Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1, 191 - 205, 03.06.2024


Combustion stability in diesel engines is defined by cycle-to-cycle variations. In this study, effects of piston coating and engine load on cycle-to-cycle combustion behavior were investigated in a diesel engine operated on gaseous fuel mixture at different loads. Coated and uncoated piston tests under dual-fuel and single diesel modes were performed at three different loads including 50 Nm, 75 Nm, and 100 Nm at a constant speed of 1750 rpm. The piston bowls were coated by %8 yttria stabilized zirconia with the thickness of 0.4 mm. Dual-fuel mode is consisted of mixture of hydrogen enriched synthetic biogas, with the percentage of 80% CH4, 10% CO2, and 10% H2. Main combustion parameters (cylinder pressure with crank angle, peak cylinder pressure (CPmax), peak pressure rise rate (PRRmax), indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), CA10, CA50, CA90, and CA10-90 duration) were addressed in view of cyclic aspects. The results showed that the piston coating was comparatively more effective in reducing the coefficient of variation (COV) and standard deviation (SD) values of main combustion parameters, especially at low and medium loads. SD, frequency distribution, and COVs of CPmax and IMEP were quite better at a medium test load of 75 Nm. The piston coating also reduced COV of CP with crank angle under all tests. As increasing the engine load, cyclic samples of CPmax and PRRmax enhanced and advanced for both diesel and dual-fuel modes. By the piston coating and engine loads, Cyclic CA10 and CA50 variations were slightly affected whereas cyclic CA90 were tremendously changed. Therefore, CA10-90 period was importantly affected by piston coating and load. The highest relationship among the main combustion parameters was between CPmax and PRRmax for both piston cases. In dual-fuel mode, a strong relationship emerged between IMEP and CPmax at low load.


  • Adomeit P., Lang O., Pishinger S., Aymanns R., Graf M., Stapf G., 2007, Analysis of cyclic fluctuations of charge motion and mixture formation in a DISI engine in stratified operation, SAE Technical Paper, 2007-01-1412.
  • Ali H.L., Li F., Wang Z., Shuai S., 2018, Effect of ceramic coated pistons on the performance of a compressed natural gas engine, IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 417, 012021.
  • Assanis D., Wiese K., Schwarz E., Bryzik W., 1991, The effects of ceramic coatings on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions, SAE Technical Paper, 910460.
  • Aydin H., 2013, Combined effects of thermal barrier coating and blending with diesel fuel on usability of vegetable oils in diesel engines, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013;51(1-2):623-9.
  • Aydın S., Sayin C., Aydin H., 2015, Investigation of the usability of biodiesel obtained from residual frying oil in a diesel engine with thermal barrier coating, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 212-9.
  • Barton R., Kenemuth D., Lestz S., Meyer W, 1970, Cycle-by-cycle variations of a spark ignition engine- A statistical analysis, SAE Technical Paper, 700488.
  • Bouguessa R., Tarabet L., Loubar K., Bilmrabet T., Tazerout M., 2020, Experimental investigation on biogas enrichment with hydrogen for improving the combustion in diesel engine operating under dual fuel mode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(15), 9052 – 63.
  • Caputo S., Millo F., Boccardo G., Piano A., Cifali G., Pesce F.C., 2019, Numerical and experimental investigation of a piston thermal barrier coating for an automotive diesel engine application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 162, 114233.
  • Cerit M. and Coban M., 2014, Temperature and thermal stress analyses of a ceramic-coated aluminum alloy piston used in a diesel engine, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 77, 11-8.
  • Chen Z., He J., Chen H., Geng L., Zhang P., 2021, Experimental study on cycle-to-cycle variations in natural gas/methanol bi-fueled engine under excess air/fuel ratio at 1.6, Energy, 224, 120233.
  • Civiniz M., Hasimoğlu C., Şahin F., Salman M.S., 2008, Impact of thermal barrier coating application on the performance and emissions of a turbocharged diesel engine, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 222(12), 2447-55.
  • Godiganur V.S., Nayaka S., Kumar G.N., 2021, Thermal barrier coating for diesel engine application – A review. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45,133-7.
  • Goud G.B., Singh C.T.D.K., 2015, Investigation of CI diesel engine emission control and performance parameters using biodiesel with YSZ coated piston crown. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(3), 467-74.
  • Gupta S.K. and Mittal M., 2019, Effect of compression ratio on the performance and emission characteristics, and cycle-to-cycle combustion variations of a spark-ignition engine fueled with bio-methane surrogate, Applied Thermal Engineering, 148, 1440-53.
  • Hazar H., 2010, Cotton methyl ester usage in a diesel engine equipped with insulated combustion chamber, Applied Energy, 87,134-40.
  • Hazar H., Ozturk U., Gül H., 2016, Characterization and effect of using peanut seed oil methyl ester as a fuel in a low heat rejection diesel engine, Energy&Fuels, 30(10), 8425-31.
  • Heywowski T., Weronski A., The effect of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine performance, Vacuum, 65, 427-32.
  • Kyrtatos P., Brücker C., Bouchoulos K., 2016, Cycle-to-cycle variations in diesel engines, Applied Energy, 171, 120-32.
  • Lawrence P., Mathews P.K., Deepanraj B., 2011, Experimental investigation on performance and emission characteristics of low heat rejection diesel engine with ethanol as fuel, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4), 348-54.
  • Liu J.J., Ding S.F., Ding S.L., Gao J.S., Song E.Z., Yang F.Y., 2022, Effects of gas injection timing on combustion instability for a spark ignition natural gas engine under low load, Applied Thermal Engineering, 206, 118144.
  • Özer S., Vural E., Özel S., 2021, Effects of fusel oil use in a thermal coated engine, Fuel, 306, 121716.
  • Pera C., Chevillard S., Reveillon J.,2013, Effects of residual burnt gas heterogeneity on early flame propagation and on cyclic variability in spark-ignited engines, Combustion and Flame, 160(6), 1020-32.
  • Ramasamy N., Kalam M.A., Varman M., Teoh Y.H., 2021, Comparative studies of piston crown coating with YSZ and AL2O3.SiO2 on engine out responses using conventional diesel and palm oil biodiesel, Coatings, 11(8), 885.
  • Ramu P., Saravanan C.G.,2009, Effect of ZrO2-Al2O3 and SiC coating on diesel engine to study the combustion and emission characteristics, SAE Technical Paper, 2009-01-1435.
  • Ramu P., Saravanan C.G., 2009, Investigation of combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine with oxygenated fuels and thermal barrier coating, Energy&Fuels, 23(2), 653-6.
  • Reddy G.V., Krupakaran R.L., Tarigonda H., Reddy A.R., Rasu N.G., 2021, Energy balance and emission analysis on diesel engine using different thermal barrier coated pistons. Materials Today: Proceedings, 43(1), 646-54.
  • Schulz U., Leyens C., Fritscher K., Peters M., Saruhan-Brings B., Lavigne O., Dorvaux J.M., Poulain M., Mevrel R., Caliez M., 2003, Some recent trends in research and technology of advanced thermal barrier coatings. Aero Science and Technology, 7, 73-80.
  • Selvam M., Shanmugan S., Palani S., 2018, Performance analysis of IC engine with ceramic-coated piston. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 35210-20.
  • Serrano J.R., Arnau F.J., Martin J., Hernandez M., Lombard B., 2015, Analysis of engine walls thermal insulation: Performance and Emissions, SAE Technical Paper, 2015-01-1660.
  • Shabir M.F., Prasath B.R., Tamilporai P., 2014, Analysis of combustion performance and emission of extended cycle and iEGR for low heat rejection turbocharged direct injection diesel engines, Thermal Science, 18(1), 129-42.
  • Sivakumar G. and Kumar S.S., 2014, Investigation on effect of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia coated piston crown on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 53(4), 787-94.
  • Şanlı A., Yılmaz I.T., Gümüş M., 2019, Experimental evaluation of performance and combustion characteristics in a hydrogen-methane port fueled diesel engine at different compression ratios. Energy&Fuels, 34, 2272-83.
  • Şanlı A., Yılmaz I.T., 2022, Cycle-to-cycle combustion analysis in hydrogen fumigated common-rail diesel engine. Fuel, 320, 123887.
  • Şanlı A., 2023, Experimental study of combustion and cyclic variations in a CRDI engine fueled with heptanol/iso-propanol/butanol and diesel blends. Energy, 269, 126800.
  • Taymaz I., 2007, The effect of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine performance. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(9-11), 5249-52.
  • Venu H. and Appavu P., 2019, Analysis on a thermal barrier coated (TBC) piston in a single cylinder diesel engine powered by Jatropha biodiesel-diesel blends, SN Applied Science, 1,1669.
  • Vittal M., Borek J.A., Marks D.A., Boehman A.L., Okrent D.A., Bentz A.P., 1999, The effects of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine emissions, J. Eng Gas Turbines Power, 121(2), 218-25.
  • Wang Y., Xiao F., Zhao Y., Li D., Lei X., 2015, Study on cycle-by-cycle variations in a diesel engine with dimethyl ether as port premixing fuel, Applied Energy, 143, 58-70.
  • Wang Y., Ma T., Liu L., Yao M., 2021, Numerical investigation of the effect of thermal barrier coating on combustion and emissions in a diesel engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 186, 116497.
  • Yao M., Ma T., Wang H., Zheng Z., Liu H., Zhang Y. A., 2018, Theoretical study on the effects of thermal barrier coating on diesel engine combustion and emission characteristics, Energy, 162, 744-52.
  • Zhong L., Singh I.P., Han J., Lai M-C., Henein N.A., Bryzik W., 2003, Effect of cycle-to-cycle variation in the injection pressure in a common rail diesel injection system on engine performance. SAE Technical Paper, 2003-01-0699.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1, 191 - 205, 03.06.2024


Dizel motorlarda yanma kararlılığı çevrimden çevrime değişimlerle belirlenir. Bu çalışmada, farklı yükler altında gaz karışımlarıyla çalıştırılan bir dizel motorda çevrimden çevrime yanma davranışları üzerine piston kaplamanın ve motor yükünün etkileri araştırılmıştır. 1750 d/d’lık sabit bir devirde, çift-yakıt ve dizel çalışma şartlarında kaplamalı ve kaplamasız piston testleri 50, 75 ve 100 Nm’lik üç motor yükü altında yapılmıştır. Piston çanağı 0.4 mm kalınlıkta yttria stabilize zirkonya ile kaplanmıştır. Çift-yakıt modu %80 CH4, %10 CO2 ve %10 H2 karışımdan oluşan hidrojenle zenginleştirilmiş sentetik biyogazdır. Ana yanma parametreleri (krank açısına göre silindir basıncı, pik silindir basıncı (Pmaks), pik basınç artış oranı (BAOmaks), ortalama indike basınç (OIB), KA10, KA50, KA90 ve KA10-90 süresi) çevrimsel açıdan ele alınmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki; piston kaplama ana yanma parametrelerinin çevrimsel değişim katsayısı (ÇDK) ve standart sapma (SS) değerlerini azaltmada, özellikle düşük ve orta yüklerde oldukça etkindir. SS, frekans dağılımı ve CPmaks ile OIB için ÇDK değerleri 75 Nm’lik orta yükte oldukça iyidir. Ayrıca, tüm yüklerde piston kaplama krank açısına göre silindir basıncının ÇDK değerlerini de azaltmıştır. Motor yükü artarken, dizel ve çift-yakıt çalışmalarında Pmaks ve BAOmaks için çevrimsel değerler artış göstermiş ve daha erken oluşmuştur. Piston kaplama ve motor yüküyle, KA10 ve KA50 parametrelerinin çevrimsel değişimleri küçük mertebelerde iken KA90 parametresinin çevrimsel değişimleri önemli orandadır. Sonuçta, KA10-90 süresi piston kaplama ve motor yüküyle birlikte önemli oranda değişmiştir. Ana yanma parametreleri arasındaki en büyük ilişki her iki piston için Pmaks ve BAOmaks arasında olmuştur. Çift-yakıt modunda, düşük yükte OIB ve Pmaks arasında güçlü bir ilişki ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Adomeit P., Lang O., Pishinger S., Aymanns R., Graf M., Stapf G., 2007, Analysis of cyclic fluctuations of charge motion and mixture formation in a DISI engine in stratified operation, SAE Technical Paper, 2007-01-1412.
  • Ali H.L., Li F., Wang Z., Shuai S., 2018, Effect of ceramic coated pistons on the performance of a compressed natural gas engine, IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 417, 012021.
  • Assanis D., Wiese K., Schwarz E., Bryzik W., 1991, The effects of ceramic coatings on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions, SAE Technical Paper, 910460.
  • Aydin H., 2013, Combined effects of thermal barrier coating and blending with diesel fuel on usability of vegetable oils in diesel engines, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013;51(1-2):623-9.
  • Aydın S., Sayin C., Aydin H., 2015, Investigation of the usability of biodiesel obtained from residual frying oil in a diesel engine with thermal barrier coating, Applied Thermal Engineering, 80, 212-9.
  • Barton R., Kenemuth D., Lestz S., Meyer W, 1970, Cycle-by-cycle variations of a spark ignition engine- A statistical analysis, SAE Technical Paper, 700488.
  • Bouguessa R., Tarabet L., Loubar K., Bilmrabet T., Tazerout M., 2020, Experimental investigation on biogas enrichment with hydrogen for improving the combustion in diesel engine operating under dual fuel mode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(15), 9052 – 63.
  • Caputo S., Millo F., Boccardo G., Piano A., Cifali G., Pesce F.C., 2019, Numerical and experimental investigation of a piston thermal barrier coating for an automotive diesel engine application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 162, 114233.
  • Cerit M. and Coban M., 2014, Temperature and thermal stress analyses of a ceramic-coated aluminum alloy piston used in a diesel engine, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 77, 11-8.
  • Chen Z., He J., Chen H., Geng L., Zhang P., 2021, Experimental study on cycle-to-cycle variations in natural gas/methanol bi-fueled engine under excess air/fuel ratio at 1.6, Energy, 224, 120233.
  • Civiniz M., Hasimoğlu C., Şahin F., Salman M.S., 2008, Impact of thermal barrier coating application on the performance and emissions of a turbocharged diesel engine, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 222(12), 2447-55.
  • Godiganur V.S., Nayaka S., Kumar G.N., 2021, Thermal barrier coating for diesel engine application – A review. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45,133-7.
  • Goud G.B., Singh C.T.D.K., 2015, Investigation of CI diesel engine emission control and performance parameters using biodiesel with YSZ coated piston crown. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(3), 467-74.
  • Gupta S.K. and Mittal M., 2019, Effect of compression ratio on the performance and emission characteristics, and cycle-to-cycle combustion variations of a spark-ignition engine fueled with bio-methane surrogate, Applied Thermal Engineering, 148, 1440-53.
  • Hazar H., 2010, Cotton methyl ester usage in a diesel engine equipped with insulated combustion chamber, Applied Energy, 87,134-40.
  • Hazar H., Ozturk U., Gül H., 2016, Characterization and effect of using peanut seed oil methyl ester as a fuel in a low heat rejection diesel engine, Energy&Fuels, 30(10), 8425-31.
  • Heywowski T., Weronski A., The effect of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine performance, Vacuum, 65, 427-32.
  • Kyrtatos P., Brücker C., Bouchoulos K., 2016, Cycle-to-cycle variations in diesel engines, Applied Energy, 171, 120-32.
  • Lawrence P., Mathews P.K., Deepanraj B., 2011, Experimental investigation on performance and emission characteristics of low heat rejection diesel engine with ethanol as fuel, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4), 348-54.
  • Liu J.J., Ding S.F., Ding S.L., Gao J.S., Song E.Z., Yang F.Y., 2022, Effects of gas injection timing on combustion instability for a spark ignition natural gas engine under low load, Applied Thermal Engineering, 206, 118144.
  • Özer S., Vural E., Özel S., 2021, Effects of fusel oil use in a thermal coated engine, Fuel, 306, 121716.
  • Pera C., Chevillard S., Reveillon J.,2013, Effects of residual burnt gas heterogeneity on early flame propagation and on cyclic variability in spark-ignited engines, Combustion and Flame, 160(6), 1020-32.
  • Ramasamy N., Kalam M.A., Varman M., Teoh Y.H., 2021, Comparative studies of piston crown coating with YSZ and AL2O3.SiO2 on engine out responses using conventional diesel and palm oil biodiesel, Coatings, 11(8), 885.
  • Ramu P., Saravanan C.G.,2009, Effect of ZrO2-Al2O3 and SiC coating on diesel engine to study the combustion and emission characteristics, SAE Technical Paper, 2009-01-1435.
  • Ramu P., Saravanan C.G., 2009, Investigation of combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine with oxygenated fuels and thermal barrier coating, Energy&Fuels, 23(2), 653-6.
  • Reddy G.V., Krupakaran R.L., Tarigonda H., Reddy A.R., Rasu N.G., 2021, Energy balance and emission analysis on diesel engine using different thermal barrier coated pistons. Materials Today: Proceedings, 43(1), 646-54.
  • Schulz U., Leyens C., Fritscher K., Peters M., Saruhan-Brings B., Lavigne O., Dorvaux J.M., Poulain M., Mevrel R., Caliez M., 2003, Some recent trends in research and technology of advanced thermal barrier coatings. Aero Science and Technology, 7, 73-80.
  • Selvam M., Shanmugan S., Palani S., 2018, Performance analysis of IC engine with ceramic-coated piston. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 35210-20.
  • Serrano J.R., Arnau F.J., Martin J., Hernandez M., Lombard B., 2015, Analysis of engine walls thermal insulation: Performance and Emissions, SAE Technical Paper, 2015-01-1660.
  • Shabir M.F., Prasath B.R., Tamilporai P., 2014, Analysis of combustion performance and emission of extended cycle and iEGR for low heat rejection turbocharged direct injection diesel engines, Thermal Science, 18(1), 129-42.
  • Sivakumar G. and Kumar S.S., 2014, Investigation on effect of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia coated piston crown on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 53(4), 787-94.
  • Şanlı A., Yılmaz I.T., Gümüş M., 2019, Experimental evaluation of performance and combustion characteristics in a hydrogen-methane port fueled diesel engine at different compression ratios. Energy&Fuels, 34, 2272-83.
  • Şanlı A., Yılmaz I.T., 2022, Cycle-to-cycle combustion analysis in hydrogen fumigated common-rail diesel engine. Fuel, 320, 123887.
  • Şanlı A., 2023, Experimental study of combustion and cyclic variations in a CRDI engine fueled with heptanol/iso-propanol/butanol and diesel blends. Energy, 269, 126800.
  • Taymaz I., 2007, The effect of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine performance. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(9-11), 5249-52.
  • Venu H. and Appavu P., 2019, Analysis on a thermal barrier coated (TBC) piston in a single cylinder diesel engine powered by Jatropha biodiesel-diesel blends, SN Applied Science, 1,1669.
  • Vittal M., Borek J.A., Marks D.A., Boehman A.L., Okrent D.A., Bentz A.P., 1999, The effects of thermal barrier coatings on diesel engine emissions, J. Eng Gas Turbines Power, 121(2), 218-25.
  • Wang Y., Xiao F., Zhao Y., Li D., Lei X., 2015, Study on cycle-by-cycle variations in a diesel engine with dimethyl ether as port premixing fuel, Applied Energy, 143, 58-70.
  • Wang Y., Ma T., Liu L., Yao M., 2021, Numerical investigation of the effect of thermal barrier coating on combustion and emissions in a diesel engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 186, 116497.
  • Yao M., Ma T., Wang H., Zheng Z., Liu H., Zhang Y. A., 2018, Theoretical study on the effects of thermal barrier coating on diesel engine combustion and emission characteristics, Energy, 162, 744-52.
  • Zhong L., Singh I.P., Han J., Lai M-C., Henein N.A., Bryzik W., 2003, Effect of cycle-to-cycle variation in the injection pressure in a common rail diesel injection system on engine performance. SAE Technical Paper, 2003-01-0699.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 44 Sayı: 1

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