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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 129 - 150, 31.10.2018


Fosil kökenli yakıtların sınırlı ve yakın bir gelecekte tükenecek olması, petrol krizleri ve fiyat artışları, taşıtlardan kaynaklı hava kirliliklerinin artması yeni ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının araştırılmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu kaynaklar içerisinden en büyük teknik potansiyele sahip enerji kaynağı biyodizeldir. Bu çalışmada, biyodizel üretiminde hammadde olarak ülkemizde ticari olarak üretimi bulunmayan sarı hardal (Sinapis alba L.) tohumları kullanılmıştır. Sarı hardal tohumlarından vidalı pres yardımı ile elde edilen sarı hardal ham yağından tek aşamalı transesterifikasyon yöntemi ile biyodizel üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneylerde hacimsel olarak %2 biyodizel, %20 biyodizel, %2 biyodizel ile %5 etanol, %2 biyodizel ile %10 etanol, %20 biyodizel ile %5 etanol, %20 biyodizel ile %10 etanol içeren altı farklı yakıt karışımı ve dizel yakıtı kullanılmıştır. Bu yakıtların bazı önemli fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri standart metotlar kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Ardından test yakıtları tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, su soğutmalı, direkt enjeksiyonlu bir dizel motorda farklı motor devirlerinde test edilerek performans, yanma ve egzoz emisyon karakteristikleri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, dizel yakıtına biyodizel ilavesi ile ısıl değer, kinematik viskozite, su içeriği, yoğunluk, asit sayısı ve soğuk akış özelliklerinin olumsuz yönde etkilendiği; parlama noktası değerinin iyileştiği belirlenmiştir. Karışım yakıtlara etanol ilavesi ile kinematik viskozite, yoğunluk ve soğuk akış özelliklerinin iyileştiği; su içeriği, parlama noktası ve ısıl değer özelliklerinin kötüleştiği belirlenmiştir. Dizel yakıtına %2 oranında biyodizel katılması ile performans değerlerinin iyileştiği, biyodizel oranının daha da artması ve alkol katılması ile performans değerlerinin olumsuz yönde etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Test yakıtlarının yanma karakteristikleri dizel yakıtınınki ile benzerlik göstermiştir. Ayrıca, alkol ilavesinin egzoz gazı sıcaklığını, duman koyuluğunu, CO, CO2 ve NOX emisyonlarını azalttığı ve O2 emisyonlarını ise artırdığı belirlenmiştir. Motor gürültü emisyonları ise motor devrine bağlı olarak dalgalanmalar göstermiştir.


  • Ajav, E.A., Singh, B., Bhattacharya, T.K., 1999, Experimental study of some performance parameters of a constant speed stationary diesel engine using ethanol-diesel blends as fuel, Biomass and Bioenergy, 17(4):357-365.
  • Akar, M.A., 2016, Performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine operating with false flax biodiesel and butanol blends, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(2):1-7.
  • Aksoy, F., 2011, Analyzing the effects of methyl esters produced from raw soybean and waste frying oil on engine performance and NOX emission, Energy Sources, Part A, 34(2):143-151.
  • Aksoy, F., Bayrakçeken, H., 2010, Dizel yakıtına %5 ve %10 izopropil alkol (IPA) ilavesinin motor performans ve emisyonlarına etkisi, Taşıt Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 2(3):37-43. Aktaş, A., Sekmen, Y., 2008, Biyodizel ile çalışan bir dizel motorda yakıt püskürtme avansının performans ve egzoz emisyonlarına etkisi, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1):199-206.
  • Alptekin, E., Canakci, M., Ozsezen, A.N., Turkcan, A., Sanli, H., 2015, Using waste animal fat based biodiesels–bioethanol–diesel fuel blends in a DI diesel engine, Fuel, 157:245-254.
  • Aydın, F., Öğüt, H., 2017, Effects of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel in single cylinder diesel engine to engine performance and emissions, Renewable Energy, 103:688-694.
  • An, H., Yang, W.M., Chou, S.K., Chua, K.J., 2012, Combustion and emissions characteristics of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load conditions, Applied Energy, 99:363-371.
  • Anbarasu, A., Saravanan, M., Loganathan, M., 2013, The effect of ethanol addition in a biodiesel operated DI diesel engine on combustion, performance, and emission characteristics, International Journal of Green Energy, 10(1):90-102.
  • Barabás, I., Todoruţ, I.A., 2011, Utilization of biodiesel–diesel–ethanol blends in CI engine, Biodiesel-Quality, Emissions and By-products, InTech.
  • Bhale, P.V., Deshpande, N.V., Thombre, S.B., 2009, Improving the low temperature properties of biodiesel fuel, Renewable Energy, 34(3):794-800.
  • Can, Ö., Celikten, I., Usta, N., 2004, Effects of ethanol addition on performance and emissions of a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine running at different injection pressures, Energy conversion and Management, 45(15):2429-2440.
  • Can, Ö., Öztürk, E., Yücesu, H.S., 2017, Combustion and exhaust emissions of canola biodiesel blends in a single cylinder DI diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 109:73-82.
  • Can, Ö., Çelikten, İ., Usta, N., 2005, Etanol karışımlı motorin yakıtın diesel motoru egzoz emisyonlarına etkisi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2):219-224.
  • Chauhan, S.K., Shukla, A., 2011, Environmental impacts of production of biodiesel and its use in transportation sector, environmental impact of biofuels, Dr. Marco Aurelio Dos Santos Bernardes (Ed.), InTech.
  • Cheenkachorn, K., Fungtammasan, B., 2009, Biodiesel as an additive for diesohol, International Journal of Green Energy, 6(1), 57-72. 148
  • Chen, H., Shi-Jin, S., Jian-Xin, W., 2007, Study on combustion characteristics and PM emission of diesel engines using ester-ethanol-diesel blended fuels, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31(2):2981-2989.
  • Choi, C.Y., Reitz, R.D., 1999, An experimental study on the effects of oxygenated fuel blends and multiple injection strategies on DI diesel engine emissions, Fuel, 78(11):1303-1317.
  • Çelik, M., Örs, İ., Bayindirli, C., Demiralp, M., 2017, Experimental investigation of impact of addition of bioethanol in different biodiesels, on performance, combustion and emission characteristics, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31(11):5581-5592.
  • Çelik, M., Özgören, Y.Ö., 2017, The determination of effects of soybean and hazelnut methyl ester addition to the diesel fuel on the engine performance and exhaust emissions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 124:124-135.
  • Çengelci, E., Bayrakçeken, H., Aksoy, F., 2011, Hayvansal ve bitkisel yağlardan elde edilen biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile karşılaştırılması, Taşıt Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 3(1):41-53.
  • Çildir, O., Çanakçı, M., 2006, Çeşitli bitkisel yağlardan biyodizel üretiminde katalizör ve alkol miktarının yakıt özellikleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2):367-372.
  • Dorado, M.P., Ballesteros, E., Arnal, J.M., Gomez, J., Lopez, F.J., 2003, Exhaust emissions from a diesel engine fueled with transesterified waste olive oil, Fuel, 82:1311-1315.
  • Efe, Ş., Ceviz, M.A., Temur, H., 2018, Comparative engine characteristics of biodiesels from hazelnut, corn, soybean, canola and sunflower oils on DI diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 119:142-151.
  • Fang, Q., Fang, J., Zhuang, J., Huang, Z., 2013, Effects of ethanol–diesel–biodiesel blends on combustion and emissions in premixed low temperature combustion, Applied Thermal Engineering, 54(2):541-548.
  • Gharehghani, A., Hosseini, R., Mirsalim, M., Yusaf, T.F., 2015, A computational study of operating range extension in a natural gas SI engine with the use of hydrogen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(17): 5966-5975.
  • Gharehghani, A., Mirsalim, M., Hosseini, R., 2017, Effects of waste fish oil biodiesel on diesel engine combustion characteristics and emission, Renewable Energy, 101:930-936.
  • Goyal, P., Sharma, M.P., Jain, S., 2013, Optimization of transesterification of Jatropha curcas oil to biodiesel using response surface methodology and its adulteration with kerosene, Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 4(2):277-284.
  • Guarieiro, L.L.N., de Souza, A.F., Torres, E.A., de Andrade, J.B., 2009, Emission profile of 18 carbonyl compounds, CO, CO2, and NOX emitted by a diesel engine fuelled with diesel and ternary blends containing diesel, ethanol and biodiesel or vegetable oils, Atmospheric Environment, 43(17):2754-2761.
  • Gülüm, M., Bilgin, A., 2016, Two-term power models for estimating kinematic viscosities of different biodiesel-diesel fuel blends, Fuel Processing Technology, 149:121-130.
  • Hasan, M.M., Rahman, M.M., 2017, Performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel–diesel blend and environmental and economic impacts of biodiesel production: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74:938-948.
  • Haşimoğlu, C., İçingür, Y., Öğüt, H., 2002, Dizel motorlarında egzoz gazları resirkülasyonunun (EGR) motor performansı ve egzoz emisyonlarına etkisinin deneysel analizi, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 26(2):127-135.
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  • Holman, P., 2012, Experimental methods for engineers, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
  • How, H.G., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Teoh, Y.H., 2014, Engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a common-rail diesel engine fuelled with bioethanol as a fuel additive in coconut oil biodiesel blends, Energy Procedia, 61:1655-1659.
  • Ibrahim, A., 2016, Performance and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled by butanol–biodiesel–diesel blends, Applied Thermal Engineering, 103:651-659.
  • Ibrahim, A., Bari, S., 2010, An experimental investigation on the use of EGR in a supercharged natural gas SI engine, Fuel, 89(7):1721-1730.
  • İlkilic, C., Aydin, S., Behcet, R., Aydin, H., 2011, Biodiesel from safflower oil and its application in a diesel engine, Fuel Processing Technology, 92:356-362.
  • Kegl, B., Kegl, M., Pehan, S., 2013, Green diesel engines. Biodiesel usage in diesel engines, Springer-Verlag, London. 149
  • İnternet, 2016, Biodiesel handling and use guide (Fifth Edition), US Department of Energy, DOE/GO-102016-4875, November. (
  • Keskin, A., Sağıroğlu, S., 2010, Dizel motorlarından kaynaklanan egzoz emisyonları ve kontrol yöntemleri, Mühendis ve Makine, 51(606):2-9.
  • Liaquat, A.M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Fattah, I.R., Hazrat, M.A., Varman, M., Mofijur, M., Shahabuddin, M., 2013, Effect of coconut biodiesel blended fuels on engine performance and emission characteristics, Procedia Engineering, 56:583-590.
  • Mofijur, M., Atabani, A.E., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Masum, B.M., 2013, A study on the effects of promising edible and non-edible biodiesel feedstocks on engine performance and emissions production: A comparative evaluation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 23:391-404.
  • Mofijur, M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Atabani, A.E., Arbab, M.I., Cheng, S.F., Gouk, S.W., 2014, Properties and use of Moringa oleifera biodiesel and diesel fuel blends in a multi-cylinder diesel engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 82:169-176.
  • Murugesan, A., Umarani, C., Subramanian, R., Nedunchezhian, N., 2009, Bio-diesel as an alternative fuel for diesel engines-A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(3):653-662.
  • Noorollahi, Y., Azadbakht, M., Ghobadian, B., 2018, The effect of different diesterol (diesel–biodiesel–ethanol) blends on small air-cooled diesel engine performance and its exhaust gases, Energy, 142:196-200.
  • Ong, H.C., Masjuki, H.H., Mahlia, T.M.I., Silitonga, A.S., Chong, W.T., Leong, K.Y., 2014, Optimization of biodiesel production and engine performance from high free fatty acid Calophyllum Inophyllum oil in CI diesel engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 81:30-40.
  • Onurbaş Avcıoğlu, A., 2011, Tarımsal kökenli yenilenebilir enerjiler biyoyakıtlar, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Kızılay, Ankara.
  • Örs, İ., Kahraman, A., Ciniviz, M., 2017, Performance, emission, and combustion analysis of a compression ignition engine using biofuel blends, Thermal Science, 21(1b):511-522.
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  • Park, S.H., Cha, J., Lee, C.S., 2012, Impact of biodiesel in bioethanol blended diesel on the engine performance and emissions characteristics in compression ignition engine, Applied Energy, 99:334- 343.
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 2, 129 - 150, 31.10.2018


Fossil-based fuels are limited and will be consumed in the near future, the petroleum crises and price increases, the increase of air pollution caused by the vehicles necessitate the investigation of new and renewable energy sources. The energy source, which is the greatest technical potential, is biodiesel among these sources. In this study, yellow mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seeds which are not commercially produced in our country were used as a feedstock in the biodiesel production. The biodiesel production carried out from yellow mustard seed crude oil obtained from yellow mustard seeds with using a screw press by single-step transesterification method. A commercial diesel fuel and six different fuel blends prepared with 2% biodiesel, 20% biodiesel, 2% biodiesel and 5% ethanol, 2% biodiesel and 10% ethanol, 20% biodiesel and 5% ethanol, and 20% biodiesel and 10% ethanol used in the tests. Some important physical and chemical properties of these fuels have been measured using standard methods. Afterwards, the performance, combustion and exhaust emission characteristics were examined in a single-cylinder, four-stroke, water-cooled, direct-injection diesel engine fueled with the test fuels at different engine speeds. As a result, calorific value, kinematic viscosity, water content, density, acid value and cold flow properties adversely affected by biodiesel addition into the diesel fuel, and the improvement of the flash point value was determined. The kinematic viscosity, density and cold flow properties improved by ethanol addition to the blended fuels, however water content, flash point and calorific value deteriorated. The addition of 2% biodiesel into the diesel fuel improved
performance, and increasing the rate of biodiesel and addition to alcohol were negatively affected the performance. The combustion characteristics of the test fuels were similar to those of diesel fuel. Furthermore, it has been found that alcohol additions reduced exhaust gas temperature, smoke opacity, CO, CO2 and NOX emissions and increased O2 emissions. Engine noise emissions were fluctuated depending on the engine speed.


  • Ajav, E.A., Singh, B., Bhattacharya, T.K., 1999, Experimental study of some performance parameters of a constant speed stationary diesel engine using ethanol-diesel blends as fuel, Biomass and Bioenergy, 17(4):357-365.
  • Akar, M.A., 2016, Performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine operating with false flax biodiesel and butanol blends, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(2):1-7.
  • Aksoy, F., 2011, Analyzing the effects of methyl esters produced from raw soybean and waste frying oil on engine performance and NOX emission, Energy Sources, Part A, 34(2):143-151.
  • Aksoy, F., Bayrakçeken, H., 2010, Dizel yakıtına %5 ve %10 izopropil alkol (IPA) ilavesinin motor performans ve emisyonlarına etkisi, Taşıt Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 2(3):37-43. Aktaş, A., Sekmen, Y., 2008, Biyodizel ile çalışan bir dizel motorda yakıt püskürtme avansının performans ve egzoz emisyonlarına etkisi, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1):199-206.
  • Alptekin, E., Canakci, M., Ozsezen, A.N., Turkcan, A., Sanli, H., 2015, Using waste animal fat based biodiesels–bioethanol–diesel fuel blends in a DI diesel engine, Fuel, 157:245-254.
  • Aydın, F., Öğüt, H., 2017, Effects of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel in single cylinder diesel engine to engine performance and emissions, Renewable Energy, 103:688-694.
  • An, H., Yang, W.M., Chou, S.K., Chua, K.J., 2012, Combustion and emissions characteristics of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load conditions, Applied Energy, 99:363-371.
  • Anbarasu, A., Saravanan, M., Loganathan, M., 2013, The effect of ethanol addition in a biodiesel operated DI diesel engine on combustion, performance, and emission characteristics, International Journal of Green Energy, 10(1):90-102.
  • Barabás, I., Todoruţ, I.A., 2011, Utilization of biodiesel–diesel–ethanol blends in CI engine, Biodiesel-Quality, Emissions and By-products, InTech.
  • Bhale, P.V., Deshpande, N.V., Thombre, S.B., 2009, Improving the low temperature properties of biodiesel fuel, Renewable Energy, 34(3):794-800.
  • Can, Ö., Celikten, I., Usta, N., 2004, Effects of ethanol addition on performance and emissions of a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine running at different injection pressures, Energy conversion and Management, 45(15):2429-2440.
  • Can, Ö., Öztürk, E., Yücesu, H.S., 2017, Combustion and exhaust emissions of canola biodiesel blends in a single cylinder DI diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 109:73-82.
  • Can, Ö., Çelikten, İ., Usta, N., 2005, Etanol karışımlı motorin yakıtın diesel motoru egzoz emisyonlarına etkisi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2):219-224.
  • Chauhan, S.K., Shukla, A., 2011, Environmental impacts of production of biodiesel and its use in transportation sector, environmental impact of biofuels, Dr. Marco Aurelio Dos Santos Bernardes (Ed.), InTech.
  • Cheenkachorn, K., Fungtammasan, B., 2009, Biodiesel as an additive for diesohol, International Journal of Green Energy, 6(1), 57-72. 148
  • Chen, H., Shi-Jin, S., Jian-Xin, W., 2007, Study on combustion characteristics and PM emission of diesel engines using ester-ethanol-diesel blended fuels, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31(2):2981-2989.
  • Choi, C.Y., Reitz, R.D., 1999, An experimental study on the effects of oxygenated fuel blends and multiple injection strategies on DI diesel engine emissions, Fuel, 78(11):1303-1317.
  • Çelik, M., Örs, İ., Bayindirli, C., Demiralp, M., 2017, Experimental investigation of impact of addition of bioethanol in different biodiesels, on performance, combustion and emission characteristics, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31(11):5581-5592.
  • Çelik, M., Özgören, Y.Ö., 2017, The determination of effects of soybean and hazelnut methyl ester addition to the diesel fuel on the engine performance and exhaust emissions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 124:124-135.
  • Çengelci, E., Bayrakçeken, H., Aksoy, F., 2011, Hayvansal ve bitkisel yağlardan elde edilen biyodizelin dizel yakıtı ile karşılaştırılması, Taşıt Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 3(1):41-53.
  • Çildir, O., Çanakçı, M., 2006, Çeşitli bitkisel yağlardan biyodizel üretiminde katalizör ve alkol miktarının yakıt özellikleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2):367-372.
  • Dorado, M.P., Ballesteros, E., Arnal, J.M., Gomez, J., Lopez, F.J., 2003, Exhaust emissions from a diesel engine fueled with transesterified waste olive oil, Fuel, 82:1311-1315.
  • Efe, Ş., Ceviz, M.A., Temur, H., 2018, Comparative engine characteristics of biodiesels from hazelnut, corn, soybean, canola and sunflower oils on DI diesel engine, Renewable Energy, 119:142-151.
  • Fang, Q., Fang, J., Zhuang, J., Huang, Z., 2013, Effects of ethanol–diesel–biodiesel blends on combustion and emissions in premixed low temperature combustion, Applied Thermal Engineering, 54(2):541-548.
  • Gharehghani, A., Hosseini, R., Mirsalim, M., Yusaf, T.F., 2015, A computational study of operating range extension in a natural gas SI engine with the use of hydrogen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(17): 5966-5975.
  • Gharehghani, A., Mirsalim, M., Hosseini, R., 2017, Effects of waste fish oil biodiesel on diesel engine combustion characteristics and emission, Renewable Energy, 101:930-936.
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