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DNA barcoding and phytochemical profiling of wild plant "Lal lat tan" from Imugan, Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Yıl 2018, , 353 - 361, 29.12.2018


Philippines hosts a wide-ranging diversity of plant species with
pharmacological potential. Species identification on the basis of DNA sequences
has been done for some time in plants and used to detect variations among the
sequences specifying genetic divergence as a result of molecular evolution during
the course of time. In this study, molecular approach as well as phylogentic
analysis were conducted to identify the wild plant "Lal lat tan"
collected from Imugan, Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya. In addition, thin layer
chromatography was conducted to determine the bioactive compounds present in
the wild plant. For molecular approach, the genomic DNA was extracted from the
young leaves using CTAB and amplified using the nrDNA ITS marker. The PCR
amplified product was sequenced and subjected for search query analysis using
BLAST and was identified as
. Using chloroform+methanol as solvent system, the result revealed
the presence of saponins, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, anthrones,
anthraquinones, terpenes and steroids which are considered as active medicinal
phytochemical constituents. Lal lat tan is a wild plant and was known for
having stinger leaf that lead to severe itchiness and swelling of eyes and face
when touched.


  • [1]. Petrovska, B.B. (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants’ usage. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 6(11), 1–5.
  • [2]. Cosa, P., Vlientinck, A.J., Berghe, D.V., Maes, L. (2006). Anti-infective potential of natural products, How to develop a stronger in vitro ‘proof-of-concept’. J. Ethnopharmacol. 106, 290–302.
  • [3]. Chikezie, P.C., Ojiako, O.A. (2015) Herbal Medicine, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Altern Integr Med, 4, 195. Doi: 10.4172/2327-5162.1000195
  • [4]. Duraipandiyan, V., Ayyanar, M., Ignacimuthu (2006). Antimicrobial activity of some ethnomedicinal plants used by Paliyar tribe from Tamil Nadu, India. BMC Complementary Altern. Med, 6, 35-41.
  • [5]. Uddin, G., Rauf, A., Akhtar, S. (2012). Studies on Chemical Constituents, Phytochemical Profile and Pharmacological Action of Datura alba. Middle-East Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 1(1), 14-18.
  • [6]. Saxena, M., Saxena, J., Nema, R., Singh, D., Gupta, A. (2013). Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 1(6), 168-182
  • [7]. Lowy, F. D. (1998). Staphylococcus aureus infections. N. Engl J Med. 339, 590-32.
  • [8]. Herbert, P.D.N., Ratnasingham S., Deward J.R. (2003). Barcoding animal life, cytochrome coxidase subunit 1 divergences among closely related species. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270, S96–S99 Suppl.
  • [9]. McDowall, R.M. (1971). The galaxid fishes of South Easth America. Zoological Journal of the Linnaen Society, 50 (1), 33-73.
  • [10]. Savolainen, V., Cowan, R.S., Vogler, A.P., Roderick, G.K., Lane, R. (2005). Towards writing the encyclopaedia of life; an introduction to DNA barcoding. Philosophical transaction of Entomological Society of America, 99, 991-998.
  • [11]. Witt, J. D., Threloff, D. L., Herbert, P. D. N. (2006) DNA barcoding reveals extraordinary cryptic diversity in an amphipod genus, implications for desert spring conservation. Molecular Ecology, 15, 3073-3082.
  • [12]. Hall, T.A. (1999). BioEdit, a user-friendly biological sequnce alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. Nucleic Acid Symposium Series No. 41, 95-98.
  • [13]. Altschul, S., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W., Lipman, D. J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. J. Mol. Biol. 215, 403-410.
  • [14]. Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 6.0. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30(12), 2725–2729.
  • [15]. Thompson, J. D., Higgins, D. G., Gibson, T. J. (1994). CLUSTAL W, improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Research, 22 (22), 4673–4680.
  • [16]. Saitou, N., Nei, M. (1987). The neighbor-joining method, a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Molecular Biology Evolution, 4 (4), 406-25.
  • [17]. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. (2018) Seed Information Database (SID). Version 7.1. Available from, (Retrieved August 2018).
  • [18]. Jiarui, C., Qi, L., Friis, I., Wilmot-Dear, M., Monro, A. K. (2003). URTICACEAE. Flora of China, 5, 76-189.
  • [19]. Taskila, K., Saarinan, J.V., Harvima, I.T., Harvina, R.J. (2000). Histamine and LTC in stinging nettle-induced urticaria. Allergy, 55, 680-681.
  • [20]. Oliver, F., Amon, E.U., Breathnach, A., Francis, D.M., Sarathchandra, P., Black, A.K., Greaves, M.W. (1991) .Contact urticaria due to the common stinging net-tle (Urtica dioica) - histological, ultrastructural and pharmacological studies. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 16, 1-7
  • [21]. Corsi, G. 1999. Hydathodes in Italian taxa of the genus Urtica. Plant. Biosyst. 133, 255-263.
  • [22]. Shih, B., Yang, Y., Liu, H., Lu, S. (1995). Notes on Urticaceae of Taiwan. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 36,155-168.
  • [23]. Bernhoft, A. (2008). The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Bioactive compounds in plants – benefits and risks for man and animals. Proceedings from a symposium held at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 13–14 November 2008
  • [24]. Hossain, M. A. Nagooru, M. R. (2011). Biochemical profiling and total flavonoids contents of leaves crude extract of endemic medicinal plant Corydyline terminalis L. Kunth. Pharmacognosy Journal, 3 (24), 25–29.
  • [25]. Suresh, S. N., Nagarajan, N. (2009). Preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial activity analysis of Begonia malabarica Lam. Journal of Basic & Applied Biology, 3 (1&2), 59–61.
  • [26]. Anyasor, G. N., Ogunwenmo, K., Oyelana, O. A., Akpofunure, B.E. (2010). Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of aqueous and methanol stem extracts of Costus afer Ker Gawl. (Costaceae). African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (31), 4880–4884.
  • [27]. Chao, P. D. L., Hsiu, S. L., Hou, Y.C. (2002). Flavonoids in herbs, biological fates and potential interactions with xenobiotics. Journal of Food Drug Analysis, 10 (4), 219–228.
  • [28]. Igbinosa, O. O., Igbinosa, E. O., A. Aiyegero, (2009). Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of stem bark extracts from Jatropha curcas (Linn). African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 3 (2), 058–062.
  • [29]. Thitilerdecha, N., Teerawutgulrag, A., Rakariyatham, N. (2008). Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Nephelium lappaceum L. extracts. Food Science and Technology, 41, 2029–2035.
  • [30]. Barile, E., Bonanomi, G., Antignani, V., Zolfaghari, B., EbrahimSajjadi, S., Scala, F., Lanzotti, V., (2007). Phytochemical screeningand antimicrobial assessment of Abutilon mauritianum, Bacopa monifera and Datura stramonium. Phytochemistry, 68, 596–603.
  • [31]. Ayoola, G.A., Coker, H.A.B., Adesegun, S.A., Adepoju-Bello, A.A., Obaweya, K., Ezennia, E.C., Atangbayila, T.O. (2008). Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activities of some selected medicinal plants used for malaria therapy in Southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (3), 1019–1024.
  • [32]. Enrico, V., Andrea, P., Francesca, B., Min, Z. J. (2004). [Experimental study of reinforcement of immunity by syrup of father Michel (POE 20)]. Italy, Institute of Naturopathic Sciences (ISN); French. [Online] Available from,
  • [33]. Chien, S. C., Wu, Y. C., Chen, Z. W., Yang, Y. C. (2015). Naturally occurring anthraquinones, chemistry and therapeutic potential in autoimmune diabetes. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med; 357357. Doi:10.1155/2015/357357
  • [34]. Güçlü-Ustündağ, O., Mazza, G. (2007). Saponins, properties, applications and processing. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 47(3),231-58.
  • [35]. Basma, A.A., Zakaria, Z., Latha, L.Y., Sasidharan, S. (2011). Antioxidant activity and phytochemical screening of the methanol extracts of Euphorbia hirta L. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine ,4(5),386-90.

DNA barcoding and phytochemical profiling of wild plant "Lal lat tan" from Imugan, Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Yıl 2018, , 353 - 361, 29.12.2018


The Philippines hosts a wide-ranging diversity of plant species with pharmacological potential. Species identification on the basis of DNA sequences has been done for some time in plants and used to detect variations among the sequences specifying genetic divergence as a result of molecular evolution during the course of time. In this study, molecular approach as well as phylogentic analysis were conducted to identify the wild plant "Lal lat tan" collected from Imugan, Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya. In addition, thin layer chromatography was conducted to determine the bioactive compounds present in the wild plant. For molecular approach, the genomic DNA was extracted from the young leaves using CTAB and amplified using the nrDNA ITS marker. The PCR amplified product was sequenced and subjected for search query analysis using BLAST and was identified as Dendrocnide meyeniana. Using chloroform+methanol as solvent system, the result revealed the presence of saponins, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, anthrones, anthraquinones, terpenes and steroids which are considered as active medicinal phytochemical constituents. Lal lat tan is a wild plant and was known for having stinger leaf that lead to severe itchiness and swelling of eyes and face when touched.


  • [1]. Petrovska, B.B. (2012). Historical review of medicinal plants’ usage. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 6(11), 1–5.
  • [2]. Cosa, P., Vlientinck, A.J., Berghe, D.V., Maes, L. (2006). Anti-infective potential of natural products, How to develop a stronger in vitro ‘proof-of-concept’. J. Ethnopharmacol. 106, 290–302.
  • [3]. Chikezie, P.C., Ojiako, O.A. (2015) Herbal Medicine, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Altern Integr Med, 4, 195. Doi: 10.4172/2327-5162.1000195
  • [4]. Duraipandiyan, V., Ayyanar, M., Ignacimuthu (2006). Antimicrobial activity of some ethnomedicinal plants used by Paliyar tribe from Tamil Nadu, India. BMC Complementary Altern. Med, 6, 35-41.
  • [5]. Uddin, G., Rauf, A., Akhtar, S. (2012). Studies on Chemical Constituents, Phytochemical Profile and Pharmacological Action of Datura alba. Middle-East Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 1(1), 14-18.
  • [6]. Saxena, M., Saxena, J., Nema, R., Singh, D., Gupta, A. (2013). Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 1(6), 168-182
  • [7]. Lowy, F. D. (1998). Staphylococcus aureus infections. N. Engl J Med. 339, 590-32.
  • [8]. Herbert, P.D.N., Ratnasingham S., Deward J.R. (2003). Barcoding animal life, cytochrome coxidase subunit 1 divergences among closely related species. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270, S96–S99 Suppl.
  • [9]. McDowall, R.M. (1971). The galaxid fishes of South Easth America. Zoological Journal of the Linnaen Society, 50 (1), 33-73.
  • [10]. Savolainen, V., Cowan, R.S., Vogler, A.P., Roderick, G.K., Lane, R. (2005). Towards writing the encyclopaedia of life; an introduction to DNA barcoding. Philosophical transaction of Entomological Society of America, 99, 991-998.
  • [11]. Witt, J. D., Threloff, D. L., Herbert, P. D. N. (2006) DNA barcoding reveals extraordinary cryptic diversity in an amphipod genus, implications for desert spring conservation. Molecular Ecology, 15, 3073-3082.
  • [12]. Hall, T.A. (1999). BioEdit, a user-friendly biological sequnce alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. Nucleic Acid Symposium Series No. 41, 95-98.
  • [13]. Altschul, S., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W., Lipman, D. J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. J. Mol. Biol. 215, 403-410.
  • [14]. Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 6.0. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 30(12), 2725–2729.
  • [15]. Thompson, J. D., Higgins, D. G., Gibson, T. J. (1994). CLUSTAL W, improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Research, 22 (22), 4673–4680.
  • [16]. Saitou, N., Nei, M. (1987). The neighbor-joining method, a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Molecular Biology Evolution, 4 (4), 406-25.
  • [17]. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. (2018) Seed Information Database (SID). Version 7.1. Available from, (Retrieved August 2018).
  • [18]. Jiarui, C., Qi, L., Friis, I., Wilmot-Dear, M., Monro, A. K. (2003). URTICACEAE. Flora of China, 5, 76-189.
  • [19]. Taskila, K., Saarinan, J.V., Harvima, I.T., Harvina, R.J. (2000). Histamine and LTC in stinging nettle-induced urticaria. Allergy, 55, 680-681.
  • [20]. Oliver, F., Amon, E.U., Breathnach, A., Francis, D.M., Sarathchandra, P., Black, A.K., Greaves, M.W. (1991) .Contact urticaria due to the common stinging net-tle (Urtica dioica) - histological, ultrastructural and pharmacological studies. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 16, 1-7
  • [21]. Corsi, G. 1999. Hydathodes in Italian taxa of the genus Urtica. Plant. Biosyst. 133, 255-263.
  • [22]. Shih, B., Yang, Y., Liu, H., Lu, S. (1995). Notes on Urticaceae of Taiwan. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., 36,155-168.
  • [23]. Bernhoft, A. (2008). The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Bioactive compounds in plants – benefits and risks for man and animals. Proceedings from a symposium held at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 13–14 November 2008
  • [24]. Hossain, M. A. Nagooru, M. R. (2011). Biochemical profiling and total flavonoids contents of leaves crude extract of endemic medicinal plant Corydyline terminalis L. Kunth. Pharmacognosy Journal, 3 (24), 25–29.
  • [25]. Suresh, S. N., Nagarajan, N. (2009). Preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial activity analysis of Begonia malabarica Lam. Journal of Basic & Applied Biology, 3 (1&2), 59–61.
  • [26]. Anyasor, G. N., Ogunwenmo, K., Oyelana, O. A., Akpofunure, B.E. (2010). Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of aqueous and methanol stem extracts of Costus afer Ker Gawl. (Costaceae). African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (31), 4880–4884.
  • [27]. Chao, P. D. L., Hsiu, S. L., Hou, Y.C. (2002). Flavonoids in herbs, biological fates and potential interactions with xenobiotics. Journal of Food Drug Analysis, 10 (4), 219–228.
  • [28]. Igbinosa, O. O., Igbinosa, E. O., A. Aiyegero, (2009). Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of stem bark extracts from Jatropha curcas (Linn). African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 3 (2), 058–062.
  • [29]. Thitilerdecha, N., Teerawutgulrag, A., Rakariyatham, N. (2008). Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Nephelium lappaceum L. extracts. Food Science and Technology, 41, 2029–2035.
  • [30]. Barile, E., Bonanomi, G., Antignani, V., Zolfaghari, B., EbrahimSajjadi, S., Scala, F., Lanzotti, V., (2007). Phytochemical screeningand antimicrobial assessment of Abutilon mauritianum, Bacopa monifera and Datura stramonium. Phytochemistry, 68, 596–603.
  • [31]. Ayoola, G.A., Coker, H.A.B., Adesegun, S.A., Adepoju-Bello, A.A., Obaweya, K., Ezennia, E.C., Atangbayila, T.O. (2008). Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activities of some selected medicinal plants used for malaria therapy in Southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (3), 1019–1024.
  • [32]. Enrico, V., Andrea, P., Francesca, B., Min, Z. J. (2004). [Experimental study of reinforcement of immunity by syrup of father Michel (POE 20)]. Italy, Institute of Naturopathic Sciences (ISN); French. [Online] Available from,
  • [33]. Chien, S. C., Wu, Y. C., Chen, Z. W., Yang, Y. C. (2015). Naturally occurring anthraquinones, chemistry and therapeutic potential in autoimmune diabetes. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med; 357357. Doi:10.1155/2015/357357
  • [34]. Güçlü-Ustündağ, O., Mazza, G. (2007). Saponins, properties, applications and processing. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 47(3),231-58.
  • [35]. Basma, A.A., Zakaria, Z., Latha, L.Y., Sasidharan, S. (2011). Antioxidant activity and phytochemical screening of the methanol extracts of Euphorbia hirta L. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine ,4(5),386-90.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

John Dave C. Aquino Bu kişi benim

Lariza Mae Pajarillaga Bu kişi benim

Jerwin R. Undan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Aquino, J. D. C., Pajarillaga, L. M., & Undan, J. R. (2018). DNA barcoding and phytochemical profiling of wild plant "Lal lat tan" from Imugan, Sta Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 5(4), 353-361.
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite
e-ISSN: 2148-6905