Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 65 - 76, 30.04.2020


Düşük ve orta sıcaklıklarda atık ısının etkin kullanımı, enerji sıkıntısı ve çevre kirliliği sorunlarını hafifletmek için çözümlerden biri olarak kabul edilir. Uygulanabilirliği ve güvenilirliği nedeniyle, organik Rankine çevrimi, araştırmacıların ve/veya üreticilerin ilgisini yaygın olarak çekmeye devam etmektedir. Bu makalede, hem enerji hem de ekserji kavramlarına dayanan baca-gazı destekli organik Rankine döngüleri (FGA-ORCs) üzerinde termodinamik ve ekonomik analizler sunulmaktadır. FGA-ORC sisteminin ısı kaynağı, tekstil bitim işleminde çok kullanılan bir ramöz makinasının egzoz baca gazıdır. Bu çalışmada, termal enerjiyi küçük ölçekte elektrik ve/veya mekanik enerjiye dönüştürmek için beş farklı çevrim yapısı kullanılarak optimizasyon çalışması yapılmıştır. İşletme şartlarının verimlilik, ekonomik kar ve performans oranı gibi performans göstergeleri üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için parametrik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Son olarak, belli çalışma koşulları altında, ekserji yıkımını azaltan ve artan net iş çıkışı nedeniyle ekonomik karı artıran termal mimari tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada analiz edilen vakalarda, Senaryo - 4 (yani termal yapı 4), termodinamik ve pratik sınırlar içinde %69 ekserji verimliliği ile en iyi sistem performansını göstermektedir.


  • Agromayor R. and Nord L.O., 2017, Fluid Selection and Thermodynamic Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery Applications, Energy Procedia, 129, 527-534.
  • Al-Sulaiman F.A., Dincer I. and Hamdullahpur F., 2012, Energy and Exergy Analyses of a Biomass Trigeneration System Using an Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 45, 975-985.
  • Astolfi M., Martelli E., Pierobon L., 2017, Section 7. Thermodynamic and Technoeconomic Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Power Systems Technologies and Applications, edited by Macchi E and Astolfi M., Elsevier, United Kingdom.
  • Bao J. and Zhao L., 2013, A Review of Working Fluid and Expander Selections for Organic Rankine Cycle, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 325–342.
  • Bejan A., 2002, Fundamentals of Exergy Analysis, Entropy Generation Minimization, and the Generation of Flow Architecture, International Journal of Energy Research, 26, 545-565.
  • Braimakis K. and Karellas S., 2018, Energetic Optimization of Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Energy Conversion and Management, 159, 353–370.
  • Cengel Y.A and Boles M.A., 1989, Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore.
  • Cengel Y.A., Wood B. and Dincer I., 2002, Is Bigger Thermodynamically Better? Exergy, 2, 62-68.
  • Cengel Y.A., 2007, Green Thermodynamics, International Journal of Energy Research, 31, 1088–1104.
  • Chen H., Goswami D.Y. and Stefanakos, E.K., 2010, A Review of Thermodynamic Cycles and Working Fluids for the Conversion of Low-Grade Heat, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 3059–3067.
  • Delgado-Torres A.M. and García-Rodríguez L., 2010, Analysis and Optimization of the Low-Temperature Solar Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 2846–2856.
  • El-Emam R.S. and Dincer I., 2013, Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analyses and Optimization of Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 59,435-444.
  • Etemoglu A.B., 2013, Thermodynamic Investigation of Low-Temperature Industrial Waste-Heat Recovery in Combined Heat and Power Generation Systems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, 82–88.
  • Forman C., Muritala I.K., Pardemann R. and Meyer B., 2016, Estimating the Global Waste Heat Potential, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 57, 1568–1579.
  • Fu B.R., Hsu S.W. and Liu C.H., 2014, Trends in Patent Applications Relating to Organic Rankine Cycle, Procedia Engineering, 79, 249–257.
  • Fu B.R., Lee Y.R. and Hsieh J.C., 2015, Design, Construction, and Preliminary Results of a 250-kW Organic Rankine Cycle System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 339-346.
  • Garcia S.I., Garcia R.F., Carril J.C. and Garcia D.I., 2018, A Review of Thermodynamic Cycles Used in Low Temperature Recovery Systems over the Last Two Years, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 760–767.
  • Gyorke G., Deiters U.K., Groniewsky A., Lassu I. and Imre A.R., 2018, Novel Classification of Pure Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 145, 288-300.
  • Heberle F. and Brüggemann D., 2010, Exergy Based Fluid Selection for a Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle for Combined Heat and Power Generation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30, 1326-1332.
  • Imran M., Haglind F., Asim M. and Alvi J.Z., 2018, Recent Research Trends in Organic Rankine Cycle Technology - A Bibliometric Approach, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 552–562.
  • Jang Y., and Lee J.. 2018. Influence of Superheat and Expansion Ratio on Performance of Organic Rankine Cycle-Based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System. Energy Conversion and Management 171:82-97.
  • Kermani M., Wallerand A.S., Kantor I.D. and Maréchal F., 2018, Generic Superstructure Synthesis of Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Processes, Applied Energy, 212, 1203–1225.
  • Mago P.J., Srinivasan K.K., Chamra L.M. and Somayaji C., 2008, An Examination of Exergy Destruction in Organic Rankine Cycles, International Journal of Energy Research, 32, 926–938.
  • Panesar A., Morgan R. and Kennaird D., 2017, Organic Rankine Cycle Thermal Architecture - From Concept to Demonstration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 126, 419–428.
  • Quoilin S., Broek M.V.D., Declaye S., Dewallef P. and Lemort, V., 2013, Techno-Economic Survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 168–186.
  • Safarian S. and Aramoun F., 2015, Energy and Exergy Assessments of Modified Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs), Energy Reports, 1, 1–7.
  • Stoecker W.F, 1989, Design of Thermal Systems, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore. Sun W., Yue X. and Wang Y., 2017, Exergy Efficiency Analysis of ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and ORC-Based Combined Cycles Driven by Low-Temperature Waste Heat, Energy Conversion and Management, 135, 63–73.
  • Tchanche B.F., Lambrinos G., Frangoudakis A. and Papadakis G., 2011, Low-Grade Heat Conversion into Power Using Organic Rankine Cycles – A Review of Various Applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 3963–3979.
  • Tchanche B.F., Pétrissans M. and Papadakis G., 2014, Heat Resources and Organic Rankine Cycle Machines, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, 1185–1199.
  • Vélez F., Segovia J.J., Martín M.C., Antolín G., Chejne F. and Quijano A., 2012, A Technical, Economical and Market Review of Organic Rankine Cycles for the Conversion of Low-Grade Heat for Power Generation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 4175–4189.
  • Zhai H., An Q., Shi L., Lemort V. and Quoilin S., 2016, Categorization and Analysis of Heat Sources for Organic Rankine Cycle Systems, Rene


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 65 - 76, 30.04.2020


Effective use of waste heat at low and medium temperatures is considered as one of the solutions to alleviate energy shortages and environmental pollution problems. Due to its feasibility and reliability, the organic Rankine cycle is continued to attract widespread interest from researchers and/or manufacturers. This paper presents thermodynamic and economic analyses on flue-gas assisted organic Rankine cycles (FGA-ORCs) based on both energy and exergy concepts. The heat source of the FGA-ORC system is the exhaust flue-gas of a stenter-frame which is highly used in textile finishing process. In this study, to convert thermal energy into electrical and/or mechanical energy on a small scale, an optimization study was performed using five different cycle architectures. Parametric studies were also carried out to investigate the effect of operating parameters on performance indicators such as efficiency, economical profit and performance ratio. Finally, under specified operating conditions, the thermal architecture was identified that reduces exergy destruction and increases economic profit due to increased net-work output. For analyzed cases in this study, Scenario-4 (i.e., thermal architecture 4) shows the best system performance with 69% exergetic efficiency within the thermodynamic and practical limits.


  • Agromayor R. and Nord L.O., 2017, Fluid Selection and Thermodynamic Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery Applications, Energy Procedia, 129, 527-534.
  • Al-Sulaiman F.A., Dincer I. and Hamdullahpur F., 2012, Energy and Exergy Analyses of a Biomass Trigeneration System Using an Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 45, 975-985.
  • Astolfi M., Martelli E., Pierobon L., 2017, Section 7. Thermodynamic and Technoeconomic Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Power Systems Technologies and Applications, edited by Macchi E and Astolfi M., Elsevier, United Kingdom.
  • Bao J. and Zhao L., 2013, A Review of Working Fluid and Expander Selections for Organic Rankine Cycle, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 325–342.
  • Bejan A., 2002, Fundamentals of Exergy Analysis, Entropy Generation Minimization, and the Generation of Flow Architecture, International Journal of Energy Research, 26, 545-565.
  • Braimakis K. and Karellas S., 2018, Energetic Optimization of Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Energy Conversion and Management, 159, 353–370.
  • Cengel Y.A and Boles M.A., 1989, Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore.
  • Cengel Y.A., Wood B. and Dincer I., 2002, Is Bigger Thermodynamically Better? Exergy, 2, 62-68.
  • Cengel Y.A., 2007, Green Thermodynamics, International Journal of Energy Research, 31, 1088–1104.
  • Chen H., Goswami D.Y. and Stefanakos, E.K., 2010, A Review of Thermodynamic Cycles and Working Fluids for the Conversion of Low-Grade Heat, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 3059–3067.
  • Delgado-Torres A.M. and García-Rodríguez L., 2010, Analysis and Optimization of the Low-Temperature Solar Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 2846–2856.
  • El-Emam R.S. and Dincer I., 2013, Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analyses and Optimization of Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 59,435-444.
  • Etemoglu A.B., 2013, Thermodynamic Investigation of Low-Temperature Industrial Waste-Heat Recovery in Combined Heat and Power Generation Systems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 42, 82–88.
  • Forman C., Muritala I.K., Pardemann R. and Meyer B., 2016, Estimating the Global Waste Heat Potential, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 57, 1568–1579.
  • Fu B.R., Hsu S.W. and Liu C.H., 2014, Trends in Patent Applications Relating to Organic Rankine Cycle, Procedia Engineering, 79, 249–257.
  • Fu B.R., Lee Y.R. and Hsieh J.C., 2015, Design, Construction, and Preliminary Results of a 250-kW Organic Rankine Cycle System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 339-346.
  • Garcia S.I., Garcia R.F., Carril J.C. and Garcia D.I., 2018, A Review of Thermodynamic Cycles Used in Low Temperature Recovery Systems over the Last Two Years, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 760–767.
  • Gyorke G., Deiters U.K., Groniewsky A., Lassu I. and Imre A.R., 2018, Novel Classification of Pure Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 145, 288-300.
  • Heberle F. and Brüggemann D., 2010, Exergy Based Fluid Selection for a Geothermal Organic Rankine Cycle for Combined Heat and Power Generation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30, 1326-1332.
  • Imran M., Haglind F., Asim M. and Alvi J.Z., 2018, Recent Research Trends in Organic Rankine Cycle Technology - A Bibliometric Approach, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 552–562.
  • Jang Y., and Lee J.. 2018. Influence of Superheat and Expansion Ratio on Performance of Organic Rankine Cycle-Based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System. Energy Conversion and Management 171:82-97.
  • Kermani M., Wallerand A.S., Kantor I.D. and Maréchal F., 2018, Generic Superstructure Synthesis of Organic Rankine Cycles for Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Processes, Applied Energy, 212, 1203–1225.
  • Mago P.J., Srinivasan K.K., Chamra L.M. and Somayaji C., 2008, An Examination of Exergy Destruction in Organic Rankine Cycles, International Journal of Energy Research, 32, 926–938.
  • Panesar A., Morgan R. and Kennaird D., 2017, Organic Rankine Cycle Thermal Architecture - From Concept to Demonstration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 126, 419–428.
  • Quoilin S., Broek M.V.D., Declaye S., Dewallef P. and Lemort, V., 2013, Techno-Economic Survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 168–186.
  • Safarian S. and Aramoun F., 2015, Energy and Exergy Assessments of Modified Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs), Energy Reports, 1, 1–7.
  • Stoecker W.F, 1989, Design of Thermal Systems, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore. Sun W., Yue X. and Wang Y., 2017, Exergy Efficiency Analysis of ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and ORC-Based Combined Cycles Driven by Low-Temperature Waste Heat, Energy Conversion and Management, 135, 63–73.
  • Tchanche B.F., Lambrinos G., Frangoudakis A. and Papadakis G., 2011, Low-Grade Heat Conversion into Power Using Organic Rankine Cycles – A Review of Various Applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 3963–3979.
  • Tchanche B.F., Pétrissans M. and Papadakis G., 2014, Heat Resources and Organic Rankine Cycle Machines, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 39, 1185–1199.
  • Vélez F., Segovia J.J., Martín M.C., Antolín G., Chejne F. and Quijano A., 2012, A Technical, Economical and Market Review of Organic Rankine Cycles for the Conversion of Low-Grade Heat for Power Generation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 4175–4189.
  • Zhai H., An Q., Shi L., Lemort V. and Quoilin S., 2016, Categorization and Analysis of Heat Sources for Organic Rankine Cycle Systems, Rene
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Burak Türkan Bu kişi benim

Akın Etemoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkan, B., & Etemoğlu, A. (2020). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR THERMAL ARCHITECTURES. Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 40(1), 65-76.