/. Diinya Sava$/ '11da11 sonra S1rp-H1rvat-Slove11 Krall1g1 olarak k11rula11, 1929 yi/111da ise Yugoslavya ad1111 alan devlet 1991 yilma kadar varl1g1111 siirdiirdii. Ozellikle II. Diinya Sava~·1 'ndan sonra Tito 'mm 011derligi11de Yugoslavya Sosyalist ra~yo 1111 olarak yeni bir devlete donii~·e 11 Yugoslavya, sosyalizmi be11i111semesi11e rag111e11 dogu bloku iilkeleri11de11 farkli bir geli$me gosterdi ve baglant/S/zfar hareketi11i11 liderligini yap/1. 1974 Anayasas1, Yugoslavya 'y1 u~· t11r 11 c11111/111riyerleri11 eko11 0111ik1·e siyasal alanda neredeyse merkezi hiikiimeff en bagmmz davra11111alam11 mglarli. 1989 yi/111da Mi/osevir; 'in Kosovo ve Voyvodi11 a '11111 ozerkligini kaldm11as1, Karadag '111 yonetimini eg ~· tirm es i diger c11111h11n)'etlerce tepkiyle kary1/a11d1. May1s 199 ! 'de rotasyon/a iistlenilen devlet ba~'ka 11/i 111111 I lirl'al Stipe Mesi<; 'e geldiginde bw11111 Sirbista11 taraji11da11 e11ge!le11111 esi I !trvatisfan '111 bag1111sd1k karan konusunda onemli olaylarda11 biri oldu. 25 I /aziran 1991 tari/iinde S/ovenya ve //1rvatista11 bag1111s1zlik/an111 ilan etti. 8111111 Eyliil 'de Makedonya ve Kas1111 'da Bosna-1 /ersek izledi. Dagilma siireci11de hem Yugos/avya federasyo1111 y611 ctimi hem de c11111h11riyetleri11 liderler, Tiirkiye )•i ziyaref ederek destek istediler. Yugoslavya 'dan aynlarak bag1111s1z/1 klam11 ilan eden cumh11riyetleri11 fan111ma111as1 ir;in Milosevir; 'in 22 Ocak 1992 tarihinde Tiirkiye )·i ziyarefin e ragmen Tarkiye I ftr vatista11 '1 ve diger ii\ c11111h11riyeli 6 ,~·ub t 1992 larihinde ta11 1d1. Dagilma siireci ve hemen so11ras111da /3alka11/arda istikrar111 sagla11111as1 ko1111s1111da Tiirkiye '11i11 r;abalan ve Yugoslavya 'r/011 bag1111s1z/1[51111 i/an eden c11111/1uriyetler bu makale11i11 ko1111s1111u olw;t11rmaktad1r.
Türkiye Yugoslavya Balkanlar Bağımsızlık Doğu Bloku Ülkeleri
Afier the /. World War established as a Kingdom o.f Serbian-CroatianSlovenian, was called Y11goslavia as a State in 1929, has continued its existence until the year 1991. After the II. World War, as new state was transformed into the Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia under the leadership from Josip Broz Tito. Jn Afier the /. World War established as a Kingdom o.f Serbian-CroatianSlovenian, was called Y11goslavia as a State in 1929, has continued its existence until the year 1991. After the II. World War, as new state was transformed into the Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia under the leadership from Josip Broz Tito. Jn spite of the new Yugoslavia accepted the socialis111 unlike the East-Block Countries and undertook the captaincy from the Movement of Non-Aligned States. Constitution of 1974 al111 ost provided independently acting from the centrica/ ad111inistration the republics which co111posed the new Yugoslavia. In the year 1989, red11cing the autono111y of its two provinces Kosovo and Vojvodina, and changing the ad111inistration of the Montenegro by Milosevic were hugely controversial in the republics of Yugoslavia, especially in Kosovo. Jn Mai 1991, Milosevic and Serbia hindered the turn right of the rotative federal presidency of croatian Stipe Mesic, whereupon Croatia and Slo venia seceded Ji-0111 the f ederation. This was of i111portance about the independency decision of Croatian People, followed by the republics of Macedonia (Septe111ber 1991) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (March 1992). Both the leaders of republics and the f ederal administration of Yugoslavia visited and asked for supporting of Turkey in the dispersal duration of Yugoslavia. Jn spite of Milosevic 's visiting to Ankara in January 1992, Turkey has recognized the Croatia and the other republics from the old Yugoslavia in February 1992. The subject of this paper consist of the independency rebublic of Yugoslavia and the providing for the stability efforts from Turkey in the Balkans during the dispersal duration and after the dispersal period. Afier the /. World War established as a Kingdom o.f Serbian-CroatianSlovenian, was called Y11goslavia as a State in 1929, has continued its existence until the year 1991. After the II. World War, as new state was transformed into the Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia under the leadership from Josip Broz Tito. Jn spite of the new Yugoslavia accepted the socialis111 unlike the East-Block Countries and undertook the captaincy from the Movement of Non-Aligned States. Constitution of 1974 al111 ost provided independently acting from the centrica/ ad111inistration the republics which co111posed the new Yugoslavia. In the year 1989, red11cing the autono111y of its two provinces Kosovo and Vojvodina, and changing the ad111inistration of the Montenegro by Milosevic were hugely controversial in the republics of Yugoslavia, especially in Kosovo. Jn Mai 1991, Milosevic and Serbia hindered the turn right of the rotative federal presidency of croatian Stipe Mesic, whereupon Croatia and Slo venia seceded Ji-0111 the f ederation. This was of i111portance about the independency decision of Croatian People, followed by the republics of Macedonia (Septe111ber 1991) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (March 1992). Both the leaders of republics and the f ederal administration of Yugoslavia visited and asked for supporting of Turkey in the dispersal duration of Yugoslavia. Jn spite of Milosevic 's visiting to Ankara in January 1992, Turkey has recognized the Croatia and the other republics from the old Yugoslavia in February 1992. The subject of this paper consist of the independency rebublic of Yugoslavia and the providing for the stability efforts from Turkey in the Balkans during the dispersal duration and after the dispersal period.of the new Yugoslavia accepted the socialis111 unlike the East-Block Countries and undertook the captaincy from the Movement of Non-Aligned States. Constitution of 1974 al111 ost provided independently acting from the centrica/ ad111inistration the republics which co111posed the new Yugoslavia. In the year 1989, red11cing the autono111y of its two provinces Kosovo and Vojvodina, and changing the ad111inistration of the Montenegro by Milosevic were hugely controversial in the republics of Yugoslavia, especially in Kosovo. Jn Mai 1991, Milosevic and Serbia hindered the turn right of the rotative federal presidency of croatian Stipe Mesic, whereupon Croatia and Slo venia seceded Ji-0111 the f ederation. This was of i111portance about the independency decision of Croatian People, followed by the republics of Macedonia (Septe111ber 1991) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (March 1992). Both the leaders of republics and the f ederal administration of Yugoslavia visited and asked for supporting of Turkey in the dispersal duration of Yugoslavia. Jn spite of Milosevic 's visiting to Ankara in January 1992, Turkey has recognized the Croatia and the other republics from the old Yugoslavia in February 1992.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 14 Ağustos 2014 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2009 Sayı: 15 |