Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 167 - 175, 30.04.2020
Güven Güven Hasretyılmaz
Uğur Yay
Oğuz Turgut
Burak Tığlı
Nuri Türkoğlu
Bu çalışmanın amacı radyofrekans ablasyon metodunu kullanarak küresel şekilli karaciğer tümörlerinin yok edilmesidir. Üç boyutlu sonlu elemanlar metodu kullanılmıştır. Karaciğer dokusu için beş farklı radyofrekans prop küresel şekilli lezyonu oluşturmak için kullanılmıştır. İncelenen parametreler elektrik voltajı, ablasyon süresi, geometri ve elektrot sayısıdır. Sonuçlar lezyon hacmi ve sıcaklık dağılımı olarak verilmiştir. Sonuçlar literatür sonuçları ile kıyaslanmış ve sonuçların literatür sonuçları ile uyum içinde olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuçlar bir küresel şekilli karaciğer tümörünün dört elektrotlu yılbaşı ağacı tipi ve dört elektrotlu şemsiye-tipi elektrotlardan oluşan hibrit bir elektrot konstrüksiyonuyla yok edilebileceğini göstermiştir. Yaklaşık 20 mm çapındaki bir lezyonun sekiz dakika sonunda hibrit elektrot dizaynı ile yok edilebildiği görülmüştür. Hibrit elektrot konfigürasyonunun klinik uygulamalarda küresel şekilli karaciğer tümörlerinin tedavisi için kullanılması umulmaktadır.
- Ahmad M. I. M., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation with Monopolar Cluster Versus Bipolar Multipolar Electrodes for the Ablation of ⩾2.5 cm Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Egypt. J. Radiol. Nucl. Med., 47, 1443-1449.
- Audigier C., Mansi T., Delingette H., Rapaka S., Mihalef V., Carnegie D., Boctor E., Choti M., Kamen A., Ayache N. and Comaniciu D., 2015, Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Patient-Specific Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Tumors, IEEE T. Med. Imaging, 34, 1576-1589.
- Barajas M. S., Fraga T. C., Acevedo M. A. E. and Cabrera R. G., 2018, Radiofrequency Ablation: A Review of Current Knowledge, Therapeutic Perspectives, Complications, and Contraindication, Int. J. Biosen. Bioelectron, 4, 63-65.
- Cartier V., Boursier J., Lebigot J., Oberti F., Fouchard-Hubert F. and Aubé C., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Mono or Multipolar, J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 31, 654-660.
- Chang I. A. and Nguyen U. D., 2004, Thermal Modeling of Lesion Growth with Radiofrequency Ablation Devices, Biomed. Eng. 3, 1-19.
- Chen C. C. R., Miga M. I. and Galloway R. L., 2009, Optimizing Electrode Placement Using Finite-Element Models in Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment Planning, IEEE T. Bio-Med. Eng., 56, 237-245.
- Choi J. W., Lee J. M., Lee D. H., Yoon J. H., Suh K. S., Yoon J. H., Kim Y. J., Lee J. H., Yu S. J. and Han J. K., 2016, Switching Monopolar Radiofrequency Ablation Using a Separable Cluster Electrode in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Prospective Study, PLoS One, 11, 1-17.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2012a, EASL-EORTC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Eur. J. Cancer, 48, 599-641.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2012b, EASL-EORTC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, J. Hepatol., 56, 908-943.
- Curley S. A., Davidson B. S., Fleming R. Y., Izzo F., Stephens L. C., Tinkey P. and Cromeens D., 1997, Laparoscopically Guided Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation of Areas of Porcine Liver, Surg. Endosc., 11, 729-733.
- De Baere T., Denys A., Wood B. J., Lassau N., Kardache M., Vilgrain V., Menu Y. and Roche A., 2001, Radiofrequency Liver Ablation: Experimental Comparative Study of Water-Cooled Versus Expandable Systems, Am. J. Roentgenol., 176, 187-192.
- Duan B., Wen R., Fu Y., Chua K.J. and Chui C.K., 2016, Probabilistic Finite Element Method for Large Tumor Radiofrequency Ablation Simulation and Planning, Med. Eng. Phys., 38, 1360–1368.
- Ferenci P., Fried M., Labrecque D., Bruix J., Sherman M., Omata M., Heathcote J., Piratsivuth T., Kew M., Otegbayo J. A., Zheng S. S., Sarin S., Hamid S. S., Modawi S. B., Fleig W., Fedail S., Thomson A., Khan A., Malfertheiner P., Lau G., Carillo F. J., Krabshuis J. and Le Mair A., 2010, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): A Global Perspective, J. Clin. Gastroenterol., 44, 239-245.
- Givehchi S., Wong Y. H., Yeong C. H. and Abdullah B. J. J., 2018, Optimal Approach for Complete Liver Tumor Ablation Using Radiofrequency Ablation: A Simulation Study, Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 27, 81-89.
- Goldberg S. N., Gazelle G. S., Halpern E. F., Rittman W. J., Mueller P. R. and Rosenthal D. I., 1996, Radiofrequency Tissue Ablation: Importance of Local Temperature Along the Electrode Tip Exposure in Determining Lesion Size and Shape, Acad. Radiol. 3, 212-218.
- Haemmerich D., Chachati L., Wright A. S., Mahvi D. M., Lee Jr. F. T. and Webster J. G., 2003a, Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation with Internally Cooled Probes: Effect of Coolant Temperature on Lesion Size, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 50, 493-500.
- Haemmerich D., Wright A. W., Mahvi D. M., Lee Jr. F. T. and Webster J. G., 2003b, Hepatic Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation Creates Coagulation Zones Close to Blood Vessels: A Finite Element Study, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 41, 317-323.
- Hansen P. D., Rogers S., Corless C. L., Swanstrom L. L. and Siperstien A. E., 1999, Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions in a Pig Liver Model, J. Surg. Res., 87, 114-121.
- Ito N., Pfeffer J., Isfort P., Penzkofer T., Kuhl C. K., Mahnken A. H., Schmitz-Rode T. and Bruners P., 2014, Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation: Development of a New Expandable Device, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol., 37, 770-776.
- Kilic D., Uysal C., Akdur A., Kayipmaz C., Tepeoglu M., and Boyvat F., 2015, Chest Wall Implantation Metastasis Caused by Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatic Tumor, Ann. Thorac. Surg., 99, 1078–1080.
- Lee J. M, Han J. K., Kim S. H., Lee J. Y., Kim D. J., Lee M. W., Cho G. G., Han C. J. and Choi B. I., 2004, Saline-Enhanced Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation Using a Perfused-Cooled Electrode: Comparison of Dual Probe Bipolar Mode with Monopolar and Single Probe Bipolar Modes, Korean J. Radiol., 5, 121-127.
- Lencioni R., Goletti O., Armillotta N., Paolicchi A., Moretti M., Cioni D., Donati F., Cicorelli A., Ricci S., Carrai M., Conte P. F., Cavina E. and Bartolozzi C., 1998, Radio-Frequency Thermal Ablation of Liver Metastases with a Cooled-Tip Electrode Needle: Results of a Pilot Clinical Trial, Eur. Radiol., 8, 1205-1211.
- Lin S. M. and Lin D. Y., 2003, Percutaneous Local Ablation Therapy in Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Chang. Gung. Med. J, 26, 308-314.
- Livraghi T., Goldberg S. N., Lazzaroni S., Meloni F., Solbiati L. and Gazelle G. S., 1999, Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Treatment with Radio-Frequency Ablation Versus Ethanol Injection, Radiology, 210, 655-661.
- Livraghi T., Goldberg S. N., Monti F., Bizzini A., Lazzaroni S., Meloni F., Pellicanò S., Solbiati L. and Gazelle G. S., 1997, Saline-Enhanced Radio-Frequency Tissue Ablation in the Treatment of Liver Metastases, Radiology, 202, 205-210.
- Mazzaferro V., Llovet J. M., Miceli R., Bhoori S., Schiavo M.. and Majno P., 2009, Predicting Survival after Liver Transplantation in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Beyond the Milan Criteria: A Retrospective, Exploratory Analysis, Lancet Oncol., 10, 35-43.
- McGahan J. P., Browning P. D., Brock J. M. and Tesluk H., 1990, Hepatic Ablation Using Radiofrequency Electrocautery, Invest. Radiol., 25, 267-270.
- Mulier S., Miao Y., Mulier P., Dupas B., Pereira P., De Baere T., Lencioni R., Leveillee R., Marchal G., Michel L. and Ni Y., 2005, Electrodes and Multiple Electrode Systems for Radio Frequency Ablation: A Proposal for Updated Terminology, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 15, 798-808.
- Ozbek O., Keskin F., Kaya H. E., Guler I., Nayman A., and Koc O., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation of A Rare Pathology: Vertebral Intraosseous Lipoma, Spine J., 16, e155
- Poon D., Anderson B. O., Chen L. T., Tanaka K., Lau W. Y., Van Cutsem E., Singh H., Chow W. C., Ooi L. L., Chow P., Khin M. W. and Koo W. H., 2009, Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Asia: Consensus Statement from the Asian Oncology Summit 2009, Lancet Oncol., 10, 1111-1118.
- Rossi S., Buscarini E., Garbagnati F., Di Stasi M., Quaretti P., Rago M., Zangrandi A., Andreola S., Silverman D. and Buscarini L., 1998, Percutaneous Treatment of Small Hepatic Tumors by an Expendable RF Needle Electrode, Am. J. Roentgenol., 170, 1015-1022.
Rossi S., Fornari F., Pathies C. and Buscarini L., 1990, Thermal Lesion Induced by 480 kHz Localized Current Field in Guinea Pig and Pig Liver, Tumori, 76, 54-57.
- Shao Y. L., Arjun B., Leo H. L. and Chua K. J., 2017, Nano-Assisted Radiofrequency Ablation of Clinically Extracted Irregularly-Shaped Liver Tumors, J. Therm. Biol., 66, 101–113.
- Stippel D. L., Brochhagen H. G., Arenja M., Hunkemöller J., Hölscher A. H. and Beckurts K. T., 2004, Variability of Size and Shape of Necrosis Induced by Radiofrequency Ablation in Human Livers: A Volumetric Evaluation, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 11, 420–425.
- Tatli S., Tapan U., Morrison P. R. and Silverman S. G., 2012, Radiofrequency Ablation: Technique and Clinical Applications, Diagn. Interv. Radiol., 18, 508-516.
- Tungjitkusolmun S., Staelin S.T., Haemmerich D., Tsai J. Z., Cao H. Webster J. G., Lee F. T., Mahvi D. M. and Vorperian V. R., 2002, Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Analyses for Radio-Frequency Hepatic Tumor Ablation. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 49, 3-9.
- Verslype C., Rosmorduc O. and Rougier P., 2012, Hepatocellular Carcinoma: ESMO-ESDO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up. Ann. Oncol., 23, 41-48.
- Yang L., Wen R., Qin J., Chui C. K., Lim K. B. and Chang S., 2010, A Robotic System for Overlapping Radiofrequency Ablation in Large Tumor Treatment, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron., 15, 887-897.
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 167 - 175, 30.04.2020
Güven Güven Hasretyılmaz
Uğur Yay
Oğuz Turgut
Burak Tığlı
Nuri Türkoğlu
The purpose of this study is to destroy spherical shape hepatic tumors using radiofrequency ablation method. Three-dimensional finite elements method has been employed. Five different radiofrequency probes for liver tissue have been used to create a spherical-shaped lesion. Investigated parameters are the electrical voltage, ablation time, geometry and number of electrodes. Results have been given as lesion volume and temperature distribution. Results have been compared with the literature results, and it is seen that present results are in good agreement with the literature results. Results show that a spherical shape hepatic tumor can be destroyed using a hybrid electrode construction consisting of four Christmas-tree and four umbrella-shaped electrodes. It is seen that approximately 20 mm-diameter of lesion can be destroyed using hybrid electrode design after eight minutes. It is hoped that hybrid electrode configuration can be used for treatment of spherical shape hepatic tumors in clinical applications.
- Ahmad M. I. M., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation with Monopolar Cluster Versus Bipolar Multipolar Electrodes for the Ablation of ⩾2.5 cm Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Egypt. J. Radiol. Nucl. Med., 47, 1443-1449.
- Audigier C., Mansi T., Delingette H., Rapaka S., Mihalef V., Carnegie D., Boctor E., Choti M., Kamen A., Ayache N. and Comaniciu D., 2015, Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Patient-Specific Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Tumors, IEEE T. Med. Imaging, 34, 1576-1589.
- Barajas M. S., Fraga T. C., Acevedo M. A. E. and Cabrera R. G., 2018, Radiofrequency Ablation: A Review of Current Knowledge, Therapeutic Perspectives, Complications, and Contraindication, Int. J. Biosen. Bioelectron, 4, 63-65.
- Cartier V., Boursier J., Lebigot J., Oberti F., Fouchard-Hubert F. and Aubé C., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Mono or Multipolar, J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 31, 654-660.
- Chang I. A. and Nguyen U. D., 2004, Thermal Modeling of Lesion Growth with Radiofrequency Ablation Devices, Biomed. Eng. 3, 1-19.
- Chen C. C. R., Miga M. I. and Galloway R. L., 2009, Optimizing Electrode Placement Using Finite-Element Models in Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment Planning, IEEE T. Bio-Med. Eng., 56, 237-245.
- Choi J. W., Lee J. M., Lee D. H., Yoon J. H., Suh K. S., Yoon J. H., Kim Y. J., Lee J. H., Yu S. J. and Han J. K., 2016, Switching Monopolar Radiofrequency Ablation Using a Separable Cluster Electrode in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Prospective Study, PLoS One, 11, 1-17.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2012a, EASL-EORTC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Eur. J. Cancer, 48, 599-641.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines, 2012b, EASL-EORTC Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, J. Hepatol., 56, 908-943.
- Curley S. A., Davidson B. S., Fleming R. Y., Izzo F., Stephens L. C., Tinkey P. and Cromeens D., 1997, Laparoscopically Guided Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation of Areas of Porcine Liver, Surg. Endosc., 11, 729-733.
- De Baere T., Denys A., Wood B. J., Lassau N., Kardache M., Vilgrain V., Menu Y. and Roche A., 2001, Radiofrequency Liver Ablation: Experimental Comparative Study of Water-Cooled Versus Expandable Systems, Am. J. Roentgenol., 176, 187-192.
- Duan B., Wen R., Fu Y., Chua K.J. and Chui C.K., 2016, Probabilistic Finite Element Method for Large Tumor Radiofrequency Ablation Simulation and Planning, Med. Eng. Phys., 38, 1360–1368.
- Ferenci P., Fried M., Labrecque D., Bruix J., Sherman M., Omata M., Heathcote J., Piratsivuth T., Kew M., Otegbayo J. A., Zheng S. S., Sarin S., Hamid S. S., Modawi S. B., Fleig W., Fedail S., Thomson A., Khan A., Malfertheiner P., Lau G., Carillo F. J., Krabshuis J. and Le Mair A., 2010, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): A Global Perspective, J. Clin. Gastroenterol., 44, 239-245.
- Givehchi S., Wong Y. H., Yeong C. H. and Abdullah B. J. J., 2018, Optimal Approach for Complete Liver Tumor Ablation Using Radiofrequency Ablation: A Simulation Study, Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 27, 81-89.
- Goldberg S. N., Gazelle G. S., Halpern E. F., Rittman W. J., Mueller P. R. and Rosenthal D. I., 1996, Radiofrequency Tissue Ablation: Importance of Local Temperature Along the Electrode Tip Exposure in Determining Lesion Size and Shape, Acad. Radiol. 3, 212-218.
- Haemmerich D., Chachati L., Wright A. S., Mahvi D. M., Lee Jr. F. T. and Webster J. G., 2003a, Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation with Internally Cooled Probes: Effect of Coolant Temperature on Lesion Size, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 50, 493-500.
- Haemmerich D., Wright A. W., Mahvi D. M., Lee Jr. F. T. and Webster J. G., 2003b, Hepatic Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation Creates Coagulation Zones Close to Blood Vessels: A Finite Element Study, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 41, 317-323.
- Hansen P. D., Rogers S., Corless C. L., Swanstrom L. L. and Siperstien A. E., 1999, Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions in a Pig Liver Model, J. Surg. Res., 87, 114-121.
- Ito N., Pfeffer J., Isfort P., Penzkofer T., Kuhl C. K., Mahnken A. H., Schmitz-Rode T. and Bruners P., 2014, Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation: Development of a New Expandable Device, Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol., 37, 770-776.
- Kilic D., Uysal C., Akdur A., Kayipmaz C., Tepeoglu M., and Boyvat F., 2015, Chest Wall Implantation Metastasis Caused by Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatic Tumor, Ann. Thorac. Surg., 99, 1078–1080.
- Lee J. M, Han J. K., Kim S. H., Lee J. Y., Kim D. J., Lee M. W., Cho G. G., Han C. J. and Choi B. I., 2004, Saline-Enhanced Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation Using a Perfused-Cooled Electrode: Comparison of Dual Probe Bipolar Mode with Monopolar and Single Probe Bipolar Modes, Korean J. Radiol., 5, 121-127.
- Lencioni R., Goletti O., Armillotta N., Paolicchi A., Moretti M., Cioni D., Donati F., Cicorelli A., Ricci S., Carrai M., Conte P. F., Cavina E. and Bartolozzi C., 1998, Radio-Frequency Thermal Ablation of Liver Metastases with a Cooled-Tip Electrode Needle: Results of a Pilot Clinical Trial, Eur. Radiol., 8, 1205-1211.
- Lin S. M. and Lin D. Y., 2003, Percutaneous Local Ablation Therapy in Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Chang. Gung. Med. J, 26, 308-314.
- Livraghi T., Goldberg S. N., Lazzaroni S., Meloni F., Solbiati L. and Gazelle G. S., 1999, Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Treatment with Radio-Frequency Ablation Versus Ethanol Injection, Radiology, 210, 655-661.
- Livraghi T., Goldberg S. N., Monti F., Bizzini A., Lazzaroni S., Meloni F., Pellicanò S., Solbiati L. and Gazelle G. S., 1997, Saline-Enhanced Radio-Frequency Tissue Ablation in the Treatment of Liver Metastases, Radiology, 202, 205-210.
- Mazzaferro V., Llovet J. M., Miceli R., Bhoori S., Schiavo M.. and Majno P., 2009, Predicting Survival after Liver Transplantation in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Beyond the Milan Criteria: A Retrospective, Exploratory Analysis, Lancet Oncol., 10, 35-43.
- McGahan J. P., Browning P. D., Brock J. M. and Tesluk H., 1990, Hepatic Ablation Using Radiofrequency Electrocautery, Invest. Radiol., 25, 267-270.
- Mulier S., Miao Y., Mulier P., Dupas B., Pereira P., De Baere T., Lencioni R., Leveillee R., Marchal G., Michel L. and Ni Y., 2005, Electrodes and Multiple Electrode Systems for Radio Frequency Ablation: A Proposal for Updated Terminology, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 15, 798-808.
- Ozbek O., Keskin F., Kaya H. E., Guler I., Nayman A., and Koc O., 2016, Radiofrequency Ablation of A Rare Pathology: Vertebral Intraosseous Lipoma, Spine J., 16, e155
- Poon D., Anderson B. O., Chen L. T., Tanaka K., Lau W. Y., Van Cutsem E., Singh H., Chow W. C., Ooi L. L., Chow P., Khin M. W. and Koo W. H., 2009, Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Asia: Consensus Statement from the Asian Oncology Summit 2009, Lancet Oncol., 10, 1111-1118.
- Rossi S., Buscarini E., Garbagnati F., Di Stasi M., Quaretti P., Rago M., Zangrandi A., Andreola S., Silverman D. and Buscarini L., 1998, Percutaneous Treatment of Small Hepatic Tumors by an Expendable RF Needle Electrode, Am. J. Roentgenol., 170, 1015-1022.
Rossi S., Fornari F., Pathies C. and Buscarini L., 1990, Thermal Lesion Induced by 480 kHz Localized Current Field in Guinea Pig and Pig Liver, Tumori, 76, 54-57.
- Shao Y. L., Arjun B., Leo H. L. and Chua K. J., 2017, Nano-Assisted Radiofrequency Ablation of Clinically Extracted Irregularly-Shaped Liver Tumors, J. Therm. Biol., 66, 101–113.
- Stippel D. L., Brochhagen H. G., Arenja M., Hunkemöller J., Hölscher A. H. and Beckurts K. T., 2004, Variability of Size and Shape of Necrosis Induced by Radiofrequency Ablation in Human Livers: A Volumetric Evaluation, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 11, 420–425.
- Tatli S., Tapan U., Morrison P. R. and Silverman S. G., 2012, Radiofrequency Ablation: Technique and Clinical Applications, Diagn. Interv. Radiol., 18, 508-516.
- Tungjitkusolmun S., Staelin S.T., Haemmerich D., Tsai J. Z., Cao H. Webster J. G., Lee F. T., Mahvi D. M. and Vorperian V. R., 2002, Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Analyses for Radio-Frequency Hepatic Tumor Ablation. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 49, 3-9.
- Verslype C., Rosmorduc O. and Rougier P., 2012, Hepatocellular Carcinoma: ESMO-ESDO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up. Ann. Oncol., 23, 41-48.
- Yang L., Wen R., Qin J., Chui C. K., Lim K. B. and Chang S., 2010, A Robotic System for Overlapping Radiofrequency Ablation in Large Tumor Treatment, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron., 15, 887-897.