Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 08.08.2015
Sabina Yeasmın
C.r.k. Murthy
- Asian Development Bank (ADB). (1993). Bangladesh Open University Establishment Project Proforma. ADB, Dhaka.
- UNICEF (2011). Child friendly schools. Retrieved on February 12, 2011, from
- http://www.unicef.org/lifeskills/index_7260.html
- Rahman, M. M., Alam, M. S. & Panda, S. (2010). Management of Partnership Open School Program: The case of Junior School Certificate (JSC) program of the Open School of Bangladesh Open University. Proceedings of the OUSL 30th University International Conference on The Role of Open & Distance learning in the 21st' century: Challenges and Possibilities from 20-21 August 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Yeasmin, S. & Murthy, CRK. (2010). Study on Learners' Preparedness for Digital Learning Materials(DLMs) as Supplement of Self-Learning Materials (SLMs) of the Open School of the Bangladesh Open University. This paper was presented in the PCF6 at Kochin, India and published in COL website.
- Suleiman, B. (2004). Gender Enrolment in Mathematics oriented Disciplines: A motivating factor for National reconstruction. Confluence Journal of Education (CJE) 1(1). 114-117.
- Nnaka, C.V & Anaekwe,. M. C. (2005). Sustaining Students' Interest in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) through Gender-fair Instructional Behaviours: Implication for Professionalization' of teaching in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 46th Annual STAN conference P. 229.
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 08.08.2015
Sabina Yeasmın
C.r.k. Murthy
Open School (OS) of the Bangladesh Open University (BOU) has passed more than an era in imparting school education at par to the formal education using mainly self-learning materials (SLMs) and face-to-face (f2f) tutorial sessions at the weakened near to the learners’ place. Both male and female have been the learners of the OS programs named Secondary School Certificate (SSC) for grade-9-10 and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) for grade 11-12. There have always been questions; do tutors provide a gender-sensitive learning environment -are girls encouraged to answer questions, do the texts present stereotypical images of girls? This paper aims to study on this issue. Selected stakeholders including learners are interviewed as per the objectives of the study. Subject group of this study is learners and tutors and the control group is non-user of OS SLMs. The questionnaires and interviews are taken place based on the various variables inherited in the research questions, and also be matched with the policy and status analysis so as to formulate the framework of gender sensitive and responsive OS programs. In order to study the attributes and perceptions of the learners on the effectiveness of gender sensitive and responsive texts, a questionnaire is developed. A five-point Likert scale of 1 to 5, ranging from ‘strongly agree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ as anchoring points are used for main items
- Asian Development Bank (ADB). (1993). Bangladesh Open University Establishment Project Proforma. ADB, Dhaka.
- UNICEF (2011). Child friendly schools. Retrieved on February 12, 2011, from
- http://www.unicef.org/lifeskills/index_7260.html
- Rahman, M. M., Alam, M. S. & Panda, S. (2010). Management of Partnership Open School Program: The case of Junior School Certificate (JSC) program of the Open School of Bangladesh Open University. Proceedings of the OUSL 30th University International Conference on The Role of Open & Distance learning in the 21st' century: Challenges and Possibilities from 20-21 August 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Yeasmin, S. & Murthy, CRK. (2010). Study on Learners' Preparedness for Digital Learning Materials(DLMs) as Supplement of Self-Learning Materials (SLMs) of the Open School of the Bangladesh Open University. This paper was presented in the PCF6 at Kochin, India and published in COL website.
- Suleiman, B. (2004). Gender Enrolment in Mathematics oriented Disciplines: A motivating factor for National reconstruction. Confluence Journal of Education (CJE) 1(1). 114-117.
- Nnaka, C.V & Anaekwe,. M. C. (2005). Sustaining Students' Interest in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) through Gender-fair Instructional Behaviours: Implication for Professionalization' of teaching in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 46th Annual STAN conference P. 229.