585-591.
  • 37.Ries, A. S., et al., Serotonin modulates a depression-like state in Drosophila responsive to lithium treatment. Nature Communications. 2017. 8(15738): p. 1-11.
  • 38.Miquel, J., Can antioxidant diet supplementation protect against age-related mitochondrial damage? Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2002. 959(1): p. 508-516.
  • 39.H.R. Massie, H. R., et al., Ascorbic Acid in Drosophila and Changes During Aging. Exp. Gerontol., 1991. 26: p. 487-494.
  • 40.Driver, C. and Georgeou, A., Variable Effects of Vitamin E on Drosophila Longevity. Biogerontology, 2003. 4(2): p. 91-95.
  • 41.Navruz, F., Determination Of Genotoxic Effects Of Arsenic, Vitamin C and Vitamin E On Drosophila Melanogaster. Uluslararası Genomik ve Biyoinformatik Konferansı, 2018.
  • 42.Black, C. N., et al., Oxidative Stress in Major Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, and the Association with Antidepressant Use; Reults from A Large Adult Cohort. Psychological Medicine, 2017. 47(5): p. 936-948.

Protective Effect of Vitamins E and C Against Stress Generated Using Antidepressant (Citalopram) in Drosophila melanogaster

Yıl 2022, , 131 - 144, 15.08.2022


In the study, the negative effects of Citalopram, which is an antidepressant active ingredient, on D. melanogaster lifespan and sex ratio, and the protection of vitamins C and E against this were investigated. Three different doses of citalopram (0-1mM) and vitamins C and E (25mg/L) were given to the groups by diet. The number of progeny tests was carried out for 7 days, and the longevity test was performed for 39 days. In the progeny number experiments included in this study, it was observed that while the fertility of the treatment groups was expected to decrease, the number of offspring formed by adult flies was close to the control group. In addition, the number of offspring in the vitamin group decreased compared to the control. However, in the longevity experiment, the survival rate in the control group decreased to 80%, while the survival rate in the Citalopram groups remained above 80%. However, the survival rate of the groups in which citalopram and vitamins were administered together was lower than the control group, decreasing to 60%. As a result; It was determined that citalopram did not change the number of offspring of the flies, and in the longevity experiments, the drug taken together with the vitamin affected the lifespan negatively compared to the control group.

Proje Numarası



  • 1.Woo, H., Differentially expressed genes related to major depressive disorder and antidepressant response: genome-wide gene expression analysis. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 2018. 50(92): p. 50-92.
  • 2.Güneş, E. Ankaferd Blood Stopper, Drosophila melanogaster'de Stres ve Yaşlanma Üzerindeki Davranışı Değiştiriyor mu?. UCBAD., 2021; 4(2): p. 77-81.
  • 3.Pizzino, G., et al., Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health. Oxid Med Cell Longev., 2017. 8416763.
  • 4.Marasine, N. R., et al., Self-Reported Antidepressant Drug Side Effects, Medication Adherence, and Its Associated Factors among Patients Diagnosed with Depression at the Psychiatric Hospital of Nepal. Depression Research and Treatment, 2020. 7024275: p. 1-7.
  • 5.Saraghi, M., Golden, L. and Hersh E., Anesthetic Considerations for Patients on Antidepressant Therapy. Anesth Prog.2017. 64(4): p. 253-261.
  • 6.Örsel, S., Depresyonda tedavi: Genel ilkeler ve kullanılan antidepresan ilaçlar. J. Clin. Psychiatry, 2004. 4: p. 17-24.
  • 7.Dean, L., Amitripty line Therapy and CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotype. Medical Genetics Summaries, 2017. p. 1-16.
  • 8.Joginder, P., Neeru Bala,1 and Veena Chatrathet al., Psychiatric patient and anaesthesia. Indian J Anaesth., 2012. 56(1): p. 8-13.
  • 9.Erdemir, F., et al., The effect of Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine and Escitalopram on testicular tissue and oxidative stres parameters in rats. Int Braz J Urol., 2014. 1(40): p. 100-108.
  • 10.Kaneko, F., et al., Long-Term Citalopram Treatment Alters the Stress Responses of the Cortical Dopamine and Noradrenaline Systems: the Role of Cortical 5-HT1A Receptor. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016. 19(8): p. 1-12.
  • 11.Marcadenti, A. and Coelho, R. C. L. A., Dietary Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress: Interaction between Vitamins and Genetics. Journal of Nutritional Health&Food Science, 2015. 3;1: p. 1-7.
  • 12.Birben, E., et al., Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense. World Allergy Organ J., 2012. 5(1): p. 9-19.
  • 13.Luisa, M., Monroy, L., and Mejía, C., Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus and the Role Of Vitamins with Antioxidant Actions. José A. Morales-González, Editor, IntechOpen Oxidative Stress and Chronic Degenerative Diseases - A Role for Antioxidants, 2012. Chapter 9: p. 209-232.
  • 14.Brenneisen, P., Steinbrenner, H., Selenium, H., oxidative stress, and health aspects. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 2005. 26(4-5): p. 256-267.
  • 15.Palace, V. P., et al., Antioxidant potential of vitamin A and carotenoids and their relevance to heart disease. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 1999. 26: p. 746-761.
  • 16.Williams, C. A., and Carlucci, S. A., Oral vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress, vitamin and antioxidant status in intensely exercised horses. Equine Vet J Suppl., 2006. 36: p. 617-21.
  • 17.Allocca, M., Zola, S. and Bellosta, P., The Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster: The Making of a Model (Part I). Farzana Khan Perveen, Editor, IntechOpen, Drosophila melanogaster - Model for Recent Advances in Genetics and Therapeutics, 2018. Chapter 6: p. 119-130.
  • 18.Güneş, E., Aydin, H. and Nizamlioğlu, H., Investigation of the protective effect of acetazolamide and SLC-0111 on carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity in fruit fly. Toxicol Rep., 2021. 16(8): p. 1300-1304.
  • 19.Cardenas, E. & Ghosh, R., Vitamin E: e darkhorse at the crussuad of cancer management. Biochem Pharmacol., 2013. 1;86(7): p. 845-852.
  • 20.Niki, E., & Traber, M.G., E Vitamin Historical. Ann. Nutr. Metab., 2012. 61 : p. 207-212.
  • 21.Mirzoyan, Z., et al., Drosophila melanogaster: A Model Organism to Study Cancer. Front Genet., 2019. 10(51): p. 1-16.
  • 22.Santos, L.L.R., et al., Vitamin C and oxidative stress on cultured human keratinocytes. Can J Plast Surg., 2004. 1(12): p. 17-19.
  • 23.Frei, B., Aragon I. and Lykkesfeldt, J., What İs The Optimum İntake Of Vitamin C İn Humans? Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 2012. 52(9): p. 815-829.
  • 24.Michels, A. J., Hagen, T. M. and Frei, B., Human Genetic Variation Influences Vitamin C Homeostasis by Altering Vitamin C Transport and Antioxidant Enzyme Function. Annu Rev Nutr., 2013. 33: p. 45-70.
  • 25.Alexander, J. M. and Balz, F.,Vitamin C. American Society for Nutrition, 2014. 5(1): p. 16-18.
  • 26.Carr, A. C. and Maggini, S., Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients., 2017. 9(11): p. 1-25.
  • 27.Rodríguez, M., García, A., and Lozano, M., The Role of Vitamin C in the Protection and Modulation of Genotoxic Damage Induced by Metals Associated with Oxidative Stress, Vitamin C, Amal H. Hamza, IntechOpen, 2017: p. 100-112.
  • 28.Kawashima, A., et al., Vitamin C Induces the Reduction of Oxidative Stress and Paradoxically Stimulates the Apoptotic Gene Expression in Extravillous Trophoblasts Derived from First-Trimester Tissue. Reprod Sci. 2015. 22(7): p. 783-790.
  • 29.Karakaş, A. and Bahçeci, Z., Cypermethrinin Drosophila Melanogaster'in Üçüncü İnstar Larvalarının Tükrük Bezi Politen Kromozomları Üzerine Etkisi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009. 1(9): p. 97-106.
  • 30.Çakır, Ş. and Sarıkaya, R., Bazı Organık Fosforlu İnsektısıtlerın Drosophıla Melanogaster'in Yaşama Yüzdesı Üzerıne Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2004. 3(24): p. 71-80.
  • 31.Şahin, N. and Türkoğlu, Ş., Bazı Tekstil Boyalarının Drosophila Melanogaster'de Ömür Uzunluğu, Yaşama Yüzdesi ve Yavru Birey Sayısına Etkileri. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014. 4(35): p. 73-93.
  • 32.Kasture, A. S., et al., Distinct Contribution of Axonal and Somatodendritic Serotonin Transportersin Drosophila Olfaction. Neuropharmacology. 2019. 161(2019): p. 1-11.
  • 33.Draper, H. H., Csallany, A. S. and Hadley, M., Urinary Aldehydes as Indicators of Lipid Peroxidation In Vivo. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 2000. 29(11): p. 1071–1077.
  • 34.Gürbüzel, M., et al., Genotoxic Evaluation of Selective Serotonin-reuptake Inhibitors by use of the Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test in Drosophila. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2012. 748: p. 17-20.
  • 35.Bahadorani, S., et al., The Effects of Vitamin Supplementation on Drosophila Life Span Under Normoxia and Under Oxidative Stress. The Journals of Gerontology, 2008. 1(63): p. 35-42.
  • 36.Gelegen, L. and Yeşilada E., Drosophila Melanogaster’in Bazı Gelişimsel Özellikleri Üzerine Kadmiyum Nitratın Etkisi. Turk J Biol., 2000. 24(2000): p. 585-591.
  • 37.Ries, A. S., et al., Serotonin modulates a depression-like state in Drosophila responsive to lithium treatment. Nature Communications. 2017. 8(15738): p. 1-11.
  • 38.Miquel, J., Can antioxidant diet supplementation protect against age-related mitochondrial damage? Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2002. 959(1): p. 508-516.
  • 39.H.R. Massie, H. R., et al., Ascorbic Acid in Drosophila and Changes During Aging. Exp. Gerontol., 1991. 26: p. 487-494.
  • 40.Driver, C. and Georgeou, A., Variable Effects of Vitamin E on Drosophila Longevity. Biogerontology, 2003. 4(2): p. 91-95.
  • 41.Navruz, F., Determination Of Genotoxic Effects Of Arsenic, Vitamin C and Vitamin E On Drosophila Melanogaster. Uluslararası Genomik ve Biyoinformatik Konferansı, 2018.
  • 42.Black, C. N., et al., Oxidative Stress in Major Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, and the Association with Antidepressant Use; Reults from A Large Adult Cohort. Psychological Medicine, 2017. 47(5): p. 936-948.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Melisa Beyhan Yılmaz 0000-0002-0769-8742

Fahriye Zemheri Navruz 0000-0003-1744-1091

Ecem Seçginli 0000-0003-0644-0042

Proje Numarası 1919B011803230
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Beyhan Yılmaz M, Zemheri Navruz F, Seçginli E (01 Ağustos 2022) Drosophila melanogaster’de Antidepresan (Sitalopram) Kullanılarak Oluşturulan Strese Karşı E ve C Vitamininin Koruyucu Etkisi. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 5 2 131–144.

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