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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 83 - 190, 31.01.2018



  • Arıkan, Y. and Çelik, O. (2007), ‘Futbolda Şiddet ve Polis/Violence in Football and the Police’, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Police Studies, 9(1-4): 109-132.
  • Armstrong, G. and Harris, R. (1991), ‘Football Hooligans: Theory and Evidence’, The Sociological Review, 39(3): 427-458.
  • BBC, 21 September 2011, ‘Fenerbahçe only Allowed to Admit Women and Children’. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2014).
  • Birkbeck, C. and LaFree, G. (1993), ‘The Situational Analysis of Crime and Deviance’, Annual Review of Sociology, 19: 113-137.
  • Bora, T. (2014), ‘Passolig: Kamu Alanının Gaspı/Passolig: Usurpation of Public Space’ (Online Article), Radikal. Available at: (Accessed: 8 August 2015).
  • Cavadino, M. and Dignan, J. (2007), The Penal System: An Introduction (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Circular of the Ministry of Interior on the Security of Sports Areas, published on 26 September 2013.
  • Circular of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on Law 6222, published on 16 August 2013. Document No: 30212986-000/3.
  • Clarke, J. (1978), ‘Football and Working Class Fans: Tradition and Change’, in Ingham, R., Hall, S., Clarke, J., Marsh, P. and Donovan, J. (eds.) Football Hooliganism: The Wider Context. London: Inter-Action Imprint.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1980), ‘Situational Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice’, British Journal of Criminology, 20(2): 136-147.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1983), ‘Situational Crime Prevention: Its Theoretical Basis and Practical Scope’, Crime and Justice, 4: 225-256.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1995), ‘Situational Crime Prevention’, Crime and Justice: Building a Safer Society: Strategic Approaches to Crime Prevention, 19: 91-150.
  • Clarke, R. V. (2008), ‘Situational Crime Prevention’, in Wortley, R. and Mazorelle, L. (eds.) Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis. Cullompton: Willan.
  • Constitutional Court Decision No. 2014/138, 11 September 2014.
  • Constitutional Court Decision No. 2015/103, 12 November 2015.
  • Council Decision 2002/348/JHA of 25 April 2002, concerning Security in connection with Football Matches with an International Dimension.
  • Council Decision 2007/412JHA of 12 June 2007, amending Decision 2002/348/JHA concerning Security in connection with Football Matches with an International Dimension.
  • Cornish, D. B. and Clarke, R. V. (2003), ‘Opportunities, Precipitators and Criminal Decisions: A reply to Wortley's Critique of Situational Crime Prevention’, Crime Prevention Studies, 16: 41-96.
  • Çelik, O. (2005), ‘Seyirci Saldırganlığı ve Polisin Tutumu/Spectator Aggressiveness and Attitude of the Police’, Polis Dergisi/Police Journal, 45: 16-21.
  • Davies, S. G. (1998), ‘CCTV: A New Battleground for Privacy’, in Norris, C., Morgan, J. and Armstrong, G. (eds.) Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Demiryürek, M. S. (2003), Futbolda Şiddet Olgusu ve Futbol Karşılaşmalarının Güvenlik Yönetimi/The Phenomenon of Football Violence and Security Management. Master’s Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Ankara.
  • Dere, C., (2013), ‘Spor Müsabakalarını Seyirden Yasaklanma/Banning from Watching Sport Competitions’, in Çağlar, T. (ed.) Ankara Barosu Spor Hukuku Kurulu - Av. Ömer Remzi Arıkan Armağanı/Ankara Bar Association Sport Law Committee – Special Edition for Lawyer Ömer Remzi Arıkan. Ankara: Mattek.
  • Tekin, D. (2017), An Evaluation of Situational Crime Prevention in Football in Turkey. Ph.D. Thesis. Queen’s University Belfast, School of Law, Belfast.
  • Duff, R. A. and Marshall, S. E. (2000), ‘Benefits, Burdens and Responsibilities: Some Ethical Dimensions of Situational Crime Prevention’, in Von Hirsch, A., Garland, D. and Wakefield, A. (eds.) Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Dunning, E, Murphy, P. and Williams, J. (1988), The Roots of Football Hooliganism: An Historical and Sociological Study. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Fare Network (2014), Fare Observer Scheme in European Football Season 2013-14 Report. London: Fare Network.
  • Felson, M. and Boba, R. L. (2010), Crime and Everyday Life (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Felson, M. and Clarke, R. V. (1997), ‘The Ethics of Situational Crime Prevention’, in Newman, G., Clarke, R. V. and Shoham, S. G. (eds.) Rational Choice and Situational Crime Prevention. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Fenerbahç (2008), Saracoğlu’na 178 Kameralı Yeni Güvenlik Sistemi/New Security System with 178 Cameras at Saraçoğlu. Available at: (Accessed: 20 May 2016).
  • Final Report of Inquiry by Lord Justice Taylor into the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, Submitted to the Home Secretary on 19 January 1990.
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  • Football Disciplinary Regulations, 1 August 2015 (Turkey).
  • Frosdick, S. and Marsh, P. (2005), Football Hooliganism. London: Routledge.
  • Garland, J. and Rowe, M. (2000), ‘The Hooligan’s Fear of the Penalty’, Soccer & Society, 1(1): 144-157.
  • Garraffa, P. (2013), ‘Supporter’s Card and Stadium Attendance in Italy: A Successful Experiment?’ (Online Article), LawinSport. Available at: (Accessed: 20 May 2016.)
  • Georgoulas, S. (2013), ‘Social Control in Sports and the CCTV Issue: A Critical Criminological Approach’, Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 16(2): 239-249.
  • Giulianotti, R. (1991), ‘Scotland's Tartan Army in Italy: The Case for the Carnivalesque’, Sociological Review, 39(3): 503-527.
  • Gońda, M. (2013), ‘Supporters’ Movements “against modern football” and Sport Mega Events: European and Polish Contexts’, Przegląd Socjologiczny, 3: 85-106.
  • Graham, K. and Homel, R. (2008), Raising the Bar: Preventing Aggression in and around Bars, Clubs and Pubs. Devon: Willan.
  • Guschwan, M. C. (2013), ‘La Tessera della Rivolta: Italy’s Failed Fan Identification Card’, Soccer & Society, 14(2): 215-229.
  • Gültekin, H. (2008), Türk Futbolunda Şiddetin Önlenmesine Yönelik Emniyet Uygulamalarının Yasalar Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi/Investigation of Security Applications Directed to the Prevention of Turkish Football Violence within the Frame of Laws. Master’s Thesis. Niğde University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Training and Sports, Niğde.
  • Gültekin, O., Doğan, M., Doğan, A. and Eylen, B. (2000), ‘Futbol Sahalarında Şiddet ve Emniyet Güçlerinin Tutumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma/A Research on Violence in Football and Attitudes of Security Attendants’, 21.Yüzyılda Polisin Eğitimi Sempozyumu/Symposium of Police Training in 21st Century. Ankara: EGM Yayınları.
  • Güney, E. (2014), ‘Passolig Türk Sporundaki Şiddet ve Düzensizliği Nasıl Engelleyecek?’, Panorama Khas, 15: 70-72.
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  • Hopkins M. and Hamilton-Smith, N. (2014), ‘Football Banning Orders: The Highly Effective Cornerstone of a Preventative Strategy?’, in Hopkins, M. and Treadwell, J (ed.) Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime: Contemporary Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 83 - 190, 31.01.2018


How to control football-related crime has historically often occupied the agenda in Turkey. Due to the lack of the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the State control mechanisms on football, this paper employs the situational crime prevention approach to reveal how the available crime control techniques can plausibly produce reduction in football-related crime. Five mechanisms of the situational crime prevention model to reduce crime are accordingly related to each technique. The paper aims to produce a template which locates the Turkish social control on football into a particular crime prevention approach. 


  • Arıkan, Y. and Çelik, O. (2007), ‘Futbolda Şiddet ve Polis/Violence in Football and the Police’, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Police Studies, 9(1-4): 109-132.
  • Armstrong, G. and Harris, R. (1991), ‘Football Hooligans: Theory and Evidence’, The Sociological Review, 39(3): 427-458.
  • BBC, 21 September 2011, ‘Fenerbahçe only Allowed to Admit Women and Children’. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2014).
  • Birkbeck, C. and LaFree, G. (1993), ‘The Situational Analysis of Crime and Deviance’, Annual Review of Sociology, 19: 113-137.
  • Bora, T. (2014), ‘Passolig: Kamu Alanının Gaspı/Passolig: Usurpation of Public Space’ (Online Article), Radikal. Available at: (Accessed: 8 August 2015).
  • Cavadino, M. and Dignan, J. (2007), The Penal System: An Introduction (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Circular of the Ministry of Interior on the Security of Sports Areas, published on 26 September 2013.
  • Circular of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on Law 6222, published on 16 August 2013. Document No: 30212986-000/3.
  • Clarke, J. (1978), ‘Football and Working Class Fans: Tradition and Change’, in Ingham, R., Hall, S., Clarke, J., Marsh, P. and Donovan, J. (eds.) Football Hooliganism: The Wider Context. London: Inter-Action Imprint.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1980), ‘Situational Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice’, British Journal of Criminology, 20(2): 136-147.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1983), ‘Situational Crime Prevention: Its Theoretical Basis and Practical Scope’, Crime and Justice, 4: 225-256.
  • Clarke, R. V. (1995), ‘Situational Crime Prevention’, Crime and Justice: Building a Safer Society: Strategic Approaches to Crime Prevention, 19: 91-150.
  • Clarke, R. V. (2008), ‘Situational Crime Prevention’, in Wortley, R. and Mazorelle, L. (eds.) Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis. Cullompton: Willan.
  • Constitutional Court Decision No. 2014/138, 11 September 2014.
  • Constitutional Court Decision No. 2015/103, 12 November 2015.
  • Council Decision 2002/348/JHA of 25 April 2002, concerning Security in connection with Football Matches with an International Dimension.
  • Council Decision 2007/412JHA of 12 June 2007, amending Decision 2002/348/JHA concerning Security in connection with Football Matches with an International Dimension.
  • Cornish, D. B. and Clarke, R. V. (2003), ‘Opportunities, Precipitators and Criminal Decisions: A reply to Wortley's Critique of Situational Crime Prevention’, Crime Prevention Studies, 16: 41-96.
  • Çelik, O. (2005), ‘Seyirci Saldırganlığı ve Polisin Tutumu/Spectator Aggressiveness and Attitude of the Police’, Polis Dergisi/Police Journal, 45: 16-21.
  • Davies, S. G. (1998), ‘CCTV: A New Battleground for Privacy’, in Norris, C., Morgan, J. and Armstrong, G. (eds.) Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Demiryürek, M. S. (2003), Futbolda Şiddet Olgusu ve Futbol Karşılaşmalarının Güvenlik Yönetimi/The Phenomenon of Football Violence and Security Management. Master’s Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Ankara.
  • Dere, C., (2013), ‘Spor Müsabakalarını Seyirden Yasaklanma/Banning from Watching Sport Competitions’, in Çağlar, T. (ed.) Ankara Barosu Spor Hukuku Kurulu - Av. Ömer Remzi Arıkan Armağanı/Ankara Bar Association Sport Law Committee – Special Edition for Lawyer Ömer Remzi Arıkan. Ankara: Mattek.
  • Tekin, D. (2017), An Evaluation of Situational Crime Prevention in Football in Turkey. Ph.D. Thesis. Queen’s University Belfast, School of Law, Belfast.
  • Duff, R. A. and Marshall, S. E. (2000), ‘Benefits, Burdens and Responsibilities: Some Ethical Dimensions of Situational Crime Prevention’, in Von Hirsch, A., Garland, D. and Wakefield, A. (eds.) Ethical and Social Perspectives on Situational Crime Prevention. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Dunning, E, Murphy, P. and Williams, J. (1988), The Roots of Football Hooliganism: An Historical and Sociological Study. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Fare Network (2014), Fare Observer Scheme in European Football Season 2013-14 Report. London: Fare Network.
  • Felson, M. and Boba, R. L. (2010), Crime and Everyday Life (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Felson, M. and Clarke, R. V. (1997), ‘The Ethics of Situational Crime Prevention’, in Newman, G., Clarke, R. V. and Shoham, S. G. (eds.) Rational Choice and Situational Crime Prevention. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Fenerbahç (2008), Saracoğlu’na 178 Kameralı Yeni Güvenlik Sistemi/New Security System with 178 Cameras at Saraçoğlu. Available at: (Accessed: 20 May 2016).
  • Final Report of Inquiry by Lord Justice Taylor into the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, Submitted to the Home Secretary on 19 January 1990.
  • Football Disciplinary Regulations, 27 August 2011 (Turkey).
  • Football Disciplinary Regulations, 15 July 2014 (Turkey).
  • Football Disciplinary Regulations, 1 August 2015 (Turkey).
  • Frosdick, S. and Marsh, P. (2005), Football Hooliganism. London: Routledge.
  • Garland, J. and Rowe, M. (2000), ‘The Hooligan’s Fear of the Penalty’, Soccer & Society, 1(1): 144-157.
  • Garraffa, P. (2013), ‘Supporter’s Card and Stadium Attendance in Italy: A Successful Experiment?’ (Online Article), LawinSport. Available at: (Accessed: 20 May 2016.)
  • Georgoulas, S. (2013), ‘Social Control in Sports and the CCTV Issue: A Critical Criminological Approach’, Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 16(2): 239-249.
  • Giulianotti, R. (1991), ‘Scotland's Tartan Army in Italy: The Case for the Carnivalesque’, Sociological Review, 39(3): 503-527.
  • Gońda, M. (2013), ‘Supporters’ Movements “against modern football” and Sport Mega Events: European and Polish Contexts’, Przegląd Socjologiczny, 3: 85-106.
  • Graham, K. and Homel, R. (2008), Raising the Bar: Preventing Aggression in and around Bars, Clubs and Pubs. Devon: Willan.
  • Guschwan, M. C. (2013), ‘La Tessera della Rivolta: Italy’s Failed Fan Identification Card’, Soccer & Society, 14(2): 215-229.
  • Gültekin, H. (2008), Türk Futbolunda Şiddetin Önlenmesine Yönelik Emniyet Uygulamalarının Yasalar Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi/Investigation of Security Applications Directed to the Prevention of Turkish Football Violence within the Frame of Laws. Master’s Thesis. Niğde University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Physical Training and Sports, Niğde.
  • Gültekin, O., Doğan, M., Doğan, A. and Eylen, B. (2000), ‘Futbol Sahalarında Şiddet ve Emniyet Güçlerinin Tutumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma/A Research on Violence in Football and Attitudes of Security Attendants’, 21.Yüzyılda Polisin Eğitimi Sempozyumu/Symposium of Police Training in 21st Century. Ankara: EGM Yayınları.
  • Güney, E. (2014), ‘Passolig Türk Sporundaki Şiddet ve Düzensizliği Nasıl Engelleyecek?’, Panorama Khas, 15: 70-72.
  • Home Office, 2011 – Official Statistics on Football-Related Arrests and Banning Orders, Season 2010/11.
  • Home Office, 2015 – Official Statistics on Football-Related Arrests and Banning Orders, Season 2014/15.
  • Hopkins M. and Hamilton-Smith, N. (2014), ‘Football Banning Orders: The Highly Effective Cornerstone of a Preventative Strategy?’, in Hopkins, M. and Treadwell, J (ed.) Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime: Contemporary Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hürriyet, 11 May 2013, ‘Kadınlar da Yaktı/Punishment because of Women’. Available at: (Accessed: 20 May 2016).
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Toplam 112 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Hukuk
Bölüm C. 3 S. 4 Araştırma Makaleleri

Derya Tekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Tekin, Derya. “CONTROLLING FOOTBALL-RELATED CRIME IN TURKEY: SITUATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION APPROACH AND IMPLICATIONS”. İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 3, sy. 4 (Ocak 2018): 83-190.