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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 15 - 23, 31.10.2018


Su buharı difüzyonu sonucu oluşan yoğuşma, yapı malzemelerindeki ısı transferini olumsuz yönde etkiler. Yapı malzemelerinde genellikle kış mevsiminde görülen yoğuşma, hava ile temas eden yapı malzemesi yüzey sıcaklığının havanın çiy noktası sıcaklığının altına düşmesiyle gerçekleşir. Bu durumda yoğuşan su duvarlarda küf, mantar üremesi, koku, boya ve yapı malzemesi bozulmalarına veya ısı yalıtımın olumsuz etkilenmesine neden olabilir. Binalarda ısı yalıtımı için kullanılan malzemeler, su buharının difüzyonuna karşı direnç (VDRF) oluşturmaktadır. Malzemelerin VDRF geniş bir aralıkta değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada yalıtım uygulamalarında sıklıkla karşılaşılan su buharı difüzyon direnç aralığı dikkate alınarak, yalıtım malzemesi VDRF’nin yapı içindeki yoğuşmaya ve buna bağlı olarak yoğuşmanın önlenmesi için gerekli minimum yalıtım kalınlığına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Örnek duvar modeli olarak dıştan yalıtımlı duvar tipi ele alınmış, farklı iç-dış ortam sıcaklık ve bağıl nem değerleri için duvarın birim alanından olan ısı-kütle transferi hesaplamaları ve yalıtım kalınlığı minimizasyonu yapılmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda, genel olarak sabit iç-dış ortam koşullarında, yalıtım malzemesi su buharı difüzyon direnci arttıkça duvar içindeki yoğuşma riski önce azalmakta sonra artmaktadır. Yoğuşmanın gerçekleşmemesi için uygulanması gerekli minimim yalıtım kalınlığı da buna benzer bir eğilim göstermektedir. Sabit VDRF için ise, iç-dış ortam arasındaki sıcaklık ve bağıl nem farkı arttıkça, yoğuşma riski ve buna bağlı olarak gerekli yalıtım kalınlığının arttığı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Al-Sanea S. A., Zedan M. F. and Al-Ajlan S. A., 2005, Effect of Electricity Tariff on the Optimum Insulation Thickness in Building Walls as Determined by a Dynamic Heat-Transfer Model, Applied Energy, 82, 313-330.
  • Arslan O. and Kose R., 2006, Thermoeconomic Optimization of Insulation Thickness Considering Condensed Vapor in Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 38, 1400-1408.
  • Atmaca S. U. and Kargici S., 2006, The Examination of the Example of Vapor Transfer in Building Materials under the Winter Conditions in Konya, Engineering and Machinery, 47, 55-62.
  • Bolatturk A., 2006, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Building Walls with Respect to Various Fuels and Climate Zones in Turkey, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 1301-1309.
  • Cengel Y. and Ghajar A., 2010, Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, USA.
  • Chang S. J. and Kim S., 2015, Hygrothermal Performance of Exterior Wall Structures Using a Heat, Air and Moisture Modeling, Energy Procedia, 78, 3434-3439. (10)
  • Dagsoz A. K., 1995, Degree Day Values in Turkey, National Energy Saving Policy, Heat Insulation in Buildings, Izocam, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Ertas K., 2001, Examination of Water Vapor Diffusion in Buildings, UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineering Insulation Congress, Eskisehir, Turkey, 7-19.
  • Heperkan A. H., Bircan M. M. and Sevindir M. K., 2001, Vapor Diffusion and Condensation in Building Materials, 5th National Installation Engineering Congress, Izmir, Turkey, 461-470.
  • Kaynakli O., Bademlioglu A. H. and Ufat H. T., 2018, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Different Insulation Applications Considering Condensation, Tehnicki Vjesnik, 25 (Supplement 1) 32-42.
  • Latif E., Ciupala M. A. and Wijeyesekera D. C., 2014, The Comparative in situ Hygrothermal Performance of Hemp and Stone Wool Insulations in Vapour Open Timber Frame Wall Panels, Construction and Building Materials, 73, 205-2013.
  • Liu X., Chen Y., Ge H., Fazio P. and Chen G., 2015, Numerical Investigation for Thermal Performance of Exterior Walls of Residential Buildings with Moisture Transfer in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China, Energy and Buildings, 93, 259-268.
  • Liu X., Chen Y., Ge H., Fazio P., Chen G. and Guo X., 2015, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Building Walls with Moisture Transfer in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China, Energy and Buildings, 109, 361-368.
  • Moon H. J., Ryu S. H. and Kim J. T., 2014, The Effect of Moisture Transportation on Energy Efficiency and IAQ in residential buildings, Energy and Buildings, 75, 439-446.
  • Mukhopadhyaya P. and Kumaran M. K., 2007, Heat-Air-Moisture Transport: Measurements on Building Materials, ASTM International, USA.
  • Schroeder H., 2016, Sustainable Building with Earth, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • TSE Turkish Standards Institution, 2008, TS 825 Thermal Insulation Requirements for Building, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Turkish Republic Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 2017, Handbook of Thermal Insulation Applications,, (Access date: 27.09.2017).
  • Ucar A., 2010, Thermoeconomic Analysis Method for Optimization of Insulation Thickness for the Four Different Climatic Regions of Turkey, Energy, 35, 1854-1864.
  • Vasilyev G. P., Tabunshchikov I. A., Brodach M. M., Leskov V. A., Mitrofanova N. V., Timofeev N. A, Gornov V. F. and Esaulov G. V., 2016, Modelling Moisture Condensation in Humid Air Flow in the Course of Cooling and Heat Recovery, Energy and Buildings, 112, 93-100.
  • You S., Li W., Ye T., Hu F. and Zheng W., 2017, Study on Moisture Condensation on the Interior Surface of Buildings in High Humidity Climate, Building and Environment, 125, 39-48.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 15 - 23, 31.10.2018


Condensation, which is the result of water vapor diffusion, affects the heat transfer in the building material negatively. The condensation which is seen mostly in winter seasons at building materials, occurs when the surface temperature of the building material in contact with air falls below the raw temperature of the air. In this case, condensed water may cause mildew, fungal growth, odors, and deterioration of dye and building materials or adversely affected thermal insulation on the walls. Materials used for thermal insulation in buildings constitute resistance against water vapor diffusion. Water vapor diffusion resistance factor (VDRF) of materials can vary over a wide range. In this study, considering VDRF range that is commonly encountered in insulation applications, the effect of VDRF of insulation materials on condensation within constructions, and on the minimum thickness of insulation required to prevent this condensation accordingly were examined. Externally insulated wall was taken as sample wall model, heat and mass transfer calculations from wall unit area and insulation thickness minimization were performed for different indoor-outdoor temperatures and relative humidity values. As a result of the analysis conducted, in constant indoor-outdoor conditions in general, as VDRF increases, the risk of condensation inside the wall first decreases and then increases. Minimum insulation thickness that is required to be applied to prevent condensation also shows a similar trend depending on the VDRF. For constant VDRF, it was come to the conclusion that as the difference between indoor-outdoor temperatures and relative humidity increases, the risk of condensation and consequently required insulation thickness increases.


  • Al-Sanea S. A., Zedan M. F. and Al-Ajlan S. A., 2005, Effect of Electricity Tariff on the Optimum Insulation Thickness in Building Walls as Determined by a Dynamic Heat-Transfer Model, Applied Energy, 82, 313-330.
  • Arslan O. and Kose R., 2006, Thermoeconomic Optimization of Insulation Thickness Considering Condensed Vapor in Buildings, Energy and Buildings, 38, 1400-1408.
  • Atmaca S. U. and Kargici S., 2006, The Examination of the Example of Vapor Transfer in Building Materials under the Winter Conditions in Konya, Engineering and Machinery, 47, 55-62.
  • Bolatturk A., 2006, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Building Walls with Respect to Various Fuels and Climate Zones in Turkey, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 1301-1309.
  • Cengel Y. and Ghajar A., 2010, Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, USA.
  • Chang S. J. and Kim S., 2015, Hygrothermal Performance of Exterior Wall Structures Using a Heat, Air and Moisture Modeling, Energy Procedia, 78, 3434-3439. (10)
  • Dagsoz A. K., 1995, Degree Day Values in Turkey, National Energy Saving Policy, Heat Insulation in Buildings, Izocam, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Ertas K., 2001, Examination of Water Vapor Diffusion in Buildings, UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineering Insulation Congress, Eskisehir, Turkey, 7-19.
  • Heperkan A. H., Bircan M. M. and Sevindir M. K., 2001, Vapor Diffusion and Condensation in Building Materials, 5th National Installation Engineering Congress, Izmir, Turkey, 461-470.
  • Kaynakli O., Bademlioglu A. H. and Ufat H. T., 2018, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Different Insulation Applications Considering Condensation, Tehnicki Vjesnik, 25 (Supplement 1) 32-42.
  • Latif E., Ciupala M. A. and Wijeyesekera D. C., 2014, The Comparative in situ Hygrothermal Performance of Hemp and Stone Wool Insulations in Vapour Open Timber Frame Wall Panels, Construction and Building Materials, 73, 205-2013.
  • Liu X., Chen Y., Ge H., Fazio P. and Chen G., 2015, Numerical Investigation for Thermal Performance of Exterior Walls of Residential Buildings with Moisture Transfer in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China, Energy and Buildings, 93, 259-268.
  • Liu X., Chen Y., Ge H., Fazio P., Chen G. and Guo X., 2015, Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness for Building Walls with Moisture Transfer in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone of China, Energy and Buildings, 109, 361-368.
  • Moon H. J., Ryu S. H. and Kim J. T., 2014, The Effect of Moisture Transportation on Energy Efficiency and IAQ in residential buildings, Energy and Buildings, 75, 439-446.
  • Mukhopadhyaya P. and Kumaran M. K., 2007, Heat-Air-Moisture Transport: Measurements on Building Materials, ASTM International, USA.
  • Schroeder H., 2016, Sustainable Building with Earth, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • TSE Turkish Standards Institution, 2008, TS 825 Thermal Insulation Requirements for Building, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Turkish Republic Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 2017, Handbook of Thermal Insulation Applications,, (Access date: 27.09.2017).
  • Ucar A., 2010, Thermoeconomic Analysis Method for Optimization of Insulation Thickness for the Four Different Climatic Regions of Turkey, Energy, 35, 1854-1864.
  • Vasilyev G. P., Tabunshchikov I. A., Brodach M. M., Leskov V. A., Mitrofanova N. V., Timofeev N. A, Gornov V. F. and Esaulov G. V., 2016, Modelling Moisture Condensation in Humid Air Flow in the Course of Cooling and Heat Recovery, Energy and Buildings, 112, 93-100.
  • You S., Li W., Ye T., Hu F. and Zheng W., 2017, Study on Moisture Condensation on the Interior Surface of Buildings in High Humidity Climate, Building and Environment, 125, 39-48.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Makine Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ali Bademlioğlu

Ömer Kaynaklı Bu kişi benim

Nurettin Yamankaradeniz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bademlioğlu, A., Kaynaklı, Ö., & Yamankaradeniz, N. (2018). THE EFFECT OF WATER VAPOR DIFFUSION RESISTANCE FACTOR OF INSULATION MATERIALS FOR OUTER WALLS ON CONDENSATION. Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 38(2), 15-23.