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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 75 - 90, 30.04.2022


Sunulan çalışmada, buji ateşlemeli bir otomobil motorunda (Renault Clio) emme havasına su eklenmesinin (EHSE) motor performansı ve egzoz emisyonları üzerindeki etkileri deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Deneyler; dört farklı motor devrinde ve % (3, 6, 9 ve 12, hacimsel oran) gibi dört farklı su oranında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her motor devri için 6 faklı yükleme durumu seçilmiştir. Ayrıca motorun maksimum devri 6000 d/d için 5 tane yük değeri seçilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda; EHSE ile özgül yakıt tüketiminin (ÖYT) (3000, 4000 ve 5000) d/d için azaldığı belirlenmiştir. (3000, 4000 ve 5000) d/d devir sayılarında ÖYT’nde bulunan maksimum azalma oranları sırasıyla % 5.60 su oranında % 28.27, % 2.67 su oranında % 4.160 ve % 9.0 su oranında % 7.19 düzeyinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte; ÖYT, 6000 d/d devir sayısında EHSE ile artmıştır. EHSE ile, NOx’lerin ve HC’lerin ise seçilen tüm çalışma koşullarında genel olarak azaldığı görülmüştür. (3000, 4000, 5000 ve 6000) d/d devir sayılarında; NOx’lerde elde edilen maksimum azalma oranları sırasıyla, % 8.67 su oranında % 37.80, % 12.18 su oranında % 58.21 ve % 12.17 su oranında % 57.80 % 12.12 su oranında % 66.17düzeylerinde olmuştur. Aynı devir sayıları için EHSE ile HC’lerde ortalama % 9.40 düzeyinde azalma sağlanmıştır. EHSE ile; 3000 d/d devir sayısında CO emisyonunu azalmasına karşın, (4000 ve 5000) d/d’da CO emisyonu genel olarak artmıştır. 6000 d/d devir sayısında ise CO oranları EHSE ile önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Bu çalışmada deneysel verilerin değerlendirilmesi sonunda, hem motor karakteristikleri ve hem de egzoz emisyonları açısından yaklaşık % 9 su oranının en iyi su oranı olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Arabaci E., Içingür Y., Solmaz H., Uyumaz A., Yılmaz E., 2015, Experimental investigation of the effects of direct water injection parameters on engine performance in a six-stroke engine, Energy Conversion & Management, 98, 89-97.
  • Awad O. I., Mamata R., Ibrahim T. K., Hammid A. T., Yusria I. M., Hamidi M. A., Humadad A. M., Yusopa A. F., 2018, Overview of the Oxygenated Fuels in Spark Ignition Engine: Environmental and Performance, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91, 394-408.
  • Babu A. R., Rao G. A. P., Prasad T. H., 2015, Direct Injection of Water Mist in an Intake Manifold Spark Ignition Engine, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 12, 2809-2819. Bozza F., Bellis V. D., Teodosio L., 2016, Potentials of Cooled EGR and Water Injection for Knock Resistance and Fuel Consumption Improvements of Gasoline Engines, Applied Energy, 169, 112–125.
  • Deng X., Chen Z., Wangb X., Zhen H., Xie R., 2018, Exhaust Noise, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Pure Gasoline and Hydrous Ethanol Gasoline Blends, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 12, 55-63.
  • Durgun O., 2018, İçten Yanmalı Motorlar, Temel İlkeler, TMMOB Gemi Mühendisleri Odası, İstanbul.
  • Durgun O., 1990, Experimental Methods in Engines, Lecturer Notes for Laboratory, KTU Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Eng. Dep., Trabzon.
  • Fan Y., Wu T., Xiao Di., Xu H., Li X., Xu M., 2021, Effect of port water injection on the characteristics of combustion and emissions in a spark ignition direct injection engine, Fuel, 283 (1), 119271.
  • Fahd M.E.A., Wenming Y., Lee P. S., Chou S. K., Yap C. R., 2013, Experimental investigation of the perf. and emission characteristics of direct injection diesel engine by water emulsion diesel under varying engine load condition, Applied Energy, 102, 1042-1049.
  • Feng R., Fu J., Yang J., Wang Y., Li Y., Deng B., 2015, Combustion and emissions study on motorcycle engine fueled with butanol-gasoline blend, Renewable Energy, 81:113-122.
  • Galloni E., Fontana G., Staccone S., Scala F., 2016, Performance analyses of a spark-ignition engine firing with gasoline–butanol blends at partial load operation, Energy Conversion & Management, 110, 319–326.
  • Harrington J. A., 1982, Water Addition to Gasoline- Effect on Combustion, Emissions, Performance and Knock, SAE paper, 820314.
  • Heywood J. B., 1988, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamental, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Holman J. P., 2001, Experimental Methods for Engineers, (7th ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Internet 2016, Böhm M., Durst B., Unterweger G., Rubbert S., Approaches for On-board Water Provision for Water Injection
  • Merola S. S., Irimescu A., Vaglieco B. M., 2020, Influence of water injection on combustion identified through spectroscopy in an optical direct injection spark ignition engine, Fuel, 273, 117729.
  • Mingrui W., Thanh Sa. N., Turkson R. F., Jinping L., Guanlun G., 2017, Water Injection for Higher Engine Performance and Lower Emissions, Journal of the Energy Institute, 90, 285-299.
  • Nguyen Q. A., and Wu Y. Y., 2009, Experimental Investigations of Using Water-Gasoline Emulsions as a NOx Treatment and its Effects on Performance and Emissions of Lean-Burn Spark-Ignition Engine, Proc of the International Conference on Power Engineering-09 (ICOPE-09), November 16-20, Kobe, Japan.
  • Osama H. G., Gabriel B., 2019, Use of Water Injection Technique to Improve the Combustion Efficiency of the Spark-Ignition Engine: A Model Study, JEE Journal of Ecological Engineering, 20 (2), 226–233.
  • Peters B. D., and Stebar R. F., 1976, Water-Gasoline Fuels-Their Effect on Spark Ignition Engine Emissions and Performance, SAE Transactions, 85 (3) 760430–760707, 1832-1853.
  • Rocha D. D., Radicchi F. C., Lopes G. S., Brunocilla M. F., Gomes P.C.F., Santos N.D.S.A., Malaquias A.C.T., Filho F.A.R., Baeta J.G.C., 2021, Study of the water injection control parameters on combustion performance of a spark-ignition engine, 217 (15), 119346.
  • Subramanian K. A., 2011, A comparison of water–diesel emulsion and timed injection of water into the intake manifold of a diesel engine for simultaneous control of NO and smoke emissions, Energy Conversion and Management, 52, 849–57.
  • Şahin Z., Aksu O. N., Durgun O., 2017, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of n-Butanol Fumigation on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine, International Conference of advenced engineering Technology (ICADET), 21-23 September, Bayburt.
  • Şahin Z., Durgun O., 2015, Aksu O. N., Experimental Investigation of n-Butanol/Diesel Fuel Blends and n-Butanol Fumigation–Evaluation of Engine Performance, Exhaust Emissions, Heat Release and Flammability Analysis, Energy Conver. and Manag., 103, 778–789. Şahin Z., Tuti M., Durgun O., 2014, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Water Adding to the Intake Air on the Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a DI Automotive Diesel Engine, Fuel, 115, 884–895.
  • Tiryaki D., 2008, Benzin Motorlarında Emme Havasına Su Eklenmesinin Motor Performansına ve Eksoz Emisyonlarına Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Tiryaki D., Durgun O., 2010, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Adding Water to the Intake Air of Gasoline Engines on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions, 11th International Combustion Sym., Sarajevo.
  • Valentino G., Siano D., Bozza F., Marchitto L., Tornatore C., 2017, Effect of Water Injection on Performance, Gas Emission and Combustion Noise of a 2-Cylinder Turbocharged SI Engine: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, 40th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, June 07-09, Italy. Wang Y., Yu X., Ding Y., Du Y., Zhao Z., Zuo X., 2018, Experimental Comparative Study on Combustion and Particle Emission of n-Butanol and Gasoline Adopting Different Injection Approaches in a Spark Engine Equipped with Dual-Inj. System, Fuel, 211, 837-849.
  • Wilson J. P., 2011, Effects of Water Injection and Increased Compression Ratio in a Gasoline Spark Ignition Engine, Master Thesis, University of Idaho, USA.
  • Worm J., 2017, The Impact Of Water Injection On Spark Ignition Engine Perf. Under High Load Operation, Master Thesis, Michigan Technological University.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 75 - 90, 30.04.2022


In the present study, the effects of water addition into intake air (WAIA) on the engine performance and exhaust emissions have been investigated experimentally in an automotive spark-ignition engine (SIE) which is used in Renault Clio vehicles. Experiments have been performed for (3, 6, 9 and 12) % (by vol.) water ratios (WRs) at different engine speeds and different loads. Selected engine speeds were (3000, 4000 5000, and 6000) rpms. 6000 rpm is the maximum speed of this engine. Selected loads were (100, 90, 80, 70, 60, and 50) Nm for (3000, 4000, and 5000) rpms and were (80, 75, 70, 65 and 65) Nm for 6000 rpm, respectively. The test results showed that WAIA decreases significantly brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) at (3000, 4000, and 5000) rpms, but it increases BSFC at 6000 rpm. The maximum reduction ratios of BSFC at (3000, 4000, and 5000) rpms have been attained at the levels of 28.27 % for 5.60 % WR, 4.160 for 2.67 % WR and 7.19 % for 9.00 % WR, respectively. WAIA generally decreases nitrogen oxides (NOx) and total hydrocarbon (HC) emissions at all of the selected operating conditions. At (3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000) rpms, the maximum reduction ratios of NOx have been reached at the levels of 37.80 % for 8.67 % WR, 58.21 % for 12.18 WR, 57.80 % for 12.17 WR and 66.17% for 12.12.WR, respectively. Approximately 9.40 % decrement in HC was achieved by WAIA at the selected engine speeds. Carbon monoxide (CO) emission decreases by applying WAIA at 3000 rpm whereas it generally increases at (4000 and 5000) rpms. Unlike other engine speeds, WAIA increases CO emission significantly at 6000 rpm. Approximately 9 % WR yields the best results for engine performance and exhaust emissions at all of the selected operating conditions.


  • Arabaci E., Içingür Y., Solmaz H., Uyumaz A., Yılmaz E., 2015, Experimental investigation of the effects of direct water injection parameters on engine performance in a six-stroke engine, Energy Conversion & Management, 98, 89-97.
  • Awad O. I., Mamata R., Ibrahim T. K., Hammid A. T., Yusria I. M., Hamidi M. A., Humadad A. M., Yusopa A. F., 2018, Overview of the Oxygenated Fuels in Spark Ignition Engine: Environmental and Performance, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91, 394-408.
  • Babu A. R., Rao G. A. P., Prasad T. H., 2015, Direct Injection of Water Mist in an Intake Manifold Spark Ignition Engine, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 12, 2809-2819. Bozza F., Bellis V. D., Teodosio L., 2016, Potentials of Cooled EGR and Water Injection for Knock Resistance and Fuel Consumption Improvements of Gasoline Engines, Applied Energy, 169, 112–125.
  • Deng X., Chen Z., Wangb X., Zhen H., Xie R., 2018, Exhaust Noise, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Pure Gasoline and Hydrous Ethanol Gasoline Blends, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 12, 55-63.
  • Durgun O., 2018, İçten Yanmalı Motorlar, Temel İlkeler, TMMOB Gemi Mühendisleri Odası, İstanbul.
  • Durgun O., 1990, Experimental Methods in Engines, Lecturer Notes for Laboratory, KTU Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Eng. Dep., Trabzon.
  • Fan Y., Wu T., Xiao Di., Xu H., Li X., Xu M., 2021, Effect of port water injection on the characteristics of combustion and emissions in a spark ignition direct injection engine, Fuel, 283 (1), 119271.
  • Fahd M.E.A., Wenming Y., Lee P. S., Chou S. K., Yap C. R., 2013, Experimental investigation of the perf. and emission characteristics of direct injection diesel engine by water emulsion diesel under varying engine load condition, Applied Energy, 102, 1042-1049.
  • Feng R., Fu J., Yang J., Wang Y., Li Y., Deng B., 2015, Combustion and emissions study on motorcycle engine fueled with butanol-gasoline blend, Renewable Energy, 81:113-122.
  • Galloni E., Fontana G., Staccone S., Scala F., 2016, Performance analyses of a spark-ignition engine firing with gasoline–butanol blends at partial load operation, Energy Conversion & Management, 110, 319–326.
  • Harrington J. A., 1982, Water Addition to Gasoline- Effect on Combustion, Emissions, Performance and Knock, SAE paper, 820314.
  • Heywood J. B., 1988, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamental, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Holman J. P., 2001, Experimental Methods for Engineers, (7th ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Internet 2016, Böhm M., Durst B., Unterweger G., Rubbert S., Approaches for On-board Water Provision for Water Injection
  • Merola S. S., Irimescu A., Vaglieco B. M., 2020, Influence of water injection on combustion identified through spectroscopy in an optical direct injection spark ignition engine, Fuel, 273, 117729.
  • Mingrui W., Thanh Sa. N., Turkson R. F., Jinping L., Guanlun G., 2017, Water Injection for Higher Engine Performance and Lower Emissions, Journal of the Energy Institute, 90, 285-299.
  • Nguyen Q. A., and Wu Y. Y., 2009, Experimental Investigations of Using Water-Gasoline Emulsions as a NOx Treatment and its Effects on Performance and Emissions of Lean-Burn Spark-Ignition Engine, Proc of the International Conference on Power Engineering-09 (ICOPE-09), November 16-20, Kobe, Japan.
  • Osama H. G., Gabriel B., 2019, Use of Water Injection Technique to Improve the Combustion Efficiency of the Spark-Ignition Engine: A Model Study, JEE Journal of Ecological Engineering, 20 (2), 226–233.
  • Peters B. D., and Stebar R. F., 1976, Water-Gasoline Fuels-Their Effect on Spark Ignition Engine Emissions and Performance, SAE Transactions, 85 (3) 760430–760707, 1832-1853.
  • Rocha D. D., Radicchi F. C., Lopes G. S., Brunocilla M. F., Gomes P.C.F., Santos N.D.S.A., Malaquias A.C.T., Filho F.A.R., Baeta J.G.C., 2021, Study of the water injection control parameters on combustion performance of a spark-ignition engine, 217 (15), 119346.
  • Subramanian K. A., 2011, A comparison of water–diesel emulsion and timed injection of water into the intake manifold of a diesel engine for simultaneous control of NO and smoke emissions, Energy Conversion and Management, 52, 849–57.
  • Şahin Z., Aksu O. N., Durgun O., 2017, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of n-Butanol Fumigation on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a Turbocharged DI Diesel Engine, International Conference of advenced engineering Technology (ICADET), 21-23 September, Bayburt.
  • Şahin Z., Durgun O., 2015, Aksu O. N., Experimental Investigation of n-Butanol/Diesel Fuel Blends and n-Butanol Fumigation–Evaluation of Engine Performance, Exhaust Emissions, Heat Release and Flammability Analysis, Energy Conver. and Manag., 103, 778–789. Şahin Z., Tuti M., Durgun O., 2014, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Water Adding to the Intake Air on the Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in a DI Automotive Diesel Engine, Fuel, 115, 884–895.
  • Tiryaki D., 2008, Benzin Motorlarında Emme Havasına Su Eklenmesinin Motor Performansına ve Eksoz Emisyonlarına Etkilerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Tiryaki D., Durgun O., 2010, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Adding Water to the Intake Air of Gasoline Engines on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions, 11th International Combustion Sym., Sarajevo.
  • Valentino G., Siano D., Bozza F., Marchitto L., Tornatore C., 2017, Effect of Water Injection on Performance, Gas Emission and Combustion Noise of a 2-Cylinder Turbocharged SI Engine: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, 40th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, June 07-09, Italy. Wang Y., Yu X., Ding Y., Du Y., Zhao Z., Zuo X., 2018, Experimental Comparative Study on Combustion and Particle Emission of n-Butanol and Gasoline Adopting Different Injection Approaches in a Spark Engine Equipped with Dual-Inj. System, Fuel, 211, 837-849.
  • Wilson J. P., 2011, Effects of Water Injection and Increased Compression Ratio in a Gasoline Spark Ignition Engine, Master Thesis, University of Idaho, USA.
  • Worm J., 2017, The Impact Of Water Injection On Spark Ignition Engine Perf. Under High Load Operation, Master Thesis, Michigan Technological University.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Makine Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Derya Soysal Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3371-9540

Zehra Şahin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7140-2061

Orhan Durgun Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6381-0690

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster