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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 51 - 61, 31.10.2018


Bu çalışmada, R134a yerine kullanılan düşük GWP değerine sahip R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R513A, R445A ve R450A soğutucu akışkanlarının, enerji parametreleri (soğutma kapasitesi, COP vb) üç farklı buhar sıkıştırmalı soğutma sistemi ( basit çevrim, iç ısı değiştiricili basit çevrim ve iki kademeli kaskad çevrim) için teorik olarak mukayese edilmiştir. Soğutucu akışkanların termodinamik özellikleri benzer davranışlar göstermektedir. Ayrıca sistemlerin ekserji verimleri de karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada enerji parametreleri, iki farklı evaporatör sıcaklığı (-30 ve 0C) ve iki farklı kondenser sıcaklığı (40 ve 55C) için mukayese edilmiştir. Hesaplanan sonuçlara göre R450A, R134a ile hemen hemen aynı COP değerindedir. R450A’nın GWP değeri R134a ile karşılaştırıldığında %58 daha düşüktür. Çalışılan soğutma çevrimleri arasında LSHEX’li çevrim, varsayılan sistem parametreleri, sıcaklıklar ve tüm soğutucu akışkanlar için yüksek COP değerleri açısından önerilebilir. İncelenen çevrimler için en yüksek ekserji verimliliğinin R445A durumunda elde edilebildiği görülmüştür.


  • Bolaji, O., Huan, Z., 2014, Performance Investigation of Some Hydro-Fluorocarbon Refrigerants with Low Global Warming as Substitutes to R134a in Refrigeration Systems. J. Eng. Thermophys, 23(2), 148–157.
  • Chemours, 2016. HFC-134a Properties, Uses, Storage, and Handling,
  • Chemours, 2018. Opteon™ XP10,
  • Devecioğlu, A.G., Oruç, V., 2017, An analysis on the comparison of low-GWP refrigerants to alternatively use in mobile air-conditioning systems, Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog, 1, 1–5.
  • Dinçer İ., Kanoğlu M., 2010, Refrigeration Systems and Applications, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • European Parliament and of the Council Official, 2006, Directive 2006/40/EC, Journal of the European Union,
  • European Parliament and the Council, 2014, Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, Official Journal of the European Union,
  • Fukuda, S., Kondou, C., Takata, N., Koyama, S., 2014, Low GWP refrigerants R1234ze(E) and R1234ze(Z) for high temperature heat pumps. Int. J. Refrigeration, 40, 161-173.
  • Honeywell, 2014, Solstice® ze Refrigerant (HFO-1234ze), <>. Accessed date: 21 December 2015.
  • Honeywell, 2015a, Solstice® N13 (R-450A),
  • Honeywell, 2015b, Solstice® yf Properties and Materials Compatibility,
  • Kondou, C., Koyama, S., 2015, Thermodynamic assessment of high-temperature heat pumps using Low-GWP HFO refrigerants for heat recovery, Int. J. Refrigeration, 53, 126-141.
  • Lee, H., Hwang, Y., Song, I., Jang, K., 2015, Transient thermal model of passenger car's cabin and implementation to saturation cycle with alternative working fluids, Energy, 90, 1859-1868.
  • Lee, Y., Jung, D., 2012, A brief performance comparison of R1234yf and R134a in a bench tester for automobile applications. Appl. Therm. Eng., 35, 240-242.
  • Lemmon, E.W., Huber, M.L., McLinden, M.O., 2013, NIST Standard Reference Database 23 Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 9.1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Minor, B., Spatz, M., 2008, HFO-1234yf low GWP Refrigerant Update, International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, USA, Paper No. 2349.
  • Moles, F., Navarro-Esbri, J., Peris, B., Mota-Babiloni, A., Barragan-Cervera, A., 2014, Theoretical energy performance evaluation of different single stage vapour compression refrigeration configurations using R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as working fluids, Int. J. Refrigeration, 44, 141-150.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Makhnatch, P., Khodabandeh, R., Navarro-Esbri, J., 2017, Experimental assessment of R134a and its lower GWP alternative R513A, Int. J. Refrigeration, 74 680–686.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015a, Experimental study of an R1234ze(E)/R134a mixture (R450A) as R134a replacement, Int. J. Refrigeration, 51, 52-58.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015b, Drop-in analysis of an internal heat exchanger in a vapour compression system using R1234ze(E) and R450A as alternatives for R134a, Energy, 90, 1636-1644.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015c, Analysis based on EU regulation No 517/2014 of new HFC/HFO mixtures as alternatives of high GWP refrigerants in refrigeration and HVAC systems, Int. J. Refrigeration, 52, 21-31.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2014, Drop-in energy performance evaluation of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) in a vapor compression system as R134a replacements, Appl. Therm. Eng., 71, 259-265. 61
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Moles, F., Barragan-Cervera, A., Peris, B., Verdu, G., 2016, A review of refrigerant R1234ze(E) recent investigations, Appl. Therm. Eng., 95, 211–222.
  • Navarro-Esbri, J., Mendoza-Miranda, J.M., Mota-Babiloni, A., Barragan-Cervera, A., Belman-Flores, J.M., 2013, Experimental analysis of R1234yf as a drop-in replacement for R134a in a vapor compression system, Int. J. Refrigeration, 36, 870-880.
  • Navarro-Esbri, J., Moles, F., Barragan-Cervera, A., 2013, Experimental analysis of the internal heat exchanger influence on a vapour compression system performance working with R1234yf as a drop-in replacement for R134a, Appl. Therm. Eng., 59, 153-161.
  • Nawaz, K., Shen, B., Elatar, A., Baxter, V., Abdelaziz, O., 2017, R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as low-GWP refrigerants for residential heat pump water heaters, Int. J. Refrigeration, 82, 348–365.
  • Riffat, S.B., Shankland, N.J., 1993, Comparison of R134a and R12 refrigerants in a vapour compression system, Int. J. Energ. Res., 17, 439-442.
  • Rinne, F., Minor, B., Salem, K., 2011, Experimental Study of R-134a Alternative in a Supermarket Refrigeration System, ASHRAE Transactions, 117 (2), 124-131.
  • Zilio, C., Brown, JS., Schiochet, G., Cavallini, A., 2011, The refrigerant R1234yf


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 51 - 61, 31.10.2018


In this study, the energy parameters (i.e., cooling capacity and COP) were theoretically investigated for three different vapour compression refrigeration system (basic cycle, basic cycle with liquid-to-suction heat exchanger and two-stage cascade cycle) for which R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R513A, R445A and R450A alternative refrigerants with low GWP value were used instead of R134a. The studied refrigerants demonstrated similar thermodynamic behaviour. The exergetic efficiency of the systems was also compared. The comparison of the energy parameters was carried out for two different evaporation temperatures (-30 and 0C) and two condensing temperatures (40 and 55C). According to the calculation results, R450A which almost has the same COP values as R134a comes into prominence with 58% lower GWP value compared to R134a. Among the studied refrigeration cycles, system with LSHEX can be suggested for providing a better effect in terms of COP for the considered refrigerants and temperature cases as well as assumed system parameters. It was seen for the investigated cycles that the highest exergetic efficiency could be obtained in the case of R445A.


  • Bolaji, O., Huan, Z., 2014, Performance Investigation of Some Hydro-Fluorocarbon Refrigerants with Low Global Warming as Substitutes to R134a in Refrigeration Systems. J. Eng. Thermophys, 23(2), 148–157.
  • Chemours, 2016. HFC-134a Properties, Uses, Storage, and Handling,
  • Chemours, 2018. Opteon™ XP10,
  • Devecioğlu, A.G., Oruç, V., 2017, An analysis on the comparison of low-GWP refrigerants to alternatively use in mobile air-conditioning systems, Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog, 1, 1–5.
  • Dinçer İ., Kanoğlu M., 2010, Refrigeration Systems and Applications, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • European Parliament and of the Council Official, 2006, Directive 2006/40/EC, Journal of the European Union,
  • European Parliament and the Council, 2014, Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, Official Journal of the European Union,
  • Fukuda, S., Kondou, C., Takata, N., Koyama, S., 2014, Low GWP refrigerants R1234ze(E) and R1234ze(Z) for high temperature heat pumps. Int. J. Refrigeration, 40, 161-173.
  • Honeywell, 2014, Solstice® ze Refrigerant (HFO-1234ze), <>. Accessed date: 21 December 2015.
  • Honeywell, 2015a, Solstice® N13 (R-450A),
  • Honeywell, 2015b, Solstice® yf Properties and Materials Compatibility,
  • Kondou, C., Koyama, S., 2015, Thermodynamic assessment of high-temperature heat pumps using Low-GWP HFO refrigerants for heat recovery, Int. J. Refrigeration, 53, 126-141.
  • Lee, H., Hwang, Y., Song, I., Jang, K., 2015, Transient thermal model of passenger car's cabin and implementation to saturation cycle with alternative working fluids, Energy, 90, 1859-1868.
  • Lee, Y., Jung, D., 2012, A brief performance comparison of R1234yf and R134a in a bench tester for automobile applications. Appl. Therm. Eng., 35, 240-242.
  • Lemmon, E.W., Huber, M.L., McLinden, M.O., 2013, NIST Standard Reference Database 23 Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version 9.1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Minor, B., Spatz, M., 2008, HFO-1234yf low GWP Refrigerant Update, International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, USA, Paper No. 2349.
  • Moles, F., Navarro-Esbri, J., Peris, B., Mota-Babiloni, A., Barragan-Cervera, A., 2014, Theoretical energy performance evaluation of different single stage vapour compression refrigeration configurations using R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as working fluids, Int. J. Refrigeration, 44, 141-150.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Makhnatch, P., Khodabandeh, R., Navarro-Esbri, J., 2017, Experimental assessment of R134a and its lower GWP alternative R513A, Int. J. Refrigeration, 74 680–686.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015a, Experimental study of an R1234ze(E)/R134a mixture (R450A) as R134a replacement, Int. J. Refrigeration, 51, 52-58.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015b, Drop-in analysis of an internal heat exchanger in a vapour compression system using R1234ze(E) and R450A as alternatives for R134a, Energy, 90, 1636-1644.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2015c, Analysis based on EU regulation No 517/2014 of new HFC/HFO mixtures as alternatives of high GWP refrigerants in refrigeration and HVAC systems, Int. J. Refrigeration, 52, 21-31.
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Barragan-Cervera, A., Moles, F., Peris, B., 2014, Drop-in energy performance evaluation of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) in a vapor compression system as R134a replacements, Appl. Therm. Eng., 71, 259-265. 61
  • Mota-Babiloni, A., Navarro-Esbri, J., Moles, F., Barragan-Cervera, A., Peris, B., Verdu, G., 2016, A review of refrigerant R1234ze(E) recent investigations, Appl. Therm. Eng., 95, 211–222.
  • Navarro-Esbri, J., Mendoza-Miranda, J.M., Mota-Babiloni, A., Barragan-Cervera, A., Belman-Flores, J.M., 2013, Experimental analysis of R1234yf as a drop-in replacement for R134a in a vapor compression system, Int. J. Refrigeration, 36, 870-880.
  • Navarro-Esbri, J., Moles, F., Barragan-Cervera, A., 2013, Experimental analysis of the internal heat exchanger influence on a vapour compression system performance working with R1234yf as a drop-in replacement for R134a, Appl. Therm. Eng., 59, 153-161.
  • Nawaz, K., Shen, B., Elatar, A., Baxter, V., Abdelaziz, O., 2017, R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as low-GWP refrigerants for residential heat pump water heaters, Int. J. Refrigeration, 82, 348–365.
  • Riffat, S.B., Shankland, N.J., 1993, Comparison of R134a and R12 refrigerants in a vapour compression system, Int. J. Energ. Res., 17, 439-442.
  • Rinne, F., Minor, B., Salem, K., 2011, Experimental Study of R-134a Alternative in a Supermarket Refrigeration System, ASHRAE Transactions, 117 (2), 124-131.
  • Zilio, C., Brown, JS., Schiochet, G., Cavallini, A., 2011, The refrigerant R1234yf
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Vedat Oruç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster