Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 98 - 106, 15.12.2020
Thomas Abu
Olorunsola Bamidele
- Adebayo JO, Krettli, AU. A review of potential antimalarials from Nigeria plants. Journal of. Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 7:289-302.
- Alade GO, Okpako E, Ajibesin K.K, Omobuwajo OR. Indigenous Knowledge of Herbal Medicines among Adolescents in Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Health Science. 2016; 8(1).
- Alves RN, Rosa ML. Biodiversity, Traditional Medicine and Public Health: where do they meet? 2007. http:/www.ethobiomed.com/conten/3/14.
- Ancha PU, Ikyaagba ET, Dagba BI, Okpanachi K. Ethnomedicinal plant knowledge and practice in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research. 2017; 3(6):4281-4306.
- Aniama SO. Ethno-Medicinal values of some plant species termed as weed among the three major tribes In Kogi State, Nigeria. Journal of Biology and Genetic Research. 2018; 4(1):28-37.
- Asase A, Akwetey GA, Achel DG. Ethnopharmacological use of herbal remedies for the treatment of malaria in the Dangme west district of Ghana. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2010; 129(2010):367-376.
- Atawodi SE, Olowoniyi OD, Daikwo MA. Ethnobotanical Survey of some Plants Used for the Management of Hypertension in the Igala Speaking Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 2014; 4(24):4535-4543.
- Betti JL. Medicinal Plants sold in Yayounde Markets, Cameroon. African Monographs. 2002; 23(2):47-64.
- Betti JL. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants among the Baka pigmies in the Dja Biosphere Research, Cameroon. African study monographs. 2004; 25(1):1-27.
- Burkill HM. The useful plants of West Tropical Africa (Vol. VI). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2004.
- Caraballo A, Caraballo B, Rodriguez-Acosta A. Preliminary assessment of medicinal plants used as antimalarials in the South-Eastern Venezuelan Amazon. Revista-da-sociedade-Brasileira-de-medicina- Tropical. 2004; 37(2):186-188.
- Dewan AM, Corner R, Hashizume M, Ongee ET. Typhoid fever and its association with environmental factors in the Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh: A spatial and time-series approach. pLos Negl Trop. Dis. 2013; 7(1):e1998.
- Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). Draft Health Workforce Country Profile for Nigeria; Abuja Nigeria. 2009.
- Federal Republic of Nigeria. 2006 Census, Official Gazette. Federal Printer, Lagos, Nigeria FGP 71/52007/2, 500 (DL24). 2006; 24(94).
- Gemechuz Z, Dereje K, Eshetu M, Fanta G. In vivo antimalarial activity of the solvent fractions of fruit rind and root of Carica papaya Linn (Caricaceae) against Plasmodium berghei in mice. Journal of parasitology Research. 2017.
- Grace, O.M and Davis, S.D. (2002). Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. In: Oyen, L.P.A & Lemmens, R.H.M.J (Editors). PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa/Resources vegetales de l’Afrique tropicale), Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Hutchinson J, Dalziel JM. Flora of West Tropical Africa. In: Keay RWJ, Hepper FN. (Eds.) Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administrations, London, UK. 1968.
- Ibrahim HA, Imam IA, Bello AM, Umar U, Muhammad S, Abdullahi SA. The potential of Nigerian Medicinal Plants as Antimalaria Agent: A Review. International Journal of Science and Technology. 2012; 2(8):600-605.
- Isah AO, Agunu A, Danmalam UH, Halimat A. Ethnobotanical survey of some of the plants used for pain management in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 2015; 8(1):72-79.
- Kasali FM, Mahano AO, Nyakabwa DS, Kadima NJ, Misakabu FM, Shibangu DST, Mpiana PT. Ethnopharmacological Survey of Medicinal Plants Used against Malaria in Bukavu City (D.R. Congo). European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 4(1): 29-44.
- Katemo M, Mpiana PT, Mbala BM, Mihigo SO, Ngbolua KN, Tshibangu DST, Koyange PR. Ethnopharmacological survey of plants used against diabetes in Kisangani City (D.R. Congo). J. Ethnopharmacol. 2012;144, 39-43.
- Macaluso M, Wright-Schnapp TJ, Chandra A, Johnson R, Satterwhite CL, Pulver A, Berman SM, Wang RY, Farr SL, Pollack LA. A public health focus on infertility prevention, detection and management. Fertil Steril. 2010; 93:16.e11-16.e10.
- Martin GJ. Ethnobotany: A people and plants’ conservation manual. London: Chapman & Hall. 1995.
- Moody JO. Traditional Medicine (pp. 1-6). Paper Delivered at the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) Programme, Module V, Faculty Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nov. 21-22, 2007.
- Moswa JL, Ciamala C, Bongombola B, Nzigula N, Kapanda N, Bokatshinde O, Bunga M. Plants used for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Annales de Pharmacie, Presse Universitaire de Kinshasa. 2005; 3(1):87-93.
- Odugbemi T. A textbook of medicinal plants from Nigeria. University of Lagos Press. 2008.
- Ojekale AB, Lawal OA, Lasisi AK, Adeleke TI. Phytochemistry and spermatogenetic potentials of aqueous extract of Cissus populnea (Guill. & Per.) stem bark. TSW Holistic Health Med. 2006; 1:176-182.
- Omosun G, Okoro IA, Ekundayo E, Ojimelukwe PC, Ibe O. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants useful for malaria therapy in eight local government areas of Abia State, Southeast Nigeria. Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research. 2013; 1(2):39-44.
- Oseni AM. ‘Botany in the production of food and drugs’, key note address to the Third Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Lagos. 1989.
- Plotkin MJ. The Importance of Ethnobotany for Tropical Forest Conservation. Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline. Oracle, AZ, Dioscorides Press. 1995; 322pp.
- Prakash AO, Tewari PK, Shukla S, Mathur R, Tewati KK. Post-coital antifertility effect of some medicinal plants in rats. Ind. Drug. 1987; 25:40-44.
- Ramli MR, Milow P, Chooi OH. Traditional Knowledge of a Practitioner in Medicinal Plants of Masjid Ijok Village, Perak, Malaysia. Ethno Med. 2015; 9(1):59-66.
- Shukla S, Mathur R, Prakash AO. Antifertility profile of the aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera roots. J. Ethnopharmacology. 1988; 22:51-62.
- Singh R, Misri B. Traditional goat health management practices in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Indian. J. of Traditional Knowledge. 2006; 5(3):373-375.
- World Health Organization. National, regional and global trends in infertility prevalence since 1990; A systematic analysis of 277 health surveys.
Ethno medicinal Herbal Knowledge and Practice among Elders in Igalamela-Odolu Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 3, 98 - 106, 15.12.2020
Thomas Abu
Olorunsola Bamidele
Objective: Documented Population based data on the use of herbal medicinal products and traditional knowledge among the younger generations is lacking in Nigeria and Africa at large and this is due to dearth of information passed across by the elderly ones. The aim of this study is to investigate and document the extent of use and general knowledge of herbal medicine among the elders in the Igala communities of Nigeria for the purpose of the younger and future generation.
Methods: This study was carried out in Uwowo and Ajaka communities in Igalamela-Odolu Local Government Area of Kogi State using a semi structured questionnaire/Interview and informal conversation with the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel, 2007 to generate frequencies.
Results: In total, sixty-eight (68) plant species distributed under forty (40) families with their ethnomedicinal uses were documented. Gastrointestinal tract disorders ranked highest among the categories of diseases cited by the respondents (20.51%) and 18.28% of plant species were mentioned for this category while Opthalmology and Venereal diseases ranked the lowest with 0.85% respondents’ citation and 1.08% of plant species mentioned.
Conclusions: The study revealed that older generation are the major custodians of herbal knowledge. There is therefore the need to document and enlighten the older generation on the need to transfer the specialty knowledge of herbal medicines to the younger and future generation.
- Adebayo JO, Krettli, AU. A review of potential antimalarials from Nigeria plants. Journal of. Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 7:289-302.
- Alade GO, Okpako E, Ajibesin K.K, Omobuwajo OR. Indigenous Knowledge of Herbal Medicines among Adolescents in Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Health Science. 2016; 8(1).
- Alves RN, Rosa ML. Biodiversity, Traditional Medicine and Public Health: where do they meet? 2007. http:/www.ethobiomed.com/conten/3/14.
- Ancha PU, Ikyaagba ET, Dagba BI, Okpanachi K. Ethnomedicinal plant knowledge and practice in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi state, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research. 2017; 3(6):4281-4306.
- Aniama SO. Ethno-Medicinal values of some plant species termed as weed among the three major tribes In Kogi State, Nigeria. Journal of Biology and Genetic Research. 2018; 4(1):28-37.
- Asase A, Akwetey GA, Achel DG. Ethnopharmacological use of herbal remedies for the treatment of malaria in the Dangme west district of Ghana. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2010; 129(2010):367-376.
- Atawodi SE, Olowoniyi OD, Daikwo MA. Ethnobotanical Survey of some Plants Used for the Management of Hypertension in the Igala Speaking Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 2014; 4(24):4535-4543.
- Betti JL. Medicinal Plants sold in Yayounde Markets, Cameroon. African Monographs. 2002; 23(2):47-64.
- Betti JL. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants among the Baka pigmies in the Dja Biosphere Research, Cameroon. African study monographs. 2004; 25(1):1-27.
- Burkill HM. The useful plants of West Tropical Africa (Vol. VI). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2004.
- Caraballo A, Caraballo B, Rodriguez-Acosta A. Preliminary assessment of medicinal plants used as antimalarials in the South-Eastern Venezuelan Amazon. Revista-da-sociedade-Brasileira-de-medicina- Tropical. 2004; 37(2):186-188.
- Dewan AM, Corner R, Hashizume M, Ongee ET. Typhoid fever and its association with environmental factors in the Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh: A spatial and time-series approach. pLos Negl Trop. Dis. 2013; 7(1):e1998.
- Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). Draft Health Workforce Country Profile for Nigeria; Abuja Nigeria. 2009.
- Federal Republic of Nigeria. 2006 Census, Official Gazette. Federal Printer, Lagos, Nigeria FGP 71/52007/2, 500 (DL24). 2006; 24(94).
- Gemechuz Z, Dereje K, Eshetu M, Fanta G. In vivo antimalarial activity of the solvent fractions of fruit rind and root of Carica papaya Linn (Caricaceae) against Plasmodium berghei in mice. Journal of parasitology Research. 2017.
- Grace, O.M and Davis, S.D. (2002). Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. In: Oyen, L.P.A & Lemmens, R.H.M.J (Editors). PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa/Resources vegetales de l’Afrique tropicale), Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Hutchinson J, Dalziel JM. Flora of West Tropical Africa. In: Keay RWJ, Hepper FN. (Eds.) Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administrations, London, UK. 1968.
- Ibrahim HA, Imam IA, Bello AM, Umar U, Muhammad S, Abdullahi SA. The potential of Nigerian Medicinal Plants as Antimalaria Agent: A Review. International Journal of Science and Technology. 2012; 2(8):600-605.
- Isah AO, Agunu A, Danmalam UH, Halimat A. Ethnobotanical survey of some of the plants used for pain management in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 2015; 8(1):72-79.
- Kasali FM, Mahano AO, Nyakabwa DS, Kadima NJ, Misakabu FM, Shibangu DST, Mpiana PT. Ethnopharmacological Survey of Medicinal Plants Used against Malaria in Bukavu City (D.R. Congo). European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2014; 4(1): 29-44.
- Katemo M, Mpiana PT, Mbala BM, Mihigo SO, Ngbolua KN, Tshibangu DST, Koyange PR. Ethnopharmacological survey of plants used against diabetes in Kisangani City (D.R. Congo). J. Ethnopharmacol. 2012;144, 39-43.
- Macaluso M, Wright-Schnapp TJ, Chandra A, Johnson R, Satterwhite CL, Pulver A, Berman SM, Wang RY, Farr SL, Pollack LA. A public health focus on infertility prevention, detection and management. Fertil Steril. 2010; 93:16.e11-16.e10.
- Martin GJ. Ethnobotany: A people and plants’ conservation manual. London: Chapman & Hall. 1995.
- Moody JO. Traditional Medicine (pp. 1-6). Paper Delivered at the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) Programme, Module V, Faculty Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Nov. 21-22, 2007.
- Moswa JL, Ciamala C, Bongombola B, Nzigula N, Kapanda N, Bokatshinde O, Bunga M. Plants used for the treatment of Diabetes mellitus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Annales de Pharmacie, Presse Universitaire de Kinshasa. 2005; 3(1):87-93.
- Odugbemi T. A textbook of medicinal plants from Nigeria. University of Lagos Press. 2008.
- Ojekale AB, Lawal OA, Lasisi AK, Adeleke TI. Phytochemistry and spermatogenetic potentials of aqueous extract of Cissus populnea (Guill. & Per.) stem bark. TSW Holistic Health Med. 2006; 1:176-182.
- Omosun G, Okoro IA, Ekundayo E, Ojimelukwe PC, Ibe O. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants useful for malaria therapy in eight local government areas of Abia State, Southeast Nigeria. Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research. 2013; 1(2):39-44.
- Oseni AM. ‘Botany in the production of food and drugs’, key note address to the Third Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Lagos. 1989.
- Plotkin MJ. The Importance of Ethnobotany for Tropical Forest Conservation. Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline. Oracle, AZ, Dioscorides Press. 1995; 322pp.
- Prakash AO, Tewari PK, Shukla S, Mathur R, Tewati KK. Post-coital antifertility effect of some medicinal plants in rats. Ind. Drug. 1987; 25:40-44.
- Ramli MR, Milow P, Chooi OH. Traditional Knowledge of a Practitioner in Medicinal Plants of Masjid Ijok Village, Perak, Malaysia. Ethno Med. 2015; 9(1):59-66.
- Shukla S, Mathur R, Prakash AO. Antifertility profile of the aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera roots. J. Ethnopharmacology. 1988; 22:51-62.
- Singh R, Misri B. Traditional goat health management practices in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Indian. J. of Traditional Knowledge. 2006; 5(3):373-375.
- World Health Organization. National, regional and global trends in infertility prevalence since 1990; A systematic analysis of 277 health surveys.