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Ilısu Baraj Gölü'nde (Batman/TÜRKİYE) yaşayan Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843 ve Arabibarbus grypus Heckel, 1843 türlerinin yağ asidi kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 74 - 79, 15.08.2024


In this study, the fatty acid compounds in the muscle tissues of Mesopotamian catfish (Silurus triostegus, Heckel, 1843) and Shabut (Arabibarbus grypus, Heckel, 1843), which live in Ilısu Dam Lake on the Tigris River and have economic importance. For fatty acid analysis, muscle tissues were taken from the samples obtained from local fishermen, placed in tubes and lipids were obtained by applying chloroform/methanol method. The methylation steps of fatty acids in the samples were performed in accordance with TS EN ISO 12966:2 (TS EN ISO 12966-2., 2017) method. The total fatty acid content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) value was detected as 27,97 ± 0,26 in A.grypus, 32.46 ± 0.37 in S. triostegus, The value of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) varied between 42.63 ± 0.6% in A. grypus and 41.5 ± 0.51% in S. triostegus. Total polyunsaturated polyunsaturated acids (PUFA) ranged between 21.83 ± 1.49 for A. grypus and 25.82 ± 1.94 for S. triostegus. MUFA values in all samples were higher than SFA and PUFA values for both fish species. Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid (EPA) are commonly consumed omega-3 types. A. grypus and S. triostegus are within the recommended limits for EPA (C20:5n3) and DHA (C22:6n3). For A. grypus, ω3/ω6 values were (1,06); for S. triostegus ω3/ω6 values were (1,38). When the ω3/ω6 values of both fish species were analysed for human health, it was determined that the ω3/ω6 values of omega fatty acids A. grypus and S. triostegus were above 1. As a result information on the composition of 20 types of fatty acids and ω3/ω6 amounts were obtained in muscle tissue of A. grypus and S. triostegus species living in Ilısu Dam Lake and most preferred by local people. The levels of fat and its components in these species, which may cause different problems when accumulated in the body as a result of changing consumption habits, were indicated in the study.


  • Parmaksız, A., Population Genetic Diversity of Yellow Barbell (Carasobarbus luteus) from Kueik, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Based on Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Sequences.Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2020. 20(1): p.79-86.
  • Parmaksız, A., Determination of Genetic Variations by Using Mitochondrial DNA Cyt b Sequences in Populations of Carasobarbus luteus (Cyprinidae). Aquatic Research, 2021.4(4): p. 313-320.
  • Farag, M.R., et al., Propolis: properties and composition, health benefits and applications in fish nutrition. Fish and Shellfish Immunology , 2021. 115: p. 179–188.
  • Awuchi, C. G., et al., Bioactive compounds and therapeutics from fish: revisiting their suitability in functional foods to enhance human wellbeing. BioMed Research International, 2022 (3661866). p. 1-18,
  • Yıldırım, A., et al., Age and Growth Characteristics of Chalcalburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) Living in Karasu River (Erzurum-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , 2003. 27(5): p. 1091-1097.
  • Turan, H., et al., Omega-6, Omega-3 Yağ Asitleri ve Balık. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2013. 2: p. 45-50.
  • Kaçar, S., et al., Effect of seasonal variation on lipid and fatty acid profile in muscle tissue of male and female Silurus triostegus. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016. 53: p. 2913-2922.
  • Khodadadi, M., et al., A Preliminary Study on Sperm Morphology, Motility and Composition of Seminal Plasma of Shirbot, Barbus grypus. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016. 16: p. 947-951.
  • Folch, J., et al., A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1957. 226(1): p. 497.
  • Anonim., TS EN ISO 12966-2. Hayvansal ve Bitkisel Katı ve Sıvı Yağlar - Yağ Asitleri Metil Esterlerinin Gaz Kromatografisi - Bölüm 2: Yağ Asitleri Metil Esterlerinin Hazırlanması. 2017. TSE Publications, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Özbek, H. ve S. Keskin, Standart sapma mı yoksa standart hata mı?. Van Tıp Dergisi, 2007. 14(2): p. 64-67.
  • Gokce, M. A., et al., Proximate composition and fatty acid profile of shabbout (Barbus grypus) caught from the Ataturk Dam Lake, Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2011. 9(2): p. 148-151.
  • Simopoulos, A.P., The Importance of the Ratio of Omega-6/Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2002. 56 (8): p. 365–379.
  • Linhartová, Z., et al., Proximate and fatty acid composition of 13 important freshwater fish species in central Europe. Aquaculture International, 2018. 26: p. 695-711.
  • Özmen, Ö., Omega-3 ve Omega-6 Yağ Asitlerinin Üre Fraksiyonlama ve Enzimatik Yöntemler ile Konsantrasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2013. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul .
  • Kris, E., et al., Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2003. 23(2): p. 151-152.
  • Yakar, Y., et al ., Investigation of Fatty Acid Profiles in Some Economically Important Fish Species Living in Atatürk Dam Lake, Adıyaman, Türkiye. Aquatic Research, 2023. 6 (1): p. 11-18.
  • Cengiz, E., Effects of seasonal variations on the fatty acid composition of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglicerol in the dorsal muscle of Mesopotamian catfish (Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843) in Tigris River (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2012. 12 (1).
  • Cengiz, E., et al., Fatty acid composition of total lipids in muscle tissues of nine freshwater fish from the River Tigris (Turkey).Turkish Journal of Biology, 2010. 34 (4) : p. 433-438.
  • Shahidi, F., et al., Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Their Health Benefits. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 2018. 9 : p. 345-381.
  • Shaw, L. A., et al., Emulsion Droplet Interfacial Engineering to Deliver Bioactive Lipids into Functional Foods. In Delivery and Controlled Release of Bioactives in Foods and Nutraceuticals, 2008. p.184-206.
  • Hall, C. and M.C. Tulbek, Omega-3-enriched bread. In Technology of Functional Cereal Products, 2008. p. 362-387.

Determination of fatty acid composition of Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843 and Arabibarbus grypus Heckel, 1843 species living in Ilısu Dam Lake (Batman/TÜRKİYE)

Yıl 2024, , 74 - 79, 15.08.2024


In this study, the fatty acid compounds in the muscle tissues of Mesopotamian catfish (Silurus triostegus, Heckel, 1843) and Shabut (Arabibarbus grypus, Heckel, 1843), which live in Ilısu Dam Lake on the Tigris River and have economic importance. For fatty acid analysis, muscle tissues were taken from the samples obtained from local fishermen, placed in tubes and lipids were obtained by applying chloroform/methanol method. The methylation steps of fatty acids in the samples were performed in accordance with TS EN ISO 12966:2 (TS EN ISO 12966-2., 2017) method. The total fatty acid content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) value was detected as 27,97 ± 0,26 in A.grypus, 32.46 ± 0.37 in S. triostegus, The value of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) varied between 42.63 ± 0.6% in A. grypus and 41.5 ± 0.51% in S. triostegus. Total polyunsaturated polyunsaturated acids (PUFA) ranged between 21.83 ± 1.49 for A. grypus and 25.82 ± 1.94 for S. triostegus. MUFA values in all samples were higher than SFA and PUFA values for both fish species. Docosa Hexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid (EPA) are commonly consumed omega-3 types. A. grypus and S. triostegus are within the recommended limits for EPA (C20:5n3) and DHA (C22:6n3). For A. grypus, ω3/ω6 values were (1,06); for S. triostegus ω3/ω6 values were (1,38). When the ω3/ω6 values of both fish species were analysed for human health, it was determined that the ω3/ω6 values of omega fatty acids A. grypus and S. triostegus were above 1. As a result information on the composition of 20 types of fatty acids and ω3/ω6 amounts were obtained in muscle tissue of A. grypus and S. triostegus species living in Ilısu Dam Lake and most preferred by local people. The levels of fat and its components in these species, which may cause different problems when accumulated in the body as a result of changing consumption habits, were indicated in the study.


  • Parmaksız, A., Population Genetic Diversity of Yellow Barbell (Carasobarbus luteus) from Kueik, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Based on Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Sequences.Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2020. 20(1): p.79-86.
  • Parmaksız, A., Determination of Genetic Variations by Using Mitochondrial DNA Cyt b Sequences in Populations of Carasobarbus luteus (Cyprinidae). Aquatic Research, 2021.4(4): p. 313-320.
  • Farag, M.R., et al., Propolis: properties and composition, health benefits and applications in fish nutrition. Fish and Shellfish Immunology , 2021. 115: p. 179–188.
  • Awuchi, C. G., et al., Bioactive compounds and therapeutics from fish: revisiting their suitability in functional foods to enhance human wellbeing. BioMed Research International, 2022 (3661866). p. 1-18,
  • Yıldırım, A., et al., Age and Growth Characteristics of Chalcalburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) Living in Karasu River (Erzurum-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences , 2003. 27(5): p. 1091-1097.
  • Turan, H., et al., Omega-6, Omega-3 Yağ Asitleri ve Balık. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2013. 2: p. 45-50.
  • Kaçar, S., et al., Effect of seasonal variation on lipid and fatty acid profile in muscle tissue of male and female Silurus triostegus. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016. 53: p. 2913-2922.
  • Khodadadi, M., et al., A Preliminary Study on Sperm Morphology, Motility and Composition of Seminal Plasma of Shirbot, Barbus grypus. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016. 16: p. 947-951.
  • Folch, J., et al., A simple method for the isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1957. 226(1): p. 497.
  • Anonim., TS EN ISO 12966-2. Hayvansal ve Bitkisel Katı ve Sıvı Yağlar - Yağ Asitleri Metil Esterlerinin Gaz Kromatografisi - Bölüm 2: Yağ Asitleri Metil Esterlerinin Hazırlanması. 2017. TSE Publications, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Özbek, H. ve S. Keskin, Standart sapma mı yoksa standart hata mı?. Van Tıp Dergisi, 2007. 14(2): p. 64-67.
  • Gokce, M. A., et al., Proximate composition and fatty acid profile of shabbout (Barbus grypus) caught from the Ataturk Dam Lake, Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2011. 9(2): p. 148-151.
  • Simopoulos, A.P., The Importance of the Ratio of Omega-6/Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2002. 56 (8): p. 365–379.
  • Linhartová, Z., et al., Proximate and fatty acid composition of 13 important freshwater fish species in central Europe. Aquaculture International, 2018. 26: p. 695-711.
  • Özmen, Ö., Omega-3 ve Omega-6 Yağ Asitlerinin Üre Fraksiyonlama ve Enzimatik Yöntemler ile Konsantrasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2013. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul .
  • Kris, E., et al., Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2003. 23(2): p. 151-152.
  • Yakar, Y., et al ., Investigation of Fatty Acid Profiles in Some Economically Important Fish Species Living in Atatürk Dam Lake, Adıyaman, Türkiye. Aquatic Research, 2023. 6 (1): p. 11-18.
  • Cengiz, E., Effects of seasonal variations on the fatty acid composition of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglicerol in the dorsal muscle of Mesopotamian catfish (Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843) in Tigris River (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2012. 12 (1).
  • Cengiz, E., et al., Fatty acid composition of total lipids in muscle tissues of nine freshwater fish from the River Tigris (Turkey).Turkish Journal of Biology, 2010. 34 (4) : p. 433-438.
  • Shahidi, F., et al., Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Their Health Benefits. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology, 2018. 9 : p. 345-381.
  • Shaw, L. A., et al., Emulsion Droplet Interfacial Engineering to Deliver Bioactive Lipids into Functional Foods. In Delivery and Controlled Release of Bioactives in Foods and Nutraceuticals, 2008. p.184-206.
  • Hall, C. and M.C. Tulbek, Omega-3-enriched bread. In Technology of Functional Cereal Products, 2008. p. 362-387.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ramazan Bozkurt 0000-0003-1763-8345

A. Yusuf Yüksel 0000-0003-0670-6664

Muhammed Yaşar Dörtbudak 0000-0001-7966-5678

Arif Parmaksız 0000-0003-0321-8198

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Bozkurt R, Yüksel AY, Dörtbudak MY, Parmaksız A (01 Ağustos 2024) Determination of fatty acid composition of Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843 and Arabibarbus grypus Heckel, 1843 species living in Ilısu Dam Lake (Batman/TÜRKİYE). International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 7 2 74–79.

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