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Kolektif Üretim: Yönetim, Eğitim Uygulaması ve Beklentiler

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 15 - 27, 24.10.2021


Kolektif üretim, diğer adıyla müştereklere dayalı kolektif üretim (CBPP), çeşitli internet platformları ve dijital topluluklarda ortaya çıkmış bir olgudur. Teknolojik gelişmeler, bireylerin merkezsizleşmiş bir biçimde iş birliği ile mal üretmek, iş organize etmek ve diğer türde değer üretmek dâhil olmak üzere ortak bir hedef için birlikte çalışmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Kolektif üretim, ekonominin birçok sektörünü, bu gruplar içerisindeki bireylerin sosyal ilişkilerini ve yeni fırsatlara açık olan bireyleri etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Araştırmanın temel amacı şu soruyu yanıtlamaktır: Kolektif üretim özellikle Covid sonrası dünyada eğitimsel amaçlar için etkili bir şekilde kullanılabilir mi? Eğer öyleyse, eğitimi nasıl geliştirebilir? Buna ek olarak, makale bu olguyu kısaca tanımlamakta, kolektif üretime teorik bir yaklaşımın taslağını çizmekte ve yönetim ve eğitim gibi alanlarda kolektif üretim uygulanımını tartışmaktadır. Araştırma aynı zamanda kolektif üretimin kapasitesi dâhilinde eğitimi geliştirmeye adanan gereçleri, fikirleri, çözümleri ve olanakları belirlemektedir. Bu araştırma eğitim kurumları, araştırma grupları veya ticari işletmeler için faydalı olabilir.


  • Baggetun, R., Rusman, E., Poggi C. (2004), Design Patterns For Collaborative Learning: From Practice To Theory And Back. In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 2493-2498). Lugano, Switzerland: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved June 16, 2021).
  • Bauwens M., Pantazis A. (2018), The ecosystem of commons-based peer production and its transformative dynamics. The Sociological Review 66.
  • Bauwens, Michel. (2005). The Political Economy of Peer Production. Post-Autistic Economics Review. 37. Benkler Y. (2016), Peer production and cooperation in Bauer J., Latzer M. (eds.), Handbook on the Economics of the Internet, Cheltenham – Northampton, s. 91-92.
  • Benkler Y. (2017), Peer Production, the Commons, and the Future of the Firm, 15 Strategic Org. 264, p.266.
  • Benkler Y., Nissenbaum H. (2006), Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue, The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 14, Number 4, 2006, pp. 394–419.
  • Benkler Y., Shaw A., Hill B. (2015) “Peer Production: A Form of Collective Intelligence.” In Malone Th., Bernstein M., MIT Press Handbook of Collective Intelligence, Cambridge.
  • Bradley A., Defining Social Media: Mass Collaboration is Its Unique Value, Gartner Consulting blog, - access 25.06.2021.
  • Bruns A. (2016), Peer-to-Peer Interaction in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (Editor-in-Chief), Robert T. Craig (Editor-in-Chief), Jefferson D. Pooley (Associate Editor), Eric W. Rothenbuhler (Associate Editor) The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, Wiley Publ., New York.
  • Cress U., Jeong H., Moskaliuk J. (2016), Mass Collaboration as an Emerging Paradigm for Education? Theories, Cases, and Research Methods, in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 3-27.
  • Czetwertyński S. (2019). Morfologia nieautoryzowanego kopiowania, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, p. 41-45.
  • De Filippi, P. (2015), Translating Commons-Based Peer Production Values into Metrics: Towards Commons-Based Crypto-Currencies (January 31, 2015), David Lee Kuo Chuen ed.), The Handbook of Digital Currency. Elsevier, p. 470.
  • Deci E. L., Ryan R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), pp. 227–268.
  • Doan A., Ramakrishnan R., Halevy A. (2010), Mass Collaboration Systems on the World-Wide Web, Communications of the ACM. 4.
  • Elliot M. (2016), Collaboration in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 43-63
  • Fischer G., (2016), Exploring, Understanding, and Designing Innovative Socio-Technical Environments for Fostering and Supporting Mass Collaboration in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 43-63
  • Frischmann B., Madison M., Strandburg, Katherine J. (2014), Governing Knowledge Commons - Introduction & Chapter in Brett M. Frischmann, Madison M., Strandburg K.J. (eds.) Governing Knowledge Commons, Oxford University Press.
  • Frischmann B., Marciano A., Ramello G. (2019) "Retrospectives: Tragedy of the Commons after 50 Years," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 33(4), pages 211-228, Fall.
  • Fu W.-T. (2016), From Distributed Cognition to Collective Intelligence: Supporting Cognitive Search to Facilitate Online Massive Collaboration, Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 125-140.
  • Fuster Morell M. (2015), Executive Summary of research developed and findings P2Pvalue research package theoretical synthesis (Associated to Deliverable 1.3) - - access 25.06.2021.
  • Fuster Morell, M. (2010). The Governance of online creation communities for the building of digital commons. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). European University Institute. Florence, - access 25.06.2021.
  • Hess Ch. (2012), "The Unfolding of the Knowledge Commons.” St. Anthony’s International Review 8(1) (May), p. 13-24. International Commission on the Futures of Education. 2020. Education in a post-COVID world: Nine ideas for public action, a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - UNESCO
  • Isazadeh, Ayaz. (2004). Information Society: Concepts and Definitions. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. Jemielniak D., Przegalińska A. (2020), Collaborative Society, MIT Press, Cambridge – London, p. 9-12.
  • Le H., Janssen J., Wubbels Th. (2018) Collaborative learning practices: teacher and student perceived obstacles to effective student collaboration, Cambridge Journal of Education, 48:1, 103-122
  • O’Neil M., Broca S. (2020), Peer Production and Social Change in O’Neil M., Pentzold Ch., Toupin S. (eds.). The Handbook of Peer Production, Wiley, pp.285-298.
  • Ostrom, Elinor (1990), Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Ostrom, Elinor (2000), Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), p. 137–158.
  • Papadimitropoulos, V. (2020), The Commons: Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age, University of Westminster Press, London.
  • Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond, August 2020 – United Nations.
  • Prantosh P. and Aithal, P. S. (2018), Digital Society: Its Foundation and Towards an Interdisciplinary Field Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Management, Social Sciences and Education, pp. 1-6.
  • Sasvari P. (2012) : The Role of Technology and Innovation in the Framework of the Information Society, International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, New York, Vol.1, Iss. 2, pp. 32-38.
  • Shaw A., Hill B. (2014). Laboratories of Oligarchy? How the Iron Law Extends to Peer Production, Journal of Communication. 64.
  • Spaeth S., Niederhöfer S. (2021) „User Motivation in Peer Production“, In Handbook of Peer Production, in Mathieu O’Neil, Christian Pentzold, und Sophie Toupin (eds.) Wiley Handbooks in Communication and Media Series. Wiley, New York.
  • Steindl J., Capitalist Enterprise and Risk, Oxford Economic Papers, No. 7 (Mar., 1945) p. 22-23.
  • Tapscott D., Williams A. D. (2008), Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Penguin Group Publ., New York 2008, p. 150-160.
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Education. Insights From Education at a Glance 2020 – OECD.
  • Tkacz, N. (2010), Wikipedia and the Politics of Mass Collaboration, Journal of Media and Communication 2(2) (September) p. 38-51.
  • UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (2020). New realities for education affected by COVID Cost predictions – UNESCO.
  • Zakaria F. (2020), Ten Lesssons for a Post-Pandemic World, Norton and Company, New York, p. 100-104. Zamiri M., Camarinha-Matos L. (2019), Mass Collaboration and Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Influential Factors. Applied Sciences. 9.

Peer Production: Management, Educational Application, and Their Prospects

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 15 - 27, 24.10.2021


Peer production, also named commons-based peer production, is a socio-economical phenomenon which has emerged within various Internet platforms and digital communities. Technological advancements have enabled individuals to collaborate for a common goal, including to produce goods, exchange knowledge, organize work, and create other kind of values by cooperation in a decentralized manner. Peer production has the potential to impact several segments of economy, social relations among the members of those groups, and individuals who are open new opportunities. The main purpose of the research is to answer the question of: Can peer production be used efficiently for educational purposes, especially in a digital post-Covid world? If so, how can it improve education? Additionally, the article briefly defines this phenomenon, outlines a theoretical approach to peer production, and discusses peer production practice in fields such as management and education. The research also identifies tools, ideas, solutions, and possibilities dedicated to improving education and educational management within the capacities of peer production. This study might be useful for educational facilities, research groups, or business entities.


  • Baggetun, R., Rusman, E., Poggi C. (2004), Design Patterns For Collaborative Learning: From Practice To Theory And Back. In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 2493-2498). Lugano, Switzerland: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved June 16, 2021).
  • Bauwens M., Pantazis A. (2018), The ecosystem of commons-based peer production and its transformative dynamics. The Sociological Review 66.
  • Bauwens, Michel. (2005). The Political Economy of Peer Production. Post-Autistic Economics Review. 37. Benkler Y. (2016), Peer production and cooperation in Bauer J., Latzer M. (eds.), Handbook on the Economics of the Internet, Cheltenham – Northampton, s. 91-92.
  • Benkler Y. (2017), Peer Production, the Commons, and the Future of the Firm, 15 Strategic Org. 264, p.266.
  • Benkler Y., Nissenbaum H. (2006), Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue, The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 14, Number 4, 2006, pp. 394–419.
  • Benkler Y., Shaw A., Hill B. (2015) “Peer Production: A Form of Collective Intelligence.” In Malone Th., Bernstein M., MIT Press Handbook of Collective Intelligence, Cambridge.
  • Bradley A., Defining Social Media: Mass Collaboration is Its Unique Value, Gartner Consulting blog, - access 25.06.2021.
  • Bruns A. (2016), Peer-to-Peer Interaction in Klaus Bruhn Jensen (Editor-in-Chief), Robert T. Craig (Editor-in-Chief), Jefferson D. Pooley (Associate Editor), Eric W. Rothenbuhler (Associate Editor) The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, Wiley Publ., New York.
  • Cress U., Jeong H., Moskaliuk J. (2016), Mass Collaboration as an Emerging Paradigm for Education? Theories, Cases, and Research Methods, in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 3-27.
  • Czetwertyński S. (2019). Morfologia nieautoryzowanego kopiowania, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, p. 41-45.
  • De Filippi, P. (2015), Translating Commons-Based Peer Production Values into Metrics: Towards Commons-Based Crypto-Currencies (January 31, 2015), David Lee Kuo Chuen ed.), The Handbook of Digital Currency. Elsevier, p. 470.
  • Deci E. L., Ryan R. M. (2000). The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), pp. 227–268.
  • Doan A., Ramakrishnan R., Halevy A. (2010), Mass Collaboration Systems on the World-Wide Web, Communications of the ACM. 4.
  • Elliot M. (2016), Collaboration in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 43-63
  • Fischer G., (2016), Exploring, Understanding, and Designing Innovative Socio-Technical Environments for Fostering and Supporting Mass Collaboration in Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 43-63
  • Frischmann B., Madison M., Strandburg, Katherine J. (2014), Governing Knowledge Commons - Introduction & Chapter in Brett M. Frischmann, Madison M., Strandburg K.J. (eds.) Governing Knowledge Commons, Oxford University Press.
  • Frischmann B., Marciano A., Ramello G. (2019) "Retrospectives: Tragedy of the Commons after 50 Years," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 33(4), pages 211-228, Fall.
  • Fu W.-T. (2016), From Distributed Cognition to Collective Intelligence: Supporting Cognitive Search to Facilitate Online Massive Collaboration, Cress U., Moskaliuk J., Jeong H. (eds.), Mass Collaboration and Education, Springer Publ., Heidelberg et. al. 2016, p. 125-140.
  • Fuster Morell M. (2015), Executive Summary of research developed and findings P2Pvalue research package theoretical synthesis (Associated to Deliverable 1.3) - - access 25.06.2021.
  • Fuster Morell, M. (2010). The Governance of online creation communities for the building of digital commons. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). European University Institute. Florence, - access 25.06.2021.
  • Hess Ch. (2012), "The Unfolding of the Knowledge Commons.” St. Anthony’s International Review 8(1) (May), p. 13-24. International Commission on the Futures of Education. 2020. Education in a post-COVID world: Nine ideas for public action, a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - UNESCO
  • Isazadeh, Ayaz. (2004). Information Society: Concepts and Definitions. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. Jemielniak D., Przegalińska A. (2020), Collaborative Society, MIT Press, Cambridge – London, p. 9-12.
  • Le H., Janssen J., Wubbels Th. (2018) Collaborative learning practices: teacher and student perceived obstacles to effective student collaboration, Cambridge Journal of Education, 48:1, 103-122
  • O’Neil M., Broca S. (2020), Peer Production and Social Change in O’Neil M., Pentzold Ch., Toupin S. (eds.). The Handbook of Peer Production, Wiley, pp.285-298.
  • Ostrom, Elinor (1990), Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Ostrom, Elinor (2000), Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), p. 137–158.
  • Papadimitropoulos, V. (2020), The Commons: Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age, University of Westminster Press, London.
  • Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond, August 2020 – United Nations.
  • Prantosh P. and Aithal, P. S. (2018), Digital Society: Its Foundation and Towards an Interdisciplinary Field Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Management, Social Sciences and Education, pp. 1-6.
  • Sasvari P. (2012) : The Role of Technology and Innovation in the Framework of the Information Society, International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, New York, Vol.1, Iss. 2, pp. 32-38.
  • Shaw A., Hill B. (2014). Laboratories of Oligarchy? How the Iron Law Extends to Peer Production, Journal of Communication. 64.
  • Spaeth S., Niederhöfer S. (2021) „User Motivation in Peer Production“, In Handbook of Peer Production, in Mathieu O’Neil, Christian Pentzold, und Sophie Toupin (eds.) Wiley Handbooks in Communication and Media Series. Wiley, New York.
  • Steindl J., Capitalist Enterprise and Risk, Oxford Economic Papers, No. 7 (Mar., 1945) p. 22-23.
  • Tapscott D., Williams A. D. (2008), Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Penguin Group Publ., New York 2008, p. 150-160.
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Education. Insights From Education at a Glance 2020 – OECD.
  • Tkacz, N. (2010), Wikipedia and the Politics of Mass Collaboration, Journal of Media and Communication 2(2) (September) p. 38-51.
  • UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (2020). New realities for education affected by COVID Cost predictions – UNESCO.
  • Zakaria F. (2020), Ten Lesssons for a Post-Pandemic World, Norton and Company, New York, p. 100-104. Zamiri M., Camarinha-Matos L. (2019), Mass Collaboration and Learning: Opportunities, Challenges, and Influential Factors. Applied Sciences. 9.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

łukasz Speer 0000-0001-8243-5208

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Speer, ł. (2021). Peer Production: Management, Educational Application, and Their Prospects. İşletme, 2(2), 15-27.