Research Article
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Politics and Propaganda in the Negative Historiography of the Hittite Old Kingdom

Year 2024, Issue: 31, 131 - 144, 14.01.2025


Hattušili I faced a formidable threat to his throne from his aunt, Tawananna, who was based in Hurma. Realizing the inherent power of political propaganda, he commissioned a unique Hittite genre that Beckman has termed “negative historiography” to mitigate this threat. This genre highlighted the incompetence of various Hurmean figures in a comical way, thereby engineering a widespread negative Hurmean stereotype throughout the kingdom and preventing Tawananna from gathering any significant “grassroots” following. This paper demonstrates that once the threat was neutralized, the literary genre lost its raison d’être and disappeared from the scene.


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  • Yiğit, T. (2005). A Note on the Administrative System of the Old Hittite Kingdom, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 20, 31-35. google scholar
  • Yiğit, T. (2006). Ursu Kuşatması Metni’nin Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi, Anadolu/Anatolia 31, 43-55. google scholar
  • Yiğit, T. (2007). Hastayar and Kaddusi. In: VITA Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol. M. Alparslan, M. Doğan-Alparslan & H. Peker (Eds.) İstanbul: Yayinlari, 797-801. google scholar
Year 2024, Issue: 31, 131 - 144, 14.01.2025



  • Barjamovic, G. (2011). A historical geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian colony period. CNI publications. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. google scholar
  • Beal, R. H. (2003). The Predecessors of Hattusili I. In: Hittite studies in honor of Harry A. Hoffner Jr.: On the occasion of his 65th birthday. H. A. Hoffner, G. M. Beckman, R. H. Beal & J. G. McMahon (Eds.) Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 13-36. google scholar
  • Beckman, G. (1995). The Siege of Ursu Text (CTH 7) and Old Hittite Historiography. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 47, 23-34. google scholar
  • Beckman, G. 2002). Edicts and Proclamations: Bilingual Edict of Hattusili I. In: The Context of Scripture, Vol.II: Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World. W.W. Hallo & K. Lawson Younger (Eds.) Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Bin-Nun, S. R. (1975). The Tawananna in the Hittite Kingdom. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. google scholar
  • Bittel, K. (1983). Hattuscha, Haupstadt der Hethiter: Geschichte und Kultur einer altorientalischen Grossmacht. Köln: DuMont. google scholar
  • Bryce, T. (2005). The Kingdom of the Hittites. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • CAD 1968. The Assyrian Dictionary. Chicago, IL: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. google scholar
  • CAD 1977. The Assyrian Dictionary. Chicago, IL: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. google scholar
  • Corti, C. (2005). Il racconto delle origini: alcune riflessioni sul testo di Zalpa, Narrare gli eventi. Atti del Convegno degli egittologi e degli orientalisti italiani in margine alla mostra “La battaglia di Qadesh. Studia Asiana 3, Roma, 113-121. google scholar
  • Corti C. (2010). “Because for a Long Time (the Gods of Zalpa) Have Been Igııored... Hence These Offerings in this Way Do Not We Donate”. New Celebrations in the Zalpuwa Land, JANER 10/1, 92-102. google scholar
  • Dardano, P. (2004). Il re, il grasso e l’argilla per una proposta di interpretazione di KBo 3.46 +, Ro II 13. In: Sarnikzel: hethitologische Studien zum Gedenken an Emil OrgetorixForrer. D. Groddek, S. RöBle (Eds.) Dresden: Verlag der Technischen Universitat, 239-251. google scholar
  • Forlanini, M. (2004). La nascita di un impero Considerazioni sulla prima fase della storia hittita: da Kanis a Hattusa.Orientalia 73(4), 363-389. google scholar
  • Forlanini, M. (2010). An Attempt at Reconstructing the Branches of the Hittite Royal Family of the Early Kingdom Period. In: Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbors in Honor of Itamar Singer. Y. Cohen, A. Gilan & J.L. Miller (Eds.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 115-135. google scholar
  • Goedegebuure, P. (2014). The Hittite Demonstratives: Studies in Deixis, Topics and Focus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. google scholar
  • Gurney, O. R. (1973). Anatolia c. 1750-1600 B.C. In: The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. II, Part 1. I. E. S. Edwards, C.J. Gadd, N.G.L. Hammond, & E. Sollberger (Eds.) 3rd ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 228-255. google scholar
  • Hardy, R. S. (1941). The Old Hittite Kingdom: A Political History. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 58 (2), 177-216. google scholar
  • Holland, G. B. & Zorman, M. (2007). The Tale ofZalpa: Myth, Morality and Coherence in a Hittite Narrative. Pavia: Italian University Press. google scholar
  • Kloekhorst A. (2021). A New Interpretation of the Old Hittite Zalpa-Text (CTH 3.1): Nesa as the Capital under Huzziia I, Labarna I, and Hattusili I, JAOS 141/3 , 557-575. google scholar
  • Martmez, J. (2016). The Evidence for Hurma as Early Hittite Capital in the Old Kingdom. In: Anatolica et Indogermanica (Fs Tischler). H. Marquardt, S. Reichmuth & J.V. Garda Trabazo (Eds.) Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, 173-190. google scholar
  • De Martino, S. (2005). Old Hittite Historiographical Texts: Problems of Classifications. In: Acts of the Vth International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum, September 02-08, 2002. Ankara: Nokta Ofset, 225-230. google scholar
  • De Martino, S. (2022). Handbook Hittite Empire: Power Structures, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. google scholar
  • Neve, P. (1984). Ein althethitischer Sammelfund aus der Unterstadt. In: Boğazköy VI: Funde aus den Grabungen bis 1979. K. Bittel, H.-G. Bachmann, R. Naumann, G. Neumann, P. Neve, W. Orthmann & H. Otten (Eds.) Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archâologischen Instituts. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 63-89. google scholar
  • Otten, H. (1973). Eine althethitische Erzahlung um die Stadt Zalpa. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. google scholar
  • Sir Gavaz, Ö. (2006). Hitit Kenti Zalpa’nın Yeri Üzerine, Anadolu/Anatolia 31, 1-18. google scholar
  • Soysal, O. (1989). Mursili I: Eine historische Studie. Ph.D. Dissertation. Julius-Maximilians-Universitât zu Würzburg. google scholar
  • Ünal, A. (1996). The Hittite Ritual ofHantitassu from the City of Hurma against Troublesome Years, Ankara: Turkish Historical Society Printing House. google scholar
  • Yiğit, T. (2005). A Note on the Administrative System of the Old Hittite Kingdom, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 20, 31-35. google scholar
  • Yiğit, T. (2006). Ursu Kuşatması Metni’nin Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi, Anadolu/Anatolia 31, 43-55. google scholar
  • Yiğit, T. (2007). Hastayar and Kaddusi. In: VITA Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol. M. Alparslan, M. Doğan-Alparslan & H. Peker (Eds.) İstanbul: Yayinlari, 797-801. google scholar
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hittite Archeology
Journal Section Research Article

Javier Martínez 0000-0003-3254-6799

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date June 8, 2024
Acceptance Date October 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 31


APA Martínez, J. (2025). Politics and Propaganda in the Negative Historiography of the Hittite Old Kingdom. Anatolian Research(31), 131-144.

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