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Tarımsal Teşviklerle Tarımsal Katma Değer Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Yeni Endüstrileşen Ülkeler İçin Panel Eşanlı Denklemler Sistemi Analizi

Yıl 2018, , 226 - 236, 29.10.2018


tarım sektörü eskiden olduğu gibi hem azgelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler hem
de gelişmiş ülke hükümetleri tarafından çeşitli şekillerde sağlanan
teşviklerden yararlanmaktadır. Söz konusu teşviklerin geri planında sektörün
korunması ve geliştirilmesi en önemli faktörlerin başında yer almaktadır. Diğer
yandan tarım sektörünün ulusların varlığının devam etmesinde stratejik bir
öneme sahip olması sektöre sunulan teşviklerin gerekliliğini bir kat daha
arttırmaktadır. Çalışmada 2000-2016 yılları arasında yeni endüstrileşen ülkeler
grubuna dahil olan 5 ülkenin (Türkiye, Güney Afrika, Meksika, Çin ve Brezilya)
tarımsal teşvikler ve tarımsal katma değer arasındaki ilişkisi analiz
edilmiştir. Analizde Panel veri eşanlı denklemler sisteminden yararlanılmıştır.
Kurulan eşanlı denklemler sistemi yardımıyla tarımsal teşvikler ve tarımsal
katma değer arasındaki karşılıklı ilişki ortaya konulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına
göre tarımsal teşviklerde meydana gelen artış tarımsal katma değer üzerinde
pozitif ve olumlu bir etki meydana getirmektedir.


  • Adhiambo, R., Onyango, M., & Mogwambo, V. (2017). Influence of agricultural products’ value addition strategies on the growth of rural women entrepreneurship: a study of selected counties in western Kenya. International Journal of Advance Research, (5)11: 1273-1286
  • Akyos, M. (2015). Ar-ge katma değer ilişkisi ölçme ve değerlendirmesi : bir derleme çalışması. ARGEMİP, Arge Merkezleri Gelişim ve İşbirliği Platformu. Available in: (26.07.2018)
  • Annes, A. & Wright, W. (2016). Walue-added agriculture: a context for the empowerment of french women farmers?. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (97)3: 185–201
  • Bezlepkina, I. V. & Oude Lansink, A. (2006). Impact of debts and subsidies on agricultural production: farm-data evidence. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, (45)1: 7–34
  • Boadu, V.A. (2003). A conversation about value-added agriculture, Available in: (18.07.2018)Coltrain, D., Barton, D. & Boland, M., (2000). Value Added: Opportunities and Strategies. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Garcia, G.G. (1981). The effects of exchange rates and commercial policy on agricultural ıncentives in colombia; 1953-1978. International Food Poicy Research Institute, Research Report.
  • Gollin, D., Lagakos, D. & Waugh, M.E. (2011). The agricultural productivity gap in developing countries. International Growth Center Working Paper,
  • Grigg D. (1992). Agriculture in the world economy: an historical geography of decline. Geographical Association, (77)3: 210-222
  • Hennessy, D.A. (1998). The production effects of agricultural ıncome support polices under uncertainty, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(1): 46–57.Henningsen, A., Kumbhakar, S., & Lien, G. (2009). Econometric analysis of the effects of subsidies on farm production in case of endogenous ınput quantities. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Koo, W.W. & Kennedy, P.L. (2006). The ımpact of agricultural subsidies on global welfare. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (88)5: 1219-1226
  • Kumbhakar, S.C., & Lien, G. (2010). Impact of subsidies on farm productivity and efficiency, in the economic ımpact of public support to agriculture: an international perspectives, edited by V. Eldon Ball, Roberto Fanfani, Luciano Gutierrez, Sipringer, 109-125
  • Lal, K. (1999). Value added by ındustry - a problem of ınternational comparison. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Lambert, D.K., S.H. Lim, K. Tweeten, F.L. Leistritz, W.W. Wilson, G.J. McKee, W.E., Ngange, C.S. DeVuyst & D.M. Saxowsky. (2006). An overview of agricultural value added in agricultural value added: Prospects for North Dakota. Available in: (12.06.2018)
  • Lu, R. & Dudensing, R. (2015). What do we mean by value-added agriculture?. Choices, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (30)4: 1-8
  • McCloud, N., & Kumbhakar, S.C. (2008). Do subsidies drive productivity? A cross-country analysis of Nordic dairy farms, in the Bayesian Econometrics ed. by Siddhartha Chib, William Griffiths, Gary Koop, Dek Terrell. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, (23): 245 – 274
  • Nastis, S.A., Papanagiotou, E., & Zamanidis, S. (2012). Productive efficiency of subsidized organic alfalfa farms, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(2): 280-288
  • Ogunleye, K.Y., Adeola, R.G., & Kojusola, O.J. (2015). Determinants of farmers’ access to agricultural ıncentives in egbedore local government area of osun state, International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, (11)1: 207-213
  • Rizov, M., Pokrivcak, J. & Ciaian, P. (2013). CAP Subsidies and the productivity of EY farms, Factor Markets Working Paper No. 37
  • Roe, T., Somwaru, A. & Diao, X.. (2003). Do direct payments have intertemporal effects on U.S.’s agriculture? in Government Policy and Farmland Markets: The Maintenance of Farmer Wealth , ed. by Charles B. Moss and Andrew Schmitz (pp.115-140), Iowa State Press,
  • Roy, R., Shivamurthy, M., & Radhakrishna, R.B., (2013). Impact of Value Addition Training on Participants of Farmers Training Institutes. World Applied Sciences Journal 22(10): 1401-1411,
  • Skuras, D., Tsekouras, K., Dimara, E., & Tzelepis, D. (2006). The effects of regional capital subsidies on productivity growth: A case study of the Greek food and beverage manufacturing industry. Journal of Regional Science, (46): 355–381.
  • Sumner, D.A., Alston, J.M. & Glauber, J.W. (2010). Evolution of the economics of agricultural policy. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Commemorating the Centennial of the AAEA (92)2: 403-423
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi: Stata Uygulamalı, Beta Yayınları, 2. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2016). iktisadi büyüme ve yabancı sermaye yatırımları arasındaki ilişkinin panel eşanlı denklemler sistemi yardımıyla incelenmesi, Eurasian Academy of Sciences Eurasian Business&Economic Journal, (6): 15-24
  • Vozarova, I.K., & Kotulic, R. (2016). Quantification of the effect of subsidies on the production performance of the Slovak agriculture. 3rd Global Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Tourism, 26-28 November 2015, Rome, Italy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 39: 298 – 304
  • Wickramasinghe, G.A.U. (2017). fosterıng productıvıty in the rural and agrıcultural sector for ınclusıve growth in asia and the pacific, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, (24)2: 1-22
  • Zhengfei, G. & Lansink A.O. (2006). The source of productivity growth in dutch agriculture: a perspective from finance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3): 644-656.

An Examination of the Relationship Between Agricultural Incentives and Agricultural Added Value: Panel Simulated Equations System Analysis for New Industrialized Countries

Yıl 2018, , 226 - 236, 29.10.2018


Today, same as before, agriculture sector
benefits from the incentives provided by the governments of underdeveloped and
developing countries as well as the governments of developed countries in
various ways. The protection and development of the sector is one of the most
important factors in the background of the mentioned incentives. On the other
hand, the fact that the agriculture sector has a strategic prescription for the
continuation of the existence of the nations, increases the necessity of
incentives offered to the sector one more time. The study analyzed the
relationship between agricultural incentives and agricultural value added among
5 countries (Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, China and Brazil), which are the
members of the group of newly industrialized countries for the years 2000 and
2016. In the analysis, the panel data simultaneous equations systems is used.
The mutual relationship between agricultural incentives and agricultural value
added was established with the help of the simultaneous equations method.
According to the results of the analysis, the increase in the agricultural
incentives has a positive effect on the agricultural value added. 


  • Adhiambo, R., Onyango, M., & Mogwambo, V. (2017). Influence of agricultural products’ value addition strategies on the growth of rural women entrepreneurship: a study of selected counties in western Kenya. International Journal of Advance Research, (5)11: 1273-1286
  • Akyos, M. (2015). Ar-ge katma değer ilişkisi ölçme ve değerlendirmesi : bir derleme çalışması. ARGEMİP, Arge Merkezleri Gelişim ve İşbirliği Platformu. Available in: (26.07.2018)
  • Annes, A. & Wright, W. (2016). Walue-added agriculture: a context for the empowerment of french women farmers?. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (97)3: 185–201
  • Bezlepkina, I. V. & Oude Lansink, A. (2006). Impact of debts and subsidies on agricultural production: farm-data evidence. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, (45)1: 7–34
  • Boadu, V.A. (2003). A conversation about value-added agriculture, Available in: (18.07.2018)Coltrain, D., Barton, D. & Boland, M., (2000). Value Added: Opportunities and Strategies. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Garcia, G.G. (1981). The effects of exchange rates and commercial policy on agricultural ıncentives in colombia; 1953-1978. International Food Poicy Research Institute, Research Report.
  • Gollin, D., Lagakos, D. & Waugh, M.E. (2011). The agricultural productivity gap in developing countries. International Growth Center Working Paper,
  • Grigg D. (1992). Agriculture in the world economy: an historical geography of decline. Geographical Association, (77)3: 210-222
  • Hennessy, D.A. (1998). The production effects of agricultural ıncome support polices under uncertainty, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(1): 46–57.Henningsen, A., Kumbhakar, S., & Lien, G. (2009). Econometric analysis of the effects of subsidies on farm production in case of endogenous ınput quantities. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Koo, W.W. & Kennedy, P.L. (2006). The ımpact of agricultural subsidies on global welfare. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (88)5: 1219-1226
  • Kumbhakar, S.C., & Lien, G. (2010). Impact of subsidies on farm productivity and efficiency, in the economic ımpact of public support to agriculture: an international perspectives, edited by V. Eldon Ball, Roberto Fanfani, Luciano Gutierrez, Sipringer, 109-125
  • Lal, K. (1999). Value added by ındustry - a problem of ınternational comparison. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Lambert, D.K., S.H. Lim, K. Tweeten, F.L. Leistritz, W.W. Wilson, G.J. McKee, W.E., Ngange, C.S. DeVuyst & D.M. Saxowsky. (2006). An overview of agricultural value added in agricultural value added: Prospects for North Dakota. Available in: (12.06.2018)
  • Lu, R. & Dudensing, R. (2015). What do we mean by value-added agriculture?. Choices, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (30)4: 1-8
  • McCloud, N., & Kumbhakar, S.C. (2008). Do subsidies drive productivity? A cross-country analysis of Nordic dairy farms, in the Bayesian Econometrics ed. by Siddhartha Chib, William Griffiths, Gary Koop, Dek Terrell. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, (23): 245 – 274
  • Nastis, S.A., Papanagiotou, E., & Zamanidis, S. (2012). Productive efficiency of subsidized organic alfalfa farms, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(2): 280-288
  • Ogunleye, K.Y., Adeola, R.G., & Kojusola, O.J. (2015). Determinants of farmers’ access to agricultural ıncentives in egbedore local government area of osun state, International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, (11)1: 207-213
  • Rizov, M., Pokrivcak, J. & Ciaian, P. (2013). CAP Subsidies and the productivity of EY farms, Factor Markets Working Paper No. 37
  • Roe, T., Somwaru, A. & Diao, X.. (2003). Do direct payments have intertemporal effects on U.S.’s agriculture? in Government Policy and Farmland Markets: The Maintenance of Farmer Wealth , ed. by Charles B. Moss and Andrew Schmitz (pp.115-140), Iowa State Press,
  • Roy, R., Shivamurthy, M., & Radhakrishna, R.B., (2013). Impact of Value Addition Training on Participants of Farmers Training Institutes. World Applied Sciences Journal 22(10): 1401-1411,
  • Skuras, D., Tsekouras, K., Dimara, E., & Tzelepis, D. (2006). The effects of regional capital subsidies on productivity growth: A case study of the Greek food and beverage manufacturing industry. Journal of Regional Science, (46): 355–381.
  • Sumner, D.A., Alston, J.M. & Glauber, J.W. (2010). Evolution of the economics of agricultural policy. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Commemorating the Centennial of the AAEA (92)2: 403-423
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi: Stata Uygulamalı, Beta Yayınları, 2. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2016). iktisadi büyüme ve yabancı sermaye yatırımları arasındaki ilişkinin panel eşanlı denklemler sistemi yardımıyla incelenmesi, Eurasian Academy of Sciences Eurasian Business&Economic Journal, (6): 15-24
  • Vozarova, I.K., & Kotulic, R. (2016). Quantification of the effect of subsidies on the production performance of the Slovak agriculture. 3rd Global Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Tourism, 26-28 November 2015, Rome, Italy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 39: 298 – 304
  • Wickramasinghe, G.A.U. (2017). fosterıng productıvıty in the rural and agrıcultural sector for ınclusıve growth in asia and the pacific, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, (24)2: 1-22
  • Zhengfei, G. & Lansink A.O. (2006). The source of productivity growth in dutch agriculture: a perspective from finance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3): 644-656.
Yıl 2018, , 226 - 236, 29.10.2018



  • Adhiambo, R., Onyango, M., & Mogwambo, V. (2017). Influence of agricultural products’ value addition strategies on the growth of rural women entrepreneurship: a study of selected counties in western Kenya. International Journal of Advance Research, (5)11: 1273-1286
  • Akyos, M. (2015). Ar-ge katma değer ilişkisi ölçme ve değerlendirmesi : bir derleme çalışması. ARGEMİP, Arge Merkezleri Gelişim ve İşbirliği Platformu. Available in: (26.07.2018)
  • Annes, A. & Wright, W. (2016). Walue-added agriculture: a context for the empowerment of french women farmers?. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (97)3: 185–201
  • Bezlepkina, I. V. & Oude Lansink, A. (2006). Impact of debts and subsidies on agricultural production: farm-data evidence. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, (45)1: 7–34
  • Boadu, V.A. (2003). A conversation about value-added agriculture, Available in: (18.07.2018)Coltrain, D., Barton, D. & Boland, M., (2000). Value Added: Opportunities and Strategies. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Garcia, G.G. (1981). The effects of exchange rates and commercial policy on agricultural ıncentives in colombia; 1953-1978. International Food Poicy Research Institute, Research Report.
  • Gollin, D., Lagakos, D. & Waugh, M.E. (2011). The agricultural productivity gap in developing countries. International Growth Center Working Paper,
  • Grigg D. (1992). Agriculture in the world economy: an historical geography of decline. Geographical Association, (77)3: 210-222
  • Hennessy, D.A. (1998). The production effects of agricultural ıncome support polices under uncertainty, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(1): 46–57.Henningsen, A., Kumbhakar, S., & Lien, G. (2009). Econometric analysis of the effects of subsidies on farm production in case of endogenous ınput quantities. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Annual Meeting, July 26-28, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Koo, W.W. & Kennedy, P.L. (2006). The ımpact of agricultural subsidies on global welfare. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (88)5: 1219-1226
  • Kumbhakar, S.C., & Lien, G. (2010). Impact of subsidies on farm productivity and efficiency, in the economic ımpact of public support to agriculture: an international perspectives, edited by V. Eldon Ball, Roberto Fanfani, Luciano Gutierrez, Sipringer, 109-125
  • Lal, K. (1999). Value added by ındustry - a problem of ınternational comparison. Available in:, (18.07.2018)
  • Lambert, D.K., S.H. Lim, K. Tweeten, F.L. Leistritz, W.W. Wilson, G.J. McKee, W.E., Ngange, C.S. DeVuyst & D.M. Saxowsky. (2006). An overview of agricultural value added in agricultural value added: Prospects for North Dakota. Available in: (12.06.2018)
  • Lu, R. & Dudensing, R. (2015). What do we mean by value-added agriculture?. Choices, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (30)4: 1-8
  • McCloud, N., & Kumbhakar, S.C. (2008). Do subsidies drive productivity? A cross-country analysis of Nordic dairy farms, in the Bayesian Econometrics ed. by Siddhartha Chib, William Griffiths, Gary Koop, Dek Terrell. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, (23): 245 – 274
  • Nastis, S.A., Papanagiotou, E., & Zamanidis, S. (2012). Productive efficiency of subsidized organic alfalfa farms, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 37(2): 280-288
  • Ogunleye, K.Y., Adeola, R.G., & Kojusola, O.J. (2015). Determinants of farmers’ access to agricultural ıncentives in egbedore local government area of osun state, International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, (11)1: 207-213
  • Rizov, M., Pokrivcak, J. & Ciaian, P. (2013). CAP Subsidies and the productivity of EY farms, Factor Markets Working Paper No. 37
  • Roe, T., Somwaru, A. & Diao, X.. (2003). Do direct payments have intertemporal effects on U.S.’s agriculture? in Government Policy and Farmland Markets: The Maintenance of Farmer Wealth , ed. by Charles B. Moss and Andrew Schmitz (pp.115-140), Iowa State Press,
  • Roy, R., Shivamurthy, M., & Radhakrishna, R.B., (2013). Impact of Value Addition Training on Participants of Farmers Training Institutes. World Applied Sciences Journal 22(10): 1401-1411,
  • Skuras, D., Tsekouras, K., Dimara, E., & Tzelepis, D. (2006). The effects of regional capital subsidies on productivity growth: A case study of the Greek food and beverage manufacturing industry. Journal of Regional Science, (46): 355–381.
  • Sumner, D.A., Alston, J.M. & Glauber, J.W. (2010). Evolution of the economics of agricultural policy. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Commemorating the Centennial of the AAEA (92)2: 403-423
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi: Stata Uygulamalı, Beta Yayınları, 2. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2016). iktisadi büyüme ve yabancı sermaye yatırımları arasındaki ilişkinin panel eşanlı denklemler sistemi yardımıyla incelenmesi, Eurasian Academy of Sciences Eurasian Business&Economic Journal, (6): 15-24
  • Vozarova, I.K., & Kotulic, R. (2016). Quantification of the effect of subsidies on the production performance of the Slovak agriculture. 3rd Global Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Tourism, 26-28 November 2015, Rome, Italy, Procedia Economics and Finance, 39: 298 – 304
  • Wickramasinghe, G.A.U. (2017). fosterıng productıvıty in the rural and agrıcultural sector for ınclusıve growth in asia and the pacific, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, (24)2: 1-22
  • Zhengfei, G. & Lansink A.O. (2006). The source of productivity growth in dutch agriculture: a perspective from finance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3): 644-656.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Akyol 0000-0002-1173-200X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Akyol, M. (2018). Tarımsal Teşviklerle Tarımsal Katma Değer Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Yeni Endüstrileşen Ülkeler İçin Panel Eşanlı Denklemler Sistemi Analizi. The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 3(3), 226-236.

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