Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 7/31/24

Year: 2024
Dr. Instructor Sobia HASSAN Lahore College for Women University,Lahore 0000-0001-6117-6905
Public Administration
Educational Technology and Computing, Human Resources Management, Non-Profit Accounting and Accountability
Prof. Dr. Tulus SURYANTO Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia 0000-0003-4659-6228
Regional Development and Globalisation in Sociology, Banking and Insurance, Behavioural Finance, Financial Risk Management, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
Marketing, Marketing Research Methodology, Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship, International Trade, Import Export Management
Assoc. Prof. Canan ŞENTÜRK Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 0000-0001-7714-844X
International Economics, Development Economics, Macroeconomics (Other), Circular Economy, Growth
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leena JENEFA Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, chennai ,India 0000-0002-1324-7083
International Corporation
Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing in Agricultural Management, Marketing, Digital Marketing
Asst. Prof. Dr. Shakeel SHAHZAD Islamic international university islamabad 0000-0002-0731-4163
Applied Macroeconometrics
Urban Economics, Urban Planning and Health, Political Economy Theory, Regional Economy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan HAN nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi 0000-0003-3180-4186
Rural Development, E-Trade, International Trade, Sustainable Development, Foreign Trade, Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics

InTraders International Trade Academic Journal will be able to publish scientific studies of researchers; aims to create an international platform that can contribute to their academic development and increase the number of qualified academic studies.

InTraders International Trade Academic Journal is peer-reviewed by international referees and an international journal that publishes original scientific research in English, primarily in international trade.

The journal's main subject is international trade. For 2024 and beyond, it accepts economy-based studies outside international trade and original studies on tourism issues. The journal is available free and open access to all researchers. The language, scientific, legal, and ethical responsibilities of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors. The articles published in the journal can only be used when showing the source.

InTraders International Trade Academic Journal

Author Guideline

              Preliminary Information

    -English studies are accepted for 2024 and later. Studies in English should not include abstracts in languages ​​other than English.    

After the author/s have prepared the forms below, they should start uploading files.

        -InTraders Journal Article Writing Format

        -APA 7 Reference Style Sample File

        -Author Information File (Refer to item 4). At the end of the page, it should be stated whether there is a conflict of interest, whether there is an institution from which financial support is received, and the contribution rates of the authors.
        -Copyright Agreement Form 

        -Ethics Committee Permission (Ethics Committee approval is mandatory for studies sent from Turkey (researchers located within the borders of the Republic of Turkey). Ethics committee approval is the author's responsibility due to the country's own management and systems.). In studies that do not require ethics committee permission, the author must upload the signed document stating "I declare that the study does not require ethics committee permission" by stating the study title and author information on a form while uploading the article to the system.


1- Only English articles are published in InTraders Journal for 2024 and later. Articles submitted to the journal must have yet to be published/presented or sent for publication/presentation elsewhere. Only studies presented orally at scientific events organized by the InTraders Academic Platform and whose full text has yet to be published in writing can be submitted for publication.

2. The APA 7 system should be used for article citations and source indication. The journal's rules will be followed for other article-writing rules.

3. Articles must be written on A4-sized paper with 1.5 spacing, in Times New Roman font, 12-point font, and not to exceed 25 pages. Submissions made from outside the DergiPark platform are strictly not accepted. Your article must be edited using the Article Writing Template. You can download the Article Writing Template here. (Author information should be excluded from the Article File).

4. Author Information File: The article should not contain any information about the author(s). (The file from the author is used to initiate the 2-blind referee process of the article. Therefore, the information about the author(s) should be specified on a separate Word page and uploaded to the system. The following information should be included on the separate Word page: (i) title of the article; (ii) author(s) name and academic title; (iii) ORCID ID numbers; (iv) address of the institution to which the author(s) is affiliated; (v) keywords and (vi) JEL codes of the study, (vii) e-mail address, (viii) telephone The number should be stated as +. The abstract should be at least 150 and at most 250 words.

5. Tables, figures and graphs should be given titles and numbers. Table titles should be placed above the tables, and titles of figures and graphs should be placed below the relevant figure or graph. References should be written below the tables, figures and graphs. Commas must separate decimal fractions in numbers. The sequence number to be given to the equations should be placed in parentheses at the far right of the page. If the derivation of equations is not clearly shown in the manuscript, the derivation process with all its steps should be given on a separate page for the referees' evaluation. Times New Roman type and 11-point font should be used in table and figure titles and in-table text. If the table does not fit, 8-9-10 point size may be preferred.

6 Footnotes regarding the references made in the articles should be included at the bottom of the page.

7. At the end of the text, a list of sources used in the study is given under the heading REFERENCES. This bibliography lists the references used in the study and is prepared alphabetically according to the author's surname.

Example of creating a bibliography (justified on both sides, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12-point font)

"Baral, G. (2023). Kiracı Konumundaki Şirketlerin Finansal Kiralama İşleyişlerindeki Muhasebeleştirme Hataları veya Hileleri . InTraders International Trade Academic Journal, 6 (1), 26-43. DOI: 10.55065/intraders.1288268"

8. References to sources should be made in the text, not in footnotes, including page numbers, as shown in the examples below.

9. The page layout of the articles to be added to the system must be made by the author and by the following values:

Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Landscape pages should not be included in the article)
Top Margin: 2.5 cm
Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 1.0 cm
Right Margin: 1.0 cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 and bold in the title, 12 in the text, 11 in abstracts and 8 in footnotes.
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt before - 6 pt after, line spacing 1.5 in the text; In abstracts, first 6 pt - then 6 nk, line spacing - Single (The aim is for the abstracts to be easily read by the reader.)

10. There should be no paragraph beginnings (indentations) in the article text, and paragraph breaks should be made clear by leaving spaces (spacing before:6nk after:6nk, line spacing: 1.5 lines).

11. Section Headings: The article can use main, intermediate, and subheadings to ensure an orderly transfer of information; headings will not be numbered. Headings should be levelled according to case sensitivity as specified in the Article Writing Template.

12. Tables and Figures: Tables must have numbers and titles and be located where they should be in the text. Figures must be prepared for colour printing. Table numbers and titles should be written centred on the table, and figure numbers and names should be set just below the figure (See Article Writing Template).

13 Images: They should be included in the text in high-resolution, print-quality scans. When naming pictures, the rules in figures and tables must be followed.

14. Advice(Not compulsory): At least 3 sources each from WOS/Scopus and TR Index, at least 3 sources from journals in Dergipark that cannot be included in the TR Directory, sources from congress books and books must be used, and the Doi of the sources used must be stated in the bibliography section. Wos/Scopus sources should be included in the bibliography in red text, TR Index sources should be listed in orange, and sources not in the TR Index but in Dergipark should be included in the bibliography in blue text.

15. Articles that do not comply with InTraders Journal Publication Principles in any respect will not be evaluated.

Update Date 30 January 2024

InTraders  International Trade Academic Journal


Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1. General Ethical Principles

1. Obtaining the necessary permissions from the ethics committees or commissions for studies that require permission from the Ethics Committee (for studies that require the application of a questionnaire or scale, including interviews and observations; documents, pictures, questionnaires, etc., developed by others and require permission to use), and these should be stated in the article content. or as an addendum. Without these permissions, the publication is returned to the author at the preliminary examination stage. Ethics Committee approval is mandatory for studies sent from Turkey (researchers located within the borders of the Republic of Turkey). Ethics committee approval is the author's responsibility due to the country's own management and systems.

2. It is essential that the raw data regarding the research in the peer reviews be submitted when requested by the referees. It is obligatory to provide the data after the article's publication when necessary.

3. The authors accept that the contact information (mail, institution, ORCID) specified in their article will be included to be published/published in InTraders. InTraders agrees not to publish the authors' information anywhere other than the journal issues and not to share it with third parties for commercial and advertising purposes.

    A. Ethical Principles for Authors

1. Authors guarantee that their work is original, and when they include ideas, languages, pictures, graphics and tables of other researchers in their work, they must indicate this as a quotation. Quoting without specifying the source is plagiarism.

2. Each author named in the study is equally responsible for the content of the study. It is unacceptable to not include the name of the researcher who contributed to the study or his name unjustly, even though he did not contribute.

3. Authors should stick to their research findings. It is out of the question to change the findings, make up findings and results, and conduct research based on them. Situations such as tampering with data and materials, deleting, removing, or skipping the interpretation of difficult data are distrustful.

4. Simultaneous submission of the study to journals is not possible. Authors cannot send their previously published works to the journal.

As of 2020, the TR Index-Journal Evaluation criteria have been updated. The articles related to the ethics committee permission, which should be in scientific research, have been detailed.

The "documents and information requested for studies requiring ethics committee approval" is not expected to be applied to studies submitted in previous years, the evaluation process of which has been completed but has not yet been published, and for which research data before 2020 has been used, although the evaluation process is still ongoing. The process will start in 2020, and research data will be mandatory for articles starting in 2020. The articles for which the Ethics Committee Permission Document is required are explained below.

EXPLANATION AND INFORMATION on the Ethical Rules Made by TR Index
The articles related to the Code of Ethics, which were included in the previous years' criteria, were detailed with explanations in 2020, and the issue of "includes information about the permission in the article" was added to the criteria, assuming that the permissions were obtained for the studies requiring ethics committee permission in the research field.

QUESTION: Is ethics committee approval required for all articles?
No. The criteria state that it applies to “articles that require the permission of the Ethics Committee.”
Studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows:
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches require data collection from the participants using surveys, interviews, focus group work, observation, experiments, and interview techniques.
• The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Retrospective studies by the law on the protection of personal data,

• Indicating that an “informed consent form” was received in case reports,
• Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,

• Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used

QUESTION: Should a retrospective Ethics Committee Permission be obtained for publications produced from studies and a thesis completed in previous years?
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles published before 2020, produced from master's/doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), submitted an application for publication to the journal in the previous year, and accepted but not published.

QUESTION: Are there any restrictions on publications made outside universities with these rules of the TR Directory?
No. Non-university researchers can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.

In articles to be published in journals, it should be stated in the article whether ethical committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should clearly state from which institution, on what date, and with which decision or number the permission was obtained.

If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, an international declaration, guide, etc., should be declared appropriate.   

    B. Ethical Principles for Referees

1. Referees should know that the evaluation process is confidential and should not be shared with third parties.

2. The referees must submit an objective, impartial, scientific, understandable and constructive evaluation report about the study within the specified time.

3. Referee reports will also include an assessment of the scientific nature of the article (the subject covered, the method used, or the appropriate use of the relevant literature). This evaluation must be made about the content, whether positive or negative.

4. It is not recommended or considered unethical for the reviewer to request citations for their work. If the referee's studies are related to the study he is examining, he can specify one or two studies, but the studies mentioned are advisory, and it is up to the author whether to use the specified studies or not.

5. When it is understood that the work is plagiarized or has been previously published elsewhere, the referees should notify the editor.

2. Publication Policy

1. InTraders International Trade Journal (InTraders) is an international, peer-reviewed and scientific journal. It is published using the publication principles listed below.

2. InTraders aims to contribute to developing science at the national and international levels by creating a platform for publishing scientific studies.

3.InTraders publishes original scientific research in international trade, economics, business, supply chain management, law, and international relations, presenting congress papers, book reviews, and letters to the editor.

4. InTraders publishes scientific studies in English and Turkish, with the default language being English.

5. InTraders are published electronically twice a year, in the Summer (July) and Autumn (December) terms. It also publishes a special issue if deemed necessary.

6. InTraders does not accept articles for any issue, but articles can be submitted to the journal anytime.

7. InTraders publishes using the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark system. All transactions related to the article are carried out through the DergiPark system.

8. InTraders publishes at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/intraders. In addition, it offers all issues in the archive section of its congress pages free of charge to open access. https://www.intraders.org/turkce/

9. The author/authors declare and undertake that the article submitted to InTraders for evaluation for publication has not been published, accepted for publication, or sent to another journal for publication, in Turkey and/or abroad, in Turkish or any other language before.

10. Copyright Holder: The author(s) holds Commercial rights, Patent rights, and intellectual property rights, including copyright, of the author(s) or, if any, of the author(s) employer are reserved. InTraders Journal allows authors to retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions.

11. All legal and scientific responsibilities regarding the content of the articles published in InTraders belong to the author(s).

12. InTraders does not pay royalties for work.

13. InTraders is free of charge for authors and readers.

14. InTraders published articles can be quoted by showing the source.

15. InTraders permits readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, and use the articles in the journal for any legal purpose by citing the source.

16. InTraders undertakes not to publish in violation of publication ethics, and all articles submitted to the journal are subject to plagiarism/similarity control by the editor.

17. Whether the article submitted to InTraders is covered by the journal; the editor checks whether it is uploaded to the system correctly and completely and is prepared properly.

18. InTraders uses a double-blind referee evaluation system. The "positive" opinion of at least two referees is sought for the article's acceptance for publication. If one of the referees gives a "positive" opinion and the other a "negative" opinion, the article is sent to a third referee. The editor completes the referee evaluation process by sending two “positive” referee opinions to the Editorial Board.

19. The Editorial Board decides to publish all articles with two “positive” referee opinions.

20. For articles accepted for publication, the editor sends a “Certificate of Acceptance for Publication” signed by the author upon the author's request.

21. Uses information such as names, titles and e-mail addresses shared on the journal website only for the stated purposes of this journal; It is not used for any other purpose or made available to other people.

22. InTraders accepts the Open Access Principles outlined in the Budapest Open Access Initiative. The journal has accepted the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

23. InTraders is committed to applying publication ethics to the highest standards and following the practice guide prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics).

24. Artifacts in InTraders are archived with the Dergipak system.

25. InTraders is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International License.

Intradersorg@gmail.com address can be used for questions, suggestions and comments.

InTraders, No fee is charged under the name of publishing, reviewing, publishing articles.