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Analyzing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Terms of Economic Growth and Different Types of Globalization in Türkiye

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 73 Sayı: 1, 107 - 142, 26.06.2023


Environmental pollution has become one of the issues most widely discussed by researchers, scientists, and policy makers these days. In particular, investigating the determinants of CO2 emissions is one of the leading areas of interest for scientists . Meanwhile, globalization causes countries to interact with each other economically, politically, and socially, and this interaction inevitably affects the environment. Therefore, globalization is an important determinant of CO2 emissions. This study aims to evaluate the dynamic effects different types of globalization (economic, social, and political) have on environmental quality in Türkiye with reference to the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis during the 1970-2018 period using the vector error correction model (VECM). The presence of a long-term relationship among CO2 emissions per capita, GDP per capita, economic globalization, social globalization, and political globalization for Türkiye has been demonstrated using the Johansen cointegration test. According to the results, the VECM Granger causality test has determined a short-term one-way causality nexus from economic globalization to CO2 emissions and from social globalization to political globalization. In terms of long-term estimators, the study has concluded GDP per capita, economic globalization, and social globalization to significantly and positively affect CO2 emissions per capita and the square of GDP per capita and political globalization to negatively affect CO2 emissions per capita at a significant level.


  • Acheampong, A. O., Samuel Adams, S. & Boateng, E. (2019). Do globalization and rnewable energy contribute to carbon emissions mitigation in Sub-Saharan Africa?. Science of the Total Environment, 677, 436-446. google scholar
  • Acheampong, A. O., Boateng, E., Amponsah, M. & Dzator, J. (2021). Revisiting the economic growth-energy consumption nexus: Does globalization matter?. Energy Economics, 102, 105472. google scholar
  • Adebayo, T. S. & Acheampong, A. O. (2021). Modelling the globalization-CO2 emission nexus in Australia: Evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-16. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Lasisi, T. T., Uzuner, G. & Akadiri, A. C. (2019a). Examining the ımpact of globalization in the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis: The case of tourist destination states. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 12605-12615. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A. & Akadiri, A. C. (2019b). The role of globalization, real income, tourism in environmental sustainability target. evidence from Turkey. Science of the Total Environment, 687,423-432. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A., Bekun, F. V. & Etokakpan, M. U. (2020a). Does electricity consumption and globalization ıncrease pollutant emissions?. Implications or environmental sustainability target for China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 25450-25460. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Lasisi, T. T., Uzuner, G., & Akadiri, A. C. (2020b). Examining the causal ımpacts of tourism, globalization, economic growth and carbon emissions in tourism island territories: Bootstrap panel granger causality analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(4), 470-484. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A., Olasehinde-Williams, G. & Etokakpan, M. U. (2020c). The role of electricity consumption, globalization and economic growth in carbon dioxide emissions and its ımplications for environmental sustainability. Targets Science of the Total Environment, 708, 134653. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., & Adebayo, T. S. (2022). Asymmetric nexus among financial globalization, non-renewable energy, renewable energy use, economic growth, and carbon emissions: Impact on environmental sustainability targets in India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(11), 16311-16323. google scholar
  • Alshehry, A. S. & Belloumi, M. (2015). Energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: The case of Saudi Arabia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 237-247. google scholar
  • Anser, M. K., Usman, M., Godil, D. I., Shabbir, M. S., Sharif, A., Tabash, M. I. & Lopez, L. B. (2021). Does globalization affect the green economy and environment?. the relationship between energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic growth. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 51105-51118. google scholar
  • Balsalobre-Lorente, D., Driha, O. M., Shahbaz, M. & Sinha, A. (2020). The effects of tourism and globalization over environmental degradation in developed countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 7130-7144. google scholar
  • Bulut, Ö. U. ve Yılmaz, H. (2019). Finansal liberalizasyonun uzun dönemde istihdam yaratıcı etkisinin FMOLS; DOLS ve CCR Yöntemi ile Analizi. Uluslararası İşletme ve Ekonomi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 53-59. google scholar
  • Chishti, M. Z., Ullah, S., Ozturk, I. & Usman, A. (2020). Examining the asymmetric effects of globalization and tourism on pollution emissions in South Asia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 27721-27737. google scholar
  • Destek, M. A. (2020). Investigation on the role of economic, social, and political globalization on environment: Evidence from CEECs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 3360133614. google scholar
  • Dickey, D. A. & Fuller, W. A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica, 49(4), 1057-1072. google scholar
  • Engle, R. & Granger, C. W. J. (1987). Cointegration and error-correction: Representation, estimation and testing. Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276. google scholar
  • Etokakpan, M. U., Adedoyin, F. F., Vedat, Y., & Bekun, F. V. (2020). Does globalization in Turkey induce increased energy consumption: Insights into i t s environmental pros and cons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(21), 26125-26140. google scholar
  • Farooq, S., Ozturk, I., Majeed, M. T. & Akram, R. (2022). Globalization and CO2 emissions in the presence of EKC: A global panel data analysis. Gondwana Research, 106, 367-378. google scholar
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  • Gökçe, C. ve Babacanoğlu, R. (2020). Türkiye'de enerji arz güvenliği riskinin makroekonomik etkileri: Vektör hata düzeltme modeli, 5(1), 158-176. google scholar
  • Gözgör, G., Mahalik, M. K., Demir, E. & Padhan, H. (2020). The impact of economic globalization on renewable energy in the OECD countries. Energy Policy, 139. google scholar
  • Gygli, S., Haelg, F., Potrafke, N. & Sturm, J.-E. (2019). The KOF globalisation ındex-revisited. The Review of International Organizations, 14, 543-574. google scholar
  • Haseeb, A., Xia, E., Baloch, M. A., & Abbas, K. (2018). Financial development, globalization, and CO2 emission in the presence of EKC: Evidence from BRICS countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(31), 31283-31296. google scholar
  • Jahanger, A. (2021). Impact of globalization on CO2 emissions based on EKC hypothesis in developing world: The moderating role of human capital. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-21. google scholar
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  • Jun, W., Mughal, N., Zhao, J., Shabbir, M. S., Niedbata, G., Jain, V. & Anwar, A. (2021). Does globalization matter for environmental degradation?. Nexus among energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emission. Energy Policy, 153, 1 12230. google scholar
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  • Khan, D., & Ullah, A. (2019). Testing the relationship between globalization and carbon dioxide emissions in Pakistan: Does Environmental Kuznets Curve exist?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(15), 15194-15208. google scholar
  • Khan, M. B., Saleem, H., Shabbir, M. S. & Huobao, X. (2021). The effects of globalization, energy consumption and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions in South Asian countries. Energy & Environment, 0(0), 1-28. google scholar
  • Kopuk, E. (2020). İşsizlik ve enflasyonun ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkisi: 1988-2019 dönemi Türkiye incelemesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11-22. google scholar
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Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 73 Sayı: 1, 107 - 142, 26.06.2023


Çevre kirliliği günümüzde araştırmacılar, bilim adamları ve politika yapıcılar tarafından geniş çapta üzerinde en fazla durulan konulardan biri haline gelmiştir. Özellikle CO2 salınımının belirleyicilerini araştırmak bilim adamları için önde gelen ilgi alanlarından biridir. Diğer yandan küreselleşme, ülkelerin ekonomik, politik ve sosyal yönlerden birbirleriyle etkileşime geçmesine neden olur ve kaçınılmaz olarak bu etkileşimden çevre etkilenir. Bu nedenle küreselleşme CO2 emisyonlarının önemli bir belirleyicisidir. Bu çalışma, 1970-2018 döneminde Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi hipotezinden hareketle farklı küreselleşme türlerinin (ekonomik, sosyal ve politik) çevre kalitesi üzerindeki dinamik etkilerini Vektör Hata Düzeltme Modeli (VECM) ile değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Türkiye için kişi başı CO2 emisyonu, kişi başı GSYH, ekonomik küreselleşme, sosyal küreselleşme ve politik küreselleşme arasında uzun dönem ilişkinin varlığı Johansen eşbütünleşme testi ile ortaya konmuştur. VECM Granger nedensellik testi sonuçlarına göre kısa dönemde ekonomik küreselleşmeden CO2 emisyonuna ve sosyal küreselleşmeden politik küreselleşmeye doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, uzun dönem tahmincileri bakımından kişi başı GSYH, ekonomik ve sosyal küreselleşmenin kişi başı CO2 emisyonunu pozitif yönde etkilediği, buna karşılık kişi başı GSYH’nın karesi ve politik küreselleşmenin kişi başı CO2 emisyonunu negatif yönde ve anlamlı olarak etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular, Türkiye’de politika yapıcıların çevresel kaliteyi iyileştirmesi için iklim değişikliği politikalarını belirlerken ve uygularken farklı küreselleşme türlerini de dikkate almaları gerektiğini göstermektedir.


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  • Acheampong, A. O., Boateng, E., Amponsah, M. & Dzator, J. (2021). Revisiting the economic growth-energy consumption nexus: Does globalization matter?. Energy Economics, 102, 105472. google scholar
  • Adebayo, T. S. & Acheampong, A. O. (2021). Modelling the globalization-CO2 emission nexus in Australia: Evidence from quantile-on-quantile approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-16. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Lasisi, T. T., Uzuner, G. & Akadiri, A. C. (2019a). Examining the ımpact of globalization in the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis: The case of tourist destination states. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 12605-12615. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A. & Akadiri, A. C. (2019b). The role of globalization, real income, tourism in environmental sustainability target. evidence from Turkey. Science of the Total Environment, 687,423-432. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A., Bekun, F. V. & Etokakpan, M. U. (2020a). Does electricity consumption and globalization ıncrease pollutant emissions?. Implications or environmental sustainability target for China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 25450-25460. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Lasisi, T. T., Uzuner, G., & Akadiri, A. C. (2020b). Examining the causal ımpacts of tourism, globalization, economic growth and carbon emissions in tourism island territories: Bootstrap panel granger causality analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(4), 470-484. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., Alola, A. A., Olasehinde-Williams, G. & Etokakpan, M. U. (2020c). The role of electricity consumption, globalization and economic growth in carbon dioxide emissions and its ımplications for environmental sustainability. Targets Science of the Total Environment, 708, 134653. google scholar
  • Akadiri, S. S., & Adebayo, T. S. (2022). Asymmetric nexus among financial globalization, non-renewable energy, renewable energy use, economic growth, and carbon emissions: Impact on environmental sustainability targets in India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(11), 16311-16323. google scholar
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  • Balsalobre-Lorente, D., Driha, O. M., Shahbaz, M. & Sinha, A. (2020). The effects of tourism and globalization over environmental degradation in developed countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 7130-7144. google scholar
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  • Chishti, M. Z., Ullah, S., Ozturk, I. & Usman, A. (2020). Examining the asymmetric effects of globalization and tourism on pollution emissions in South Asia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 27721-27737. google scholar
  • Destek, M. A. (2020). Investigation on the role of economic, social, and political globalization on environment: Evidence from CEECs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 3360133614. google scholar
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  • Etokakpan, M. U., Adedoyin, F. F., Vedat, Y., & Bekun, F. V. (2020). Does globalization in Turkey induce increased energy consumption: Insights into i t s environmental pros and cons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(21), 26125-26140. google scholar
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  • Gözgör, G., Mahalik, M. K., Demir, E. & Padhan, H. (2020). The impact of economic globalization on renewable energy in the OECD countries. Energy Policy, 139. google scholar
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  • Haseeb, A., Xia, E., Baloch, M. A., & Abbas, K. (2018). Financial development, globalization, and CO2 emission in the presence of EKC: Evidence from BRICS countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(31), 31283-31296. google scholar
  • Jahanger, A. (2021). Impact of globalization on CO2 emissions based on EKC hypothesis in developing world: The moderating role of human capital. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-21. google scholar
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  • Kalaycı, C. & Hayaloglu, P. (2019). The impact of economic globalization on CO2 emissions. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(1), 356-360. google scholar
  • Khan, M. K., Teng, J. Z., Khan, M. I. & Khan, M. O. (2019). Impact of globalization, economic factors and energy consumption on CO2 emissions in Pakistan. Science of the Total Environment, 688,424-436. google scholar
  • Khan, D., & Ullah, A. (2019). Testing the relationship between globalization and carbon dioxide emissions in Pakistan: Does Environmental Kuznets Curve exist?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(15), 15194-15208. google scholar
  • Khan, M. B., Saleem, H., Shabbir, M. S. & Huobao, X. (2021). The effects of globalization, energy consumption and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions in South Asian countries. Energy & Environment, 0(0), 1-28. google scholar
  • Kopuk, E. (2020). İşsizlik ve enflasyonun ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkisi: 1988-2019 dönemi Türkiye incelemesi. IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11-22. google scholar
  • Ling, G., Razzaq, A., Guo, Y., Fatima, T., & Shahzad, F. (2021). Asymmetric and time-varying linkages between carbon emissions, globalization, natural resources and financial development in China. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-29. google scholar
  • Liu, M., Ren, X., Cheng, C. & Wanga, Z. (2020). The role of globalization in CO2 Emissions: A semi-parametric panel data analysis for G7. Science of the Total Environment, 718, 137379. google scholar
  • Mehmood, U., & Tariq, S. (2020). Globalization and CO2 emissions nexus: Evidence from the EKC hypothesis in South Asian countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(29), 37044-37056. google scholar
  • Murshed, M., Rashid, S., Ulucak, R., Dagar, V., Rehman, A., Alvarado, R., & Nathaniel, S. P. (2022). Mitigating energy production-based carbon dioxide emissions in Argentina: The roles of renewable energy and economic globalization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(12), 16939-16958. google scholar
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  • Padhan, H., Padhang, P. C., Tiwari, A. K., Ahmed, R. & Hammoudeh, S. (2020). Renewable energy consumption and robust globalization(s) in OECD countries: Do oil, carbon emissions and economic activity matter?. Energy Strategy Reviews, 32. google scholar
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  • Shahbaz, M. (2019). Globalization-emissions nexus: Testing the EKC hypothesis in Next-11 countries. Global Business Review, 1-26. google scholar
  • Shahbaz, M., Mahalik, M. K., Shahzad, S. J. H. & Hammoudeh, S. (2019). Testing the globalization-driven carbon emissions hypothesis: International evidence. International Economics, 158, 2538. google scholar
  • Sheraz, M., Deyi, X., Ahmed, J., Ullah, S., & Ullah, A. (2021). Moderating the effect of globalization on financial development, energy consumption, human capital, and carbon emissions: Evidence from G20 countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(26), 35126-35144. google scholar
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Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Melike Atay Polat 0000-0001-9507-5942

Suzan Ergün 0000-0002-8447-972X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 73 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Atay Polat, M., & Ergün, S. (2023). Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, 73(1), 107-142.
AMA Atay Polat M, Ergün S. Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. Haziran 2023;73(1):107-142. doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2022-1138122
Chicago Atay Polat, Melike, ve Suzan Ergün. “Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme Ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 73, sy. 1 (Haziran 2023): 107-42.
EndNote Atay Polat M, Ergün S (01 Haziran 2023) Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 73 1 107–142.
IEEE M. Atay Polat ve S. Ergün, “Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi”, İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, c. 73, sy. 1, ss. 107–142, 2023, doi: 10.26650/ISTJECON2022-1138122.
ISNAD Atay Polat, Melike - Ergün, Suzan. “Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme Ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi 73/1 (Haziran 2023), 107-142.
JAMA Atay Polat M, Ergün S. Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. 2023;73:107–142.
MLA Atay Polat, Melike ve Suzan Ergün. “Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme Ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi”. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi, c. 73, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 107-42, doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2022-1138122.
Vancouver Atay Polat M, Ergün S. Türkiye’de Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Ekonomik Büyüme ve Farklı Küreselleşme Türleri Bakımından Analizi. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi. 2023;73(1):107-42.