Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 34 - 47, 01.10.2017
Mertkan Üçüncüoğlu
Veli Ozan Çakır
Electronic sports (eSports) has become increasingly part of modern sport in recent years. In today's world where technology is developing more and more every day, sports clubs follow the innovations that have emerged. eSports has a great potential to show a similar development as modern sport. eSports economy grows at an important rate every year. It has been cause to increase the interest of the sports clubs in the recent period. eSports couldn’t find enough attention yet in academic area. But eSports will be add more value to itself with the multifaceted contribution it make to the sports economy in the near future. eSports, which is included among scholarship programs in many universities around the world, is very limited in scientific studies in Turkey compared to other countries. İt is aimed to resolve to the lack of Turkish resources and contribute to the literature in this developing field with this study.
- Argan, M., Özer, A., Akın, E. (2006). Elektronik Spor: Türkiye’de Siber Sporcuların Tutum ve Davranışları. Spor Yönetimi ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Dergisi. Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2
- Asus (2017). ASUS ROG Announces Sponsorship of PSG eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.asus.com/us/News/piJtl9L0UwRX6xfk
- Baker, C. (2016). Stewart Brand Recalls First Spacewar Video Game Tournament. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/stewart-brand-recalls-first-spacewar-video-game-tournament-20160525
- Barnes, A. (2016). French Football League Announce New Partnership With EA Sports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.skysports.com/esports/news/34214/10623862/french-football-league-announce-new-partnership-with-ea-sports
- BBC (2014). Is Computer Gaming Really Sport? Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017. http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zygq2hv
- Borowy, M. (2012). Public Gaming: eSport and Event Marketing in the Experience Economy. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Simon Fraser Üniversitesi. Kanada.
- Burns, T. (2014). 'E-Sports' can now drop the 'e'. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/07/esports-can-now-drop-e-2014724112549724248.html
- Crawford, G ve Gosling, V. (2009). More Than a Game: Sports-Themed Video Games and Player Narratives. Sociology of Sport Journal, 2009, 26, 50-66.
- Cybbet (2016). Which countries have just recognized eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017. https://cybbet.com/news/2973-Which-countries-have-just-recognized-eSports-List
- Deloitte. (2016). eSports: bigger and smaller than you think.
- ESPN. (2014). 2014 NBA Finals Ratings Up From Last Year. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.espn.com/nba/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/11093667/nba-finals-2014-television-ratings-finals-last-season
- Fanatik. (2017). Vestel League of Legends Şampiyonluk Ligi’nin Partneri Oldu. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.fanatik.com.tr/2017/04/12/vestel-league-of-legends-sampiyonluk-ligi-nin-partneri-oldu-1288056
- Gittigidiyor (2017). GittiGidiyor, 1907 Fenerbahçe eSpor Takımının Sponsoru Oldu. Erişim: 24.07.2017, http://kurumsal.gittigidiyor.com/2017/02/23/gittigidiyor-1907-fenerbahce-espor-takiminin-sponsoru-oldu/
- Hamari, J. ve Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is eSports and why do people watch it? Internet research, 27 (2)
- Heitner, D. (2016). Boston Celtics Forwad Jonas Jerebko Buys eSports Team. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrenheitner/2016/08/30/boston-celtics-forward-jonas-jerebko-buys-esports-team/#12f536227851
- Hutchins, B. (2006). Computer gaming, media and e-Sport. Tasa Konferansı. Crawley, Avustralya.
- IeSF (2016). IeSF, Taking Its First Step Towards IOC Recognition. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ie-sf.org/news/iesf-taking-its-first-step-towards-ioc-recognition/
- IeSF (2017). Uluslararası eSpor Federasyonu Üye Ülkeler. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ie-sf.org/about/#member-nations
- Jin, Dal Y. (2010). Korea’s Online Gaming Empire. Cambridge. The MIT Press.
- LFP (2016). Fransa Futbol Ligi. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.lfp.fr/corporate/article/bein-sports-diffuseur-officiel-de-la-e-ligue-1-avec-son-partenaire-webedia.htm
- Lolesports (2017). Şampiyonluk Ligi'nin yeni sponsoru Ülker. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://tr.lolesports.com/tr/makaleler/sampiyonluk-ligi-nin-yeni-sponsoru-ulker
- MEC (2016). Spotlight On Esports.
- Mindshare (2016). Game On What Marketers Should Know About eSports Fans. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.mindshareintheloop.com/home/2016/6/14/game-on-what-marketers-should-know-about-esports-fans
- NBA (2017). NBA Video Game Company Launch New Gaming League. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.nba.com/article/2017/02/09/nba-video-game-company-launch-new-gaming-league-2018
- Newyork Times (2016). Elite Soccer Clubs Sign Gamers to Compete in E-Sports Industry. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07..2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/11/sports/soccer/esports-video-gamers-elite-clubs.html?_r=0
- Newzoo (2016). 2016 Global Esports Games Market Report.
- Newzoo (2017). 2017 Global Esports Market Report.
- Ocasia. (2017). OCA, Alisports announce E-Sports partnership for Hangzhou 2022. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ocasia.org/News/IndexNewsRM.aspx?WKegervtea30hootVhTdtQ==
- PSG (2016). Paris Saint-Germain enters eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://psg-esports.com/psg-enters-esports-2/
- Ross, B. (2016) NBC’s $12 Billion Olympics Bet Stumbles, Thanks to Millennials. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-19/nbc-s-12-billion-olympics-bet-stumbles-thanks-to-millennials
- Scholz, T. (2016). Sky is the limit - eSports as entrepreneurial innovator for media management. Proceedings of the International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences.
- Schwartz, N. (2014). 27 million people watched the 'League of Legends' World Championship (more than the World Series or NBA Finals). Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/12/league-of-legends-worlds-viewership-esports-world-series-nba-finals
- Seo, Y. (2013). Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of Marketing Management.
- Snavely, T. L. (2014). History and Analysis of eSport Systems. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Texas Üniversitesi. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri.
- SuperData Research (2016). Esports market goes mainstream as viewership reaches 214M. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.superdataresearch.com/esports-market-2016/
- Wagner, M. (2006). On the Scientific Relevance of eSports. 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing & Conference on Computer Games Development. Las Vegas.
- Wolf, M. (Ed.) (2012). Encyclopedia of Video Games: M-Z. Greenwood. İngiltere.
- Wolfsburg (2017). New E-Sport partner for VfL Wolfsburg. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.vfl-wolfsburg.de/en/info/news/detailspage/artikel/new-e-sport-partner-for-vfl-wolfsburg-45337.html
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 34 - 47, 01.10.2017
Mertkan Üçüncüoğlu
Veli Ozan Çakır
Son yıllarda bilinirliği oldukça artan elektronik spor (eSpor) giderek modern sporun bir parçası haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Teknolojinin her geçen gün daha da geliştiği günümüz dünyasında spor kulüpleri bu doğrultuda açılan yeni kapılara kayıtsız kalmamaktadır. 2000’li yılların başından itibaren hızla yol almayı başaran elektronik spor, modern sporun 20. yüzyılda gösterdiği gelişimin bir benzerini daha kısa bir sürede gösterme konusunda büyük bir potansiyele sahip. eSpor’un ekonomisini her geçen yıl önemli bir oranda büyütmesi, spor kulüplerinin son dönemde bu branşa başlayan ilgisinin daha da artmasına neden olacaktır. Henüz akademik anlamda tam olarak beklediği ilgiyi bulamasa da spor ekonomisine yaptığı çok yönlü katkıyla eSpor yakın gelecekte değerini daha da katlayacak gibi görünüyor. Dünya genelinde birçok üniversitede burs programları arasına dahil edilen eSpor hakkında Türkiye'de bilimsel çalışmaların diğer ülkelere göre kısıtlı olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışma ile her geçen gün gelişmekte olan bu alanla ilgili olarak Türkçe kaynak eksikliğini gidermek ve literatüre katkı sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır.
- Argan, M., Özer, A., Akın, E. (2006). Elektronik Spor: Türkiye’de Siber Sporcuların Tutum ve Davranışları. Spor Yönetimi ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Dergisi. Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2
- Asus (2017). ASUS ROG Announces Sponsorship of PSG eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.asus.com/us/News/piJtl9L0UwRX6xfk
- Baker, C. (2016). Stewart Brand Recalls First Spacewar Video Game Tournament. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/stewart-brand-recalls-first-spacewar-video-game-tournament-20160525
- Barnes, A. (2016). French Football League Announce New Partnership With EA Sports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.skysports.com/esports/news/34214/10623862/french-football-league-announce-new-partnership-with-ea-sports
- BBC (2014). Is Computer Gaming Really Sport? Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017. http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zygq2hv
- Borowy, M. (2012). Public Gaming: eSport and Event Marketing in the Experience Economy. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Simon Fraser Üniversitesi. Kanada.
- Burns, T. (2014). 'E-Sports' can now drop the 'e'. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/07/esports-can-now-drop-e-2014724112549724248.html
- Crawford, G ve Gosling, V. (2009). More Than a Game: Sports-Themed Video Games and Player Narratives. Sociology of Sport Journal, 2009, 26, 50-66.
- Cybbet (2016). Which countries have just recognized eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017. https://cybbet.com/news/2973-Which-countries-have-just-recognized-eSports-List
- Deloitte. (2016). eSports: bigger and smaller than you think.
- ESPN. (2014). 2014 NBA Finals Ratings Up From Last Year. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.espn.com/nba/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/11093667/nba-finals-2014-television-ratings-finals-last-season
- Fanatik. (2017). Vestel League of Legends Şampiyonluk Ligi’nin Partneri Oldu. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.fanatik.com.tr/2017/04/12/vestel-league-of-legends-sampiyonluk-ligi-nin-partneri-oldu-1288056
- Gittigidiyor (2017). GittiGidiyor, 1907 Fenerbahçe eSpor Takımının Sponsoru Oldu. Erişim: 24.07.2017, http://kurumsal.gittigidiyor.com/2017/02/23/gittigidiyor-1907-fenerbahce-espor-takiminin-sponsoru-oldu/
- Hamari, J. ve Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is eSports and why do people watch it? Internet research, 27 (2)
- Heitner, D. (2016). Boston Celtics Forwad Jonas Jerebko Buys eSports Team. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrenheitner/2016/08/30/boston-celtics-forward-jonas-jerebko-buys-esports-team/#12f536227851
- Hutchins, B. (2006). Computer gaming, media and e-Sport. Tasa Konferansı. Crawley, Avustralya.
- IeSF (2016). IeSF, Taking Its First Step Towards IOC Recognition. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ie-sf.org/news/iesf-taking-its-first-step-towards-ioc-recognition/
- IeSF (2017). Uluslararası eSpor Federasyonu Üye Ülkeler. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ie-sf.org/about/#member-nations
- Jin, Dal Y. (2010). Korea’s Online Gaming Empire. Cambridge. The MIT Press.
- LFP (2016). Fransa Futbol Ligi. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.lfp.fr/corporate/article/bein-sports-diffuseur-officiel-de-la-e-ligue-1-avec-son-partenaire-webedia.htm
- Lolesports (2017). Şampiyonluk Ligi'nin yeni sponsoru Ülker. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://tr.lolesports.com/tr/makaleler/sampiyonluk-ligi-nin-yeni-sponsoru-ulker
- MEC (2016). Spotlight On Esports.
- Mindshare (2016). Game On What Marketers Should Know About eSports Fans. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.mindshareintheloop.com/home/2016/6/14/game-on-what-marketers-should-know-about-esports-fans
- NBA (2017). NBA Video Game Company Launch New Gaming League. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.nba.com/article/2017/02/09/nba-video-game-company-launch-new-gaming-league-2018
- Newyork Times (2016). Elite Soccer Clubs Sign Gamers to Compete in E-Sports Industry. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07..2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/11/sports/soccer/esports-video-gamers-elite-clubs.html?_r=0
- Newzoo (2016). 2016 Global Esports Games Market Report.
- Newzoo (2017). 2017 Global Esports Market Report.
- Ocasia. (2017). OCA, Alisports announce E-Sports partnership for Hangzhou 2022. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://www.ocasia.org/News/IndexNewsRM.aspx?WKegervtea30hootVhTdtQ==
- PSG (2016). Paris Saint-Germain enters eSports. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://psg-esports.com/psg-enters-esports-2/
- Ross, B. (2016) NBC’s $12 Billion Olympics Bet Stumbles, Thanks to Millennials. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-19/nbc-s-12-billion-olympics-bet-stumbles-thanks-to-millennials
- Scholz, T. (2016). Sky is the limit - eSports as entrepreneurial innovator for media management. Proceedings of the International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences.
- Schwartz, N. (2014). 27 million people watched the 'League of Legends' World Championship (more than the World Series or NBA Finals). Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/12/league-of-legends-worlds-viewership-esports-world-series-nba-finals
- Seo, Y. (2013). Electronic sports: A new marketing landscape of the experience economy. Journal of Marketing Management.
- Snavely, T. L. (2014). History and Analysis of eSport Systems. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Texas Üniversitesi. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri.
- SuperData Research (2016). Esports market goes mainstream as viewership reaches 214M. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.superdataresearch.com/esports-market-2016/
- Wagner, M. (2006). On the Scientific Relevance of eSports. 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing & Conference on Computer Games Development. Las Vegas.
- Wolf, M. (Ed.) (2012). Encyclopedia of Video Games: M-Z. Greenwood. İngiltere.
- Wolfsburg (2017). New E-Sport partner for VfL Wolfsburg. Erişim Tarihi: 24.07.2017, https://www.vfl-wolfsburg.de/en/info/news/detailspage/artikel/new-e-sport-partner-for-vfl-wolfsburg-45337.html