Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 31 - 38, 30.04.2019


In this study, the use of R1234ze(E), R152a and R444a as alternative to R134a in a mobile air conditioning
(MAC) system are tested. The performance characteristics of R134a, R444a, R1234ze(E) and R152a were
experimentally examined in a MAC system by changing the air temperatures. Besides, the influence of compressor
volume when the system operates with R1234ze(E) was investigated. The results show that the heating performance of
R152a are higher than those obtained from R134a, R444a, R1234ze(E). Additionally, R1234ze(E) has lowest heating
capacities among the low GWP refrigerants investigated. The heating performance of R1234ze(E) increased along
with increasing the total compressor volume. Finally, R444a, R152a and R1234ze(E) can be used as alternative to
R134a in MAC systems when the necessary improvements are made.


  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2013, Standard 34 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, ASHRAE.
  • Bellocchi S., Guizzi G. L., Manno M., Salvatori M. and Zaccagnini A., 2018, Reversible heat pump HVAC system with regenerative heat exchanger for electric vehicles: Analysis of its impact on driving range, Applied Thermal Engineering, 129, 290–305.
  • Direk M. and Soylu E., 2018, The Effect of Internal Heat Exchanger Using R1234ze (E) as an Alternative Refrigerant in a Mobile Air-Conditioning System, Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 64, 114-120.
  • Devecioğlu A. G. and Oruç V., 2017, An analysis on the comparison of low-GWP refrigerants to alternatively use in mobile air-conditioning systems, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 1, 1–5.
  • European Parliament and the Council, 2014, No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing regulation (EC) No 842/2006 text with EEA relevance, Journal of the European Union, L 150/195–230.
  • Janković Z., Atienza J. S. and Suárez J. A. M., 2015, Thermodynamic and heat transfer analyses for R1234yf and R1234ze (E) as drop-in replacements for R134a in a small power refrigerating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 42–54.
  • Hoşöz M. and Direk M., 2006, Performance evaluation of an integrated automotive air conditioning and heat pump system, Energy Conversion of Management, 47(5), 545–559.
  • Hoşöz M., Direk M., Yiğit K.S., Çanakçı M., Türkcan A., Alptekin E. and Şanlı A., 2015, Performance evaluation of an R134a automotive heat pump system for various heat sources in comparison with baseline heating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 78, 419–427.
  • Lee H., Hwang Y., Song I. and Jang K., 2015, Transient thermal model of passenger car's cabin and implementation to saturation cycle with alternative working fluids, Energy, 90, 1859–1868.
  • Lee H. and Lee M., 2016, Steady state and start-up performance characteristics of air source heat pump for cabin heating in an electric passenger vehicle, International Journal of Refrigeration, 69, 232–242.
  • Lemmon E.W., Huber M.L. and McLinden M.O., 2014, NIST Standard Reference Database 23 Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties- REFPROP, Version 9.1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Meng Z., Zhang H., Lei M., Qin Y. and Qiu J., 2018, Performance of low GWP R1234yf/R134a mixture as a replacement for R134a in automotive air conditioning systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, 362–370.
  • Mota-Babiloni A., Navarro-Esbrí J., Mendoza-Miranda J. M. and Peris B., 2017, Experimental evaluation of system modifications to increase R1234ze(E) cooling capacity, Applied Thermal Engineering, 111, 786–792.
  • Qin F., Shao S., Tian C. and Yang H., 2014, Experimental Investigation on Heating Performance of Heat Pump for Electric Vehicles in Low Ambient Temperature, Energy Procedia, 61, 726–729.
  • Qi Z., 2014, Advances on air conditioning and heat pump system in electric vehicles - A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 754–764.
  • Scherer L.P., Ghodbane M., Baker J.A. and Kadle P.S., 2003, On-vehicle performance comparison of an R-152a and R-134a heat pump system, SAE Technical Papers, Paper code: 2003–01–0733.
  • Wanga Z., Wei M., Guo C. and Zhao M., 2017, Enhance the heating performance of an electric vehicle AC/HP system under low temperature, Energy Procedia, 105, 2384–2389.
  • Zhou G., Li H., Liu E., Li B., Yan Y., Chen T. and Chen X., 2017, Experimental study on combined defrosting performance of heat pump air conditioning system for pure electric vehicle in low temperature, Applied Thermal Engineering, 116, 677–684.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 31 - 38, 30.04.2019


Bu çalışmada, R134a'ya alternatif olarak R1234ze(E), R152a ve R444a soğutucu akışkanlarının bir mobil
iklimlendirme sisteminde kullanımı test edilmiştir. Hava sıcaklıkları değiştirilerek R134a, R444a, R1234ze(E) ve
R152a'nın performans özellikleri deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, sistem R1234ze(E) ile çalışırken kompresör
hacminin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, R152a’dan elde edilen ısıtma performansı değerlerinin R134a, R444a ve
R1234ze(E)'den daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, R1234ze(E) en düşük ısıtma performansı değerlerine
sahiptir. R1234ze(E)’nin ısıtma kapasitesi, toplam kompresör hacminin artmasıyla birlikte artmıştır. Son olarak,
R444a, R152a ve R1234ze(E), gerekli iyileştirmeler yapıldığında mobil iklimlendirme sistemlerinde R134a'ya
alternatif olarak kullanılabilir.


  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2013, Standard 34 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, ASHRAE.
  • Bellocchi S., Guizzi G. L., Manno M., Salvatori M. and Zaccagnini A., 2018, Reversible heat pump HVAC system with regenerative heat exchanger for electric vehicles: Analysis of its impact on driving range, Applied Thermal Engineering, 129, 290–305.
  • Direk M. and Soylu E., 2018, The Effect of Internal Heat Exchanger Using R1234ze (E) as an Alternative Refrigerant in a Mobile Air-Conditioning System, Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 64, 114-120.
  • Devecioğlu A. G. and Oruç V., 2017, An analysis on the comparison of low-GWP refrigerants to alternatively use in mobile air-conditioning systems, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 1, 1–5.
  • European Parliament and the Council, 2014, No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing regulation (EC) No 842/2006 text with EEA relevance, Journal of the European Union, L 150/195–230.
  • Janković Z., Atienza J. S. and Suárez J. A. M., 2015, Thermodynamic and heat transfer analyses for R1234yf and R1234ze (E) as drop-in replacements for R134a in a small power refrigerating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 42–54.
  • Hoşöz M. and Direk M., 2006, Performance evaluation of an integrated automotive air conditioning and heat pump system, Energy Conversion of Management, 47(5), 545–559.
  • Hoşöz M., Direk M., Yiğit K.S., Çanakçı M., Türkcan A., Alptekin E. and Şanlı A., 2015, Performance evaluation of an R134a automotive heat pump system for various heat sources in comparison with baseline heating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 78, 419–427.
  • Lee H., Hwang Y., Song I. and Jang K., 2015, Transient thermal model of passenger car's cabin and implementation to saturation cycle with alternative working fluids, Energy, 90, 1859–1868.
  • Lee H. and Lee M., 2016, Steady state and start-up performance characteristics of air source heat pump for cabin heating in an electric passenger vehicle, International Journal of Refrigeration, 69, 232–242.
  • Lemmon E.W., Huber M.L. and McLinden M.O., 2014, NIST Standard Reference Database 23 Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties- REFPROP, Version 9.1, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg.
  • Meng Z., Zhang H., Lei M., Qin Y. and Qiu J., 2018, Performance of low GWP R1234yf/R134a mixture as a replacement for R134a in automotive air conditioning systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, 362–370.
  • Mota-Babiloni A., Navarro-Esbrí J., Mendoza-Miranda J. M. and Peris B., 2017, Experimental evaluation of system modifications to increase R1234ze(E) cooling capacity, Applied Thermal Engineering, 111, 786–792.
  • Qin F., Shao S., Tian C. and Yang H., 2014, Experimental Investigation on Heating Performance of Heat Pump for Electric Vehicles in Low Ambient Temperature, Energy Procedia, 61, 726–729.
  • Qi Z., 2014, Advances on air conditioning and heat pump system in electric vehicles - A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 754–764.
  • Scherer L.P., Ghodbane M., Baker J.A. and Kadle P.S., 2003, On-vehicle performance comparison of an R-152a and R-134a heat pump system, SAE Technical Papers, Paper code: 2003–01–0733.
  • Wanga Z., Wei M., Guo C. and Zhao M., 2017, Enhance the heating performance of an electric vehicle AC/HP system under low temperature, Energy Procedia, 105, 2384–2389.
  • Zhou G., Li H., Liu E., Li B., Yan Y., Chen T. and Chen X., 2017, Experimental study on combined defrosting performance of heat pump air conditioning system for pure electric vehicle in low temperature, Applied Thermal Engineering, 116, 677–684.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1

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