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Çevre, çevre mültecileri ve çevreci sosyal hizmet

Yıl 2016, , 905 - 914, 01.07.2016


Sosyal hizmet bireyi çevresiyle etkileşimi içinde değerlendirir. Birey sosyal çevresinden etkilendiği gibi fiziksel çevresinden de etkilenir. Bundan dolayı sosyal hizmet insanın fiziksel çevreden kaynaklanan sorunları ile de ilgilenmektedir. İklimsel ve ekolojik faktörler insan davranışı ve uyumunda önemli bir belirleyicidir ve insan iklimi, iklim de insanı büyük ölçüde etkilemektedir. İnsan davranışı üzerindeki çeşitli çevresel faktörlerin etkilerini bütüncül bir yaklaşımla ele alan sosyal hizmeti ifade etmek üzere “çevreci sosyal hizmet (green social work)”  terimi kullanılmaktadır. Bu çevresel faktörler arasında küresel ısınmadan kaynaklı iklim değişimi, deniz seviyesinin yükselmesi, su baskınları, kuraklık, çölleşme, ormansızlaşma vb. yer almaktadır. Çevresel bozulmalardan ve iklim değişikliğinden dolayı insanlar yaşanabilir güvenli çevreden mahrum olmakta ve bunun sonucunda yaşanabilir güvenli ülkelere doğru yer değiştirmeye zorlanmaktadırlar. Zorunlu olarak başka ülkelere göç eden bu insanlar çevresel mülteci veya iklim mültecisi olarak adlandırılmaktadır. 1951 Cenevre Sözleşmesine göre, ırkı, dini, tabiiyeti, belli bir toplumsal gruba mensubiyeti veya siyasi düşünceleri yüzünden vatandaşı olduğu ülkenin dışında bulunan kişiler mülteci olarak tanımlanırken, iklim mültecileri bu tanımın dışında kalmaktadırlar. Sosyal hizmet çevre ve çevre mültecileri sorununun çözümü açısından koruyucu- önleyici ve bütüncül bir yaklaşımla yerel, ulusal ve uluslar arası düzeyde çevresel faktörlerin insan üzerindeki negatif etkisini azaltmaya ve çevre mültecilerinin haklarını korumaya yönelik makro boyutta farkındalık geliştirici ve insanları harekete geçirici, savunucu çalışmalar yapmalıdır. Aynı zamanda çevresel faktörlerden etkilenen insanlara ve çevre mültecilerine mikro-mezzo boyutta psiko-sosyal destek hizmetlerini de yürütmelidir.



  • Achstatter, L. C. (2014). Climate Change: Threats to Social Welfare and Social Justice requiring Social Work Intervention. 21st Century Social Justice. 1(1), 1-22.
  • Alston, M. (2015). Social work, climate change and global cooperation. International Social Work, 58(3), s.355-363, DOI: 10.1177/0020872814556824.
  • Chiemeka, A. P. (2013.) The Effect of Climate Change on the Elderly Population; Roles of Social Work: A Study of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Sci/Environment. http://www.modenghana/news/464085/1/the-effect-of-climate-change-on-the-elderly-popula.html (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2015).
  • Dominelli, L. (2011). Climate Change: Social Workers’ Roles and Contrubitions to Policy Debates and Interventions. International Journal of Social Welfare. 20:430-438, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2011.00795.x.
  • Dominelli, L. (2013). Environmental justice at the heart of social work practice: Grening the profession. International Journal of Social Welfare. 22: 431-439. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12024.
  • Dominelli, L. (2014). Promoting environmental justice through green social work practice: A key challenge for practitioners and educators. International Social Work. 57(4), s.338-345. DOI: 10.1177/0020872814524968.
  • Drolet, J. (2013). Social Work and Environmentally Induced Displacement: A Commentary. Refuge. 29 (2), pp. 55-62.
  • Drolet, J.; Wu, H.; Taylor, M.; Dennehy, A. (2015). Social Work and Sustainable Social Development: Teaching and Learning Strategies for ‘Green Social Work’ Curriculum. Social Work Education. 34(5), s.528-543.
  • Ďurková, P.; Gramilova A.; Kiss B.; Plaku M. (2012). Climate Refugees in he 21ˢͭ Century, Regional Academy on the United States, (Erişim:03.02.2015).
  • Duyan, V; Sayar, Ö.Ö.; Özbulut, M. (2008). Sosyal Hizmeti Tanımak ve Anlamak: Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları ve Sosyal Hizmet Alanında Çalışanlar İçin Bir Rehber, Ankara: Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği.
  • Hayes, A. C.; Adamo, S.B. (2014). Introduction: understanding the links between population dynamics and climate change. Popul Environ. 35:225-230, DOI: 10.1007/s11111-014-0208-1.
  • Ife, J. (6 Novembre 2007) The New International Agendas: What Role for Social Work, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2015).
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) (2013). Climate Change 2013: The Physical Basis, IPPC Working Group, (Erişim 06.07.2015).
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2008). Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Türkiye (Global Climate Change and Turkey). Mühendis ve Makine. Cilt:50, Sayı:593, 15-25.
  • Karabasan Net (2010), Küresel ısınma yoksulları vuruyor , (Erişim:08.06.2015).
  • Kemp, S.P. (2011). Recentring Environment in Social Work Practice: Necessity, Opportunity, Challenge. British Journal of Social Work, 41, s.1198-1210, doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr119.
  • McKinnon, J.; Santana, R. (2012). Social work and changing environments (Ed.) T.H. karen Lyons, Manohar Pawar, Natalie Huegler, Nigel Hall. Sage Handbook of International Social Work içinde, London: Sage, s.265-278.
  • McKinnon, J. (2013). The Environment: A Private Concern or a Professional Practice Issue For Australian Social Workers. Austaralian Social Work, 66(2), 156-170,
  • Mutluer, M.; Südaş, İ. (2013). "‘Görünmez’ Bir Küresel Sorun: Çevre Mültecileri" Prof. Dr. Ilhan Kayan'a Armağan Kitabı. Editör: E. Öner, İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Myers, N. (2005). Environmental Refugees: An Emergent Security Issue; paper presented at 13 th Economic Forum, Session III-Environment and Migration, EF.NGO/4/05 22 May 2005, ENGLISH only, Prague, 23-27 May 2005.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental Refugees: A Misleading Notion for a Genunie Problem. Ethical Perspectives. 18 (2), s.229-248.
  • Peeters, J. (2012). A Comment on “ Climate Change: Social Workers’ Roles and Contrubitions to Policy Debates and Interventions”. International Journal of Social Welfare.
  • Piguet, E. (2008). Climate Change and Forced Migration, New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper:153, UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency Policy Development and Evaluation Service. (Erişim:03.02.2015).
  • Philip, D.; Reisch, M. (2015). Rethinking Social Work’s Interpretation of ‘Environmental Justice’: From Local to Global, Social Work Education, 34(5), s.471-483, http://
  • Rebert, T. S. (2006). The Rising Flood? Environmental Refugees in a Political Ecology Perspective, Comparative Environment and Development Studies. (Erişim: 08.07.2015).
  • Stajonov, R. (2005). Environmental Refugees Between Development and powerty- Case Study of the Three Gorges Dam Area, 11 th EADI General Conference Insecfuraty and Development Regional Issues and Policies for an Interdepemdent World, Bonn, 21-24 September 2005, ER%20between%20development%20and%20poverty-3GD.pdf (Erişim: 02.07.2015).
  • Taner, A.C. (2009). Küresel Isınma Mültecileri. Fizik Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları Faydalı Bilgiler, Çağın Polisi Dergisi, 70.Sayı:1-5, (Erişim:02.07.2015).
  • UN WomenWatch: The UN Internet Gateway on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, (Erişim: 02.07.2015).
  • Wong, S. (2015) Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, Item: 89475689 5
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-Göçmen Belirsizliğinde İklim Mültecileri; Clımate Refugees In The Uncertaınty Of Beıng A Refugee or Migrant. TBB Dergisi. 99, s. 229-240.

Environment, environmental refugees and green social work

Yıl 2016, , 905 - 914, 01.07.2016


Social work evaluates an individual within her/his environment. As the individual is affected by the social environment she/he is also affected by the physical environment. Thus, social work also deals with physical problems caused by the physical environment of an individual. Climate and ecological factors are important determinants on human behavior and adaptation, for human and climate affect each other. In order to express the social work that treats the effects of the various environmental factors on human behavior with a holistic approach, the term “environmentalist/green social work” is used. Among these environmental factors; climate change due to global warming, increasing sea levels, floods, drought, desertification and deforestation can be seen. People are deprived from viable secure environment due to environmental degradation and climate change, and as a consequence are forced to displace towards viable countries. Those who migrate by necessary towards other countries are named as environmental refugees or climate refugees. According to the 1951 Geneva Convention, where those people who are outside their home-state due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular social group are named as refugee; environmental refugees are outside the scope of this definition. The social work with a preventative and holistic approach to the environment and environmental refugee problem, has to act in local, national and international levels to decrease the negative effects of environmental factors on people, consciousness-raising, mobilizing people and advocating at macro level towards protecting the rights of environmental refugees. Meantime it has to conduct psycho-social support services at micro-mezzo scale to those people who are affected by environmental factors and to environmental refugees.


  • Achstatter, L. C. (2014). Climate Change: Threats to Social Welfare and Social Justice requiring Social Work Intervention. 21st Century Social Justice. 1(1), 1-22.
  • Alston, M. (2015). Social work, climate change and global cooperation. International Social Work, 58(3), s.355-363, DOI: 10.1177/0020872814556824.
  • Chiemeka, A. P. (2013.) The Effect of Climate Change on the Elderly Population; Roles of Social Work: A Study of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Sci/Environment. http://www.modenghana/news/464085/1/the-effect-of-climate-change-on-the-elderly-popula.html (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2015).
  • Dominelli, L. (2011). Climate Change: Social Workers’ Roles and Contrubitions to Policy Debates and Interventions. International Journal of Social Welfare. 20:430-438, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2011.00795.x.
  • Dominelli, L. (2013). Environmental justice at the heart of social work practice: Grening the profession. International Journal of Social Welfare. 22: 431-439. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12024.
  • Dominelli, L. (2014). Promoting environmental justice through green social work practice: A key challenge for practitioners and educators. International Social Work. 57(4), s.338-345. DOI: 10.1177/0020872814524968.
  • Drolet, J. (2013). Social Work and Environmentally Induced Displacement: A Commentary. Refuge. 29 (2), pp. 55-62.
  • Drolet, J.; Wu, H.; Taylor, M.; Dennehy, A. (2015). Social Work and Sustainable Social Development: Teaching and Learning Strategies for ‘Green Social Work’ Curriculum. Social Work Education. 34(5), s.528-543.
  • Ďurková, P.; Gramilova A.; Kiss B.; Plaku M. (2012). Climate Refugees in he 21ˢͭ Century, Regional Academy on the United States, (Erişim:03.02.2015).
  • Duyan, V; Sayar, Ö.Ö.; Özbulut, M. (2008). Sosyal Hizmeti Tanımak ve Anlamak: Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları ve Sosyal Hizmet Alanında Çalışanlar İçin Bir Rehber, Ankara: Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği.
  • Hayes, A. C.; Adamo, S.B. (2014). Introduction: understanding the links between population dynamics and climate change. Popul Environ. 35:225-230, DOI: 10.1007/s11111-014-0208-1.
  • Ife, J. (6 Novembre 2007) The New International Agendas: What Role for Social Work, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2015).
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) (2013). Climate Change 2013: The Physical Basis, IPPC Working Group, (Erişim 06.07.2015).
  • Kadıoğlu, M. (2008). Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Türkiye (Global Climate Change and Turkey). Mühendis ve Makine. Cilt:50, Sayı:593, 15-25.
  • Karabasan Net (2010), Küresel ısınma yoksulları vuruyor , (Erişim:08.06.2015).
  • Kemp, S.P. (2011). Recentring Environment in Social Work Practice: Necessity, Opportunity, Challenge. British Journal of Social Work, 41, s.1198-1210, doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr119.
  • McKinnon, J.; Santana, R. (2012). Social work and changing environments (Ed.) T.H. karen Lyons, Manohar Pawar, Natalie Huegler, Nigel Hall. Sage Handbook of International Social Work içinde, London: Sage, s.265-278.
  • McKinnon, J. (2013). The Environment: A Private Concern or a Professional Practice Issue For Australian Social Workers. Austaralian Social Work, 66(2), 156-170,
  • Mutluer, M.; Südaş, İ. (2013). "‘Görünmez’ Bir Küresel Sorun: Çevre Mültecileri" Prof. Dr. Ilhan Kayan'a Armağan Kitabı. Editör: E. Öner, İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Myers, N. (2005). Environmental Refugees: An Emergent Security Issue; paper presented at 13 th Economic Forum, Session III-Environment and Migration, EF.NGO/4/05 22 May 2005, ENGLISH only, Prague, 23-27 May 2005.
  • Neuteleers, S. (2011). Environmental Refugees: A Misleading Notion for a Genunie Problem. Ethical Perspectives. 18 (2), s.229-248.
  • Peeters, J. (2012). A Comment on “ Climate Change: Social Workers’ Roles and Contrubitions to Policy Debates and Interventions”. International Journal of Social Welfare.
  • Piguet, E. (2008). Climate Change and Forced Migration, New Issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper:153, UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency Policy Development and Evaluation Service. (Erişim:03.02.2015).
  • Philip, D.; Reisch, M. (2015). Rethinking Social Work’s Interpretation of ‘Environmental Justice’: From Local to Global, Social Work Education, 34(5), s.471-483, http://
  • Rebert, T. S. (2006). The Rising Flood? Environmental Refugees in a Political Ecology Perspective, Comparative Environment and Development Studies. (Erişim: 08.07.2015).
  • Stajonov, R. (2005). Environmental Refugees Between Development and powerty- Case Study of the Three Gorges Dam Area, 11 th EADI General Conference Insecfuraty and Development Regional Issues and Policies for an Interdepemdent World, Bonn, 21-24 September 2005, ER%20between%20development%20and%20poverty-3GD.pdf (Erişim: 02.07.2015).
  • Taner, A.C. (2009). Küresel Isınma Mültecileri. Fizik Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları Faydalı Bilgiler, Çağın Polisi Dergisi, 70.Sayı:1-5, (Erişim:02.07.2015).
  • UN WomenWatch: The UN Internet Gateway on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, (Erişim: 02.07.2015).
  • Wong, S. (2015) Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, Item: 89475689 5
  • Ziya, O. (2012). Mülteci-Göçmen Belirsizliğinde İklim Mültecileri; Clımate Refugees In The Uncertaınty Of Beıng A Refugee or Migrant. TBB Dergisi. 99, s. 229-240.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Melahat Demirbilek

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirbilek, M. (2016). Environment, environmental refugees and green social work. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(3), 905-914.
AMA Demirbilek M. Environment, environmental refugees and green social work. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. Nisan 2016;2(3):905-914. doi:10.24289/ijsser.279033
Chicago Demirbilek, Melahat. “Environment, Environmental Refugees and Green Social Work”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2, sy. 3 (Nisan 2016): 905-14.
EndNote Demirbilek M (01 Nisan 2016) Environment, environmental refugees and green social work. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2 3 905–914.
IEEE M. Demirbilek, “Environment, environmental refugees and green social work”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 2, sy. 3, ss. 905–914, 2016, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.279033.
ISNAD Demirbilek, Melahat. “Environment, Environmental Refugees and Green Social Work”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2/3 (Nisan 2016), 905-914.
JAMA Demirbilek M. Environment, environmental refugees and green social work. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2:905–914.
MLA Demirbilek, Melahat. “Environment, Environmental Refugees and Green Social Work”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 2, sy. 3, 2016, ss. 905-14, doi:10.24289/ijsser.279033.
Vancouver Demirbilek M. Environment, environmental refugees and green social work. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2(3):905-14.


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