Araştırma Makalesi
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Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?

Yıl 2016, , 1030 - 1041, 01.07.2016


In the last twenty years, entrepreneurship education has developed greatly in developed countries and it is quite effective in terms of entrepreneurial intention. This study aims to find out to what extent entrepreneurial education affects the entrepreneurial intentions of students at Trakya University. Entrepreneurial education has recently been added to the program at Trakya University, and positive results from this study will help to show the effectiveness of these courses.

The study found that students who have been in receipt of an entrepreneurial education have deeper entrepreneurial intentions to take action when compared with students who were not in receipt of an entrepreneurial education.

Besides, it was found that the percentage of those who are unclear as to whether to establish their own business or not, in terms of all the students who took an entrepreneurship course and those who did not, is rather high; besides, 23% of the students think that entrepreneurship can be learned.


  • Akin HB, Demirel Y 2015. Entrepreneurship education and perception change: the preliminary outcomes of compulsory entrepreneurship course experience in Turkey. Selcuk University Social Science Journals, 34:15-26
  • Akudolu LR 2010. A curriculum framework for entrepreneurship education in Nigeria. Unizik Orient Journal of Education, 5: 1-16.
  • Allen K. 2006. Launching New Ventures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Autio E, Keeley RH., Klofsten M, Ulfstedt T 1997. Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Proceedings Book. From <http://www.> (Retrieved May 18, 2015).
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Bandura A 1997. Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co.
  • Bayraktaroglu S, Ozdemir Y 2010. Local entrepreneurial dynamics: Adapazari in understanding the method of oral history of the furniture industry. Journal of Management Sciences, 8: 51-80.
  • Bird B 1988. Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention,. The Academy of Management Review, 13: 442-453.
  • Birkan I 2014. Ankara Kultur ve Sanat Gunleri - Moderator, Ankara Muzelerinde Efsane Kral Midas ve Frigya’nın Izleri, Atilim Universitesi, Ankara, 16 Aralik.
  • Boyd NG, Vozikis GS 1994. The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 64-77.
  • Brouwer, MT 2002. Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12: 83-105.
  • Carikci İH, Koyuncu O 2010. A research on to determine the relationship between the individualist – collectivist culture and entrepreneurial trends. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 3: 1-18.
  • Cetinkaya BO 2011. Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs and Faculty in the World and Turkey. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Cheng M, Chan W, Mahmood A 2009. The effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in Malaysia. Education & Training, 51: 555–566.
  • Colpan A, Jones G 2015. Business groups, entrepreneurship and the growth of the Koc Group in Turkey. Harvard Business School General Management Unit Working Paper, 15-35.
  • Davidsson P 1995. Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions. The Rent IX Workshop, 23 nd-24 th November, Piacenza, Italy.
  • Dollinger MJ 2008. Entrepreneurship Strategies and Resources. USA: Marsh Publications.
  • Dogan E 2015.The effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in Turkey. Econometrics and Statistics, 23: 79-93.
  • Drennan J, Kennedy J, Renfrow P 2005. Impact of childhood experiences on the development of entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 6: 231-8.
  • Duijn W 2005. Entrepreneurial Intentions among FdEWB students. From <> (Retrieved April 18, 2015).
  • Engin C 2011. Regional Agencies: Turkey and The United Kingdom country examples. Sosyal ve Beseri Bilimler Dergisi, 3: 65-77.
  • European Commission 2012. Effects and impact of entrepreneurship programmes in higher education. From>(Retrieved March 25, 2015).
  • Fayolle A 2008. Entrepreneurship education at a crossroads: Towards a more mature teaching field. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 16: 325–337.
  • Fis AM, Wasti AS 2009. Orgut kulturu ve girisimcilik yonelimi iliskisi. ODTU Gelisme Dergisi, 35: 127-164.
  • Galloway L, Brown W 2002. Entrepreneurship education at university: a driver in the creation of high growth firms?, Education & Training, 44: 398-405.
  • Garavan TN, O’Cinneide B 1994. Entrepreneurship education and training programmes: a review and evaluation – Part 1. Journal of European Industrial Training, 18: 3-12.
  • GEM 2014. Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020. From> (Retrieved May 19, 2015).
  • Gorman G, Hanlon D, King W 1997. Some research perspectives on entrepreneurship education, enterprise education, and education for small business management: a ten year literature review. International Small Business Journal, 15: 56–77.
  • Hisrich R., Langan-Fox J, Grant S 2007. Entrepreneurship research and practice: a call to action for psychology. American Psychologist, 62: 575-589.
  • Ibicioglu H, Tas S, Ozmen HI 2010. Impact of University Education on the change of entrepreneurship opinion: An application on University Students. Alanya Faculty of Business Journal, 2: 53-74.
  • ILO 2015. World employment and Social Outlook –Trend 2015. From <> (Retrieved June 26, 2015).
  • Iyer CG 2015. Impact of entrepreneur on the sectoral system of innovation: Case study of the Indian crude oil refining industry, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change. From <> (Retrieved February 19, 2015).
  • Karabulut AT 2014. Entrepreneurial career intentions of alumni: A study in a Turkish Foundation University. International Journal of Business and Management, 9: 30-44.
  • Katz J 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education. Journal of Business Venturing, 18: 283-300.
  • Kirby DA 2004. Entrepreneurship education: Can business schools meet the challenge?. Education & Training, 46: 510–519.
  • Kolvereid L, Moen Ø 1997. Entrepreneurship among business graduates: Does a major in entrepreneurship make a difference?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 21: 154–160.
  • KOSGEB (2015) SMEs without examination University. From <> (Retrieved April 8, 2015).
  • Krueger NF, Brazeal DV 1994. Entrepreneurial potential and potential entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 91–104.
  • Luthje C, Franke N 2003. The making of an entrepreneur: testing a model of entrepreneurial intent among engineering students at MIT. R&D Management, 33: 135–148.
  • Orucu E 2013. Modern Management. Bursa: Dora Publications.
  • Ozturk S 2003. In today's world of technology, production factors (technical information) the development and importance. Celal Bayar University Faculty of Economics Management and Economics Journal, 10: 209-219.
  • Packham G, Jones P, Miller, C, Pickernell D, Brychan T 2010. Attitudes towards entrepreneurship education: A comparative analysis. Education & Training, 52: 568–586.
  • Robinson P, Hayes M 1991. Entrepreneurship education in America’s major universities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15: 41–52.
  • Schumpeter JA 1934. The theory of economic development, An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycl. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Shapero A, Sokol L 1982. The Social dimensions of entrepreneurship. The Encyclopaedia of Entrepreneurship. From <> (Retrieved July 23, 2015).
  • Solomon G, Duffy S, Tarabishy A 2002. The state of entrepreneurship education in the United States: A nationwide survey and analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1: 65–86.
  • Souitaris V, Zerbinati S, Al-Laham A 2007. Do entrepreneurship programmes raise entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effect of learning, inspiration and resources. Journal of Business Venturing, 22: 566–591.
  • Sengel S 2008. Effect of Higher Education in Achieving the Innovative Business Ideas A Survey on Entrepreneurship Education.
  • nd International Entrepreneurship Congress, 7 th-10 th May, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Senocak B 1992. Entrepreneurship Model of the 2000s. Third Izmir Economic Congress, 4 th-7 th June, Izmir.
  • Sesen H, Pruett M 2014. The impact of education, economy, and culture on entrepreneurial motives, barriers, and intentions: A comparative study of the United States and Turkey. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 23: 231-261.
  • Steward A 1991. A Prospectus on the anthropology of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16 - 2: 71-91.
  • Timmons JA 1999. New Venture Creation. IL: Irwin McGraw-Hill, Burr Ridge.
  • Top S, Sevencan M 2006. Entrepreneurship intention models and effects of cultural identity. KOK Research Journal, 8: 117-135.
  • Turker D, Sonmez SS 2009. Which factors affect entrepreneurial intention of university students?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33: 142-159.
  • Udofia NA, Essien O 2013. Parents’ influences and the entrepreneurship occupational aspirations of wards in technical schools in akwa ibom state, Developing Country Studies, 3: 126-132.
  • Yelkikalan N, Akatay A, Yıldırım HM, Karadeniz Y, Kose C, Koncagul O, Ozer E 2010. University entrepreneurship education in the world and in Turkey: A comparative analysis. KM Journal of Social and Economic Research, 12: 51-59.
  • York JG, Venkataraman S 2010. The entrepreneur-environment nexus: Uncertainy, innovation and allocation. Journal of Business Venturing, 25: 449-463.
Yıl 2016, , 1030 - 1041, 01.07.2016



  • Akin HB, Demirel Y 2015. Entrepreneurship education and perception change: the preliminary outcomes of compulsory entrepreneurship course experience in Turkey. Selcuk University Social Science Journals, 34:15-26
  • Akudolu LR 2010. A curriculum framework for entrepreneurship education in Nigeria. Unizik Orient Journal of Education, 5: 1-16.
  • Allen K. 2006. Launching New Ventures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Autio E, Keeley RH., Klofsten M, Ulfstedt T 1997. Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Proceedings Book. From <http://www.> (Retrieved May 18, 2015).
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Autio, E., Keeley, R.H., Klofsten, M., & Ulfstedt, T. (1997). Entrepreneurial intent among students: Testing
  • and intent model in Asia, Scandinavia, and USA. Paper presented at the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship
  • Research, Wellesley MA, Babson College.
  • Bandura A 1997. Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co.
  • Bayraktaroglu S, Ozdemir Y 2010. Local entrepreneurial dynamics: Adapazari in understanding the method of oral history of the furniture industry. Journal of Management Sciences, 8: 51-80.
  • Bird B 1988. Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention,. The Academy of Management Review, 13: 442-453.
  • Birkan I 2014. Ankara Kultur ve Sanat Gunleri - Moderator, Ankara Muzelerinde Efsane Kral Midas ve Frigya’nın Izleri, Atilim Universitesi, Ankara, 16 Aralik.
  • Boyd NG, Vozikis GS 1994. The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 64-77.
  • Brouwer, MT 2002. Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12: 83-105.
  • Carikci İH, Koyuncu O 2010. A research on to determine the relationship between the individualist – collectivist culture and entrepreneurial trends. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 3: 1-18.
  • Cetinkaya BO 2011. Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs and Faculty in the World and Turkey. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
  • Cheng M, Chan W, Mahmood A 2009. The effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in Malaysia. Education & Training, 51: 555–566.
  • Colpan A, Jones G 2015. Business groups, entrepreneurship and the growth of the Koc Group in Turkey. Harvard Business School General Management Unit Working Paper, 15-35.
  • Davidsson P 1995. Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions. The Rent IX Workshop, 23 nd-24 th November, Piacenza, Italy.
  • Dollinger MJ 2008. Entrepreneurship Strategies and Resources. USA: Marsh Publications.
  • Dogan E 2015.The effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in Turkey. Econometrics and Statistics, 23: 79-93.
  • Drennan J, Kennedy J, Renfrow P 2005. Impact of childhood experiences on the development of entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 6: 231-8.
  • Duijn W 2005. Entrepreneurial Intentions among FdEWB students. From <> (Retrieved April 18, 2015).
  • Engin C 2011. Regional Agencies: Turkey and The United Kingdom country examples. Sosyal ve Beseri Bilimler Dergisi, 3: 65-77.
  • European Commission 2012. Effects and impact of entrepreneurship programmes in higher education. From>(Retrieved March 25, 2015).
  • Fayolle A 2008. Entrepreneurship education at a crossroads: Towards a more mature teaching field. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 16: 325–337.
  • Fis AM, Wasti AS 2009. Orgut kulturu ve girisimcilik yonelimi iliskisi. ODTU Gelisme Dergisi, 35: 127-164.
  • Galloway L, Brown W 2002. Entrepreneurship education at university: a driver in the creation of high growth firms?, Education & Training, 44: 398-405.
  • Garavan TN, O’Cinneide B 1994. Entrepreneurship education and training programmes: a review and evaluation – Part 1. Journal of European Industrial Training, 18: 3-12.
  • GEM 2014. Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020. From> (Retrieved May 19, 2015).
  • Gorman G, Hanlon D, King W 1997. Some research perspectives on entrepreneurship education, enterprise education, and education for small business management: a ten year literature review. International Small Business Journal, 15: 56–77.
  • Hisrich R., Langan-Fox J, Grant S 2007. Entrepreneurship research and practice: a call to action for psychology. American Psychologist, 62: 575-589.
  • Ibicioglu H, Tas S, Ozmen HI 2010. Impact of University Education on the change of entrepreneurship opinion: An application on University Students. Alanya Faculty of Business Journal, 2: 53-74.
  • ILO 2015. World employment and Social Outlook –Trend 2015. From <> (Retrieved June 26, 2015).
  • Iyer CG 2015. Impact of entrepreneur on the sectoral system of innovation: Case study of the Indian crude oil refining industry, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change. From <> (Retrieved February 19, 2015).
  • Karabulut AT 2014. Entrepreneurial career intentions of alumni: A study in a Turkish Foundation University. International Journal of Business and Management, 9: 30-44.
  • Katz J 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education. Journal of Business Venturing, 18: 283-300.
  • Kirby DA 2004. Entrepreneurship education: Can business schools meet the challenge?. Education & Training, 46: 510–519.
  • Kolvereid L, Moen Ø 1997. Entrepreneurship among business graduates: Does a major in entrepreneurship make a difference?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 21: 154–160.
  • KOSGEB (2015) SMEs without examination University. From <> (Retrieved April 8, 2015).
  • Krueger NF, Brazeal DV 1994. Entrepreneurial potential and potential entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18: 91–104.
  • Luthje C, Franke N 2003. The making of an entrepreneur: testing a model of entrepreneurial intent among engineering students at MIT. R&D Management, 33: 135–148.
  • Orucu E 2013. Modern Management. Bursa: Dora Publications.
  • Ozturk S 2003. In today's world of technology, production factors (technical information) the development and importance. Celal Bayar University Faculty of Economics Management and Economics Journal, 10: 209-219.
  • Packham G, Jones P, Miller, C, Pickernell D, Brychan T 2010. Attitudes towards entrepreneurship education: A comparative analysis. Education & Training, 52: 568–586.
  • Robinson P, Hayes M 1991. Entrepreneurship education in America’s major universities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 15: 41–52.
  • Schumpeter JA 1934. The theory of economic development, An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycl. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Shapero A, Sokol L 1982. The Social dimensions of entrepreneurship. The Encyclopaedia of Entrepreneurship. From <> (Retrieved July 23, 2015).
  • Solomon G, Duffy S, Tarabishy A 2002. The state of entrepreneurship education in the United States: A nationwide survey and analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1: 65–86.
  • Souitaris V, Zerbinati S, Al-Laham A 2007. Do entrepreneurship programmes raise entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effect of learning, inspiration and resources. Journal of Business Venturing, 22: 566–591.
  • Sengel S 2008. Effect of Higher Education in Achieving the Innovative Business Ideas A Survey on Entrepreneurship Education.
  • nd International Entrepreneurship Congress, 7 th-10 th May, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Senocak B 1992. Entrepreneurship Model of the 2000s. Third Izmir Economic Congress, 4 th-7 th June, Izmir.
  • Sesen H, Pruett M 2014. The impact of education, economy, and culture on entrepreneurial motives, barriers, and intentions: A comparative study of the United States and Turkey. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 23: 231-261.
  • Steward A 1991. A Prospectus on the anthropology of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16 - 2: 71-91.
  • Timmons JA 1999. New Venture Creation. IL: Irwin McGraw-Hill, Burr Ridge.
  • Top S, Sevencan M 2006. Entrepreneurship intention models and effects of cultural identity. KOK Research Journal, 8: 117-135.
  • Turker D, Sonmez SS 2009. Which factors affect entrepreneurial intention of university students?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33: 142-159.
  • Udofia NA, Essien O 2013. Parents’ influences and the entrepreneurship occupational aspirations of wards in technical schools in akwa ibom state, Developing Country Studies, 3: 126-132.
  • Yelkikalan N, Akatay A, Yıldırım HM, Karadeniz Y, Kose C, Koncagul O, Ozer E 2010. University entrepreneurship education in the world and in Turkey: A comparative analysis. KM Journal of Social and Economic Research, 12: 51-59.
  • York JG, Venkataraman S 2010. The entrepreneur-environment nexus: Uncertainy, innovation and allocation. Journal of Business Venturing, 25: 449-463.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Lorcu

Gamze Yıldız Erduran

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Lorcu, F., & Yıldız Erduran, G. (2016). Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(3), 1030-1041.
AMA Lorcu F, Yıldız Erduran G. Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. Nisan 2016;2(3):1030-1041. doi:10.24289/ijsser.279045
Chicago Lorcu, Fatma, ve Gamze Yıldız Erduran. “Soul of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education?”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2, sy. 3 (Nisan 2016): 1030-41.
EndNote Lorcu F, Yıldız Erduran G (01 Nisan 2016) Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2 3 1030–1041.
IEEE F. Lorcu ve G. Yıldız Erduran, “Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 2, sy. 3, ss. 1030–1041, 2016, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.279045.
ISNAD Lorcu, Fatma - Yıldız Erduran, Gamze. “Soul of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education?”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 2/3 (Nisan 2016), 1030-1041.
JAMA Lorcu F, Yıldız Erduran G. Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2:1030–1041.
MLA Lorcu, Fatma ve Gamze Yıldız Erduran. “Soul of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education?”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, c. 2, sy. 3, 2016, ss. 1030-41, doi:10.24289/ijsser.279045.
Vancouver Lorcu F, Yıldız Erduran G. Soul of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education?. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2016;2(3):1030-41.


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