In today's Turkish language a word “toi” is studied in terms of meaning as only a wedding that coincides with the marriage ceremony in the human mind. However, when the word is considered in the context of its origin and history, it does not seem to have a limited meaning with the wedding, which coincides only with the meaning of the marriage ceremony. Especially among the Turks, one of the nomadic peoples, the “toi” has been one of the cultural element throughout history. In the Old Turkish language, the “toi” is an activity used to manage a country by only one person. However, the important turning points in the life of Turks as the marriage ceremony, making a proposal/the agreement to marry, the engagement, the exhibiting the trousseau, the bridal bath, fetching the bride, the birth of a child, welcoming a new neighbor, seeing a newborn baby, conscript send-off ceremonies and the circumcision ceremonies after the adoption of Islam are also expressed as a “toi”. The Kyrgyz, one of the an ancient Turkic people, have ceremonies such as üilönüü toiu (wedding), zhentek toi (celebrating the birth of a child), beshik toi (putting baby into cradle celebration), tushoo toi (baby’s first steps celebration), kız toiu (the ceremony when the bride leaves her father's house), kelin toiu (fetching the bride), üi toiu (celebration own home), etc. In this study, will be described types of “toi” in Kyrgyzstan, and their counterparts in Anatolia, if any. Then will try to identify specific traditional cultural creatures that live in modern Kyrgyz “tois”, without losing their meaning from the past to the present.