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Digital Transformation in Beekeeping to Carrying Beehives into the Future

Yıl 2023, , 89 - 99, 30.12.2023


Today, dynamic elements such as producer/consumer supply, demand, presentation, marketing and transportation transformed by technology; It has initiated a rapid change and transformation process in beekeeping, food production and agriculture sectors. Beekeeping activities; Today, it faces challenges such as climate change, disease threats, loss of habitat and bee colonies, and pesticides. It has become necessary to switch to digital transformation for the future, sustainability, efficiency, competitiveness of beekeeping and the general health of the agricultural sector. The digital transformation movement in beekeeping is a movement to bring together traditional beekeeping with modern technologies. This article explores the importance and impact of digital transformation in the beekeeping industry from the perspective of the management information systems (MIS) field. It is aimed to discuss how the transformation can be supported in terms of management information systems and what kind of road map should be followed for future studies. Digital beekeeping; It improves the productivity of bees, monitors the health of bee colonies and optimizes decision-making processes. It also creates positive effects on plant diversity in the agricultural sector and world ecosystem health. The basis of this transformation is industry 4.0, such as IoT, sensors, big data, data management, data analysis, data mining, data security, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. These technologies can be used for disease monitoring, early diagnosis, pollination and plant flowering monitoring. It is thought that this transformation will have positive effects on both beekeepers and environmental factors and will make significant contributions to progress in this field and a more sustainable future.


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  • Aksoy, A., & Öztürk, F. G. (2012). Factors Affecting Production in Beekeeping Enterprises; The Case of Ordu Province. 10th National Agricultural Economics Congress (September 2012, Konya) Volume 1, 517-523.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C., & Erdemli, Y. E. (2014). Internet of things based data collection and analysis system for biomedical applications. Medical Technologies National Congress, Cappadocia, Nevsehir, September, 25-27.
  • Akyıldız, L. F., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Su, W., & Cayırcı, E. (2002). Wireless sensor networks: A survey. Journal of Computer Networks, 38, 393-422.
  • Anyasi, I. F., & Imoize, A. L. (2010). Information technology and the business communities: A case study of small-scale business enterprises in Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2 (1), 45-49.
  • Armentia, J., C.-Mansilla, D., & Ipiña, D. L. (2012). Fighting against Vampire Appliances through Eco-Aware Things. Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services, Ubiquitous Computing. Ashton, K. (2009). That 'internet of things' thing. RFiD Journal, 22 (7), 97-114.
  • Banger, G. (2018). Industry 4.0 Application and Transformation Guide, 1st bs. Eskisehir: Dorlion.
  • Baran, M. (2017). Big Data Information Management and Business Intelligence, 1st ed. Istanbul: Beta. Bassi, A., & Horn, G. (2020). Internet of Things in 2020: Roadmap for the future. Internet of Things, 29.
  • Belayhun, L. (2014). Contribution of modern beekeeping technology on the income of household in Tolay Area Oromia Region, Ethiopia. A thesis submitted to St. Mary's University Institute of Agriculture and Development, Ethiopia.
  • Brettel, M., Friederichsen, N., Keller, M., & Rosenberg, M. (2014). How virtualization, decentralization, and network building change the manufacturing landscape: An industry 4.0 perspective. Journal of Mechanical, Aeorospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 8, 37-44.
  • Clermont, A., Eickermann, M., Kraus, F., Hoffmann, L., & Beyer, M. (2015). Correlations between land covers and honey bee colony losses in a country with industrialized and rural regions. Science of the Total Environment, 532, 1-13.
  • Crane, E. (1990). Bees and Beekeeping. Science, Practice and World Resources, Oxford.
  • Çamurcu, Y., Can, B., Nizam, A., Özhan, O., & Kocatepe, Ü. (2014). Embedded and intelligent systems teaching and laboratory, Fatih Sultan Mehmet foundation university example.
  • (Date of Access: 13.12.2021). Çelik, S. (2015). "Big Data", in Knowledge Management, Knowledge Consumers, Big Data, Innovation and Corporate Intelligence, Gülseçen, S. (Ed.), Istanbul: Papatya, 40-55.
  • Diebold, F. X. (2000). "Big Data" Dynamic Factor Models for Macroeconomic Measurement and Forecasting. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ege, B. (2014). 4th Industrial Revolution, Journal of Science and Technic. May 2014., (Date of Access: 13.11.2022).
  • Gozuacik, N. (2015). A parent-based routing algorithm for RPL used in IoT networks. MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Giusto, D., Iera, A., Morabito, G., & Atzori, L. (Eds.). (2010). The Internet of Things. 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications, Springer, 442.
  • Gürer, B., & Akyol, E. (2018). The determinants of technical efficiency in beekeeping farms and the role of agricultural subsidies: The case of Nigde, Turkey. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 112 (2), 343-360.
  • Iqbal, M., Kazmi, S. H. A., Manzoor, A., Soomrani, A. R., Butt, S. H., & Shaikh, K. A. (2018). A study of big data for business growth in SMEs: Opportunities amp; challenges, in 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), 1-7.
  • ITU (2005). The internet of things. ITU Internet Reports. (Date of Access: 02.01.2022).
  • Kabaklarlı, E. (2018). Industry 4.0 and Sharing Economy Opportunities, Impacts and Threats for the World and Turkish Economy, 2nd ed. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Kabaklarlı, E. (2016). Industry 4.0 and Digital Economy; Opportunities, Impacts and Threats for the World and Turkish Economy, 1st Edition, Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Kaya, A. (2022). Innovatıon and Digitalization in Agriculture, Agricultural Research in Nowadays, ISBN: 978-2-38236-491-8, Livre de Lyon, p.1-12.
  • Keiyoro, P. N., Irungu Muya, B., Gakuo, C. M. & Mugo, K. (2016). Impact of Sociocultural factors on adoption of modern technologies in beekeeping projects among women groups in Kajiado County Kenya. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4 (4), 55-64.
  • Lee, G. M., Crespi, N., Choi, J. K., & Boussard, M. (2013). Internet of things. In Evolution of Telecommunication Services (pp. 257-282). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Li, D. X., Wu, H., & Shangang, H. (2014). Internet of things in industries: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10, 2233-2243.
  • Mashey, J. R. (1998). Big Data and the Next Wave of InfraStress John, R. Mashey Chief Scientist, SGI - PDF". [Online]. Available at: (Date of Access: 11-08-2022).
  • Miorandi, D., Sicari, S., Pellegrini, F. D. & Chlamtac, I. (2012). Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges. Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 10, 1497-1516.
  • Muriuki, J. (2016). Beekeeping technology adoption in arid and semi-arid lands of southern Kenya. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 64 (1), 217-223.
  • Muya, B. I. (2014). Determinants of adoption of modern technologies in beekeeping projects: the case of women groups in Kajiado County, Kenya. Doctoral dissertation, Master's Thesis, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Nääs, I. A., Carvalho, V. C., Moura, D. J., & Mollo, M. (2006). Precision Animal Production, (Handbook of Agricultural Engineering Volume VI Information Technology), CIGR-The International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (Translator: Ergüneş, G.).
  • Odoux, J. F., Aupinel, P., Gateff, S., Requier, F., Henry, M., & Bretagnolle, V. (2014). ECOBEE: A tool for long-term honey bee colony monitoring at the landscape scale in West European intensive agroecosystems. Journal of Apicultural Research, 53 (1), 57-66.
  • Özdoğçan, O. (2018). Endüstri 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Keys to Industrial Transformation, 2nd bs. Istanbul: Pusula.
  • Öztuna, B. (2017). Industry 4.0 The Future of Working Life with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 1st ed. Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı.
  • Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution, (Trans.: Dicleli, Z.) İstanbul: Optimist Publications. Ünal, M. S. (2006). Beekeeping, Sivas: Özemek Matbaa.
  • Weiss, S.M. & Indurkya, N. (1998), Predictive Data Mining. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.
  • Zacepins, A., Brusbardis, V., Meitalovs J., & Stalidzans, E. (2015). Challenges in the development of precision beekeeping. Biosystems Engineering, 130, 60-71.
  • Zhao, J. C., Zhang, J. F., Feng, Y., & Guo, J. X. (2010). The Study and Application of the IOT Technology in Agriculture. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 462-465.
Yıl 2023, , 89 - 99, 30.12.2023



  • Affognon, H. D., Kingori, W. S., Omondi, A. I., Diiro, M. G., Muriithi, B. W., Makau, S., & Raina, S. K. (2015). Adoption of modern beekeeping and its impact on honey production in the former Mwingi District of Kenya: assessment using theory-based impact evaluation approach. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 35 (2), 96-102.
  • Aksoy, A., & Öztürk, F. G. (2012). Factors Affecting Production in Beekeeping Enterprises; The Case of Ordu Province. 10th National Agricultural Economics Congress (September 2012, Konya) Volume 1, 517-523.
  • Aktaş, F., Çeken, C., & Erdemli, Y. E. (2014). Internet of things based data collection and analysis system for biomedical applications. Medical Technologies National Congress, Cappadocia, Nevsehir, September, 25-27.
  • Akyıldız, L. F., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., Su, W., & Cayırcı, E. (2002). Wireless sensor networks: A survey. Journal of Computer Networks, 38, 393-422.
  • Anyasi, I. F., & Imoize, A. L. (2010). Information technology and the business communities: A case study of small-scale business enterprises in Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2 (1), 45-49.
  • Armentia, J., C.-Mansilla, D., & Ipiña, D. L. (2012). Fighting against Vampire Appliances through Eco-Aware Things. Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services, Ubiquitous Computing. Ashton, K. (2009). That 'internet of things' thing. RFiD Journal, 22 (7), 97-114.
  • Banger, G. (2018). Industry 4.0 Application and Transformation Guide, 1st bs. Eskisehir: Dorlion.
  • Baran, M. (2017). Big Data Information Management and Business Intelligence, 1st ed. Istanbul: Beta. Bassi, A., & Horn, G. (2020). Internet of Things in 2020: Roadmap for the future. Internet of Things, 29.
  • Belayhun, L. (2014). Contribution of modern beekeeping technology on the income of household in Tolay Area Oromia Region, Ethiopia. A thesis submitted to St. Mary's University Institute of Agriculture and Development, Ethiopia.
  • Brettel, M., Friederichsen, N., Keller, M., & Rosenberg, M. (2014). How virtualization, decentralization, and network building change the manufacturing landscape: An industry 4.0 perspective. Journal of Mechanical, Aeorospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 8, 37-44.
  • Clermont, A., Eickermann, M., Kraus, F., Hoffmann, L., & Beyer, M. (2015). Correlations between land covers and honey bee colony losses in a country with industrialized and rural regions. Science of the Total Environment, 532, 1-13.
  • Crane, E. (1990). Bees and Beekeeping. Science, Practice and World Resources, Oxford.
  • Çamurcu, Y., Can, B., Nizam, A., Özhan, O., & Kocatepe, Ü. (2014). Embedded and intelligent systems teaching and laboratory, Fatih Sultan Mehmet foundation university example.
  • (Date of Access: 13.12.2021). Çelik, S. (2015). "Big Data", in Knowledge Management, Knowledge Consumers, Big Data, Innovation and Corporate Intelligence, Gülseçen, S. (Ed.), Istanbul: Papatya, 40-55.
  • Diebold, F. X. (2000). "Big Data" Dynamic Factor Models for Macroeconomic Measurement and Forecasting. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ege, B. (2014). 4th Industrial Revolution, Journal of Science and Technic. May 2014., (Date of Access: 13.11.2022).
  • Gozuacik, N. (2015). A parent-based routing algorithm for RPL used in IoT networks. MSc Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Giusto, D., Iera, A., Morabito, G., & Atzori, L. (Eds.). (2010). The Internet of Things. 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications, Springer, 442.
  • Gürer, B., & Akyol, E. (2018). The determinants of technical efficiency in beekeeping farms and the role of agricultural subsidies: The case of Nigde, Turkey. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 112 (2), 343-360.
  • Iqbal, M., Kazmi, S. H. A., Manzoor, A., Soomrani, A. R., Butt, S. H., & Shaikh, K. A. (2018). A study of big data for business growth in SMEs: Opportunities amp; challenges, in 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), 1-7.
  • ITU (2005). The internet of things. ITU Internet Reports. (Date of Access: 02.01.2022).
  • Kabaklarlı, E. (2018). Industry 4.0 and Sharing Economy Opportunities, Impacts and Threats for the World and Turkish Economy, 2nd ed. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Kabaklarlı, E. (2016). Industry 4.0 and Digital Economy; Opportunities, Impacts and Threats for the World and Turkish Economy, 1st Edition, Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Kaya, A. (2022). Innovatıon and Digitalization in Agriculture, Agricultural Research in Nowadays, ISBN: 978-2-38236-491-8, Livre de Lyon, p.1-12.
  • Keiyoro, P. N., Irungu Muya, B., Gakuo, C. M. & Mugo, K. (2016). Impact of Sociocultural factors on adoption of modern technologies in beekeeping projects among women groups in Kajiado County Kenya. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4 (4), 55-64.
  • Lee, G. M., Crespi, N., Choi, J. K., & Boussard, M. (2013). Internet of things. In Evolution of Telecommunication Services (pp. 257-282). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Li, D. X., Wu, H., & Shangang, H. (2014). Internet of things in industries: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10, 2233-2243.
  • Mashey, J. R. (1998). Big Data and the Next Wave of InfraStress John, R. Mashey Chief Scientist, SGI - PDF". [Online]. Available at: (Date of Access: 11-08-2022).
  • Miorandi, D., Sicari, S., Pellegrini, F. D. & Chlamtac, I. (2012). Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges. Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 10, 1497-1516.
  • Muriuki, J. (2016). Beekeeping technology adoption in arid and semi-arid lands of southern Kenya. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 64 (1), 217-223.
  • Muya, B. I. (2014). Determinants of adoption of modern technologies in beekeeping projects: the case of women groups in Kajiado County, Kenya. Doctoral dissertation, Master's Thesis, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Nääs, I. A., Carvalho, V. C., Moura, D. J., & Mollo, M. (2006). Precision Animal Production, (Handbook of Agricultural Engineering Volume VI Information Technology), CIGR-The International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (Translator: Ergüneş, G.).
  • Odoux, J. F., Aupinel, P., Gateff, S., Requier, F., Henry, M., & Bretagnolle, V. (2014). ECOBEE: A tool for long-term honey bee colony monitoring at the landscape scale in West European intensive agroecosystems. Journal of Apicultural Research, 53 (1), 57-66.
  • Özdoğçan, O. (2018). Endüstri 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Keys to Industrial Transformation, 2nd bs. Istanbul: Pusula.
  • Öztuna, B. (2017). Industry 4.0 The Future of Working Life with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 1st ed. Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı.
  • Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution, (Trans.: Dicleli, Z.) İstanbul: Optimist Publications. Ünal, M. S. (2006). Beekeeping, Sivas: Özemek Matbaa.
  • Weiss, S.M. & Indurkya, N. (1998), Predictive Data Mining. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.
  • Zacepins, A., Brusbardis, V., Meitalovs J., & Stalidzans, E. (2015). Challenges in the development of precision beekeeping. Biosystems Engineering, 130, 60-71.
  • Zhao, J. C., Zhang, J. F., Feng, Y., & Guo, J. X. (2010). The Study and Application of the IOT Technology in Agriculture. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 462-465.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarımsal Otomasyon, Gıda Sürdürülebilirliği, Gıda Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zehra Alakoç Burma 0000-0002-0376-516X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Alakoç Burma, Z. (2023). Digital Transformation in Beekeeping to Carrying Beehives into the Future. International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences, 7(2), 89-99.