Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 30.11.2021

Yıl: 2021


Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği, Mühendislik, Bilgisayar Yazılımı
Kontrol Teorisi ve Uygulamaları, Mekatronik Sistem Tasarımı, Robotik


International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies is online, open access, double blind peer-reviewed, international research journal. Language of the journal is English and Turkish. Authors should only submit original work, which has not been previously published and is not currently considered for publication elsewhere. 


International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies is online, open access, double blind peer-reviewed, international research journal. Language of the journal is English and Turkish. Authors should only submit original work, which has not been previously published and is not currently considered for publication elsewhere. 

Primary research articles will be published under the following scientific categories: 3D Printing, Advanced Human-Machine Interface, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Control Technologies, Big Data Processing, Biomedical Technologies, Biotechnology, Cognitive Systems, Computer Science, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Data (voice/image/data) Processing and Recognition, Energy Systems and Energy Management, Geographic Information System, Green Energy and Green Technology, Grid and Cloud Computing, Intelligent Communications and Networks, Knowledge Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics Systems, Nanotechnology and Material Sciences, New Product Design, Recycling Technologies, Quality Engineering, Simulation Technologies, Smart Home, Smart Grid, Software & Hardware Technologies, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Systems Analysis and Design, Technological Entrepreneurship, Technology Forecasting and Assesments, Technology Management, Technology and Innovation Costs, Weapon and Ammunition Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Virtual Reality

Makale formatı için tıklayınız.

Journal Publishing Policy

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies is published on the ULAKBIM Journal platform with the "Refereed Journal" status. The journal is published two issues per year in electronic form.

The journal publishes original studies in Mathematics and Statistics, Natural Science, Engineering Science, and Multidiscplinary. Manuscripts sent to the journal are directed to the relevant field editor after the editor and assistant editor review. According to the approval of the field editor, the manuscript will go through a double-blind peer-review process.

No fee is charged for the articles published in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, and also, the journal does not pay any fees to authors.

Researches should be prepared by ethical rules, and citations in the manuscript should be indicated.

The arguments expressed in the published manuscripts do not represent the journal's views; it is the author's responsibility (s).


Authors are obliged to fill and send a "Copyright Form" for the journal's manuscripts.

Publication Ethics

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies's publication process is based on the unbiased production, improvement, and sharing of information using scientific methods. The publication ethics and open access policy of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies require that all stakeholders of the publication process comply with ethical principles in line with the guidelines and policies (For example, "Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors;" Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors "and" COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors") published by the Publication Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE) on open access.

In situations such as manipulating and distorting the data used in the articles and using make-up data are detected, this situation will be officially reported to the institutions of the author(s), and the manuscript will be rejected. The journal has the right to request the output files of the authors' analysis results according to the feedback given by the editors and/or referees.

Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies is in the public interest and non-profit. The editorial board of the journal consists of a chief editor, an assistant editor and field editors. A new member is appointed to replace the leaving member. According to the manuscript's subject, when necessary, the editor may send manuscripts to faculty members who are not members of the editorial board and have at least a PhD degree to be reviewed as field editors.

The Responsibilities of the Journal Editorial Board

The editorial board is responsible for every manuscript submitted to the journal, and the editorial board is aware of this responsibility.
The editorial board strives to improve the journal and increase its publication quality continuously.
The editorial board ensures that journal policies such as publication, blind review, review process, ethical principles are determined and implemented.
The editorial board is responsible for taking measures regarding intellectual property rights, unscientific, unethical behaviours, and plagiarism during manuscripts and journals.
The editorial board carries out the responsibility of appointing an expert referee for the manuscripts sent to the journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editorial Board

While deciding on the publication of manuscripts, editors take care that the manuscripts are original and contribute to the scientific literature.

When editors make decisions about the manuscripts, they consider the original value of the manuscripts, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the language, and the journal's purpose and scope.

Editors implement the policies of blind review and review process, which are among the journal's publishing policies, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each manuscript is reviewed objectively and in time.

Editors send the manuscripts by taking into account the editors and referees' field of expertise, and they support the impartial and independent review.

Editors pay attention to an unbiased review of the manuscript. Editors strive to ensure the diversity of the referee committee and the constant change of the committee.

Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed manuscripts. Editors pay attention to protecting human rights in the manuscripts and care about documenting the participants' explicit consent. They reject the manuscripts when the authors do not have the ethics committee's approval related to the manuscripts' participants.

Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, they make an objective investigation and share the complaints' findings.

Editors consider the consistent criticism of the manuscripts published in the journal and give the right to reply to the author(s) for the criticism.

Editors examine the complaints submitted to the journal and make the necessary explanations.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

In the process of reviewing the manuscripts, the single-blind refereeing principle is applied. Referees cannot communicate directly with the authors. The manuscript review forms and the notes specified on the manuscript and requests for correction are conveyed to the author(s) by the editors through the journal management system. Referees who will review the manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies should bear the following ethical responsibilities:

Referees should only accept manuscripts related to their field of expertise.
Referees should notice the neutrality and confidentiality of the review process. In case of a conflict of interest, referees should refuse to review the manuscripts and inform them.
Referees should review the manuscripts in constructive language by academic ethic principles and avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
The referees should review the manuscripts, which they accepted, within the time limit. The referees should give detailed reasons for acceptance or refusal.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Author(s) should not send the manuscript they have published elsewhere or sent to be published elsewhere. The manuscript sent by the author(s) should be distinctive. Author(s) should refer (cite) to the manuscript sources in line with ethical principles. The names of people who do not contribute to the manuscript should not be mentioned as authors. It should not be suggested to change the order of the authors and to remove or add authors for the manuscript submitted for publication, If information or data about the manuscript is requested from the author(s) during the review process, the author(s) should provide the editors' expected information. The author(s) should provide the ethics committee's approval for the research that requires quantitative or qualitative data collection methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, and focus group studies. The document indicating the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the manuscript's application.

Notifying the Editor of the Situation Not Complying with the Ethical Principles
In case of an unethical situation regarding an article in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding editors, reviewers, authors, or an article in the evaluation process, early appearance or published, address must be notified via message.

Resources used in the preparation and adoption of policies:
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
Journal of New Results in Science

European Journal of Science and Technology

YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive