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Microbial Population of Soil and Water around Petroleum Depot Suleja, Nigeria, and their Hydrocarbon Utilisation

Yıl 2021, , 90 - 113, 15.04.2021


Contamination by petroleum products is a common occurrence in various depots in Nigeria. Suleja depot in recent times has recorded several petroleum spillages and fire incidence attributed to petroleum products storage and distribution. This study was aimed at determining the microbiological quality of soil and water sources in communities around petroleum products depot in Suleja, Nigeria. Soil samples and water samples were collected from defive communities around the petroleum products depot and a control site. Microorganisms in the soil and water samples were enumerated by spread inoculation on general purpose media and selective media. Bacterial and fungal isolates were tested for their potential to utilise petroleum products in a Bushnell Haas Broth containing 0.05 mL of petroleum products (diesel, kerosene, engine oil, crude oil) as a source of carbon and energy. The utilisation rate was determined by spectrophotometry. The capacities of selected bacterial and fungal isolates to mineralise crude oil were further tested in minimal salt medium. The bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. The microbial isolates were not evenly distributed in the six experimental and control plots. Soil samples had higher aerobic heterotrophic bacterial counts than the water samples. Crude oil was most utilized by the microbial isolates. Bacterial isolates from genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus had the highest capacity in utilizing the petroleum products. Among the fungal species, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum exhibited greater capacity to utilise the petroleum products. Results revealed isolates capable of utilising the various petroleum products which can be useful in oil spill bioremediation in the tropical environments.

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Not Applicable

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Not Applicable


  • 1. Nkiru, U.C., et al., Biodegradation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil by Bacterial Isolates from Nigeria. Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology, 2019. 5(1): p. 14-28.
  • 2. Nwakanma, C., E.C. Obih, and O. Onyia, Molecular Identification of Bacteria Involved in Degradation of Crude Oil. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 2016. 31: p. 1 – 8.
  • 3. Ding, A., et al., Characterizing Microbial Activity and Diversity of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sites. IntechOpen, 2013. p. 137-160. Doi:
  • 4. Naowasarn, S. and S. Leungprasert, Abundance and diversity of hydrocarbon utilising bacteria in the oil-contaminated soils throughout a remedial scheme using compost amendment. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. 41(1): p. 12-20.
  • 5. Patel, V., et al., Response and resilience of soil microbial communities inhabiting in edible oil stress/contamination from industrial estates. BMC Microbiology, 2016. 16, p- 50, doi: 10.1186/s12866-016-0669-8.
  • 6. Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Nigerian Pipelines and Storage Company Limited (NPSC), 2020. Retrieved from 16/08/20.
  • 7. Adeniji, A.O., O.O. Okoh, and A.I. Okoh, Analytical Methods for the Determination of the Distribution of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Water and Sediment of Aquatic Systems: A Review. Hindawi Journal of Chemistry, 2017. 2017, 2090-9063 Article ID 5178937. Doi:
  • 8. Iquatt, C.B., O.A. Oyewole, and O.P. Abioye, Bioremediation of petroleum polluted soil (a review). International Journal of Natural and Applied Science, 2005. 1(1): p. 21-25.
  • 9. Osinowo, I., et al., Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Using Bacterial Cocktail and Organic Nutrients. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2020. 10(2): p. 1- 14.
  • 10. Oyewole, O.A., et al., Isolation of bacteria from diesel contaminated soil for diesel remediation. Journal Bio-Sci, 2020. 28, p. 33-41.
  • 11. Ubong, I.U. and J.D. Edwin, Assessment of petroleum products contamination of soil quality at selected truck parks in Calabar municipality, Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2018. 7(4): p. 1336-1354. 12. Chikere, C. B., G.C. Okpokwasili, and B.O. Chikere, Bacterial diversity in a tropical crude oil-polluted soil undergoing bioremediation. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009. 8(11): 2535-2540.
  • 13. Ekhaise, F.O. and J. Nkwelle, Microbiological and Physicochemical Analyses of Oil Contaminated Soil from Major Motor Mechanic Workshops in Benin City Metropolis, Edo State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management, 2011. 15(4): 597 - 600.
  • 14. Kuang, S., et al., Soil Microbial Community Structure and Diversity around the Aging Oil Sludge in Yellow River Delta as Determined by High-Throughput Sequencing. Archaea, 2018, ID 7861805. Doi:
  • 15. Feng, X., et al., Distribution of Bacterial Communities in Petroleum‑Contaminated Soils from the Dagang Oilfeld, China. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2020. 26, p. 22– 32. Doi:
  • 16. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, MPCA, Soil sample collection and analysis procedure, 2008. Guidance Document 4-04, Petroleum Remediation Program. 520 Lafayette Road, N., St. Paul, Minnesota. p. 1-10.
  • 17. Cappuccino, J. and N. Sherman, Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 8th Edition 1981. United States: Suny Rockland, 5-80.
  • 18. Hamamura, N., et al., Microbial population dynamics associated with crude oil biodegradation in diverse soils. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2006. 72, p. 6316 – 6324.
  • 19. Cheesbrough, M., District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 2, 2nd Edition, 2003. Cambridge University Presss, New York, USA, p 1-90.
  • 20. Holt, J. G., et al., Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9th Ed. 1994. Baltimore, USA, Williams and Wilkins Company, p. 71-561.
  • 21. deHoog, G. S., J. Guarro, and M.J. Figueras, Atlas of Clinical Fungi 2nd Edition, Central Bureau voor Schimmel: 1995. Kluwer Accademic Publisher. p 23-1109.
  • 22. Domsch, K. H. and W. Gams, Fungi in Agricultural Soils, 1970. Longman Group Limited, London.
  • 23. Kostka, J. E., et al, Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and the bacterial community response in Gulf of Mexico beach sands impacted by the deep horizon oil spill. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2011. 77, 7962-7974.
  • 24. Okpokwasili, G. C. and B.B. Okorie, Biodeterioration potentials of microorganisms isolated from car engine lubricating oil. Tribology International, 1988. 21, p. 215-220. 25. Elemuo, N. G., et al., Production and Characterization of Lipase Enzyme Expressed by Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Isolates. Universal Journal of Microbiology Research, 2019. 7(1): p. 1-6.
  • 26. Olukunle, F.O., Microbial Population and Physicochemical Properties of Oil-Polluted Sites in Selected Areas of Niger Delta, Nigeria. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences, 2013. 2, p. 249-258.
  • 27. Ikuesan, F.A., Evaluation of Crude Oil Biodegradation Potentials of Some Indigenous Soil Microorganisms. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2017. 13(5): p. 1-9.
  • 28. Teknikio, J.B., et al., Isolation and Identification of Bacteria in Petroleum Hydrocarbons Polluted Soils in North-West Bayelsa State. Covenant Journal of Physical & Life Sciences, 2018. 1(2): p. 1-13.
  • 29. Das, N. and P. Chandran, Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants: an overview. Biotechnology Research International, 2011. 2011:941810. DOI: 10.4061/2011/941810.
  • 30. Rampelotto, P.H., Resistance of Microorganisms to Extreme Environmental Conditions and Its Contribution to Astrobiology. Sustainability 2010. 2, p. 1602-1623; doi:10.3390/su2061602.
  • 31. Jain, P.K. et al., Bioremediation of Petroleum oil Contaminated Soil and Water. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 2011. 5: p. 1-26.
  • 32. Osarumwense, J. O., F.A. Igiebor, and D.E. Idahosa, Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Bacterial isolates from Auto-mechanic Workshop contaminated with Hydrocarbon. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. 20(1): p. 349-355.
  • 33. Agu, K. C., et al., Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms from Oil Polluted Soil in Kwata, Awka South, Nigeria. American Journal of Current Microbiology, 2015. 3(1): p. 46-59.
  • 34. Oyeleke S.B., et al., Production and Characterization of Biosurfactants by Candida boleticola H09 and Rhodotorula bogoriensis H15 for crude oil recovery and cleaning of oil contaminated fabrics. International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology, 2017. 10 (15): 109-123.
  • 35. Karlapudi, A.P., et al., Role of biosurfactants in bioremediation of oil pollution-a review. Petroleum, 2018. 4(3): p. 241-249.
Yıl 2021, , 90 - 113, 15.04.2021


Proje Numarası

Not Applicable


  • 1. Nkiru, U.C., et al., Biodegradation of Crude Oil-Polluted Soil by Bacterial Isolates from Nigeria. Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology, 2019. 5(1): p. 14-28.
  • 2. Nwakanma, C., E.C. Obih, and O. Onyia, Molecular Identification of Bacteria Involved in Degradation of Crude Oil. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 2016. 31: p. 1 – 8.
  • 3. Ding, A., et al., Characterizing Microbial Activity and Diversity of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sites. IntechOpen, 2013. p. 137-160. Doi:
  • 4. Naowasarn, S. and S. Leungprasert, Abundance and diversity of hydrocarbon utilising bacteria in the oil-contaminated soils throughout a remedial scheme using compost amendment. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. 41(1): p. 12-20.
  • 5. Patel, V., et al., Response and resilience of soil microbial communities inhabiting in edible oil stress/contamination from industrial estates. BMC Microbiology, 2016. 16, p- 50, doi: 10.1186/s12866-016-0669-8.
  • 6. Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Nigerian Pipelines and Storage Company Limited (NPSC), 2020. Retrieved from 16/08/20.
  • 7. Adeniji, A.O., O.O. Okoh, and A.I. Okoh, Analytical Methods for the Determination of the Distribution of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Water and Sediment of Aquatic Systems: A Review. Hindawi Journal of Chemistry, 2017. 2017, 2090-9063 Article ID 5178937. Doi:
  • 8. Iquatt, C.B., O.A. Oyewole, and O.P. Abioye, Bioremediation of petroleum polluted soil (a review). International Journal of Natural and Applied Science, 2005. 1(1): p. 21-25.
  • 9. Osinowo, I., et al., Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Using Bacterial Cocktail and Organic Nutrients. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2020. 10(2): p. 1- 14.
  • 10. Oyewole, O.A., et al., Isolation of bacteria from diesel contaminated soil for diesel remediation. Journal Bio-Sci, 2020. 28, p. 33-41.
  • 11. Ubong, I.U. and J.D. Edwin, Assessment of petroleum products contamination of soil quality at selected truck parks in Calabar municipality, Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2018. 7(4): p. 1336-1354. 12. Chikere, C. B., G.C. Okpokwasili, and B.O. Chikere, Bacterial diversity in a tropical crude oil-polluted soil undergoing bioremediation. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009. 8(11): 2535-2540.
  • 13. Ekhaise, F.O. and J. Nkwelle, Microbiological and Physicochemical Analyses of Oil Contaminated Soil from Major Motor Mechanic Workshops in Benin City Metropolis, Edo State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management, 2011. 15(4): 597 - 600.
  • 14. Kuang, S., et al., Soil Microbial Community Structure and Diversity around the Aging Oil Sludge in Yellow River Delta as Determined by High-Throughput Sequencing. Archaea, 2018, ID 7861805. Doi:
  • 15. Feng, X., et al., Distribution of Bacterial Communities in Petroleum‑Contaminated Soils from the Dagang Oilfeld, China. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2020. 26, p. 22– 32. Doi:
  • 16. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, MPCA, Soil sample collection and analysis procedure, 2008. Guidance Document 4-04, Petroleum Remediation Program. 520 Lafayette Road, N., St. Paul, Minnesota. p. 1-10.
  • 17. Cappuccino, J. and N. Sherman, Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 8th Edition 1981. United States: Suny Rockland, 5-80.
  • 18. Hamamura, N., et al., Microbial population dynamics associated with crude oil biodegradation in diverse soils. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2006. 72, p. 6316 – 6324.
  • 19. Cheesbrough, M., District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 2, 2nd Edition, 2003. Cambridge University Presss, New York, USA, p 1-90.
  • 20. Holt, J. G., et al., Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9th Ed. 1994. Baltimore, USA, Williams and Wilkins Company, p. 71-561.
  • 21. deHoog, G. S., J. Guarro, and M.J. Figueras, Atlas of Clinical Fungi 2nd Edition, Central Bureau voor Schimmel: 1995. Kluwer Accademic Publisher. p 23-1109.
  • 22. Domsch, K. H. and W. Gams, Fungi in Agricultural Soils, 1970. Longman Group Limited, London.
  • 23. Kostka, J. E., et al, Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and the bacterial community response in Gulf of Mexico beach sands impacted by the deep horizon oil spill. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 2011. 77, 7962-7974.
  • 24. Okpokwasili, G. C. and B.B. Okorie, Biodeterioration potentials of microorganisms isolated from car engine lubricating oil. Tribology International, 1988. 21, p. 215-220. 25. Elemuo, N. G., et al., Production and Characterization of Lipase Enzyme Expressed by Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Isolates. Universal Journal of Microbiology Research, 2019. 7(1): p. 1-6.
  • 26. Olukunle, F.O., Microbial Population and Physicochemical Properties of Oil-Polluted Sites in Selected Areas of Niger Delta, Nigeria. FUTA Journal of Research in Sciences, 2013. 2, p. 249-258.
  • 27. Ikuesan, F.A., Evaluation of Crude Oil Biodegradation Potentials of Some Indigenous Soil Microorganisms. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2017. 13(5): p. 1-9.
  • 28. Teknikio, J.B., et al., Isolation and Identification of Bacteria in Petroleum Hydrocarbons Polluted Soils in North-West Bayelsa State. Covenant Journal of Physical & Life Sciences, 2018. 1(2): p. 1-13.
  • 29. Das, N. and P. Chandran, Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants: an overview. Biotechnology Research International, 2011. 2011:941810. DOI: 10.4061/2011/941810.
  • 30. Rampelotto, P.H., Resistance of Microorganisms to Extreme Environmental Conditions and Its Contribution to Astrobiology. Sustainability 2010. 2, p. 1602-1623; doi:10.3390/su2061602.
  • 31. Jain, P.K. et al., Bioremediation of Petroleum oil Contaminated Soil and Water. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 2011. 5: p. 1-26.
  • 32. Osarumwense, J. O., F.A. Igiebor, and D.E. Idahosa, Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Bacterial isolates from Auto-mechanic Workshop contaminated with Hydrocarbon. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. 20(1): p. 349-355.
  • 33. Agu, K. C., et al., Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms from Oil Polluted Soil in Kwata, Awka South, Nigeria. American Journal of Current Microbiology, 2015. 3(1): p. 46-59.
  • 34. Oyeleke S.B., et al., Production and Characterization of Biosurfactants by Candida boleticola H09 and Rhodotorula bogoriensis H15 for crude oil recovery and cleaning of oil contaminated fabrics. International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology, 2017. 10 (15): 109-123.
  • 35. Karlapudi, A.P., et al., Role of biosurfactants in bioremediation of oil pollution-a review. Petroleum, 2018. 4(3): p. 241-249.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Chukwunonso Achife 0000-0001-9238-0095

Udeme Joshua Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4913-6721

Jeremiah Bala Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7025-7392

Solomon Oyeleke 0000-0002-7778-1445

Proje Numarası Not Applicable
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Achife C, Joshua U, Bala J, Oyeleke S (01 Nisan 2021) Microbial Population of Soil and Water around Petroleum Depot Suleja, Nigeria, and their Hydrocarbon Utilisation. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 4 1 90–113.

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