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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 37, 655 - 677, 01.06.2020


In this study, the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the evaluation of the competitive properties of industrial product designs is investigated. After giving information about the usage of the method and the related literature, a field study is presented in which 5 vacuum cleaner designs were evaluated to find the one that would be the most competitive in markets. During this study, initially the main objective and the appropriate evaluation criteria were determined followed by the determination and comparison of the importance values of the criteria and design alternatives. Afterwards, design alternatives were evaluated by using AHP method-specific tools and the performance values of the 5 design alternatives were found. These values were listed in a descending order, determining the competitiveness of each design alternative according to each other. At the final sections the findings were interpreted and conclusions about the use of the method were presented.


  • Ahmad, M. N., Maidin, N. A., Rahman, M. H. A., & Osman, M. H. (2017). Conceptual Design Selection of Manual Wheelchair for Elderly by Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) Method : A Case Study, 12(17), 6710–6719.
  • An, S. H., Kim, G. H., & Kang, K. I. (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building and Environment, 42(7), 2573–2579.
  • Ayağ, Z. (2005). An integrated approach to evaluating concept design alternatives in a new product development environment. International Journal of Production Research, 43(4), 687–713.
  • Ayağ, Z. (2015). Cad software evaluation for product design to exchange data in a supply chain network. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 4(1), 30–38. Retrieved from
  • Basak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 200–216.
  • Battistoni, E., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Scarabotti, L., & Schiraldi, M. M. (2013). Analytic hierarchy process for new product development. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 5(1), 1–8.
  • Bayrakçı, O. (Ed.). (2012). Corporate identity and design trend researches on small electrical home appliances (1st ed.). İstanbul: MSGSÜ Publications.
  • Berger, S., Dertouzos, M. L., Lester, R. K., Solow, R. M., & Thurow, L. C. (1989). Toward a new industrial American. Scientific Am, 260(June), 21–29. Retrieved from
  • Braunschweig, T., & Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: an application to international agriculture. R&D Management, 34(1), 77–86.
  • Cao, D., Leung, L. C., & Law, J. S. (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44(4), 944–953.
  • Chandran, B., Golden, B., & Wasil, E. (2005). Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 32(9), 2235–2254.
  • Cheng, S. C., Chou, T. C., Yang, C. L., & Chang, H. Y. (2005). A semantic learning for content-based image retrieval using analytical hierarchy process. Expert Systems with Applications, 28(3), 495–505.
  • Chou, Y. C., Hsu, Y. Y., & Yen, H. Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology in Society, 30(2), 141–153.
  • D’Ippolito, B. (2014). Technovation The Importance of Design for Firms’ Competitiveness: A Review of the Literature. Technovation, 34, 716–730.
  • De Felice, F., & Petrillo, A. (2011). A multiple choice decision analysis: an integrated QFD – AHP model for the assessment of customer needs. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2(9), 25–38.
  • Freeman, C. (1994). The economics of technical change. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 18(5), 463–514.
  • García-Cascales, M. S., & Lamata, M. T. (2009). Selection of a cleaning system for engine maintenance based on the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56(4), 1442–1451.
  • Güngör, İ., & İşler, D. B. (2005). Analitik Hiyerarşi Yaklaşımı İle Otomobil Seçimi. ZKU Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 21–33. Retrieved from
  • Gupta, S., Singh, S. K., Agrawal, K., & Nagaraju, D. (2015). Comparison of Fuzzy Ahp and Topsis Evaluations. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(14), 6072–6080.
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N., & Zhang, Y. B. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences of a firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 34(12), 3592–3608.
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Ismail, N., & Nukman, Y. (2009). Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in the design concept selection of automotive composite bumper beam during the conceptual design stage. Scientific and Research Essay, 4(4), 198–211.
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Ismail, N., & Nukman, Y. (2009). Composite manufacturing process selection using analytical hierarchy process. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 4(1), 49–61. Retrieved from _IJMME Nukman.pdf
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Napsiah, I., & Nukman, Y. (2008). Use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best design concept. Jurnal Teknologi, 49(A), 1–18. Retrieved from
  • Harputlugil, T., Gültekin, A. T., Prins, M., & Topçu, Y. I. (2014). Architectural design quality assessment based on analytic hierarchy process: A case study (1). Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(2), 139–161.
  • Hertenstein, J. H., Platt, M. B., & Veryzer, R. W. (2013). What Is ‘Good Design’?: An Investigation of the Complexity and Structure of Design. Design Management Journal, 8(1), 8–21.
  • Hsiao, S. (2002). Concurrent design method for developing a new product. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 29(1), 41–55.
  • Hurley, W. J. (2001). The analytic hierarchy process: A note on an approach to sensitivity which preserve rank order. Computers and Operations Research, 28(2), 185–188.
  • Jenab, K., Sarfaraz, A., & Ameli, M. T. (2013). A Fuzzy conceptual design selection model considering conflict resolution. Journal of Engineering Design, 24(4), 293–304.
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G., & Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment of scenarios on thermal processing of infectious hospital wastes: A case study for Central Macedonia. Waste Management, 30(2), 251–262.
  • Koçak, A. (2003). Yazılım Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Yaklaşımı Ve Bir Uygulama. Ege Academic Review, 3(1), 67–77. Retrieved from
  • Kuruüzüm, A., & Atsan, N. (2001). Analitik Hi̇yerarşi̇ Yöntemi̇nin İşletmeci̇li̇k Alanındaki̇ Uygulamaları. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, (1), 83–105. Retrieved from
  • Kwong, C. K., Bai, & H., & Bai, H. (2003). Determining the Importance Weights for the Customer Requirements in QFD Using a Fuzzy AHP with an Extent Analysis Approach. IIE Transactions, 35(May), 619–626.
  • Lai, V. S., Trueblood, R. P., & Wong, B. K. (1999). Software selection: A case study of the application of the analytical hierarchical process to the selection of a multimedia authoring system. Information & Management, 36(4), 221–232.
  • Lee, D. J., & Hwang, J. (2010). Decision support for selecting exportable nuclear technology using the analytic hierarchy process: A Korean case. Energy Policy, 38(1), 161–167.
  • Min, H. (1994). Location analysis of international consolidation terminals using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Business Logistics, 15(2), 25. Retrieved from
  • Moretti, I. C., Aldo, B. J., & Colmenero, J. C. (2017). Using the analytic hierarchy process for selecting prototypes in the development process of fashion garment products. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 39(3), 367.
  • Myers, J. H., & Alpert, M. I. (1968). Determinant buying attributes: Meaning and Measurement. Journal of Marketing, 32, 13–20.
  • Nagahanumaiah, Ravi, B., & Mukherjee, N. P. (2007). Rapid tooling manufacturability evaluation using fuzzy-AHP methodology. International Journal of Production Research, 45(5), 1161–1181.
  • Özden, H. Ü. (2008). Analitik Hiyerarşi Yönetimi İle İlkokul Seçimi. Marmara Üniversitesi İkdisadi ve İdari Birimler Dergisi, 24(1), 299–320.
  • Peko, I., Gjeldum, N., & Bilić, B. (2018). Application of AHP, Fuzzy AHP and PROMETHEE Method in Solving Additive Manufacturing Process Selection Problem. Tehnicki Vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 25(2), 453–461.
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A. B., & Mendoza, G. A. (2002). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the analytic hierarchy process and life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6(1), 15–28.
  • Prabhu, T. P., Chaudhari, H. B., Pathak, A. G., & Rajhans, N. R. (2018). Ideation Selection of a New Product Using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making and Promethee. Industrial Engineering Journal, 10(7).
  • Ramadhan, R. H., Wahhab, H. I. A.-A., & Duffuaa, S. O. (1999). The use of an analytical hierarchy process in pavement maintenance priority ranking. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 5(1), 25–39.
  • Roy, R., & Riedel, J. C. k. h. (1997). Design and innovation in successful product competition. Technovation, 17(10), 537–594.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1980). The Analytic Hierarchy Process. McGraw-Hill.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1986). Axiomatic Foundations of the AHP. Management Science, 32(7), 841–855.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. Int. J. Services Sciences, 1(1), 83.
  • Saaty, T. L., & Özdemir, M. S. (2003). Why the Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two. Mathemetical and Computer Modelling, 38(3–4), 233–244.
  • Sharma, M. J., Moon, I., & Bae, H. (2008). Analytic hierarchy process to assess and optimize distribution network. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 202(1), 256–265.
  • Stein, W. E., & Mizzi, P. J. (2007). The harmonic consistency index for the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(1), 488–497.
  • Suarez, F. F., & Utterback, J. M. (1995). Dominant Designs and the Survival of Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 16(6), 415–430. Retrieved from
  • Toksarı, M., & Toksarı, D. M. (2011). Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) yaklaşımı kullanılarak hedef pazarın belirlenmesi. ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 38, 51–70.
  • Trueman, M., & Jobber, D. (1998). Competing Through Design. Long Range Planning, 31(4), 594–605.
  • Ulrich, & Eppinger. (2011). Product Design and Development (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  • Vaidya, O. S., & Kumar, S. (2006). Analytic hierarchy process: An overview of applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(1), 1–29.
  • Walsh, V. (1996). Design, innovation and the boundaries of the firm. Research Policy, (25), 509–529.
  • Wang, Y. M., Liu, J., & Elhag, T. M. S. (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54(3), 513–525.
  • Wind, Y., & Saaty, T. L. (1980). Marketing Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Management Science.
  • Wray, G. R. (1991). Design or decline--a national emergency? Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 205(B), 153–170. Retrieved from
  • Xu, J. Z., Wang, L. J., & Lu, J. (2008). A study of AHP- fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 15th Annual Conference Proceedings, ICMSE, (20070217069), 219–224.
  • Xuning, P., & Feng, D. (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHP-Fuzzy algorithm. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, ICNDS 2009, 2, 178–180.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2010). Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ve Bir Uygulama: Lider bir Kütüphane Müdürü Seçimi. Türk Kütüphaneciliği Dergisi, 24(2), 206–234. Retrieved from
  • Zhou, Y. D., & Shi, M. L. (2009). Rail transit project risk evaluation based on AHP model. 2009 2nd International Conference on Information and Computing Science, ICIC 2009, 3(1), 236–238.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 37, 655 - 677, 01.06.2020


Bu çalışmada endüstri ürün tasarımlarının rekabetçi özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesinde Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHP) yöntemi kullanımı incelenmiştir. Yöntemin kullanımı ve ilgili literatür hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra 5 elektrik süpürgesi tasarımın değerlendirilip piyasada en rekabetçi olacak tasarımın belirlendiği bir alan çalışması sunulmuştur. Alan çalışmasında öncelikle ana hedef ve buna uygun değerlendirme ölçütleri belirlenmiş, ölçüt ve tasarım alternatiflerinin birbirlerine göre önem dereceleri incelenmiştir. Sonrasında tasarım alternatifleri yöntemce sağlanan araçlar yardımıyla değerlendirilmiş ve eldeki 5 tasarımın başarım değerleri ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, büyükten küçüğe sıralanmış ve en yüksek başarım değerine sahip tasarım, en rekabetçi ürün olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde bu bulgular yorumlanmış, yöntemin sağladığı faydalar açıklanmıştır.


  • Ahmad, M. N., Maidin, N. A., Rahman, M. H. A., & Osman, M. H. (2017). Conceptual Design Selection of Manual Wheelchair for Elderly by Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) Method : A Case Study, 12(17), 6710–6719.
  • An, S. H., Kim, G. H., & Kang, K. I. (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building and Environment, 42(7), 2573–2579.
  • Ayağ, Z. (2005). An integrated approach to evaluating concept design alternatives in a new product development environment. International Journal of Production Research, 43(4), 687–713.
  • Ayağ, Z. (2015). Cad software evaluation for product design to exchange data in a supply chain network. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 4(1), 30–38. Retrieved from
  • Basak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 200–216.
  • Battistoni, E., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Scarabotti, L., & Schiraldi, M. M. (2013). Analytic hierarchy process for new product development. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 5(1), 1–8.
  • Bayrakçı, O. (Ed.). (2012). Corporate identity and design trend researches on small electrical home appliances (1st ed.). İstanbul: MSGSÜ Publications.
  • Berger, S., Dertouzos, M. L., Lester, R. K., Solow, R. M., & Thurow, L. C. (1989). Toward a new industrial American. Scientific Am, 260(June), 21–29. Retrieved from
  • Braunschweig, T., & Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: an application to international agriculture. R&D Management, 34(1), 77–86.
  • Cao, D., Leung, L. C., & Law, J. S. (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44(4), 944–953.
  • Chandran, B., Golden, B., & Wasil, E. (2005). Linear programming models for estimating weights in the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 32(9), 2235–2254.
  • Cheng, S. C., Chou, T. C., Yang, C. L., & Chang, H. Y. (2005). A semantic learning for content-based image retrieval using analytical hierarchy process. Expert Systems with Applications, 28(3), 495–505.
  • Chou, Y. C., Hsu, Y. Y., & Yen, H. Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology in Society, 30(2), 141–153.
  • D’Ippolito, B. (2014). Technovation The Importance of Design for Firms’ Competitiveness: A Review of the Literature. Technovation, 34, 716–730.
  • De Felice, F., & Petrillo, A. (2011). A multiple choice decision analysis: an integrated QFD – AHP model for the assessment of customer needs. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2(9), 25–38.
  • Freeman, C. (1994). The economics of technical change. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 18(5), 463–514.
  • García-Cascales, M. S., & Lamata, M. T. (2009). Selection of a cleaning system for engine maintenance based on the analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56(4), 1442–1451.
  • Güngör, İ., & İşler, D. B. (2005). Analitik Hiyerarşi Yaklaşımı İle Otomobil Seçimi. ZKU Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 21–33. Retrieved from
  • Gupta, S., Singh, S. K., Agrawal, K., & Nagaraju, D. (2015). Comparison of Fuzzy Ahp and Topsis Evaluations. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(14), 6072–6080.
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N., & Zhang, Y. B. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences of a firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers and Operations Research, 34(12), 3592–3608.
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Ismail, N., & Nukman, Y. (2009). Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in the design concept selection of automotive composite bumper beam during the conceptual design stage. Scientific and Research Essay, 4(4), 198–211.
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Ismail, N., & Nukman, Y. (2009). Composite manufacturing process selection using analytical hierarchy process. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 4(1), 49–61. Retrieved from _IJMME Nukman.pdf
  • Hambali, A., Sapuan, S. M., Napsiah, I., & Nukman, Y. (2008). Use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best design concept. Jurnal Teknologi, 49(A), 1–18. Retrieved from
  • Harputlugil, T., Gültekin, A. T., Prins, M., & Topçu, Y. I. (2014). Architectural design quality assessment based on analytic hierarchy process: A case study (1). Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(2), 139–161.
  • Hertenstein, J. H., Platt, M. B., & Veryzer, R. W. (2013). What Is ‘Good Design’?: An Investigation of the Complexity and Structure of Design. Design Management Journal, 8(1), 8–21.
  • Hsiao, S. (2002). Concurrent design method for developing a new product. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 29(1), 41–55.
  • Hurley, W. J. (2001). The analytic hierarchy process: A note on an approach to sensitivity which preserve rank order. Computers and Operations Research, 28(2), 185–188.
  • Jenab, K., Sarfaraz, A., & Ameli, M. T. (2013). A Fuzzy conceptual design selection model considering conflict resolution. Journal of Engineering Design, 24(4), 293–304.
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G., & Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment of scenarios on thermal processing of infectious hospital wastes: A case study for Central Macedonia. Waste Management, 30(2), 251–262.
  • Koçak, A. (2003). Yazılım Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Yaklaşımı Ve Bir Uygulama. Ege Academic Review, 3(1), 67–77. Retrieved from
  • Kuruüzüm, A., & Atsan, N. (2001). Analitik Hi̇yerarşi̇ Yöntemi̇nin İşletmeci̇li̇k Alanındaki̇ Uygulamaları. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, (1), 83–105. Retrieved from
  • Kwong, C. K., Bai, & H., & Bai, H. (2003). Determining the Importance Weights for the Customer Requirements in QFD Using a Fuzzy AHP with an Extent Analysis Approach. IIE Transactions, 35(May), 619–626.
  • Lai, V. S., Trueblood, R. P., & Wong, B. K. (1999). Software selection: A case study of the application of the analytical hierarchical process to the selection of a multimedia authoring system. Information & Management, 36(4), 221–232.
  • Lee, D. J., & Hwang, J. (2010). Decision support for selecting exportable nuclear technology using the analytic hierarchy process: A Korean case. Energy Policy, 38(1), 161–167.
  • Min, H. (1994). Location analysis of international consolidation terminals using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Business Logistics, 15(2), 25. Retrieved from
  • Moretti, I. C., Aldo, B. J., & Colmenero, J. C. (2017). Using the analytic hierarchy process for selecting prototypes in the development process of fashion garment products. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, 39(3), 367.
  • Myers, J. H., & Alpert, M. I. (1968). Determinant buying attributes: Meaning and Measurement. Journal of Marketing, 32, 13–20.
  • Nagahanumaiah, Ravi, B., & Mukherjee, N. P. (2007). Rapid tooling manufacturability evaluation using fuzzy-AHP methodology. International Journal of Production Research, 45(5), 1161–1181.
  • Özden, H. Ü. (2008). Analitik Hiyerarşi Yönetimi İle İlkokul Seçimi. Marmara Üniversitesi İkdisadi ve İdari Birimler Dergisi, 24(1), 299–320.
  • Peko, I., Gjeldum, N., & Bilić, B. (2018). Application of AHP, Fuzzy AHP and PROMETHEE Method in Solving Additive Manufacturing Process Selection Problem. Tehnicki Vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 25(2), 453–461.
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A. B., & Mendoza, G. A. (2002). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the analytic hierarchy process and life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6(1), 15–28.
  • Prabhu, T. P., Chaudhari, H. B., Pathak, A. G., & Rajhans, N. R. (2018). Ideation Selection of a New Product Using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making and Promethee. Industrial Engineering Journal, 10(7).
  • Ramadhan, R. H., Wahhab, H. I. A.-A., & Duffuaa, S. O. (1999). The use of an analytical hierarchy process in pavement maintenance priority ranking. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 5(1), 25–39.
  • Roy, R., & Riedel, J. C. k. h. (1997). Design and innovation in successful product competition. Technovation, 17(10), 537–594.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1980). The Analytic Hierarchy Process. McGraw-Hill.
  • Saaty, T. L. (1986). Axiomatic Foundations of the AHP. Management Science, 32(7), 841–855.
  • Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. Int. J. Services Sciences, 1(1), 83.
  • Saaty, T. L., & Özdemir, M. S. (2003). Why the Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two. Mathemetical and Computer Modelling, 38(3–4), 233–244.
  • Sharma, M. J., Moon, I., & Bae, H. (2008). Analytic hierarchy process to assess and optimize distribution network. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 202(1), 256–265.
  • Stein, W. E., & Mizzi, P. J. (2007). The harmonic consistency index for the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(1), 488–497.
  • Suarez, F. F., & Utterback, J. M. (1995). Dominant Designs and the Survival of Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 16(6), 415–430. Retrieved from
  • Toksarı, M., & Toksarı, D. M. (2011). Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) yaklaşımı kullanılarak hedef pazarın belirlenmesi. ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, 38, 51–70.
  • Trueman, M., & Jobber, D. (1998). Competing Through Design. Long Range Planning, 31(4), 594–605.
  • Ulrich, & Eppinger. (2011). Product Design and Development (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  • Vaidya, O. S., & Kumar, S. (2006). Analytic hierarchy process: An overview of applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 169(1), 1–29.
  • Walsh, V. (1996). Design, innovation and the boundaries of the firm. Research Policy, (25), 509–529.
  • Wang, Y. M., Liu, J., & Elhag, T. M. S. (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54(3), 513–525.
  • Wind, Y., & Saaty, T. L. (1980). Marketing Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Management Science.
  • Wray, G. R. (1991). Design or decline--a national emergency? Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 205(B), 153–170. Retrieved from
  • Xu, J. Z., Wang, L. J., & Lu, J. (2008). A study of AHP- fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 15th Annual Conference Proceedings, ICMSE, (20070217069), 219–224.
  • Xuning, P., & Feng, D. (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHP-Fuzzy algorithm. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, ICNDS 2009, 2, 178–180.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2010). Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ve Bir Uygulama: Lider bir Kütüphane Müdürü Seçimi. Türk Kütüphaneciliği Dergisi, 24(2), 206–234. Retrieved from
  • Zhou, Y. D., & Shi, M. L. (2009). Rail transit project risk evaluation based on AHP model. 2009 2nd International Conference on Information and Computing Science, ICIC 2009, 3(1), 236–238.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hüseyin Özkal Özsoy 0000-0001-5531-3539

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Aralık 2019
Kabul Tarihi 24 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 37

Kaynak Göster

APA Özsoy, H. Ö. (2020). EVALUATING COMPETITIVENESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN BY USING ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(37), 655-677.