Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

IJONFEST ethical principles have been established in line with the guidelines and policies prepared and published in open Access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Manuscripts that do not comply with COPE recommendations will not be published by IJONFEST.

Author's Responsibility:

The studies submitted to IJONFEST for publication should not have been published anywhere before or should not be in the process of being published. Studies that have entered the evaluation process should not be sent to any other publication during this process.

The author, if any; should indicate the persons or institutions that support the research.

The study submitted for evaluation must not be an intellectual property or copyright infringement.

The author accepts the Open Access Policy of IJONFEST. 

The author, who determines that a conflict of interest situation has occurred, is obliged to inform the editor.

ITHENTICATE and TURNITIN plagiarism programs are used for evaluating the similarity percentage of submitted Manuscripts in IJONFEST.  Studies exceeding 20% similarity rate will not be evaluated.

It declares that IJONFEST is obliged to protect human and animal rights. If subjects were used in studies, Ethics Committee approval should be submitted with the article.

Editor's Responsibility:

Editors, considering the purpose and scope of the journal, start the publication process after they are convinced that the incoming article is original, suitable for scientific methods, and will contribute to readers, researchers and practitioners.

The studies sent for evaluation cannot be used in any research by the editor/editors without the permission of the author. The Editorial Board cannot share the work to be evaluated with third parties other than the relevant persons.

Responsibilities of the Referees:

The referees are obliged to inform the editors by refusing to evaluate the study in case of conflict of interest.

Publication Policy:

The journal adopts an open-access policy. All content of the journal is available online free of charge.

No fee is requested from the authors.

Authors are responsible for the published articles.