Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2024, , 129 - 142, 03.06.2024


An experimental study on the effect of active flow control using a synthetic jet mechanism on stall delay for the NACA 0020 airfoil is conducted. The experiments are carried out at an open-suction type wind tunnel at Reynolds number 5x104. In the presented experimental study, aerodynamic force measurements of the airfoil with having different orifice geometries (cylindrical, rectangular, sinusoidal, v-type, inclined rectangular) are examined by using a speaker type actuator in synthetic jet mechanism. It is observed that all different orifice geometries are effective in delaying the stall angle of NACA 0020 airfoil. However, it is observed that the inclined rectangular type of synthetic jet geometry is the most advantageous in delaying the stall of the airfoil. The effects of geometric parameters of the actuator on lift and drag coefficient of the NACA0020 airfoil are investigated. Experimental results show that among the all-orifice geometries the rectangular orifice geometry is the most effective in increasing lift coefficient of the airfoil. It is observed that there is a maximum decrease in drag at 10⁰ where the stall occurs. In addition, the decrease in drag is observed after 10 in rectangular, v-type and inclined rectangular orifice geometries.


  • Andou S. And Ziada S., 2006, Spanwise Characteristics of High-Aspect-Ratio Synthetic jets, AIAA JOURNAL, 44(7), 1516-1523
  • Ahuja K.K. and Burrin R. H., 1984, Control of flow separation by sound, 9 th Aeroacustics Conf. Amerikan Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Williamsburg, VA
  • Amitay M., Smith D. R., Kibens V., Parekh D. E., Glazer A., 2001, Aerodynamic flow control over an unconventional airfoil using synthetic jet actuators, AIAA Journal, 39(3), 361-370
  • Babarino S., Bilgen O., Ajaj R. M., Friswell M. I., Inman D. J., 2011, A review of morphing aircraft, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22(9)
  • Chaudhari M., Bhalchandra P., Agrawal A., 2010, Heat transfer characteristics of synthetic jet impingement cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(5–6), 1057-1069
  • Collins F. G. and Zelenevitz, J., 1975, Influence of sound upon separated flow over wings, AIAA JOURNAL. 13(3), 408-410
  • Crittenden, T., Glezer, A., Funk, R., Parekh, D. 2001, Combustion-driven jet actuators for flow control, 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, California, 2001-2768
  • Dajun L. and Takafumi N., 2018 Numerical analysis on the oscillation of stall cells over a NACA 0012 aerofoil, Computers and Fluids, 175, 246-259
  • Ethiraj L., Pillai N.S., 2021, Effect of trailling-edge modification over aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 0020 airfoil. Wind and Structures, 33(6), 463-470
  • Feero M. A., Lavoie P. and Sullivan P. E., 2015, Influence of cavity shape on synthetic jet performance, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 233,1-10
  • Gad-el-Hak M., 2000, Flow Control. by Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, pp. 442. ISBN 0521770068. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, August
  • Genç M. S., Karasu İ., Açıkel H. H., 2012, An experimental study on aerodynamics of NACA 2415 aerofoil at low Re numbers., Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 39, 252-264
  • Gillarranz J. L., Traub L.W., Rediniotis O. K., 2005, A new class of synthetic jet actuators-Part II: Application to flow separation control, Journal of Fluids Engineering 127(2): 377-387
  • Guoqing Z., Qijun Z., Yunsong G., Xi C., 2016, Experimental investigations for parametric effects of dual synthetic jets on delaying stall of a thick airfoil. Chinese Journal of Aeronautic, 29(2): 346-357
  • Hassan A.A., 2006, A two -point active flow control strategy for improved airfoil stall/post stall aerodynamics. AIAA JOURNAL., AIAA-2006-0099
  • He Y. Y., Cary A. W., Peters D. A., 2001, Parametric and dynamic modeling for synthetic jet control of a post-stall airfoil. Reno/ NV 39th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, 8-11 January 2001, 0733
  • Holman R., Galles Q., Carroll., Cattafesta L., 2003, Interaction of adjacent synthetic jet in an airfoil separation control application, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 23-26 June 2003, 2003-3709
  • Hong, M.H., Cheng, S.Y., Zhong S., 2020, Effect of Geometric Parameters on Synthetic Jet: A review. Physics of Fluids 32, 031301
  • Ingard, U. and Labate, S., 1950, Acoustic Circulation Effects and the Nonlinear Impedance of Orifices. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 22(2), 211–218
  • Joshi S. N., Gujarathi Y. S., 2016, A Review on Active and Passive Flow Control Techniques, International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3(4)
  • Kim S. H., Kim C., 2009, Separation control on NACA 23012 using synthetic jet, Aerospace Science Technology, 13,172-182
  • Lee B, Kim M, Lee J, Kim C., 2012, Separation control characteristics of synthetic jets with circular exit array. AIAA Flow Control Conference, New Orleans, AIAA-2012-3050
  • Mohsen J., 2011, Laminar separation buble: Its structure, dynamics and control. Charmers University. of Tecnology. Gothenburg, Sweeden Mallinson S.G., Reizes J.A., Hong G., Westbury P.S., 2004, Analysis of hot-wire anemometry data obtained in a synthetic jet flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 28, 265–272
  • Mueller T. J., 1999, Aerodynamic Measurements at Low Reynolds Numbers for Fixed Wing Micro-Air Vehicles. Development and Operation of UAVs for Military and Civil Applications, Hessert Center for Aerospace Research, University of Notre Dame, 8.1-8.32
  • Paula A. A., Kleine V. G., Porto F. M., 2017, The Thickness Effect on Symmetrical Airfoil Flow Characteristics at low Reynolds number, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2017-1422
  • Qingfeng X. and Zhong S., 2013, Liquids mixing enhanced by multiple synthetic jet pairs at low Reynolds numbers, Chemical Engineering Science, 102, 10-23
  • Seifert A., Darabi A., Wyganski I., 1996, Delay of airfoil stall by periodic excitation, Journal of Aircraft, 33(4), 691–698
  • Smith B. L., and Glezer A., 1998, The Formation and Evolution of Synthetic Jets. Physics of Fluids 10 (9): 2281–2297
  • Traub L., Miller A. and Rediniotis O., 2004, Effect of Synthetic jets of actuation on a ramping NACA 0015 airfol, Journal of Aircraft,41(5), 1153-1162
  • Trávníček Z., Vogel J., Vít T., Maršík F., 2005, Flow field and mass transfer experimental and numerical studies of a synthetic impinging jet. In: Proc. 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2005), Cairo, Egypt, No. ZT4
  • Türen E., & Yavuz H., 2023, Schlieren imaging investigation of flow fields in synthetic jets generated by different orifice geometries with varying aspect ratios, Journal of Visualization, 26(4), 851-874.
  • Wang L., Feng L.H., Wang J.-J., Li T., 2017, Parameter influence on the evolution of low-aspect-ratio rectangular synthetic jets, Journal of. Visualization, 21, 105
  • Yarusevych, S., Kawall, J. G., and Sullivan, P. E., 2003, Effect of acoustic excitation on airfoil performance at low Reynolds numbers, AIAA JOURNAL. 41(8),1599-1601
  • Yen J., Ahmed N. A., 2012, Parametric study of dynamic stall flow field with synthetic jet actuation, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 134, 071106(1-8)
  • You D., Moin P., 2008, Active control of flow separation over an airfoil using synthetic jets, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24,1349-1357
  • Youmin Y., Simon T W., Zhang M., Yeom T., North M. T., Cui T., 2014, Enhancing heat transfer in air-cooled heat sinks using piezoelectrically-driven agitators and synthetic jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 68, 184-193
  • Zaman K. B. M.Q., and McKinzie D. J., 1991, Control of laminar separation over airfoil by acoustic axcition. AIAA JOURNAL, 29(7), 1075-1083
  • Zhang S., Zhong S., 2009, Experimental investigation of flow separation control using an array of synthetic jets. 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 22 25 June
  • Zhang D., Yang K., Cheng Q.H., Gao J., 2015, Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance of synthetic jet impingement onto dimpled/protrusioned surface. Thermal Science 19 (1), 221-229
  • Zhao G., Zhao Q., Yunsong G., Xi C., 2016, Experimental investigations for parametric effects of dual synthetic jets on delaying stall of a thick airfoil. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 29(2), 346-357


Yıl 2024, , 129 - 142, 03.06.2024


NACA 0020 kanat profili üzerinde sentetik jet mekanizması için aktif akış kontrolünün stall gecikmesi üzerindeki etkisi hakkında deneysel bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneyler 5x104 Reynolds sayısında açık emişli tip rüzgar tünelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sunulan deneysel çalışmada, sentetik jet mekanizmasında hoparlör tipi bir aktüatör kullanılarak farklı orifis geometrilerine (silindirik, dikdörtgen, sinüzoidal, v-tipi, eğimli dikdörtgen) sahip kanadın aerodinamik kuvvet ölçümleri incelenmiştir. Tüm farklı orifis geometrilerinin NACA 0020 kanadının stall açısını geciktirmede etkili olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak eğimli dikdörtgen tip sentetik jet geometrisinin kanadın stall açısını geciktirmede en avantajlı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Aktüatörün geometrik parametrelerinin NACA0020 kanadının kaldırma ve sürükleme katsayısı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlar, tüm delikli geometriler arasında dikdörtgen delikli geometrinin kanadın kaldırma katsayısını arttırmak için en etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Stall' un meydana geldiği 10⁰'de sürüklemede maksimum azalma olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca dikdörtgen, v-tipi ve eğimli dikdörtgen orifis geometrilerinde 10⁰'den sonra sürüklemede azalma olduğu gözlenmiştir.


  • Andou S. And Ziada S., 2006, Spanwise Characteristics of High-Aspect-Ratio Synthetic jets, AIAA JOURNAL, 44(7), 1516-1523
  • Ahuja K.K. and Burrin R. H., 1984, Control of flow separation by sound, 9 th Aeroacustics Conf. Amerikan Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Williamsburg, VA
  • Amitay M., Smith D. R., Kibens V., Parekh D. E., Glazer A., 2001, Aerodynamic flow control over an unconventional airfoil using synthetic jet actuators, AIAA Journal, 39(3), 361-370
  • Babarino S., Bilgen O., Ajaj R. M., Friswell M. I., Inman D. J., 2011, A review of morphing aircraft, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 22(9)
  • Chaudhari M., Bhalchandra P., Agrawal A., 2010, Heat transfer characteristics of synthetic jet impingement cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(5–6), 1057-1069
  • Collins F. G. and Zelenevitz, J., 1975, Influence of sound upon separated flow over wings, AIAA JOURNAL. 13(3), 408-410
  • Crittenden, T., Glezer, A., Funk, R., Parekh, D. 2001, Combustion-driven jet actuators for flow control, 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, California, 2001-2768
  • Dajun L. and Takafumi N., 2018 Numerical analysis on the oscillation of stall cells over a NACA 0012 aerofoil, Computers and Fluids, 175, 246-259
  • Ethiraj L., Pillai N.S., 2021, Effect of trailling-edge modification over aerodynamic characteristics of NACA 0020 airfoil. Wind and Structures, 33(6), 463-470
  • Feero M. A., Lavoie P. and Sullivan P. E., 2015, Influence of cavity shape on synthetic jet performance, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 233,1-10
  • Gad-el-Hak M., 2000, Flow Control. by Mohamed Gad-el-Hak, pp. 442. ISBN 0521770068. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, August
  • Genç M. S., Karasu İ., Açıkel H. H., 2012, An experimental study on aerodynamics of NACA 2415 aerofoil at low Re numbers., Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 39, 252-264
  • Gillarranz J. L., Traub L.W., Rediniotis O. K., 2005, A new class of synthetic jet actuators-Part II: Application to flow separation control, Journal of Fluids Engineering 127(2): 377-387
  • Guoqing Z., Qijun Z., Yunsong G., Xi C., 2016, Experimental investigations for parametric effects of dual synthetic jets on delaying stall of a thick airfoil. Chinese Journal of Aeronautic, 29(2): 346-357
  • Hassan A.A., 2006, A two -point active flow control strategy for improved airfoil stall/post stall aerodynamics. AIAA JOURNAL., AIAA-2006-0099
  • He Y. Y., Cary A. W., Peters D. A., 2001, Parametric and dynamic modeling for synthetic jet control of a post-stall airfoil. Reno/ NV 39th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, 8-11 January 2001, 0733
  • Holman R., Galles Q., Carroll., Cattafesta L., 2003, Interaction of adjacent synthetic jet in an airfoil separation control application, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 23-26 June 2003, 2003-3709
  • Hong, M.H., Cheng, S.Y., Zhong S., 2020, Effect of Geometric Parameters on Synthetic Jet: A review. Physics of Fluids 32, 031301
  • Ingard, U. and Labate, S., 1950, Acoustic Circulation Effects and the Nonlinear Impedance of Orifices. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 22(2), 211–218
  • Joshi S. N., Gujarathi Y. S., 2016, A Review on Active and Passive Flow Control Techniques, International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 3(4)
  • Kim S. H., Kim C., 2009, Separation control on NACA 23012 using synthetic jet, Aerospace Science Technology, 13,172-182
  • Lee B, Kim M, Lee J, Kim C., 2012, Separation control characteristics of synthetic jets with circular exit array. AIAA Flow Control Conference, New Orleans, AIAA-2012-3050
  • Mohsen J., 2011, Laminar separation buble: Its structure, dynamics and control. Charmers University. of Tecnology. Gothenburg, Sweeden Mallinson S.G., Reizes J.A., Hong G., Westbury P.S., 2004, Analysis of hot-wire anemometry data obtained in a synthetic jet flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 28, 265–272
  • Mueller T. J., 1999, Aerodynamic Measurements at Low Reynolds Numbers for Fixed Wing Micro-Air Vehicles. Development and Operation of UAVs for Military and Civil Applications, Hessert Center for Aerospace Research, University of Notre Dame, 8.1-8.32
  • Paula A. A., Kleine V. G., Porto F. M., 2017, The Thickness Effect on Symmetrical Airfoil Flow Characteristics at low Reynolds number, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2017-1422
  • Qingfeng X. and Zhong S., 2013, Liquids mixing enhanced by multiple synthetic jet pairs at low Reynolds numbers, Chemical Engineering Science, 102, 10-23
  • Seifert A., Darabi A., Wyganski I., 1996, Delay of airfoil stall by periodic excitation, Journal of Aircraft, 33(4), 691–698
  • Smith B. L., and Glezer A., 1998, The Formation and Evolution of Synthetic Jets. Physics of Fluids 10 (9): 2281–2297
  • Traub L., Miller A. and Rediniotis O., 2004, Effect of Synthetic jets of actuation on a ramping NACA 0015 airfol, Journal of Aircraft,41(5), 1153-1162
  • Trávníček Z., Vogel J., Vít T., Maršík F., 2005, Flow field and mass transfer experimental and numerical studies of a synthetic impinging jet. In: Proc. 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2005), Cairo, Egypt, No. ZT4
  • Türen E., & Yavuz H., 2023, Schlieren imaging investigation of flow fields in synthetic jets generated by different orifice geometries with varying aspect ratios, Journal of Visualization, 26(4), 851-874.
  • Wang L., Feng L.H., Wang J.-J., Li T., 2017, Parameter influence on the evolution of low-aspect-ratio rectangular synthetic jets, Journal of. Visualization, 21, 105
  • Yarusevych, S., Kawall, J. G., and Sullivan, P. E., 2003, Effect of acoustic excitation on airfoil performance at low Reynolds numbers, AIAA JOURNAL. 41(8),1599-1601
  • Yen J., Ahmed N. A., 2012, Parametric study of dynamic stall flow field with synthetic jet actuation, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 134, 071106(1-8)
  • You D., Moin P., 2008, Active control of flow separation over an airfoil using synthetic jets, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24,1349-1357
  • Youmin Y., Simon T W., Zhang M., Yeom T., North M. T., Cui T., 2014, Enhancing heat transfer in air-cooled heat sinks using piezoelectrically-driven agitators and synthetic jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 68, 184-193
  • Zaman K. B. M.Q., and McKinzie D. J., 1991, Control of laminar separation over airfoil by acoustic axcition. AIAA JOURNAL, 29(7), 1075-1083
  • Zhang S., Zhong S., 2009, Experimental investigation of flow separation control using an array of synthetic jets. 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 22 25 June
  • Zhang D., Yang K., Cheng Q.H., Gao J., 2015, Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance of synthetic jet impingement onto dimpled/protrusioned surface. Thermal Science 19 (1), 221-229
  • Zhao G., Zhao Q., Yunsong G., Xi C., 2016, Experimental investigations for parametric effects of dual synthetic jets on delaying stall of a thick airfoil. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 29(2), 346-357
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Aerodinamik (Hipersonik Aerodinamik Hariç)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Esra Türen 0000-0002-2863-6444

Hakan Yavuz 0000-0002-6166-0921

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster