çalışmada topraklarda amonyumun (NH4+) fiksasyonu, etkileyen
etmenler, fiksasyonun mekanizması, fikse edilen NH4+’dan
bitkilerin yararlanması ve diğer besin elementlerinin rolü incelenmiştir.
Bitkilerin büyüyüp gelişmelerinde makro besin elementlerinden olan azot hayati bir
öneme sahiptir. Ancak azot (N) genelde tarım topraklarında çok az düzeyde
bulunur. Topraklarda az düzeyde bulunan azotu yeterli düzeye çıkarabilmek için toprağa
gerek organik gerekse kimyasal gübreler verilir. Bitkiler verilen her iki azot
kaynağındaki NH4+-N’nun bir kısmından istifade
ederlerken; diğer kısmı toprağın kil fraksiyonu tarafından tabakalar arasında fiks
edilerek yarayışsız NH4+ formuna dönüştürülür. Fiks olan NH4+
toprakların kil tipi ve miktarına, sıcaklığına, organik madde kapsamına, su
içeriğine, redoks potansiyeli ve potasyum (K+) kapsamına bağlı
olarak değişim göstermektedir. Çalışma sonunda sürdürülebilir toprak
verimliliğinde bitkilerin NH4+ beslenmesinin artırılabilmesi
için bahsi geçen toprak özelliklerine dikkat edilmesi gerektiği tespit edilmiştir.
Bajwa, M.I. 1985. Ammonium and potassium fixation by wetland rice soils. Pak J Agric Res 6:23-25
Bajwa, M.I. 1987. Comperative ammonium and potassiurn fixation by some wetland rice soil clays as affected by mineralogical composition and treatrnent sequence. J. of Agron. and Crop Sci. 158 (1): 65-68.
Black A.S., Waring S.A. 1972. Ammonium fixation and availability in some cereal producing soils of Queensland. Aust J Soil Res10:197-207
Borchardt, G. 1989. Smectites. In Minerals in Soil Environments. J.B. Dixon and S.B.Weed (eds.). SSSA, Madison,WI, pp. 675-727
Bower C.A. 1950. Availability of ammonium fixed in a difficulty exchangeable from by soils of semiarid regions. Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 14:119-122
Breitenbeck G.A., Paramasivam S. 1995. Availability of 15N-labeled non-exchangeable ammonium to soil microorganisms. Soil Sci 159:301-310
Chantigny M.H., Angers D.A., Morvan T., Pomar C. 2004. Dynamics of pig slurry nitrogen in soil and plant as determined with N-15. Soil Sci Soc Am J 68:637-643
Chen C.C., Turner F.T., Dixon J.B. 1989. Ammonium fixation by highcharge smectite in selected Texas Gulf Coast soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J 53:1035-1040
Chen R., Zhang J., Guo W., Chen W. 1987a. N fertilizer (urea) topdressed on unsaturated soil and deep-placed using reflooding water. Int Rice Res Newsl 12:35-36
Chen S.Z., Low P.F., Roth C.B. 1987b. Relation between potassium fixation and oxidation state of octahedral iron. Soil Sci Soc Am J 51:82-86
Doram D.R., Evans L.J. 1983. Native fixed ammonium and fixation of added ammonium in relation to clay mineralogy in some Ontario soils. Can J Soil Sci 63:631-639.
Doram, D.R., Evans. L.J. 1983. Native fixed ammonium and fixation of added ammonium in relation to clay mineralogy in some Ontario soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 63:631-639.
Douglas, L. A. 1989. Vermiculites. In Minerals in Soil Environments. J.B. Dixon and S.B. Weed (eds.). SSSA, Madison,WI, pp. 635-674
Drury C.F., Beauchamp E.G., Evans L.J. 1989.Fixation and immobilization of recently applied 15NH4+ in selected Ontario and Quebec soils. Can J Soil Sci 69:391-400
Drury, C.F., Beauchamp, E.G. 1991. Ammoniurn fixation, release, nitrification and immobiliz.ation in high- and low-fıxing soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1, pp.125-129.
Drury, C.F., Beauchamp, E.G. 1991. Ammoniurn fixation, release, nitrification and immobiliz.ation in high- and low-fıxing soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1, pp.125-129.
Elinç, F. 2007. Bitki Besleme ve Toprak Verimliliği. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, 268 s. Samsun.Fan, X.L., Zhang, Y.P. Liang, L. 1996. Effects of temperature and drying and wetting alternation on ammonium fixation in manured loessial soil. Pedosphere, 6 (2): 155- 161.
Feigenbaum S., Hadas A., Sofer M., Molina J.A.E. 1994. Clay-fixed ammonium as a source of available nitrogen. Soil Sci Soc Am J 58:980-985
Fischer W.R., Pfanneberg T., Niederbudde E.A., Medina R. 1981. Transformation of 15N-labelled ammonium in two soils differing in NH4+-fixing capacity. J Soil Sci 32:409-418
Gouveia G., Eudoxie G. 2002. Relatıonshıp Between Ammonıum Fıxatıon And Some Soıl Propertıes And Effect Of Catıon Treatment On Fıxed Ammonıum Release In A Range Of Trınıdad Soıls. Commun. Soıl Scı. Plant Anal., 33(11&12), 1751-1765
Gouveia G.A., Eudoxie G.D. 2007. Distribution of fertiliser N among fixed ammonium fractions as affected by moisture and fertiliser source and rate. Biol Fertil Soils 44:9-18
Jensen E.S., Christensen B.T., Sorensen L.H. 1989. Mineral-fixed ammonium in clay- and silt-size fractions of soils incubated with 15N-ammoniumsulphate for five years. Biol Fertil Soils 8:298-302
Karaman, M.R., Brohi, A.R., Müftüoğlu M., Öztaş T., Zengin M. Sürdürülebilir Toprak verimliliği. Koyulhisar Ziraat Odası Kültür Yayınları, 3. Baskı, 390 s., Çorum.Keerthisinghe G., Mengel K., De Datta S.K. 1984. The release of nonexchangeable ammonium (15N labelled) in wetland rice soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J 48:291-294
Keskin, İ. 2017. Zemin Mekaniği. Kil Mineralleri ve Zemin Yapısı. (Erişim: 5 Mart 2018). https://www.slideshare.net/asmdavl/z2-2-kil-mineralleri-ve-zemin-yaps.
Kowalenko C.G., Ross G.J. 1980. Studies on dynamics of recently clayfixed NH4 + using 15N. Can J Soil Sci 60:61-70
Kowalenko C.G. 1989. Mineral-fixed ammonium in clay- and silt-size fractions of soils incubated with .15N-ammonium sulphate for five years. Can. J. Soil Sci. v 69 (4), pp. 825-833.
Kudeyarov V.N. Mobility of Fixed Ammonium in Soil. In Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles; Ecol. Bull., Clark, F.E., Roswall, T., Eds.; Gysinge Vardshus: Osterfarnebo, Sweden, 1981; Vol. 33, 281-290.
Kudeyarov V.N., Yanıshevsky, F.N., Kachalkına, T.P. 1969. Transformation of nitrogen fertilizers in sod-podzolic soil and their availability to plants. Agrokhimiya, 11. Lagget G.E., Moodıe C.D. 1963. The release of fixed ammonium from soils by sodium as affected by small amounts of potassium or ammonium. Soil Sci. Soc Amer. Proc. 27. 645-648
Marschner H. 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic, LondonMatschonat, G. and Matzner, E. 1996. Soil chemical properties affecting NH+ 4 sorption in forest soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 159: 505-511.
McBride M. B. 1994. Environmental Soil Chemistry. Oxford University Press, New York.Nieder R., Benbi D. K., Scherer H. W. 2011. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils: a review. Biol Fertil Soils. 47:1-14
Nieder R., Benbi D.K., Scherer H.W. 2011. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils:A review. Biol Fertil Soils, 47:1-14
Niederbudde E.A., Friedrich R. 1984. Einflub von Gülle und Mineraldüngung auf N- und K-spezifische Bodeneigenschaften einer Geschiebemergel-Braunerde. Bayer Landwirtsch Jahrb, 61:781-789
Nielsen, J.D. 1971. Fixation and release of ammoniurn in Danish soils. Tidsskr. For Planteavl. 75: 239-255.
Nommik H., Vahtras K. 1982. Retention and fixation of ammonium and ammonia in soils. In: Stevenson FJ (ed.) Nitrogen in agricultural soils. Agronomy 22:123-171
Nommik H. 1965. Ammonium fixation and other reactions involving a nonenzymatic immobiliozation of mineral nitrogen on soil. In: Bartholomew W.V. and Clark. F.E. (eds). pp 198-258.
Soil nitrogen. Agronomy 10. Amer.Soc. Agron. Inc. (Madison).Nömmik H. 1957. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils. Acta Agr. Scand. 7, 395-436
Opuwaribo E. Odu C.T.I. 1974. Fixed ammonium in Nigerian soils. I. Selection of a method and amounts of native fixed ammonium. J. Soil Sci. 25: 256-264.
Osborne G.J. 1976b The significance of intercalary ammonium in representative surface and subsoils from Southern New South Wales. Aust J Soil Res 14:381-388
Peterburgsky A.V., SMIRNOV P.M. 1966. Arnmonium fixation by some soils in the USSR and the availability of this ion to plants. Plant and Soil. 25: 119-128.
Phillips I. R. 1999. Nitrogen availability and sorption under alternating waterlogged and drying conditions. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30: 1-20.
Matschonat G., Matzner E. 1996. Soil chemical properties affecting NH4+ sorption in forest soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 159: 505-511.
Phillips I. R., Greenway M. 1998. Changes in water-soluble and exchangeable ions, cation exchange capacity, and phosphorus (max) in soils under alternating waterlogged and drying conditions. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 29: 51-66.
Raju G.S.N. Mukhopadhyay, A.K. 1976. Ammoniurn fixation by soils saturated with different cations. Geoderrna, 16: 211-218.
Saha D., Mukhopadhyay A.K. 1986. Availability of residual fixed ammonium to crops. Biol Fertil Soils 2:83-86
Said M.B. 1973. Ammonium fixation in the Sudan Gezira soils. Plant Soil 38:9-16
Scherer H.W. 1985. Wechselwirkungen zwischen NH4+ und K+ bei der spezifischen Bindung und der Mobilisierung im Boden. Kali- Briefe (Büntehof) 17:431-440
Schneiders M., Scherer H.W. 1996. The influence of “puddling” on redox potential, fixation and release of nonexchangeable ammonium and ist effect on rice growth in flooded soils. In: Van Ittersum MK, Venner GEGT, van den Geijn SC, Jetten TH (eds) Proceedings of the 4th ESA Congress, Veldhoven-Wageningen, The Netherlands 7–11 July, 1996, European Society of Agronomy, p 374-375
Sezen Y. 1991. Toprak Kimyası. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 250 s. Erzurum.Shen, S., S. I.Tu, W.D.Kemper. 1997. Equilibrium and kinetic study of ammonium adsorption and fixation in sodium-treated vermiculite. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. J. 61:1611-1618.
Sowden, F.J. et al. 1978. Native clay-fixed ammonium content and the fixation of added ammonium of some soils of Eastern Canada. Can. Jour. Soil Sci. 58:1, pp. 27-38
Stucki J.W., Golden D.C., Roth C.B. 1984. Effects of reduction and reoxidation of structural iron and clay swelling. Clays Clay Miner 32:350-356Tang Y., Feng K., Yin, S. X. 1996. Preferential fixation of ammonium to potassium by soils. Pedosphere. 6: 35-38.
Wang F. L., Alva, A. K. 2000. Ammonium adsorption and desorption in sandy soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64: 1669-1674.Wiklander L., Andersson E. 1959. Kalkens markeffekt. III. Kemiska undersökningar av ett langvarigt kalkningsförsök pa skifte IV vid Lanna. Grundförbattring No 12, pp. 1-40.
Williams W.A., Mikkelsen D.S., Mueller K.E., Ruckman J.R. 1968. Nitrogen immobilization by rice straw incorporated in lowland rice production. Plant Soil 28:49-60
Wlotzka F. 1961. Untersuchungen zur Geochemie des Stickstoffs. PhD thesis, Universität Göttingen
çalışmada topraklarda amonyumun (NH4+) fiksasyonu, etkileyen
etmenler, fiksasyonun mekanizması, fikse edilen NH4+’dan
bitkilerin yararlanması ve diğer besin elementlerinin rolü incelenmiştir.
Bitkilerin büyüyüp gelişmelerinde makro besin elementlerinden olan azot hayati bir
öneme sahiptir. Ancak azot (N) genelde tarım topraklarında çok az düzeyde
bulunur. Topraklarda az düzeyde bulunan azotu yeterli düzeye çıkarabilmek için toprağa
gerek organik gerekse kimyasal gübreler verilir. Bitkiler verilen her iki azot
kaynağındaki NH4+-N’nun bir kısmından istifade
ederlerken; diğer kısmı toprağın kil fraksiyonu tarafından tabakalar arasında fiks
edilerek yarayışsız NH4+ formuna dönüştürülür. Fiks olan NH4+
toprakların kil tipi ve miktarına, sıcaklığına, organik madde kapsamına, su
içeriğine, redoks potansiyeli ve potasyum (K+) kapsamına bağlı
olarak değişim göstermektedir. Çalışma sonunda sürdürülebilir toprak
verimliliğinde bitkilerin NH4+ beslenmesinin artırılabilmesi
için bahsi geçen toprak özelliklerine dikkat edilmesi gerektiği tespit edilmiştir.
Bajwa, M.I. 1985. Ammonium and potassium fixation by wetland rice soils. Pak J Agric Res 6:23-25
Bajwa, M.I. 1987. Comperative ammonium and potassiurn fixation by some wetland rice soil clays as affected by mineralogical composition and treatrnent sequence. J. of Agron. and Crop Sci. 158 (1): 65-68.
Black A.S., Waring S.A. 1972. Ammonium fixation and availability in some cereal producing soils of Queensland. Aust J Soil Res10:197-207
Borchardt, G. 1989. Smectites. In Minerals in Soil Environments. J.B. Dixon and S.B.Weed (eds.). SSSA, Madison,WI, pp. 675-727
Bower C.A. 1950. Availability of ammonium fixed in a difficulty exchangeable from by soils of semiarid regions. Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 14:119-122
Breitenbeck G.A., Paramasivam S. 1995. Availability of 15N-labeled non-exchangeable ammonium to soil microorganisms. Soil Sci 159:301-310
Chantigny M.H., Angers D.A., Morvan T., Pomar C. 2004. Dynamics of pig slurry nitrogen in soil and plant as determined with N-15. Soil Sci Soc Am J 68:637-643
Chen C.C., Turner F.T., Dixon J.B. 1989. Ammonium fixation by highcharge smectite in selected Texas Gulf Coast soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J 53:1035-1040
Chen R., Zhang J., Guo W., Chen W. 1987a. N fertilizer (urea) topdressed on unsaturated soil and deep-placed using reflooding water. Int Rice Res Newsl 12:35-36
Chen S.Z., Low P.F., Roth C.B. 1987b. Relation between potassium fixation and oxidation state of octahedral iron. Soil Sci Soc Am J 51:82-86
Doram D.R., Evans L.J. 1983. Native fixed ammonium and fixation of added ammonium in relation to clay mineralogy in some Ontario soils. Can J Soil Sci 63:631-639.
Doram, D.R., Evans. L.J. 1983. Native fixed ammonium and fixation of added ammonium in relation to clay mineralogy in some Ontario soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 63:631-639.
Douglas, L. A. 1989. Vermiculites. In Minerals in Soil Environments. J.B. Dixon and S.B. Weed (eds.). SSSA, Madison,WI, pp. 635-674
Drury C.F., Beauchamp E.G., Evans L.J. 1989.Fixation and immobilization of recently applied 15NH4+ in selected Ontario and Quebec soils. Can J Soil Sci 69:391-400
Drury, C.F., Beauchamp, E.G. 1991. Ammoniurn fixation, release, nitrification and immobiliz.ation in high- and low-fıxing soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1, pp.125-129.
Drury, C.F., Beauchamp, E.G. 1991. Ammoniurn fixation, release, nitrification and immobiliz.ation in high- and low-fıxing soils. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 55: 1, pp.125-129.
Elinç, F. 2007. Bitki Besleme ve Toprak Verimliliği. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, 268 s. Samsun.Fan, X.L., Zhang, Y.P. Liang, L. 1996. Effects of temperature and drying and wetting alternation on ammonium fixation in manured loessial soil. Pedosphere, 6 (2): 155- 161.
Feigenbaum S., Hadas A., Sofer M., Molina J.A.E. 1994. Clay-fixed ammonium as a source of available nitrogen. Soil Sci Soc Am J 58:980-985
Fischer W.R., Pfanneberg T., Niederbudde E.A., Medina R. 1981. Transformation of 15N-labelled ammonium in two soils differing in NH4+-fixing capacity. J Soil Sci 32:409-418
Gouveia G., Eudoxie G. 2002. Relatıonshıp Between Ammonıum Fıxatıon And Some Soıl Propertıes And Effect Of Catıon Treatment On Fıxed Ammonıum Release In A Range Of Trınıdad Soıls. Commun. Soıl Scı. Plant Anal., 33(11&12), 1751-1765
Gouveia G.A., Eudoxie G.D. 2007. Distribution of fertiliser N among fixed ammonium fractions as affected by moisture and fertiliser source and rate. Biol Fertil Soils 44:9-18
Jensen E.S., Christensen B.T., Sorensen L.H. 1989. Mineral-fixed ammonium in clay- and silt-size fractions of soils incubated with 15N-ammoniumsulphate for five years. Biol Fertil Soils 8:298-302
Karaman, M.R., Brohi, A.R., Müftüoğlu M., Öztaş T., Zengin M. Sürdürülebilir Toprak verimliliği. Koyulhisar Ziraat Odası Kültür Yayınları, 3. Baskı, 390 s., Çorum.Keerthisinghe G., Mengel K., De Datta S.K. 1984. The release of nonexchangeable ammonium (15N labelled) in wetland rice soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J 48:291-294
Keskin, İ. 2017. Zemin Mekaniği. Kil Mineralleri ve Zemin Yapısı. (Erişim: 5 Mart 2018). https://www.slideshare.net/asmdavl/z2-2-kil-mineralleri-ve-zemin-yaps.
Kowalenko C.G., Ross G.J. 1980. Studies on dynamics of recently clayfixed NH4 + using 15N. Can J Soil Sci 60:61-70
Kowalenko C.G. 1989. Mineral-fixed ammonium in clay- and silt-size fractions of soils incubated with .15N-ammonium sulphate for five years. Can. J. Soil Sci. v 69 (4), pp. 825-833.
Kudeyarov V.N. Mobility of Fixed Ammonium in Soil. In Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles; Ecol. Bull., Clark, F.E., Roswall, T., Eds.; Gysinge Vardshus: Osterfarnebo, Sweden, 1981; Vol. 33, 281-290.
Kudeyarov V.N., Yanıshevsky, F.N., Kachalkına, T.P. 1969. Transformation of nitrogen fertilizers in sod-podzolic soil and their availability to plants. Agrokhimiya, 11. Lagget G.E., Moodıe C.D. 1963. The release of fixed ammonium from soils by sodium as affected by small amounts of potassium or ammonium. Soil Sci. Soc Amer. Proc. 27. 645-648
Marschner H. 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic, LondonMatschonat, G. and Matzner, E. 1996. Soil chemical properties affecting NH+ 4 sorption in forest soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 159: 505-511.
McBride M. B. 1994. Environmental Soil Chemistry. Oxford University Press, New York.Nieder R., Benbi D. K., Scherer H. W. 2011. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils: a review. Biol Fertil Soils. 47:1-14
Nieder R., Benbi D.K., Scherer H.W. 2011. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils:A review. Biol Fertil Soils, 47:1-14
Niederbudde E.A., Friedrich R. 1984. Einflub von Gülle und Mineraldüngung auf N- und K-spezifische Bodeneigenschaften einer Geschiebemergel-Braunerde. Bayer Landwirtsch Jahrb, 61:781-789
Nielsen, J.D. 1971. Fixation and release of ammoniurn in Danish soils. Tidsskr. For Planteavl. 75: 239-255.
Nommik H., Vahtras K. 1982. Retention and fixation of ammonium and ammonia in soils. In: Stevenson FJ (ed.) Nitrogen in agricultural soils. Agronomy 22:123-171
Nommik H. 1965. Ammonium fixation and other reactions involving a nonenzymatic immobiliozation of mineral nitrogen on soil. In: Bartholomew W.V. and Clark. F.E. (eds). pp 198-258.
Soil nitrogen. Agronomy 10. Amer.Soc. Agron. Inc. (Madison).Nömmik H. 1957. Fixation and defixation of ammonium in soils. Acta Agr. Scand. 7, 395-436
Opuwaribo E. Odu C.T.I. 1974. Fixed ammonium in Nigerian soils. I. Selection of a method and amounts of native fixed ammonium. J. Soil Sci. 25: 256-264.
Osborne G.J. 1976b The significance of intercalary ammonium in representative surface and subsoils from Southern New South Wales. Aust J Soil Res 14:381-388
Peterburgsky A.V., SMIRNOV P.M. 1966. Arnmonium fixation by some soils in the USSR and the availability of this ion to plants. Plant and Soil. 25: 119-128.
Phillips I. R. 1999. Nitrogen availability and sorption under alternating waterlogged and drying conditions. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30: 1-20.
Matschonat G., Matzner E. 1996. Soil chemical properties affecting NH4+ sorption in forest soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 159: 505-511.
Phillips I. R., Greenway M. 1998. Changes in water-soluble and exchangeable ions, cation exchange capacity, and phosphorus (max) in soils under alternating waterlogged and drying conditions. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 29: 51-66.
Raju G.S.N. Mukhopadhyay, A.K. 1976. Ammoniurn fixation by soils saturated with different cations. Geoderrna, 16: 211-218.
Saha D., Mukhopadhyay A.K. 1986. Availability of residual fixed ammonium to crops. Biol Fertil Soils 2:83-86
Said M.B. 1973. Ammonium fixation in the Sudan Gezira soils. Plant Soil 38:9-16
Scherer H.W. 1985. Wechselwirkungen zwischen NH4+ und K+ bei der spezifischen Bindung und der Mobilisierung im Boden. Kali- Briefe (Büntehof) 17:431-440
Schneiders M., Scherer H.W. 1996. The influence of “puddling” on redox potential, fixation and release of nonexchangeable ammonium and ist effect on rice growth in flooded soils. In: Van Ittersum MK, Venner GEGT, van den Geijn SC, Jetten TH (eds) Proceedings of the 4th ESA Congress, Veldhoven-Wageningen, The Netherlands 7–11 July, 1996, European Society of Agronomy, p 374-375
Sezen Y. 1991. Toprak Kimyası. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 250 s. Erzurum.Shen, S., S. I.Tu, W.D.Kemper. 1997. Equilibrium and kinetic study of ammonium adsorption and fixation in sodium-treated vermiculite. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. J. 61:1611-1618.
Sowden, F.J. et al. 1978. Native clay-fixed ammonium content and the fixation of added ammonium of some soils of Eastern Canada. Can. Jour. Soil Sci. 58:1, pp. 27-38
Stucki J.W., Golden D.C., Roth C.B. 1984. Effects of reduction and reoxidation of structural iron and clay swelling. Clays Clay Miner 32:350-356Tang Y., Feng K., Yin, S. X. 1996. Preferential fixation of ammonium to potassium by soils. Pedosphere. 6: 35-38.
Wang F. L., Alva, A. K. 2000. Ammonium adsorption and desorption in sandy soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64: 1669-1674.Wiklander L., Andersson E. 1959. Kalkens markeffekt. III. Kemiska undersökningar av ett langvarigt kalkningsförsök pa skifte IV vid Lanna. Grundförbattring No 12, pp. 1-40.
Williams W.A., Mikkelsen D.S., Mueller K.E., Ruckman J.R. 1968. Nitrogen immobilization by rice straw incorporated in lowland rice production. Plant Soil 28:49-60
Wlotzka F. 1961. Untersuchungen zur Geochemie des Stickstoffs. PhD thesis, Universität Göttingen
Erdil A, Horuz A, Korkmaz A, Akınoğlu G (01 Temmuz 2018) TOPRAKLARDA AMONYUM FİKSASYONU VE ETKİLERİ. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology 1 1 17–28.